c. 10,000 | ![]() |
photo: Hanay 10,200 wikNlt, 10,000 wikEp, wikNR 9800 wikPhL 9500 wikNtf, wikPhL 8000 IDBS 676 7000 ISBE 1-276 |
It's not like one age stops and the next one starts. All ages, periods, and phases overlap, because they start and end at different times in different locations.
c. 10,000 | Pre-Pottery NEOLITHIC A period begins in Levant and Anatolia until 8800. Archaeological remains are in Levant and Upper Mesopotamia. Tiny circular unbaked clay brick houses, semi-subterranean with stone foundations and terrazzo-floors, small hearths covered with cobbles. Flint tools, crops cultivated, game hunted, rocks heated for cooking, corpses buried below floors of houses. Sickle-blades and arrowheads continue traditions from late Natufian culture; transverse axes and polished adzes first appear. Most settlement have storage bins of stones or mud-brick. | 10,000 wikNlt, wikPPNA 9000 ISBE 1-236 |
c.10,000 | Natufian cemetery at Nahal Ein Gev II in the Upper Jordan Valley shows advanced knowledge of lime plaster production. | 10,000 wikNtf |
c.10,000 | Natufian communities in Levant take their first steps toward building permanent settlements, storing food and similar basic activities. | 10,000 mxfld |
c.10,000 | EYNAN (Arabic: Ain Mallaha) village by Lake Huleh in Hula Valley in upper Jordan valley occupied by Natufian hunter/gatherers until 8000. No sign of domestic animals or plants. | 12-10,000 wikAMal 9000 IDBS 11 |
c.10,000 | Wild emmer WHEAT V harvested and milled with grindstones in Natufian communities in Levant. | 10,000 PW 12 |
c.10,000 | DYE, first evidenced in the Caucasus region from 28,000, evidenced in textiles in the Timna Valley in south Israel. See China 3000, Egypt 2000, | 10,000 Copilot |
c.10,000 | BEER first evidenced in the Levant at Raqefet Cave near Haifa. Brewing process likely involves: malting grains, mashing and heating the malt, then fermenting the mush with airborne wild yeast. See China 7000, Mesopotamia 4500 | 11,700-9700 Copilot |
c.9700 | YOUNGER DRYAS Period from 10,900 ends, a 1,000-year-interruption in the higher temperatures prevailing since the Last Glacial Maximum, which produce a sudden drought in the Levant. | 9700 wikYD 9500 wikNtf |
c.9700 | ![]() |
art: (CC BY 2.5) 9700 wikKmn |
c.9600 | Emmer Λ WHEAT V cultivated in south Levant. See Africa, Egypt 6000, Mesopotamia 8800. | 9600 wikWt 9000 Copilot |
by 9500 | Neolithic founder crops: emmer & einkorn wheat, hulled barley, peas, lentils, bitter vetch, chickpeas, and flax are cultivated in the Levant. | by 9500 wikHAg |
9400 | GILGAL west of the Jordan 13km north of Jericho occupied until 9200. | 9400 wikGlg |
9400 | Oldest domesticated FIGS found anywhere in the world were recovered from an incinerated house at Gilgal. | 9400 wikGlg |
at JERICHO | 9400 wikNlt, |
9200 | GILGAL west of the Jordan 13km north of Jericho, occupied from 9400, abandoned until ??. | 9200 wikGlg |
9000 | GILGAL has caches of selectively propagated fig seeds, stored with wild barley, wild oats, and acorns in quantities too large to be accounted for even by intensive gathering. | 9000 wikGlg |
c.9000 | ![]() |
photo: Zunkir 9000 wikPPNB 8000 wikPHS |
