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East Asia Go to Asia Go to India Go to Pacific
c.10,000 POTTERY begins in China.  It is represented in more than 1,000 excavated sites in Honan and Kansu provinces, with hand-molded red, black and gray pottery painted with pigments.   See Mesopotamia 7000 18,000 wikPtr 16-15,000 Copilot 10,000 mxfld
c.10,000 HOABINHIAN culture in Viet Nam from 12,000 ends.  BAC SON culture begins in Viet Nam until 8000.  It has more edge-ground cobble artifacts. 10,000 hifiVN, wikBS, wikSV
c.9000 XianrenPOTTERY made in Xianrendong (Xianren Cave). 20,000 Copilot 10-8000 wikXC, 9000 PW 12
c.8500 NanzhuangtouNANZHUANGTOU culture begins in Yellow River region in south Hebei until 7700.  Earliest Neolithic site in north China.  Domestic dogs, stone grinding slabs and rollers, bone artifacts, pottery.  Millet cultivated.  8700 wikNnz 8500 wikLNC
c.8500 DOGS V, domesticated in Asia from 40-30,000, evidenced at Nanzhuangtou.   See Asia 3800 8700 wikNnz
c.8500 MILLET V:  Broomcorn and foxtail millet first cultivated in China in the Yellow River valley.  First evidence found at Cishan.   See Asia 6000, Africa 6000. 8700 wikIDNC 8000 wikCsn 83-6700 Copilot 7000 wikHC
c.8000 NEOLITHIC AGE begins in China until 1700?? 2000?, but at different times in the various regions.  Distinct cultures develop simultaneously along waterways.  Defined by presence of agriculture, initially domestication of a few grains and animals. 8500 u2HWEY timelapse, wikHC
8000 wikHC, 7000 smhiNC
c.8000 With the ice melting, JAPAN is cut off from the mainland. 8000 mxfld
c.8000 LANGUAGE:  2 cultures survive in Japan, each with its own language - Siberians in the north will become Ainu, and speak a distant relative of some tongue of the Siberian tundra.  The southern language, will become modern Japanese. 8000 mxfld
c.8000 POTTERY 1st evidenced in Korea.  JEULMUN pottery period begins until 1500. 8000 u2HWEY timelapse, wikJsn, wikKor
c.8000 JOMON period in Japan from 12,000 ends.  Subsists on hunting, fishing, and gathering, and had pottery but not metal. 8000 mxfld
c.8000 AGRICULTURE, mostly RICE V, developed in China. 8000 wikHAg
c.8000 Sea level rises, creating more islands and coastline in Southeast Asia. 8000 PW 13
c.8000 Small bands of hunter-gatherers are widely scattered from Vietnam to Sumatra and east-west from Burma to the Gulf of Tonkin.  SPIRIT CAVE excavations have shown deer, pigs, monkeys, bamboo rats, otters, flying squirrels, and from the sea - carp and crabs.  Nuts, beans and melons are also available. 8000 mxfld
c.8000 Wild BEANS first eaten in Thailand.   See Argentina 8000. 7000 Copilot
c.8000 BAC SON culture in Viet Nam from 10,000 ends.  QUYNH VAN Culture begins until 6000. 8000 hifiVN, wikSV
c.8000 Neolithic PRE-AUSTRONESIAN people migrate from China to Taiwan island.   See 4000. 10-6000 wikAst
c.7700 NanzhuangtouNANZHUANGTOU culture in Yellow River region in south Hebei from 8500 ends. map: Uwe Dedering

7700 wikLNC
7500 wikNnz
c.7600 PIGS:  Zhenpiyan culture shows first evidence on domestication in China.   See Anatolia 7000. 7600 wikT   6600 ttcDP 6000 Copilot wikPg
c.7500 PengtoushanPENGTOUSHAN culture begins in central Yangtze region in northwest Hunan until 6100.  Rice cultivated.  Cord-marked pottery among burial goods. map: Uwe Dedering

7500 wikLNC, wikPts, wikT 7000 wikIDNC
c.7500 Domesticated Λ DOGS V evidenced in China at Peiligang.  Later evidence is at Banpo and Jiangzhai. 7500 Copilot
c.7500 JAPAN:  Incipient JOMON period from 14,000, ends.  Pottery was decorated by impressing cords into the surface of wet clay.  Initial JOMON period begins until 5000. 7500 wikJm
c.7000 XianrenPaleolithic XIANREN CAVE culture in Jianxi from 18,000 ends.  No agriculture.  Pottery fragments have scorch marks, so pottery was used for cooking. 7000 wikLNC
no date: wikXC
agriculture map: Joe Roe
c.7000 JiahuJIAHU agricultural village (a Peiligang type site) occupied until 5800.  Contains written symbols, sometimes called proto-WRITING V.
Pottery URN first evidenced from the Jiahu site, where 32 burial urns are found.  Burial urns are used mainly for children, but sporadically for adults.  JIAHU culture begins in China.
map: Uwe Dedering

7000 wikHC, wikIDNC, wikJhu, wikPlg, wikTop, 6600 wikC
c.7000 LIQUOR first evidenced in village of Jiahu, China, made from rice, honey, and fruit.   Beer: Levant 10,000, Mesopotamia 4500 7000 Copilot
c.7000 Zhenpiyan cave, occupied from 10,000, becomes one of many independent centers for introduction of animal domestication and pottery until 5500 7000 wikZp
c.7000 PeiligangPEILIGANG culture begins in Yi-Luo river basin valley in Henan until 5000.  Egalitarian, with little political organization.  Cultivated millet; raised pigs & poultry; hunted deer & boar; caught carp using hemp nets.  Artifacts include stone arrowheads, spearheads, axe heads; stone chisels, awls, sickles for harvesting grain; variety of pottery for cooking & storing.   map: Uwe Dedering

