bk    encIVC    ht    mxfld    vrb   wikAmr   wikAmS    wikGns   wikHAg   wikHlm   wikI   wikIVC   wikMrg   wikRD   wikSI   wikTI
India Go to Persia Go to Asia Go to East Asia
c. 10,000 PALEOLITHIC AGE ends.  The hunting / gathering stage, in India from 500,000.  MESOLITHIC AGE begins until 6000.  Climate warms up.  Glaciers turn to rivers, resulting in increased vegetation.  Hunting / gathering continues, but shifts from big to small game, fishing, and fowling.  Small stone tools increase, and bone tools are added.  Burials and pottery begin.  Mesolithic sites include Bagor in Rajasthan, Langhnaj in Gujarat, and Adamgarh in Madhya Pradesh. 12,000 Copilot, inrv 10,000 scrb, wikMsl, 9000 Copilot, byju
It's not like one age stops and the next one starts.  All ages, periods, and phases overlap, because they start and end at different times in different locations.
c. 10,000 Coastline of India c.10,000 BC.  Note that Ceylon is attached. map: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admin

10,000 wikIMR
c. 10,000 Except for high mountains, India becomes covered by woodland.  The modern barren landscape is man-made, due to millennia of woodland clearance. 10,000 mxfld
c. 10,000 BhimbetkaEarliest cave paintings at BHIMBETKA V rock shelters in Madhya Pradesh southeast of Bhopal, the oldest known rock art in India.  Period 1 (upper Paleolithic) has linear representations in green of humans dancing and hunting.  Some of the shelters were inhabited 100,000BCE. photo: Bernard Gagnon

10,000 wikBRS
c.9000 Semi-permanent settlements appear at Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh. 9000 wikTIH
c.9000 AdamgarhMesolithic ROCK SHELTERS are occupied in the hills of Adamgarh in Madhya Pradesh.  Rock paintings are made in the same area.  This one shows 4 men with bows & arrows running.  Eventually 18 shelters will be occupied. photo: Vaishali Bhadauriya

by 8000 Copilot
no date: wikAdH
c.9000 Mesolithic LANGHNAJ village founded in Gujarat.  Wild animal bones are left here, including a canid (probably wolf), mongoose, rhinoceros, boar, chital, hog deer, swamp deer, nilgai and blackbuck.  There is no information about it being abandoned. 10-8000 wikLgh
by 9000 JUJUBE trees are domesticated in India. by 9000 wikHAg, wikJjb
c.8500 Wild AUROCHS are domesticated into CATTLE V in Anatolia and India. 8500 Copilot, wikHAg, ttco, wikCtl 8000 ISBE 4-689, coca
c.8000 Cave paintings and tools are left in MANGAR BANI hill forest.  These paintings are believed to be the largest in India. 8000 wikCPI
c.7700 Pre-HARAPPAN phase of Indus Valley civilization begins until 5500.  An early food producing era. 7700 wikIVC
c.7600 Neolithic levels are occupied at BHIRRANA in Haryana until 1500. 7600 wikNlt, wikSASA, 7570 wikAI
c.7570 LAPIS LAZULI V artifacts appear at Bhirrana, which is the oldest site of Indus Valley. 7600 wikLL
c.7500 MehrgarhNeolithic MEHRGARH village settled in Indus Valley, one of the earliest sites with evidence of farming and herding in South Asia.  The oldest (and first early Neolithic) evidence for the drilling of human teeth in a living person was in Mehrgarh.  Occupied until 2000.  Period 1 begins until 5500.  Semi-nomads using wheat and barley, sheep, goats and cattle.  Unbaked mud-brick buildings, most having 4 rooms.  Some burials have elaborate goods such as baskets, stone and bone tools, beads, bangles, pendants, occasional animal sacrifices, more goods left with burials of males.  Ornaments of sea shell, limestone, turquoise, lapis lazuli and sandstone have been found, plus simple figurines of women and animals. photo: Ashish Premier

