c. 10,000 | ![]() |
map: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin 10,000 wikIMR |
c.8800 | HARIFIAN Culture in Sinai and Negev begins until 8100. Semi-subterranean houses, often more elaborate than Natufian. 1st triangular stone arrowheads. Merges with Pre-Pottery Neolithic B. | 8800 wikPE 88-8500 wikHrf |
c.8100 | HARIFIAN Culture in Sinai and Negev Desert from 8650 ends. | 82-8000 wikHrf 8000 wikPE |
c.7360 | DHUWEILA small hunting camp 170km east of mid Jordan River occupied by Early Neolithics until 7080. | 7360 wikDw |
c.7080 | DHUWEILA small hunting camp of east Jordan from 7360, abandoned, sporadically revisited until 4450. | 7080 wikDw |
by 5000 | People living in reed huts along the Persian Gulf on the Arabian peninsula trade with Mesopotamia. | by 5000 mxfld |
c.5000 | Domestic SHEEP evidenced in Sinai Peninsula. | 5000 wikPst |
c.4450 | DHUWEILA small hunting camp of east Jordan, sporadically revisited from 7080, occupied by Chalcolithics or Early Bronze Agers until 3000. This group has domestic COTTON imported from either Nubia or the Indus Valley. | 4450 wikDw |
c.4300 | Chalcolithic period in the Negev begins until 3200. | 4300 ISBE 3-511 |
c.4000 | Arabia has surface shards and implements. There is progressive dessication, which may have contributed to the northward migrations of peoples into the Syrian Desert, which begins shortly thereafter. | 4000 mxfld |
c.3800 | Arabian Bifacial/Ubaid period ends abruptly in eastern Arabia and the Oman peninsula, just after the phase of lake lowering and onset of dune reactivation. Dryness halts semi-desert nomadism; and there is no evidence of humans in the area for c.1,000 years. | 3800 wikUb |
c.3200 | Chalcolithic period in the Negev from 4300, ends. Early Bronze peroid begins until 2000. | 3200 ISBE 3-511-12 |
c.3100 | SEMITES from southeast Arabia at Magan and the coast of the Indus Valley enter Mesopotamia. Their gods are Samsu (sun), Athar (Venus), Shahar (moon). | pre-3000 MOAR 6-4 |
c.3020 | DILMUN island occupied and independent until 1600, but not important until 2050. | end 4th m wikPIA, 3rd m wikDlm |
c.3000 | DHUWEILA small hunting camp of east Jordan, occupied by Chalcolithics or Early Bronze Ageers from 4450, abandoned. | 3000 wikDw |
c.3000 | THAMUD civilization begins until 200CE. | 3000 wikPIA 8-700 wikThm |
c.3000 | One hump CAMEL: Dromedaries 1st domesticated as a pack animal in south Arabia and Mesopotamia. | 3000 ENBD 182, wikHAg 2500 wikCm |
c.2200 | PUNON, 45km S of Dead Sea, 1st mined. | 2200 ISBE 1-219 |
c.2050 | DILMUN, occupied from 3020, becomes an important trading center, independent until 1600, prosperous until 709. | 2050 wikDlm |
Arabia 2000-1001