7000 wikIDNC, wikLNC, wikPlg, wikT
c.7000 NeolithicNEOLITHIC AGE begins in west central China only until 6500. 8000 wikHC
7000 u2HWEY timelapse, wikHC
c.6700 Foxtail Λ MILLET  V cultivated at Cishan in north China, on the east foothills of the Taihang Mountains. 6700 wikCsn, wikMlt
c.6500 NeolithicNEOLITHIC AGE, in west central China from 7000, spreads north and east until ??. 6500 u2HWEY timelapse, wikHC
c.6500 WINE production first evidenced in China at Jiahu.  It is made from rice, honey, and fruit, with traces of hawthorne fruit and grape juice. 7-6000 Copilot
c.6500 HouliHOULI culture begins in Shandong until 5500.  Has square, semi-subterranean houses.  Subsisted on on hunting & fishing, plus rice & millet.  Domestic dogs & pigs.  Pottery, stone tools, jade, bone, antler, shell tools.  map: Kanguole

6500 wikBx, wikLNC, wikHu
c.6400 script sitesEarliest of China's Neolithic writing symbols come from Jiahu, Dadiwan and Damaidi. symbols: pub dom
map: Kanguole

66-6200 wikNSC
c. 6200 Xinglongwa XINGLONGWA Neolithic culture begins in Inner Mongolia-Liaoning border until 5400.  Xinglongwa village has a large building in center surrounded by 120 pit-houses, each with a hearth at center.  Earliest village with a surrounding ditch.  Evidence of agriculture and millet.  Artifacts; a bone flute with 5 finger holes.  Pottery is mostly comb-ceramic, cylindrical and baked at low temperature.  34 sets of human remains from under-house burials, none over age 55.  A man is buried with a pair of pigs, and jade objects.  2 men for each woman.  map: Kmusser

6200 wikHgs, wikLNC, wikXlw
6100 u2HWEY timelapse 6000 wikBfd
by 6200 Λ RICE V (Oryza rufipogon), cultivated in India from the Early Holocene, domesticated in the middle Yangtze Valley, as shown in finds from the Pengtoushan culture at Bashidang.  By 5000 also in the Hemudu culture near the Yangtze Delta.   See India 5000   Africa 1000 by 7000 wikIDNC
by 6200 wikHAg, wikHRC
6000 wikHC
5700 wikHAg
c.6100 PengtoushanPENGTOUSHAN Culture in central Yangtze region in northwest Hunan from 7500 ends. 6100 wikLNC, wikPts
c.6000 NEOLITHIC Period begins in Korea until 2500. 6000 wikKor
by 6000 SALT is harvested on Lake Yuncheng Shanxi. by 6000 wikIDNC
c.6000 KUAHUQIAO culture begins where the Qiantang River flows into Hangzhou Bay in Zhejiang until 5000.  Rice, dogs and pigs domesticated; earliest domesticated peach. 6000 wikLNC, wikKhq
c.6000 CishanCISHAN culture begins on east foothills of Taihang Mountains in south Hebei until 5500.  Houses are semi-subterranean and round.  Gathered nuts, apricots, pears, various roots and tubers.  Millet cultivated; domestic pigs, dogs, chickens.  Fished carp and herring with hemp nets,  500+ subterranean storage pits. map: Uwe Dedering

6500 wikCsn 6000 wikBfd, wikLNC, wikT
c.6000 DamaidiCLIFF CARVINGS begin at Damaidi in Ningxia until 5000.  Date disputed.  3,172 carvings have 8,453 individual characters such as sun, moon, stars, gods and scenes of hunting or grazing, herding and fighting.  Over 1,500 symbols resemble ancient hieroglyphs of Chinese characters. 6000 wikHC, 6-5000 wikNSC, no date: wikDmd
c.6000 BeifudiBEIFUDI village in Yi County, Hebei occupied until 4500.  Phase 1 begins until 5000, containing ceramic masks in the shape of human and animal faces, the oldest extant stone carvings to date. map: Uwe Dedering

6000 wikBfd
c.6000 Λ Proto-WRITING  V evidenced at Damaidi in Ningxia. 6000 wikC, wikHC
c.6000 Farming villages develop in China.  Millet is grown.  Dogs and pigs are kept. 6000 PW 13
c.6000 Λ RICE V cultivated in southeast Asia, evidence found in Spirit Cave in north Siam.  Thailand has a wide variety of foods, with many domesticated plants.  These include almonds, broad beans, betel nuts, cucumbers, peas, water chestnuts, gourds, and rice. 6000 TAWH 16, mxfld
c.6000 Dushan JADE V (a rock composed largely of anorthite feldspar and zoisite) is mined. 6000 wikCJ, wikJd
c.6000 Cave dwellers live in Viet Nam. 6000 wikHBD
c.6000 6 wooden ROWING OARS evidenced in a Hemudu culture site at Yuyao, Zhejiang. 6000 wikIDNC
c.6000 1st POTTERY in southeast Asia.  Quadrilateral adzes, polished slate knives, agriculture.  6000 PW 13
c.6000 QUYNH VAN culture in Viet Nam from 8000 ends.  6000 hifiVN, wikSV
c.5800 JiahuJIAHU agricultural village, a Peiligang type site from 7000, flooded and abandoned. 5800 wikHC, 5700 wikJhu
c.5800 DadiwanNeolithic DADIWAN culture begins in Gansu and west Shaanxi until 5400.  Has a large building on an elevated rammed earth foundation, layered with burnt clay.  Domestic millet, pigs and dogs that ate millet.   Thin-walled, cord-marked pottery. map: Uwe Dedering