c.9000 | CATS in Levant and Mesopotamia domesticated in agricultural communities to combat rodents. Cyprus 7500, Egypt 7500 | 10-8000 acat |
c.9000 | Region of SAMARIA comes under locall Canaanite city states until late 1200s. | 9000 rcHL |
c.9000 | JERICHO first settled near a spring, by Neolithic hunter-gatherers, who leave a scattering of crescent microlith tools behind them. It is intermitently occupied until 8500. | 9600 wikTop 9000 rcCan, wikPPNA 8000 IDBS 473 7000 mxfld |
c.9000 | ![]() |
timelapse: Wikirictor |
c.9000 | ![]() |
photo: Jonathan Zander 9000 wikCpr |
c.8800 | Pre-Pottery NEOLITHIC A period in Anatolia, Levant and Mesopotamia from 10,000 ends. Pre-Pottery NEOLITHIC-B begins until 6500. | 9000 ISBE 3-916 8800 wikNlt, wikPPNA, wikPPNB |
8600 | KHIAMIAN Culture in Levant and Syria from 9700 ends. | 8600 wikKmn |
c.8500 | JERICHO (Tel-es-Sultan), intermitenly occupied from 9000, Pre-Pottery Neolithic-A phase begins until 7500. | 8500 wikTSS |
c.8300 | AIN GHAZAL in Amman Jordan occupied by Neolithics intil 5000. Phase 1 begins until 7950, spanning over 37 acres. | 8300 wikAG 7200 wikTop |
c.8000 | ![]() |
map: Eva Fernández 8000 TTPC, 7000 IDBS 679 |
c.8000 | GALILEE, under Paleolithic people from ??, comes under Mesolithic people until 5500. | 8000 rcHL |
c.8000 | ![]() |
map: Crates 9500 wikNtf 8000 ISBE 4-1015 |
c.8000 | EYNAN (Arabic: Ain Mallaha) by Lake Huleh in Hula Valley of north Israel, occupied by Natufians from 10,000 abandoned. Entire families are buried in their own houses, which are subsequently abandoned. Evidence of dog domestication. | 95-8000 wikAMal |
c.8000 | JERICHO, village from 9000, in Pre-Pottery Neolithic-A phase from 8500, becomes a city. Brick houses built for 2,000 people. A protective stone wall is built, and a tower 30 feet high. Women cultivate the crops and tend cattle while the men hunt with their newly domesticated dogs. Occupied until 4000. | 8000 bk 7800 ISBE 1-705 7000 IDBS 473, ISBE 4-1034, mxfld 6800 MCAW |
c.8000 | Domesticated DOGS, in Levant from 12,200, evidenced at Jericho. See Mesopotamia 10,000 | 7000 mxfld |
c.8000 | Eincorn Λ WHEAT evidenced at Jericho. | 8000 PW 13 |
c.7950 | AIN GHAZAL occupied 8300-5000. Phase 1 from 8300 ends. Phase 2 begins until 7550. | 7950 wikAG |
c.7900 | GEBAL (Byblos) a small fishing community first occupied by Pre-Pottery Neolithic B culture until 5000. | 8800-7000 wikBbl, wikTop 5000 ISBE 2-420 |
c.7700 | SHEEP, domesticated in north Mesopotamia from 9000, Anatolia from 8630, are domesticated in Levant. Egypt 6000. | 7700 bk |
![]() |
c.7550 | AIN GHAZAL, Phase 2 from 7950 ends. Phase 3 begins until 5000. | 7550 wikAG |
c.7500 | JERICHO (Tel-es-Sultan) Pre-Pottery Neolithic-A phase from 8500 ends. Uninhabited until 6800. | 7500 wikTSS |
c.7500 | A round stone tower, now preserved to about 8.5m high and 8.5m in diameter is built in Jericho. | 8-7000 wikTop |
c.7450 | Domesticated GOATS, in Syria from 10,000, evidenced at Ain Ghazal and then Jericho. Egypt 5900 | 7450 Copilot |
c.7250 | AIN GHAZAL, Phase 3, continuous occupation begins until 5000. | 7250 wikNlt |
c.7360 | DHUWEILA small hunting camp 170km of west Arabia occupied by Early Neolithics until 7080. | 7360 wikDw |