7500 wikTop, pre-7000 wikMrg, 7000 wikIVC, wikMrg
c.7100 Neolithic site JHUSI (aka Prathisthanpuram) founded near the confluence of the Ganges and Yamuna rivers. 7100 wikNlt
7106-7080 wikJs
c.7000 LAHURADEWA, occupied from 9000, founded in Sant Kabir Nagar District, in Sarayupar India.Shows earliest evidence of rice cultivation and ceramics in South Asia. 7000 wikLrd, wikNlt
c.7000 1st confirmed semi-permanent settlements appear in Rock Shelters of Λ Bhimbetka in Madhya Pradesh. 7000 wikI
c.7000 NEOLITHIC AGE begins in IVC until 2500. 7000 wikIVC
c.7000 NEOLITHIC AGE begins in most of India until 1000.
EARLY NEOLITHIC begins until 5500.  humans cultivate plants, breed animals for food and form permanent settlements.  Stone tools are shaped by grinding, dependence on domesticated plants & animals, and appearance of weaving, but no pottery.
7000 Copilot, wikSASA
c.7000 Wheat and barley cultivated, cattle, primarily sheep and goats - domesticated in Mehrgarh culture.  Λ CATTLE herding in south Asia originates at Mehrgarh. 8-6000 wikHAg
c.6500 NEOLITHIC AGE begins in SOUTH India until 1400.  Noted for ash mounds. 6500 wikNlt,
c.6000 MESOLITHIC AGE in most of India from 10,000 ends.  Neolithic overlaps 7-1000. 6000 Copilot, byju 2000 copilot
c.6000 AGRICULTURE, in Balochistan from 6500, begins in India south of Ganges valley. 6000 inrv 4500 PW 13
c.5500 EARLY NEOLITHIC AGE in most of India from 7000, ends.
MIDDLE NEOLITHIC begins until 4500.  Pottery appears.
5500 Copilot, wikSASA
c.5500 Pre-HARAPPAN phase of Indus Valley Civilization from 7700, an early food producing era, fades into EARLY HARAPPAN phase until 2800. 5500 wikIVC
c.5500 MEHRGARH Period 1 from 7500 ends.  Period 2 begins until 4800.  Manufacturing is evidenced, including flint knapping, stone and copper drills, updraft kilns, large pit kilns, and copper melting crucibles.  Glazed faience beads, terracotta figurines become more detailed.  Female figurines are decorated and have diverse hairstyles and ornaments.  Button seals made of terracotta and bone have geometric designs. 5500 wikMrg
c.5000 DRAVIDIANS, in south AsiaAsia from 10,000, migrate into northwest India until 2000. 5000 guess
c.5000 Mesolithic BAGOR village in Rajasthan on the river Kothari founded.  First of 3 phases begins until 2000. 5000 wikBgr
c.5000 Neolithic EDAKKAL culture in India begins until 3000. 5000 wikAI,
c.5000 Neolithic agriculture cultures appear in the Indus Valley. 5000 wikI
c.5000 RICE V, cultivated in north India from the early Holocene, evidenced in the middle Ganges.   See China  6200,    Africa 1000 5000 wikHRC 4500 PW 13
c.5000 MEGALITHS begin in south India until ???. 5000 wikAI
c.4800 MEHRGARH Period 2 from 5500 ends.  Period 3 begins until 3500.  Includes the Togau phase. 4800 wikMrg
c.4600 SOTHI founded in the plain of the Ghaggar and Chautang rivers NE of Kalibangan.  SISWAL, is founded in Haryana, is 70km east.  SOTHI-SISWAL culture (aka Kalibangan-I) begins.  Ceramics feature painted pipal leaves, or fish scale designs.  External ribbing and external cord impressions are typical, as are ceramic toy cart wheels and the short-stemmed dish on a stand. 4600 wikSt,
c.4500 MIDDLE NEOLITHIC AGE in India from 5500, ends.  LATE NEOLITHIC begins until 3500. 4500 Copilot
by 4500 IRRIGATION, in Persia from 6000 develops in the Indus Valley Civilization. by 4500 wikHAg
c.4500 Pottery has corded decoration south of Ganges valley. 4500 PW 13
c.4000 Wheat, barley, peas, sesame, dates, mangos, banannas, lemons limes, oranges, grapes grown in irrigated fields in Indus valley. 4000 TTPC, bk
c.4000 CHANHU DARO, founded.  A group of 3 low mounds, center for manufacturing carnelian beads.   Has workshops or industrial quarters and possibly warehouses.  Artifacts include shell ornaments, ladles, copper knives, spears, razors, tools, axes, vessels, dishes, terracotta models of carts and birds.  Cotton cloth traces are preserved on silver or bronze objects.  Inhabited until 1700. 4000 wikCnhd
c.4000 Amri Culture site KUNAL in Haryana founded.  5-4000 wikAmr, wikAmS, wikKD, wikRD,
c.4000 An early form of Indus signs, called  Indus Script  appears. 4000 wikTIH
c.4000 Stored grains in Indus valley attract insects and rodents. 4000 TTPC
c.4000 First evidence of lost-wax copper casting comes from an amulet at Mehrgarh. 4000 wikCpr
c.4000 Mehrgarh-3 site TOGAU, a large mound in the Chhappar Valley of Sarawan, is occupied until 3500.  Pottery is decorated with geometric designs and is already wheel-made. 4000 wikMrg
c.4000 Donkeys, horses, buffalo, camels, cattle bred in Indus Valley. 4000 TTPC, bk
c.3950 Chalcolithic ANARTA tradition in India begins until 1900. 3950 wikAI,
c.3800 GANESHWAR founded in Rajasthan.  Lasts until ??.  Period 1 begins until 2800.  Hunter-gatherer communities use chert tools. 3800 wikGns,
c.3600 Amri Culture site AMRI founded in Sindh south of Mohenjo Daro. 3600 wikAmr, wikAmS, wikRD
c.3500 LATE NEOLITHIC AGE in India from 4500, ends.
But NEOLITHIC drags on in some parts until 1000.
3500 Copilot, 3300 wikSASA
c.3500 Amri Culture site KALIBANGAN founded in northwest Rajasthan on Ghaggar River.  Phase 1 begins until 2500. 3500 wikAmr, wikAmS, wikRD
c.3500 Pre-Harappan DHOLAVIRA founded in Gujarat west India.  Has 7 stages of occupation: 2650-2550, 2550-2500, 25-2200, 22-2000, 2000-1900, 1900-1850, 1850-1750, 1750-1650 3500 wikDlv,
c.3500 Ind script Indus Script  (still undeciphered) comes into usage by the Indus Valley Civilisation until 1900.  See 2600.  Most inscriptions containing these symbols are short.  Here are 3 stamp impressions from 3 seals with Indus Script characters beside animals. photo: ALFGRN