6000 wikLNC, 5900 wikDdw, 5800 wikDdw, wikHC, wikNSC
c.5600 Λ Proto-WRITING V evidenced at Dadiwan. 58-5400 wikC, wikHC
c.5500 XinleXINLE culture begins on lower Liao River on Liaodong Peninsula until 4800.  40 neolithic houses.  Artifacts include stone tools, pottery, jade, bone tools, wood carvings, refined coal.  Millet cultivated; pigs domesticated.  One of the oldest wooden carvings in the world. map: Uwe Dedering

5500 wikLNC, wikXnl
5300 wikHgs
c.5500 Zhenpiyan cave, occupied from 10,000, an independent center for introduction of animal domestication and pottery from 7000, abandoned. 5500 wikZp
c.5500 ΛMILLET  V, domesticated in China from ?, becomes main crop of the Yellow River basin. 5500 wikHAg
c.5500 HouliHOULI culture in Shandong from 6500 ends. 5500 wikBx, wikLNC, wikHu
c.5500 CishanCISHAN culture in south Hebei from 6000 ends. 5500 wikLNC 5000 wikCsn
c.5400 XinglongwaXINGLONGWA culture in Inner Mongolia-Liaoning border from 6200 ends. 5400 wikHgs, wikLNC, wikXlw 5000 wikBfd
c.5400 ZHAOBAOGOU culture begins on Luan River valley in Inner Mongolia and north Hebei until 4500.  Sand-tempered, incised pottery with geometric and zoomorphic designs; stone and clay human figurines. 5400 wikLNC, wikZbg
c.5400 DadiwanNeolithic DADIWAN culture in Gansu and west Shaanxi from 5800 ends. 6000 wikLNC   5400 wikHC, wikDdw, wikNSC
5200 wikDdw
c.5300 BeixinBEIXIN culture begins in Shandong until 4100.  Houses semi-subterranean and round.  Millet cultivated; water buffalo, pigs, chickens, fruits and vegetables domesticated.  Fished carp; hunted deer, foraged for wild pears, roots and tubers.  Wild hemp used for clothing, baskets, thread, twine, rope, fishing nets.  Artifacts: stone axe heads, spearheads, arrowheads, and stone sickle blades.  Houses and burial areas separated and clustered in small groups.  Tools, weapons, and other articles buried with the dead. map: Kanguole

5300 wikLNC, wikBx
c.5000 KUAHUQIAO culture in Zhejiang from 6000 ends. 5000 wikLNC
c.5000 Humans live in Yellow River settlements where they farm, fish, raise pigs and dogs for food, and grow millet and rice. 5000 wikPAs
c.5000 PeiligangPEILIGANG culture in Yi-Luo river basin valley in Henan from 7000 ends. 5000 wikLNC, wikPlg
c.5000 BeishoulingWooden COFINS first evidenced in Tomb 4 at Beishouling. 5000 wikIDNC
c.5000 BeifudiBEIFUDI village in Yi County Hebei, phase 1 from 6000, ends.  Phase 2 begins until 4500, containing pottery and stone tools, ceramic pots (including the round-bottom fu vessel, the vessel seat, and the bo bowl) and small-mouth-double-handled pots. 5000 wikBfd
c.5000 MajiabangMAJIABANG culture begins in Lake Tai area and north of Hangzhou Bay and spreads south to Jiangsu and north Zhejiang until 3000.  Subsisted on gathering, hunting, fishing.  Cultivated rice; domesticated pigs.  Artifacts: different materials, mostly jade and red pottery.  map: Kanguole

5000 wikLNC, wikMjb
c. 5000 HemuduHEMUDU culture begins south of Hangzhou Bay in Yuyao, Zhoushan, and Zhejiang until 4500.  Long, stilt houses, communal longhouses.  Cultivated rice, domesticated pigs, hunted deer and wild water buffalo, fished carp.  Plants: water caltrop, acorns, melon, wild kiwi, blackberries, peaches, foxnuts, bottle gourds.  Artifacts: red lacquer wood vessels, carved jade, ivory, clay figurines, thick, porous pottery, typically black made with charcoal powder, painted with plant and geometric designs.  Animal bones, made into hoes harpoons bows, arrowheads.  People buried facing east, most without grave goods.
Religion: shamanistic rituals to the sun, bird totems, belief in an afterlife and ghosts.
map: Kanguole

5500 wikHmd 5000 wikIDNC, wikLNC
c. 5000 YangshaoYANGSHAO culture begins in Henan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi until 3000.  Houses built over a rounded rectangular pit with a lattice of woven wattle over it plastered with mud.  Raised-floor buildings possibly for storing grain.  Subsisted on millet, rice, hunting and fishing.   Keep pigs and dogs; sometimes sheep, goats, and cattle.  Stone tools are polished and specialized.  White, red, and black painted pottery with human facial, animal, and geometric designs.  Clothing made of hemp. map: Kanguole

5000 wikHC, wikLNC, wikPAs, wikYgs yut, 4800 wikDdw 3000 mxfld
c.5000 DaxiNeolithic DAXI culture begins in Three Gorges region at middle Yangtze, until 3300.  Characterized by dou (cylindrical bottles), white pan (plates), and red pottery.  Cultivated rice.  1st moats and walled settlements in China.  Jade artifacts. map: Kanguole