c.7200 | Neolithic site BEIDHA a few km north of Petra occupied seasonally by 50-115 people until 6650. They use stone masonry and build a wall around the settlement of round houses with subterranean floors. They grow barley and emmer wheat in an early state of domestication, herd goats, hunt animals including ibex, and gather wild plants, fruits and nuts. Burials are in an area of the settlement thought to be used for ritual purposes. | 7200 wikBd |
c.7080 | DHUWEILA small hunting camp of east Jordan from 7360, abandoned, sporadically revisited until 4450. | 7080 wikDw |
c.7000 | Bees are kept for HONEY in the Mid East. . | 7000 wikHAg |
c.7000 | ![]() |
timelapse: Wikirictor 5000 TWAH 16 |
c.7000 | MUNHATA (Horvat-Minha) site on west bank of Jordan River, occupied by pre-pottery neolithics. Buildings have stone, paved or plastered floors made of mud bricks on stone foundations with remains of hearths and other stone structures. North walls of buildings have a plastered niche. | 7000 ISBE 2-1122, 7210-5420 wikMn |
c.7000 | AIN GHAZAL, in Phase 3 7550-5000 peaks. Extended over 10-15 hectares, population: c.3,000 (4-5 times the population of contemporary Jericho). They grow cereals (barley and ancient species of wheat), legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas) in fields above the village, and herd domestic goats. They hunt wild animals-deer, gazelle, equids, pigs, foxes, hares. | 7000 wikAG |
c.7000 | JERICHO (Tel-es-Sultan) Natufian site flourishes. | 7000 IDB 1-57 |
c.7000 | Pre-pottery Neolithic cultures appear in Levant and many parts of Near East. They have domestic wheat, barley, sheep, goats. | 7000 IDBS 11-12 |
c.7000 | Plastered SKULLS and a swastica evidenced at Jericho (Tell es-Sultan). | 8-6000 wikPhs 7000 ISBE 2-995, 4-370 |
c.7000 | Neolithic village BAJA is occupied until ??. | 7000 wikBj |
c.7000 | Pre-Pottery Neolithic B archaeological site BASTA is occupied until 5000. They build circular houses of limestone, which have wood flores. There are no cemeteries. People bury their dead under their floors. | 7000 wikBj, wikBst |
c.7000 | JERICHO population 2,500 because of springs. | 7000 TTPC |
c.6900 | POTTERY first evidenced in Levant. See Africa 10,000, China 9000, Mesopotamia 7000, Persia 6500, Mediterranean 6000 | 70-67 Copilot |
c.6800 | JERICHO (Tel-es-Sultan), uninhabited from 7500, occupied by Pre-Pottery Neolithic-B phase until 4000. | 6800 wikTSS |
c.6650 | Neolithic site BEIDHA a few km north of Petra, occupied seasonally from 7200, burnt, but rebiult and reoccupied until 6500. | 6650 wikBd |
c.6500 | Permanent WATER WELLS, in Cyprus from 8500, appear in the Jezreel Valley. | 6500 wikHWSS |
c.6500 | Neolithic site BEIDHA, reoccupied from 6650 abandoned. | 6650 wikBd 6500 wikBd |
c.6500 | Pre-Pottery Neolithic B period in Anatolia, Levant and Mesopotamia from 8800 ends. Pottery NEOLITHIC begins until 6000. | 6500 wikPPNA, wikPPNB |
c.6500 | UGARIT is occupied. Not a city until 2100. | 6500 IDBS 928, ISBE 3-124 |
c.6400 | ![]() |
map: Joe Roe 6400 wikYrm |
c.6300 | DAMASCUS first occupied. But evidence exists of settlement in the wider Barada basin from 9000. It is independent until 1720. | 6300 wikDms |