3500 wikIS, wikTop
c.3500 MEHRGARH Period 3, including Togau, from 4800 ends.  Periods 4 & 5 begin until 3000. 3500 wikMrg
c.3500 DAMB SADAT is settled.  It is in Quetta Valley west of the Indus, a rich agricultural environment, and home to several earlier Neolithic cultures in Pakistan.  DAMB SADAT Culture begins until ??.  Phase 1 begins until 2600.  Settlements remain small but grow in number.  3500 wikDS
c.3300 Bronze Age HELMAND Culture begins in Kandahar, Helmand and Sistan until 2350.  People live partly in cities with temples and palaces, with a complex and advanced social structure.  Pottery is colorfully painted with mainly geometric patterns; plants and animals are also depicted.  Bronze is used.  Divided into 4 periods: 3200-2800, 2800-2600, 2600-2450, 2450-2350.  3300 wikHlm
c.3300 BRONZE AGE in India begins in the early Indus Valley Civilization.  Also in the rest of India until 1300. 3300 wikBA, wikI, 3000 wikAI,
c.3300 Amri Culture site REHMAN DHERI founded on the Gomal River Plain.  It is enclosed by a massive wall, of dressed blocks made from clay slabs.  Divided into 3 phases: 3300-2850, 2850-2500, 2500-1900.  Lasts until 1900. 3300, wikAmr, wikAmS, wikRD
c.3300 Amri Culture site KOT DIJI founded in Sindh on the east bank of the Indus opposite Mohenjo-daro.  Pottery has red slip and black painted designs.  Kot Diji becomes a phase 2800. 3300 wikAmr, wikAmS, wikKD, wikRD
2800 wikIVC
c.3300 Hakra Phase of the Indus Valley civilisation begins. 3300 wikTop
c.3300 Early Harappan RAVI Phase, named after the Ravi River, begins until 2800. 3500 encIVC, 3300 wikIVC
c.3200 India trades Λ LAPIS LAZULI to Mesopotamia and Egypt. 3200 wikIMR
c.3195  METEORS  bombard Earth, resulting atmospheric dust-veil as evidenced as cold period in narrow tree rings, and other world events. 3195 kpol 3123 CWH
culture sites
Harappan sites 3200-2800     map: Merikanto
c.3000 HARAPPAN Period of Indus Valley Civilization begins in Pakistan until 1500.
EARLY HARAPPAN Period begins until 2600.
3200 wikIVC, 3000 HCIP 1-172, wikPnj
Sources conflate and confuse Indus Valley Civilization and Harappan Civilization or Period.
c.3000 MEHRGARH Periods 4 & 5 from 3500 end.  Period 6 begins until 2600. 3000 wikMrg
c.3000 AMRI, pre-Harrapan site on lower Indus occupied until 2300. 3000 B76 9-337, HCIP 1-196
c.3000 Neolithic EDAKKAL culture in India from 5000 ends. 3000 wikAI
c.3000 Brick houses built in Indus valley. 3000 bk
c.3000 COTTON V woven in Indus valley.   Levant 5200, Egypt 2500. 3000 B76 7-273, Copilot, TTPC, bk
c.3000 Agricultural communities begin in the lower Ganges Valley and remain there until 1800. 3000 wikI
c.3000 Chalcolithic AHAR BANAS culture in India begins until 1500. 3000 wikAI,
c.3000 Neolithic TAMIL NADU culture in India begins until 2800. 3000 wikNlt
c.3000 MESOLITHIC AGE in south India from ??, ends. 3000 wikSASA
c.3000 Sigiriya ALIGALA rock shelter on the east side of SIGIRIYA Rock in central Celon first occupied.  Sigiriya is a column of granite 180m high. photo: Binuka poojan