5000 wikLNC, wikDx
5000 wikLNC
c.5000 BAIJIA culture shows evidence on domestication of oxen and sheep. 5000 wikT
c.5000 GOATS, domesticated in Asia and Mesopotamia from 8500, domesticated in China. 5000 guess 2-1700 Copilot  
c.5000 DamaidiCLIFF CARVINGS at Damaidi in Ningxia from 6000 now total 3,172 and end.  They feature 8,453 individual characters such as sun, moon, stars, gods and scenes of hunting or grazing. 5000 wikHC
c.5000 Wet field Λ RICE V farming at Hemudu. 5000 PW 13
c.5000 Pottery STEAMERS used in Banpo.  A "yan" composed of 2 vessels, a "zen" with perforated floor surmounted on a pot or caldron with a tripod base and a top cover. 5000 wikIDNC
c.5000 JAPAN:  Neolithic Initial JOMON period from 7500, ends.  Early JOMON period begins until 3520.  Population gradually increases as climate becomes warmer and more humid. 3520 wikJm
c.5000 ΛJADE V is evidenced in Japan.  All jade in Japan since the Jomon period is from Itoigawa. 5000 wikJd
c.5000 AUSTRALIA:  Coastlands are flooded by rising water. 5000 PW 13
c.5000 New Guinea and Tasmania are detached from the mainland.  5000 PW 13
c.4800 XinleXINLE culture on lower Liao River on Liaodong Peninsula from 5500 ends. 4800 wikHgs, wikLNC, wikXnl
c.4700 HongshanHONGSHAN culture begins in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, and Hebei until 2900.  Grave goods include earliest carved jade, figures of pig dragons and embryo dragons.  Clay figurines of pregnant women.  Small copper rings.  A temple has stone platforms and painted walls, with clay figurines 3 times the size of real humans.  60 nearby tombs made of stone and covered by stone mounds, often includinge jade artifacts. map: Uwe Dedering

4700 wikLNC, wikHgs, 3800 wikCJ
c.4700 Λ JADE V appears in the Hongshan culture.  The center is along the modern northeast border.  Typical objects are pendants and large C-shaped ornaments, realistic figures of fish, turtles, cicadas, and owl-like birds with spread wings. 4700 wikJd 3800 wikCJ
c.4700 JIANGZHAI, a Banpo phase Yangshao culture, is founded, and lasts until 3600.  Brass is found in Jiangzhai until 4000.  It contains the oldest arsenical COPPER V ever found. 4700 wikBnp, wikJz
4000 Copilot
c.4700 BanpoBANPO is founded, and lasts until 3600.  Settlement is surrounded by a moat, with communal burial areas and pottery kilns outside the moat perimeter.  Houses are circular, built of mud and wood with overhanging thatched roofs. map: Kanguole

4700 wikBnp
c.4500 Λ Proto-WRITING V evidenced at Banpo, Southeast Europe (Vinca symbols) and West Asia (proto-literate cuneiform). 6-3000 wikTop 5-4000 wikC, wikHC
c.4500 BeifudiBEIFUDI village in Yi County Hebei, from 6000, Phase 2 from 5000, ends. 4500 wikBfd
c.4500 HemuduHEMUDU culture in Yuyao, Zhoushan, and Zhejiang from 5000 ends. 4500 wikIDNC, wikLNC     3300 wikHmd, wikT
c.4500 PERFUME is described in a Chinese document.   See Egypt: 3000. 4500 prfms, wikT
c.4500 ZHAOBAOGOU culture on Luan River valley in Inner Mongolia and north Hebei from 5400 ends. 4500 wikLNC, wikZbg
c.4325 Akahoya volcano eruption creates the Kikai Caldera and ends the earliest homogeneous Jomon culture in Japan.  When Jomon culture recovers, it shows regional differences. 43-4000 bk
c. 4300 DawenkouNeolithic DAWENKOU culture begins in Shandong, Anhui, Henan, and Jiangsu until 2600.  Millet dominant in north and lower class; rice in south and upper class.  Domesticated chickens, dogs, pigs, cattle, but no horses.  Pig remains account for 85% of the total.  Artefacts include turquoise, jade and ivory.  Phases: early 41-3500, middle 35-3000, late 30-2600.  Early phase is egalitarian, and has much seafood residue.  Long-stemmed cups.  Graves built with earthen ledges.  Middle phase grave goods emphasize quantity over diversity.  Late phase, wood coffins appear.     1st alligator hide drums.  1st trepanation - skull surgery. map: Kanguole

4300 wikDwk 4100 wikBx, wikIDNC, wikLNC, 2800 wikNSC
c.4280 Wet field Λ RICE V cultivation evidenced at the Chaodun site in Kushan County. 4280 wikIDNC
c.4100 BeixinBEIXIN Culture in Shandong from 5300 ends. 4100 wikLNC, wikBx
by 4000 Most Yangshao areas use an intensive form of foxtail Λ MILLET V cultivation, complete with storage pits and finely prepared tools for digging and harvesting. by 4000 wikIDNC
c.4000 BanpoBanpo script is etched or painted on pottery.  22 different symbols discovered on 113 sherds at Banpo and nearby Jiangzhai.  Scholars still debate if it is Λ WRITING V or not. art: Yu Shengwu