c.6000 | Current site of HALAP (Aleppo) occupied. | 6000 wikTop 5000 wikAlp |
c.6000 | Pottery NEOLITHIC Period ends. In Levant from 6500. LATE NEOLITHIC begins with pottery until 5000. | 6400 wikNlt 6000 ISBE 1-236 4300 ISBE 3-916 |
c.6000 | SHAAR ha GOLAN on SE shore of Sea of Galilee, occupied by Neolithic Yarmukians who abandoned their nomadic lifestyle in favor of permanent settlement, marking the shift from hunting and gathering to agriculture. | 6000 wikSHG 5000 ISBE 2-1123 |
c.6000 | PLASTERED SKULLS, in Levant from 9000, fade out. | 6000 wikPHS |
c.6000 | JERICHO: Human skulls are made into ornamental masks, possibly for ancestor worship. | 6000 MCAW |
c.5900 | ASKALON first occupied. Abandoned 1270. | 5900 wikAsc, |
c.5500 | GALILEE, under Mesolithic people from 8000, comes under Neolithic people until 4500. | 5500 rcHL |
c.5200 | COTTON 1st cultivated in Levant at Tel Tsaf. Sudan 5000, India 3000, Egypt 2500 | 5200 Copilot |
c.5000 | NEOLITHIC AGE in Levant ends. Began 10,000. Pottery NEOLITHIC, in Levant from 6000, ends. CHALCOLITHIC Period begins until 3200. | 5000 IDBS 928, ISBE 1-236, 4500 wikPhL 4300 ISBE 1-276, 3-916 4000 ISBE 2-349 |
c.5000 | GEBAL (Byblos), occupied from 7900, 1st occupied continuously by proto-Phoenicians until 3000. | 5000 ISBE 2-420, hifiCSS, hifiGbl, wikBbl |
c.5000 | LACHISH first occupied, but not prominent until 1800. | 55-4500 wikLc, |
c.5000 | Villages in Fertile Crescent fight over water. . | 5000 TTPC |
c.5000 | AIN GHAZAL occupied from 8300, in Phase 3, from 7550 abandoned. | 5000 wikAG, wikNlt, |
c.5000 | OLIVE trees first cultivated on the Carmel coast of Levant. | 5000 Copilot |
c.4500 | GALILEE, under Neolithic people from 5500, comes under Chalcolithic Ghassulian Culture until 3300. | 4500 rcHL |
c.4450 | DHUWEILA small hunting camp of east Jordan, sporadically revisited from 7080, occupied by Chalcolithics or Early Bronze Agers until 3000. This group has domestic cotton imported from either Nubia or the Indus Valley. | 4450 wikDw |
c.4300 | Chalcolithic period in the Negev begins until 3200. | 4300 ISBE 3-511 |
c.4250 | Chalcolithic GHASSULIAN culture begins until 3200 in south Levant, mostly at Teleilat Ghassul. Small hamlet settlements of mixed farming peoples, who had immigrated from the north. | 4400 wikGsl 3800 britGsl, wikGsl |
c.4200 | BEERSHEBA culture (part of Ghassulian) begins until 4000. People live first in underground dwellings, dug in the loess of the Valley. Later they build surface houses. They live on a trade route, use flint tools, raise sheep, goats, cattle and pigs, grow wheat, barley, and lentils. Each settlement specializes in an industry: Bir Tzafad carves ivory; Bir Abu Matar smelts Λ COPPER V and produces copper instruments and jewelry. | 4200 wikBrs |
c.4000 | Civilizations develop in Fertile Crescent. Earliest supposed dates for domestication of HORSES and CHICKENS. | 4000 wikTop |
c.4000 | Civilizations in Fertile Crescent discover the potter's wheel. | 4000 wikTop |