5-4000 wikNSC 4000 wikT
c.4000 Λ JADE V is imported to China, and used for ornaments and weapons. 4000 PW 13
c.4000 DA BUT Culture begins in Viet Nam until 3000. 4000 hifiVN, wikSV
c.4000 Domesticated Λ DOGS evidenced in the Yangshao Culture.  Dogs are often buried with their owners in elaborate tombs.  Selective breeding is evidenced. 5-3000 Copilot
c.4000 AUSTRONESIAN people migrate from China to Λ Taiwan island.  They migrate further in 3500, but maintain regular contact with the mainland until 1500. 5000 wikPAs, 4000 wikAst, wikInd
c.3830 CLIMATE turns wet until 2900. 3830 wikMjy
c.3800 SongzeNeolithic SONGZE culture begins in Lake Tai area overlapping Majiabang culture until 3300.  Made of 3 sites: Nanhebang, Pishan, Dongshan. map: Kanguole

3800 wikLNC, wikSz
c.3630 SILK V 1st evidenced in what is now Henan province.  . 3630 PW 14, wikIDNC 2674 B76 7-287
c.3600 BanpoBANPO, founded 4700, ends.  Houses are circular, built of mud and wood with overhanging thatched roofs.  There appear to be communal burial areas. 3600 wikBnp
c.3600 JIANGZHAI, a Banpo phase Yangshao culture, from 4700, ends. 3600 wikBnp
c.3520 JAPAN:  Neolithic Early JOMON period from 5000, ends.  Middle JOMON period begins until 2470.  Pit-houses get complex, with some even having paved stone floors.  Pit houses continue until the Satsumon culture 700 CE. 3520 wikJm
c. 3500 HongshanXIAOHEYAN Culture begins inside of Hongshan culture until 2000.  Economy based on agriculture, plus livestock breeding and hunting.  Pottery and handmade textiles are important.  Houses are oval, semi-underground, with 1 or 2 rooms, doors on the south.  Some have circular fire chambers, or column holes on both sides of the middle soil stove.  Cellars used for storing food.  People no longer use large stone tools from Hongshan Culture, but use refined grinding stone tools, e.g. perforated stone shovels, stone axes, stone arrowheads, sharp and strong tools, scrapers, stone blades, bone knives. map: Robert Drennan

3500 wikXhy
c.3500 LIANG CHENG CHEN is 1st city in China. 3500 TAWH 16
c.3500 Wide range trade of luxury items causes increase of social stratification in China. 3500 Pw 13
c.3500 Triangular PLOWSHARE V made of stone is used at sites of Majiabang culture around Lake Tai. 4000 bk
3500 wikIDNC
c.3500 AUSTRONESIANS, in Taiwan from 4000, begin expanding.  First sail south into Bataanese islands and Luzon, then the archipelago in 2500. 3500 wikHAg, 3000 wikAMH
c. 3400 LiangzhuNeolithic LIANGZHU culture begins in Yangtze River Delta until 2250.  Last Neolithic jade culture in Yangtze Delta.  Highly stratified, as jade, Λ SILK V, ivory and lacquer are exclusive to elite burials.  Interior area is 290 hectares, surrounded by clay walls with 6 gates, foundations of large structures, a wooden pier, an embankment for flood protection, tombs, altars, residences, docks, workshops.  Advanced agriculture, with irrigation, paddy rice cultivation, and aquaculture.  Houses often built on stilts, on rivers or shorelines.  Artifacts: utensils for production, living, military and ritual purposes, art with spirals & circles, pottery pedestals with cut-out decorations, baked clay spindle whorls, slate reaping knives, spear points.  Pottery is often cord-marked, and decorated with black or red slip.  1st known use of diamond tools. map: Kanguole

3400 wikIDNC, wikLNC, 3300 wikCJ, wikLgz
c.3400 Λ JADE V appears in the Liangzhu culture, which lasts until 2250.  Centered in the Lake Tai District, they are mostly small ornamental items, such as small discs strung onto necklaces.  Typically it is polished and perforated. 3400 wikJd 3300 wikCJ
c.3300 MajiabangSONGZE culture in Lake Tai area from 3800 ends. 3300 wikLNC, wikSz
c.3300 DaxiDAXI Culture in Three Gorges region from 5000 ends. 3300 wikDx 3000 wikLNC
c.3300 MajiayaoMAJIAYAO culture begins in upper Yellow River region in Gansu and Qinghai until 2000.  3 phases: Majiayao 3300-2500, Banshan 2500-2300, Machang 2300-2000.
Majiayao phase begins until 2500.
Majiayao pottery designs in black pigment with sweeping parallel lines and dots.
Contains bronze artifacts.
map: Kanguole

3300 wikMjy 3100 wikHC, wikLNC, 2700 PW 14
c.3300 KARUO Culture begins in Tibet until 2000. 3300 wikKru
c.3195  METEORS  bombard Earth, resulting atmospheric dust-veil as evidenced as cold period in narrow tree rings, and other world events. 3195 kpol 3123 CWH
c.3100 BRONZE AGE begins in East Asia until 300. 3100 wikBA
c.3100 MAJIAYAO culture site begins until 2700. 3100 wikHC
c.3100 QujialingQUJIALING culture begins in middle Yangtze region in Hubei and Hunan until 2700.  Has domestic chickens, dogs, pigs, sheep, fish.  Has storage pits, egg shell pottery and tripods.  City walls, man-made water systems, large courtyard buildings, map: Kanguole

3400 wikQjl, wikSz
3100 wikLNC
c.3000 KOREA: Agriculture begins; millet is cultivated. 3000 PW 14
c.3000 Neolithic Age reaches Korea, lasts until ??. 3000 mxfld
c. 3000 Longshan LONGSHAN V CULTURE begins in central and lower Yellow River until 1900.  (Black Pottery Culture).  Buffaloes are domesticated.  Late Neolithic culture in middle and lower Yellow River valley areas of north China.  Noted for wheel-made highly polished black egg-shell pottery, widespread in north China, and also found in the Yangtze River valley and as far as the southeast coast. cup Ismoon
map Kanguole

3000 vart, wikHC, wikIDNC, wikLC, wikLNC, wikT     2900 tcg 2500 wikCJ, wikPAs
2200 brit
c.3000 Λ JADE is used by the Longshan culture.  The center is on the coast.  Objects are ritualistic implements, such as axes, knives, and chisels.  A distinctive carving technique is used to create fine raised relief of the anthropomorphic images. 2500 wikCJ
c.3000 METAL CASTING evidenced in China. 3000 Copilot
c.3000 MajiabangMAJIABANG culture in Lake Tai area and north of Hangzhou Bay from 5000 ends. 3300 wikMjb 3000 wikLNC
c.3000 YangshaoYANGSHAO culture in Henan, Shaanxi, and Shanxi from 5000 ends. 3000 wikHC, wikLNC, wikYgs, yut       2900 wikDdw     2500 wikPAs
c.3000 SAN HUANG Period begins in China until 2700.  It contains a dynasty of 3 emperors. 3000 yut
c.3000 Λ PLOW with first metal blade invented in north China. 3000 apwh
c.3000 DYE, evidenced in Levant from 10,000, created in China from insects, barks, and plants. 3000 Copilot
c.3000 BRONZE V evidenced in Thailand. 3000 TAWH 16
c.3000 DA BUT Culture in Viet Nam from 4000 ends.  3000 hifiVN, wikSV
c.3000 Foxtail Λ MILLET V evidenced at Karuo Tibet. 3000 wikKru
c.2953 Fu XI SHU becomes San Huang king in China until 2852.  2953 yut
c.2900 CLIMATE, wet from 3830, turns dry until 2700. 2900 wikMjy
c.2900 HongshanHONGSHAN Culture in Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, and Hebei from 4700 ends. 2900 wikHgs, wikLNC     2700 wikCJ     2200 wikJd
c.2900 CHANGSHAN Culture begins until 2800. 2900 wikDdw
c.2900 Λ COPPER SMELTING is evidenced in China. pre-2800 wikCpr
c.2879 Xich QuXICH QUY Kingdom begins until 2500, as Kinh Duong Vuong spreads his rule outward. 2879 wikHBD 2700 u2HWEY timelapse
c. 2860 CREATION according to the  Classic of Mountains and Seas :  Deity PANGU is a giant sleeping within an egg of chaos. He awakes, stands up, and divides sky from earth.  Pangu then dies, and his body turns to rivers, mountains, plants, animals, and everything else in the world, including a powerful being known as Huaxu, who gives birth to twins Fuxi and Nuwa, who have human heads and snake bodies.  One day they make 2 fires, which eventually become one.  Under the fire, they use clay to create offspring, and made the clay figures come alive.  These clay figures were the 1st humans. no date: wikFx
c. 2860 CREATION according to the  Ban Gu, Bai Hu Tongy :  In the beginning there was no morality(Sangang) or social order.  Men knew their mothers only, not their fathers.  When hungry, they searched for food; when satisfied, they threw away the remnants.  They devoured their food hide and hair, drank the blood, and wore skins and rushes.  Then came Fu Xi and united man and wife, regulated the 5 stages of change, and laid down the laws of humanity.  He devised the 8 trigrams, in order to gain mastery over the world. no date: wikFx
c.2852 FU XI SHU, San Huang king in China from 2953 ends.  SHEN NONG SHU (aka Yan Di) succeeds until 2737. 2852 yut
c.2852 THREE RULERS & FIVE EMPERORS period begins until 2205.  Mythical, morally perfect rulers of such long lifespans that they may be dynasties rather than individuals.  The 3, also called August Ones, are named in Sima Qian's Shiji from 109 BC.  According to Sima, they are the Heavenly Ruler, FU XI, the Earthly Ruler, NUWA, and the Tai or Human Ruler, SHENNONG (possibly same as the Yan Emperor).  Names of the 5 emperors differ according to which of 3 sources is used.  In Shiji they are: Huangdi (Yellow Emperor), Zhuanxu, Ku, Yao, Shun.  2852 ntno5E, nwe3S5E, ttc3S5E
c.2850 Mythical ruler FU XI and his sis/wife NUWA (who have human heads and snake bodies) create humans, and give them music, hunting, fishing, domestication, cooking, and the Cangjie system of Λ WRITING V.      no date: wikFx
c.2820 knifeOldest Λ BRONZE object found in China, a knife found at a Majiayao site in Dongxiang. photo: Gary Lee Todd

2900-2740 wikMjy
c.2800 BaodunNeolithic BAODUN culture begins in Chengdu Plain until 1700.  Settlement walls are covered with pebbles.  Yufu, Zizhu, and Shuanghe have double walls.  All settlements straddle the Min River.  Most buildings are wattle and daub.  Divided into 4 phases (I-IV).  Subsist mostly on rice with millet 2nd. map: Kanguole

2800 wikLNC, 2700 wikBdn
c.2800 yin yangYIN YANG concept originated by Fu Xi, legendary Chinese emperor.  Health and tranquility require equilibrium of 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, water - which correspond to 5 planets, 5 seasons, 5 colors, 5 sounds, 5 senses, 5 tastes, 5 vicera. art: Klem