c.4000 | SIDON, a group of coastal cities, built by Canaanites on a promontory facing an island, which shelters its fleet from storms and serves as a refuge during military incursions from the interior. Occupied until ?. | 4000 IDBS 473, hifiCSS, wikHS, wohiSd |
c.4000 | ![]() |
photo: אסף.צ 4-3000 wikMgl 3000-2700 wikREH |
c.4000 | JERICHO, a city from 8000, occupied by Pre-Pottery Neolithic-B people from 6800, abandoned until 2900. | 4000 IDBS 473 |
c.4000 | BEERSHEBA culture (part of Ghassulian) from 4200 ends, possibly displaced by immigrants fron the north. People abandon their houses, some intending to return. | 4000 wikBrs 3200 ISBE 1-587 |
c.3500 | Domestic DONKEYS, in Egypt from 4650, brought to Levant during the Early Bronze Age. Mesopotamia 3100. Anatolia 2500. | 37-2400 Copilot |
c.3500 | MEGIDDO V founded by Canaanites. | 3500 Copilot |
c.3400 | PELLA, east of Jordan River, occupied. A city wall is built. | 3400 IDBS 651 |
c.3300 | GALILEE, under Chalcolithic Ghassulian Culture from 4500, comes under Bronze age; Semitic nomads until 1480. | 3300 rcHL |
c.3200 | CHALCOLITHIC Period ends. In Levant from 5000. BRONZE AGE begins until 1200. EARLY BRONZE begins until 2000. Early Bronze-1 begins until 2800. Λ Copper tools predominate. Not in Egypt until 2000. | 3300 wikBA, wikPhL 3200 IDBS 676, ISBE 1-236, 276 3100 ISBE 2-349, 3-916 3000 FHBC 197??? IDB 1-207????PAE 78, WBANE 86, FLAP 125,????RAI2 196 |
c.3200 | Chalcolithic GHASSULIAN culture in south Levant, mostly at Teleilat Ghassul from 4250, displaced by immigrants from Anatolia and north Syria. Small hamlet settlements of mixed farming peoples, who had immigrated from the north. | 3500 wikGsl 3350 britGsl 3200 ISBE 1-587 |
c.3200 | Chalcolithic period in the Negev from 4300, ends. EARLY BRONZE peroid begins until 2000. | 3200 ISBE 3-511-12 |
c.3150 | QATNA, by a lake just east of the Orontes, first occupied by ?? until 2800, becomes a village. | 33-3000 wikQt |
c.3100 | AI, 22km northwest of Jericho, 1st settled as an unwalled village until 3000. | 3100 IDBS 14 |
c.3000 | EBLA founded, overlapping Mesopotamia. 1st kingdom of EBLA established until 2300. Early Period begins until 2400. | 3000 wikEbl wikHS |
c.3000 | West Semitic PHOENICIANS, possibly from the Negev or Dilmun, arrive in Phoenicia. BAAL V, chief god of Phoenicians, introduced into El-worshipping Canaan. | 3000 NLEM 79, wikPnc |
c.3000 | BIRUTA (Beirut) founded by Phoenicians on an island which will become progressively silted, connecting it with the mainland. | 3000 hifiBrt, hifiCSS, wikBrt |
c.3000 | Semites from east of Jordan River start drifting into Canaan. | 3000 BCoC 119 |
c.3000 | GEBAL, a proto-Phoenician site from 5000, shows 1st evidence of Phoenicians in Lebanon, trade with Cyprus, Caucasus, Mesopotamia, Sudan, Egypt. Chief deity, Baalat, is later identified with Hathor. | 3000 ENBD 992, ISBE 2-420, NLEM 81 |
c.3000 | Canaanite ALTAR at Λ MEGIDDO V built into the rear wall of a temple. | 3000 ISBE 1-102 |
by 3000 | Domesticated GRAPES have been transplanted from Armenia or the Zagros Mts. to the Jordan Valley. | by 3000 fdAI |
by 3000 | SILVER mining and metalurgy practiced in Near East. | by 3000 ISBE 4-512 |
c.3000 | APHEK occupied. See 1468. | 3000 ISBE 1-150 |