2800 TTPC
c.2800 CHANGSHAN Culture from 2900 ends. 2800 wikDdw
c.2737 SHEN NONG SHU (aka Yan Di), San Huang king in China from 2852 ends.  SUI REN SHI succeeds until 2697. 2737 yut
c.2737 TEA V, allegedly discovered by Shennong when a leaf falls into water he was boiling for drinking purposes. 2737 wikHTC, wikT
c.2700 CLIMATE, dry from 2900, turns normal. 2700 wikMjy
c.2700 SAN HUANG Period in China containing a dynasty of 3 emperors from 3000 ends. 2700 yut
c.2700 QujialingQUJIALING culture in middle Yangtze region in Hubei and Hunan from 3100 ends. 2700 wikLNC, 2600 wikQjl, wikSz
c.2700 Mythical ruler SHENNONG teaches humans to use the plow, basic agriculture, medicinal plants.  Possibly influenced by the Yan Emperor mythos or slash-and-burn agriculture, Shennong was a god of burning wind.  He is sometimes said to be a progenitor to, or to have had as one of his ministers, Chiyou (and like him, was ox-headed, sharp-horned, bronze-foreheaded, and iron-skulled). no date: wikSng
c.2700 Mythical ruler SHENNONG orders clerks to classify plants by food and medicinal values.  Clerks list barley, millet, rice, soy, wheat as principal and sacred crops. 2700 TTPC
c.2700 MAJIAYAO culture site from 3100 ends. 2700 wikHC
c.2700 Λ TEA V, cultivated in China.  At first the leaves are merely chewed. 2700 B76 IX-855
c.2700 Bronze Age LAOHUSHAN Culture begins in Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia, and China until 2200. 2700 wikLhs
c.2700 Accupuncture & herbal remedies based on yin/yang principles originated in China under mythical ruler Shennong. 2700 TTPC
c.2700 CANNABIS, first recorded in China. 2700 nrcMT
c.2698 Battle of Banquan, first battle in Chinese history and Battle of Zhuolu, 2nd battle in Chinese history, fought by the Yellow Emperor. 2698 wikT
c.2697 SUI REN SHI, San Huang king in China from 2737 ends. 2697 yut
c.2697 HUANG-DI (The Yellow Emperor) is mythical Emperor of China until 2597.  Credited with civilizing the earth, teaching many skills, and inventing the wheel, building blocks, compass, armor, weapons, ships, writing, Taoism, coining money, and a calendar based on 50 year cycles. 2697 encYE, nwe3S5E, ttc3S5E, no date: B76 V-176
c.2674 Mythical emperor Shennong writes  Divine Husbandman , a classification of plants in terms of food & medicinal value.  Main crops are barley, millet, rice, soy, wheat. 2674 TTPC
c.2674 Λ SILK V weaving begins in China.  Empress Xi Ling Shih discovers a way to raise worms and unwind filaments from their cucoons.  . 3500 wikSms 2700 PW 14
2674 B76 7-287 2600 bk
c.2650  Legend of Cangjie , an official historian of the Yellow Emperor, inventor of the Chinese character.  He had 4 eyes, and when he invented the characters, the deities and ghosts cried and the sky rained millet.  He is not considered to be the sole inventor of Chinese characters.  There are several versions of the legend. 2650 wikT
no date: wikGgj
c.2600 DawenkouDAWENKOU culture in Shandong, Anhui, Henan, and Jiangsu from 4300 ends. 2600 wikBx, wikDwk, wikIDNC, wikLNC 2500 wikNSC
c.2600 Chinese society changes from matriarchal to patriarchal. 2600 wikFx
c.2600 OXEN are harnessed to plows in China. 2600 TTPC
c.2600 WHEAT, cultivated in Asia from 7000, first cultivated in China.  It is not popular, and grown only when other grains are scarce. 2600 Copilot
c.2600 HUANG-DI (The Yellow Emperor), is credited with writing  Nei Ching , a medical text listing herbs that will contribute to pharmacopias, containing substances camphor, opium, chaumoogra, ephedrine, sodium sulphate. 2595 TTPC
c.2597 HUANG-DI (The Yellow Emperor), mythical Emperor of China from 2697, ends.  ZHUANXU succeeds until 2436. 2598 nwe3S5E 2597 ttc3S5E, 2514 wikT
c.2570 Λ SILK and other items found at Liangzhu culture site at Qianshanyang in Wuxing District, Zhejiang; silk items included a braided silk belt, silk threads, and woven silk. 2570 wikT
c.2500 NEOLITHIC Period, in Korea from 6000, ends.  But somehow the Stone Age continues until 1000. 2500 wikKor
c.2500 ShijiaheSHIJIAHE culture begins in middle Yangtze region in Hubei until 2000.  Settlements are often enclosed with walls and moats.  People grow rice and millet, and leave many jade artifacts.  Primary mode of travel is water.  People build canals to connect urban areas to adjacent rivers or from towns to main rivers.  Artifacts are mostly jade. map: Kanguole

2500 wikLNC, wikSjh
c.2500 Pan-Chan phase of YANGSHAO Culture appears until 1500 with large urns painted in spirals with purple, brown, red and black. 2500 mxfld
c.2500 PLOW:  Plowshares of wood or bone are evidenced in the Longshan Culture, at several sites including Liangzhu. 3-2000 Copilot
c.2500 MajiayaoMAJIAYAO phase of Majiayao culture from 3300 ends.  BANSHAN phase begins until 2300.  Pottery has curvilinear designs using black and red paint.  Control over production and quality declines. 2600 wikBns 2500 wikMjy
c.2500 WHEELS V with axles, in Mesopotamia from 5500, Asia from 3700, first evidenced in China. 2500 guess 2000-1500 Copilot
c.2500 Λ Longshan, walled settlement, has wheel-made pottery. 2500 PW 14
1800 B76 4-300
c.2500 Yang shao tsun culture begins.  Walled villages inhabited by hunters, farmers, cattlemen, skilled carpenters and weavers.  Ceramics are superior. 2500 B76 4-299
c.2500 Van LangXICH QUY kingdom from 2879 becomes VAN LANG kingdom until 258. 2500 u2HWEY timelapse
c.2500 Southeast Asia: Bronze used, 1st pottery and domestic animals. 2500 PW 14
c.2500 Austronesian people, in Bataanese islands and Luzon from 3500, start to populate the archipelago and introduce primitive ironworks technology.  They don't enter Indonesia until 2000. 2500 wikSeA
c.2470 JAPAN:  Middle JOMON period from 3520, ends.  Other Neolithic societies remain.  Late JOMON period begins until 1250. 2470 wikJm
c.2436 ZHUANXU, mythical Emperor of China from 2597, ends.  KU succeeds until 2366. 2436 nwe3S5E, ttc3S5E, wikT
c.2366 KU, mythical Emperor of China from 2436, ends.  Interregnum until 2358. 2366 ttc3S5E
ZHI succeeds until 2358. 2366 wikT
c.2358 YAO becomes mythical Emperor of China until 2258. 2366 nwe3S5E, ttc3S5E   2358 wikT
c.2350 Longshan culture practices divination in China. 2350 bk
c.2333 GOJOSEON (Old Joseon) kingdom founded in basins of Liao river in Korea, supposedly by legendary king DANGUN.  Lasts until 194. 2333 wikJsn, wikKor'  
c.2300 Λ RICE farming reaches north China. 2300 TTPC
c.2300 MajiayaoBANSHAN phase of Majiayao culture from 2500, ends.  MACHANG phase begins until 2000.  Pottery is produced at large, centralised workshops, but not as carefully finished.  Development is associated with interaction between hunter-gatherers in Qinghai region. 2300 wikBns, wikMjy
c.2300 Emperor YAO of China invents an elaborate game with hundreds of pieces, in which spectators bet on the outcome played by 2 opponents. 2300 CWH, kpol
c.2300 PLUMBING:  The walled city of Pingliangtai in central China, has a network of ceramic water pipes and drainage ditches. 26-2000 Copilot
c.2278 Yellow R changeYELLOW RIVER changes course from south to north until until 602. 2278 B76 8-1129
c.2258 YAO, mythical Emperor of China from 2358, ends.  SHUN succeeds 2255-2195. 2258 nwe3S5E, ttc3S5E     2255 wikT
c.2250 LiangzhuLIANGZHU culture in Yangtze River Delta from 3400 disappears, probably because of flood, leaving almost no trace. 2300 wikLgz 2250 wikLNC
c.2250 Legendary emperor Yao ends 70-year rule in China. 2250 bk
c.2220 Legendary emperor Shun ends 30-year rule in China. 2220 bk
c.2205 THREE RULERS & FIVE EMPERORS period from 2852 ends.  Mythical, morally perfect rulers of long lifespans. 2205 ntno5E, nwe3S5E
c.2205 Legendary XIA DYNASTY founded in China until 1600 by Yu, but doesn't become a kingdom until 2070. 2205 MCAW, TTPC, bk 2194 wikT
c.2205 GRAIN MILLING begins in China. 2205 TTPC 5
c.2200 QijiaMAJIAYAO culture from 3300 is replaced by Bronze Age QIJIA culture in 3 main geographic zones: East Gansu, Middle Gansu, and West Gansu/East Qinghai until 1600.  Warm and humid conditions lead to flourishing agriculture and rapid population growth.  Has much metal ware, mostly copper, plus earliest bronze and copper mirrors in China.  Extensive domestication of horses at many Qijia sites.  Over 350 Qijia sites have been found superimposed on the Majiayao culture. map: Kanguole

2200 wikQjC 2190 u2HWEY timelapse
c.2200 Bronze Age LAOHUSHAN Culture in Ulanqab, Inner Mongolia, and China from 2700 ends. 2200 wikLhs
c. 2200 HongshanHongshan Culture is replaced by Lower XIAJIADIAN Culture in northeast China until 1600.  It intersects Xiaoheyan culture.  Permanent ettlements are near cliffs or steep slopes.  Houses are typically round, made of mud and stone, and with stone walls.  Economy based on millet farming plus animal husbandry and hunting.  Domesticated pigs, dogs, sheep, and cattle.  Artifacts include stone, bone, and pottery plus some gold, lead, lacquer, jade, copper, and bronze.  Oracle bone divination is practiced. map: Robert Drennan

2200 wikHC, wikHgs
c.2200 Chengziya site in Longshan, Shandong has fragments of inscribed bones presumably used to divine the future. 25-1900 wikNSC
c.2200 characters11 characters on pottery vessels from Dinggong in Shandong are thought by some to be an early form of Λ WRITING V. photo: Tomchen

25-1900 wikNSC
4.2 kiloyear event begins from 2200 to 2150?.  A volcanic eruption causes marked increase in aridity and wind circulation, induces degradation of land-use conditions.
Global distribution of 4.2 kiloyear event.  Hatched areas get wet conditions or flooding.  Dotted areas get drought or dust storms.
map: Jianjun Wang

2200 wik4.2, wikAE, wikAkE, wikOKE
c.2200 Severe drought begins eroding rice-cultivation in Shijiahe. 2200 wikSjh
c.2200 Λ WHEEL tracks are left at Pingliangtai, a site of the Longshan Culture.  See 1700 2200 Copilot, wikWl,
c.2195 SHUN, mythical Emperor of China from 2255, ends.  2195 wikT, ttc3S5E
c.2137 Earliest recorded SOLAR ECLIPSE V is recorded in China. 2137 Copilot

East Asia 2070-1001