c.3000 | BETH-YERAH "house of moon" (Khirbet Kerak "ruin of fortress") on south shore of Sea of Galilee, occupied. Inhabitants live in huts, some sunk into pits down to 3.5m deep. Traces of pavements and ovens. Known for its pottery: light red or red-black burnished ware. | 3200 jvlBY 3000 ISBE 2-1122 no date: wikKK |
c.3000 | AI, 22km northwest of Jericho, unwalled village from 3100, rebuilt by Syrians as a walled city until 2860. | 3000 IDBS 14, ISBE 1-82 |
c.3000 | DHUWEILA small hunting camp of west Arabia, occupied by Chalcolithics or Early Bronze Ageers from 4450, abandoned. | 3000 wikDw |
c.2900 | JERICHO, abandoned from 4000, occupied by Post-Ghassulian peoples until 2300. | 3500 rcCan 2900 IDBS 473 |
c.2860 | AI, 22km northwest of Jericho, Syrian walled city from 3000, rebuilt with a 2nd wall until 2700. | 2860 IDBS 14 |
c.2800 | QATNA village on a lake southeast of the Orontes, occupied by ?? from 3150 repopulated by Amorites. | 2800 wikQt |
2800 | EARLY BRONZE-1 ends. In Levant from 3200. EARLY BRONZE-2 begins until 2600. |
2800 IDB 1-207, WBANE 82 |
2800 | HAZOR, occupied from ?, founded as a permanent settlement. This initial settlement is confined to the upper city. It is independent until 1600. | 2800 hifiCSS 28-2400 Copilot |
2750 | TYRE founded by Phoenicians, both on island and mainland. Does not appear in monuments until 1300. | 2750 TTPC, hifiT, wikTL |
c.2740 | ZIALU, king of Ebla from ?, ends. ENMANU succeeds until 2720. | 2740 wikLKEb |
c.2720 | ENMANU, king of Ebla from 2740, ends. NAMANU succeeds until 2700. | 2720 wikLKEb |
c.2700 | NAMANU, king of Ebla from 2720, ends. DA?????? succeeds until 2680. | 2700 wikLKEb |
c.2700 | Royal PALACE at Ebla built. | 2700 wikEbl |
c.2700 | AI, 22km northwest of Jericho, a double-walled city from 2860, rebuilt with Egyptian influence until 2550. | 2700 IDBS 14 |
c.2680 | DA??????, king of Ebla from 2700, ends. SAGISU succeeds until 2660. | 2680 wikLKEb |
2675 | Lebanon exports CEDAR to Egypt. | pre-2675 MCAW |
2675 | WHEELS with axles, in Mesopotamia from 5500, in Asia from 3700, first evidenced in Levant: earliest potter's wheel discovered at Beth Yerah-2. Egypt 2000. | pre-2675 WBANE 84 |
c.2660 | SAGISU, king of Ebla from 2680, ends. DANEUM succeeds until 2640. | 2660 wikLKEb |
c.2640 | DANEUM, king of Ebla from 2660, ends. IBBINI-LIM succeeds until 2620. | 2640 wikLKEb |
c.2620 | IBBINI-LIM, king of Ebla from 2640, ends. ISHRUT-DAMU succeeds until 2600. | 2620 wikLKEb |
c.2600 | ISHRUT-DAMU, king of Ebla from 2620, ends. ISIDU succeeds until 2580. | 2600 wikLKEb |
2600 | EARLY BRONZE-2 ends. In Levant from 2800. EARLY BRONZE-3 begins until 2100. |
2600 IDB 1-207, WBANE 86, WPOT |
c.2580 | ISIDU, king of Ebla from 2600, ends. ISRUT-HALAM succeeds until 2560. | 2580 wikLKEb |
c.2560 | ISRUT-HALAM, king of Ebla from 2580, ends. IKSUD succeeds until 2540. | 2560 wikLKEb |
c.2550 | AI, 22km northwest of Jericho, a double-walled city with Egyptian influence from 2700, rebuilt with Khirbet-Kerak influence until 2350. | 2550 IDBS 14 |
c.2540 | IKSUD, king of Ebla from 2560, ends. TALDA-LIM succeeds until 2520. | 2540 wikLKEb |
c.2520 | TALDA-LIM, king of Ebla from 2540, ends. ABUR-LIM succeeds until 2500. | 2520 wikLKEb |
c.2500 | ABUR-LIM, king of Ebla from 2520, ends. AGUR-LIM succeeds until 2480. | 2500 wikLKEb |
c.2500 | SEMITES, in Canaan from 3000, have walled towns. | 2500 BCoC 120 |
c.2500 | IRON smelted in Near East. | 2500 bk |
c.2480 | AGUR-LIM, king of Ebla from 2500, ends. IB-DAMU succeeds until 2460. | 2480 wikLKEb |
c.2460 | IB-DAMU, king of Ebla from 2480, ends. BAGA-DAMU succeeds until 2440. | 2460 wikLKEb |
c.2440 | BAGA-DAMU, king of Ebla from 2460, ends. ENAR-DAMU succeeds until 2420. | 2440 wikLKEb |
c.2420 | ENAR-DAMU, king of Ebla from 2440, ends. ESHAR-MALIK succeeds until 2400. | 2420 wikLKEb |
c.2400 | ESHAR-MALIK, king of Ebla from 2420, ends. KUN-DAMU succeeds until 2380. | 2400 wikLKEb |
c.2400 | Early Period of Ebla from 3000 ends. Archive Period begins until 2300. EBLA / MARI war begins until 2300. |
2400 wikLKEb |
c.2380 | KUN-DAMU, king of Ebla from 2400, ends. ADUB-DAMU succeeds until 2360. | 2380 wikLKEb |
c.2360 | ADUB-DAMU, king of Ebla from 2380, ends. IGRISH-HALAM succeeds until 2340. | 2360 wikLKEb |
c.2350 | AI, 22km northwest of Jericho, a double-walled city with Khirbet-Kerak influence from 2550, destroyed, in riuns until 1220. | 2400 SOTS 97 2350 IDBS 14 2200 FLAP 137 |
c.2340 | IGRISH-HALAM, king of Ebla from 2360, ends. IRKAB-DAMU succeeds until 2320. | 2340 wikLKEb |
c. 2340 | ![]() EBLA 1st kingdom at maximum extent. |
photo: Semhur 2340 wikEDPM |
c.2325 | UNI, Egyptian commander for Pepi-I, begins 1st of 5 expeditions against Bedouins of Canaan. . | 2325 IDB 2-45, no date: BHoE 135 ' |
c.2322 | ARRUKUM, vizir of Ebla from ??, ends. IBRIUM succeeds until 2302. | 2322 wikIbr |
c.2320 | IRKAB-DAMU, king of Ebla from 2340, ends. ISAR-DAMU succeeds until ??. A prince, might have briefly ascended the throne. | 2320 wikLKEb |
c.2313 | IBRIUM, vizir of Ebla, wars against vassal-state Armi. | 2313 wikIbr |
c.2302 | IBRIUM, vizir of Ebla from 2322, ends. Son IBBI-SIPISH succeeds until ?. | 2302 wikIbr |
c.2300 | ![]() |
photo: Associazione Decarch 2300 wikEbl, wikMri, wikP1M 2250 wikAm, wikPhL |
c.2300 | EBLAITE language from 2500 ends. | 2300 ISBE 4-1149 |
c.2300 | ![]() |
map: Semhur 2300 wikEbl |
c.2300 | SARGON of Akkad trades for francincense with Lebanon. | 2300 MCAW |
c.2300 | JERICHO, occupied by Post-Ghassulian peoples from 2900, abandoned, comes under Amorites until 1900. | 2300 IDBS 473, ISBE 2-995, rcCan |
c.2300 | ALALAKH, 20km NE of Antioch, founded by Amorites. Main god: Hadad. No palace until 2000. | 24-2000 wikAl |
c. 2290 | ![]() 2nd kingdom of MARI at maximum extent. |
photo: Semhur 2290 wikEDPM |
c.2200 | PUNON, 45km south of Dead Sea, 1st mined. | 2200 ISBE 1-219 |
c.2100 | UGARIT, occupied from 6500, becomes a city-state until 1182. | 2100 IDBS 928, ISBE 1-272 |
c.2100 | EARLY BRONZE-3 in Levant from 2600 destroyed. All cities have a gap until 2000. | 2300 WPOT 2200 ISBE 3-916 2100 IDB 1-207, WBANE 86 2000 FLAP 124 |
EARLY BRONZE-4 2300-2100. MIDDLE BRONZE-1 2100-1900 | WPOT |
c.2100 | HABIRU (Apiru), probably a social class rather than an ethnic group at this time, first mentioned in an Ur text. | 2100 IDB 2-306 |
Levant 2000-1001