3000 wikSgr,
c.2950 Early IVC
Indus Valley Civilization Early Phase 3300-2600 BCE
map: Avantiputra7

33-2600 wikIVC
c.2850 Amri Culture site REHMAN DHERI phase 1 from 3300 ends.  Phase 2 begins until 2500. 2850 wikAmr, wikRD
c.2800 GANESHWAR in Rajasthan:  Period 1 from 3800 ends.  Period 2 begins until 2000.  Shows beginnings of metal work in copper and fired clay pottery. 2800 wikGns
c.2800 Early Harappan RAVI Phase of Indus Valley Civilization from 3300 ends.  KOT DIJI Phase begins until 2600. 2800 encIVC, encIVC, wikIVC
c.2800 EARLY HARAPPAN phase of Indus Valley Civilization from 5500, ends. 2800 wikIVC
c.2800 The Indus Valley Civilization expands across Pakistan, much of north India, and parts of Afghanistan, with Harappa and Mohenjo-daro becoming large metropolises. 2800 wikTIH
c.2800 MOHENJO DARO bottom level occupied. 2800 HCIP 1-195
c.2750 Indus Valley Civilization, in India from 3000, expands into west Pakistan until 1750.  Sites at Mohenjo Daro and Harappa.  Has defensive walls of baked brick, irrigation & drainage systems, planned streets, multi-story houses, centralized administration, advanced weights & measures.  Trades with Sumeria. 29-2600 MCAW
2750 TAWH 16, wikIVC 2600 encIVC
2350 MCAW
2300 B76 9-334
by 2700 PLUMBING: Standardized earthen plumbing pipes with broad flanges making use of asphalt for preventing leaks appear in the Indus Valley Civilization. by 2700 Copilot
by 2600 Early Harappan communities become large urban centers, including Harappa, Ganeriwala, Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan, and Dholavira, Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi, Rupar, and Lothal in India. by 2600 wikIVC
c.2600 Early Harappan KOT DIJI Phase of Indus Valley civilization from 2800 ends.  Leaf shaped arrowheads, querns, soapstone (steatite), beads, shell bangles, one terracotta bull. 2600 B76 9-337, encIVC, wikIVC, wikKD
c.2600 DAMB SADAT Culture, Phase 1 in Pakistan from 3500 ends.Phase 2 begins until ?.  Multi-room houses are built of mudbrick with limestone foundations.  2600 wikDS
c.2600 Severe EARTHQUAKE at Dholavira in Gujarat west India.  2600 wikDlv
c.2600 Mature Harappan EARLY HARAPPAN Period from 3000 ends.  MATURE PHASE of HARAPPAN CIVILIZATION (Indus Valley Civ.) of west India begins until 1900.
Over 1,000 settlements show centralized authority, large urban centers, urban planning, sanitation systems, efficient city governments.  Architecture includes dockyards, granaries, warehouses, brick platforms and protective walls.  No conclusive evidence of palaces, temples, kings, armies, or priests.
Mature Hrp. Avantiputra7

2600 bk, encIVC, wikI, wikIVC
KIH 23
Sources conflate and confuse Indus Valley Civilization and Harappan Culture, Civilization or Period.
c.2600 MEHRGARH Period 6 from 3000 ends.  Period 7 begins until 2000.  Mehrgarh is largely abandoned in favor of the larger and fortified town of Nausharo. 2600 wikMrg 2500, wikIVC
c.2600  Indus Script , used 3500-1900, is now fully developed and used thruout the Indus Valley. 2600 encIVC
c.2500 KASHMIR comes under Harappa until 1750. 2500 rcCAE
c.2500 PUNJAB urban civilization begins until 1500. 2500 B76 15-287
c.2500 GANWERIWALA founded.  5th largest city in IVC, Has mudbrick walls, sewerage systems, counting systems, well-developed communication, art, and extensive trade.  Becomes a major center until 1900.  Grows grains, garden vegetables, and practices cattle husbandry.  Artifacts include beads, pottery, unicorn figurines, a copper seal, blades and clay tablets.  Inscriptions in Harrappan language remain undeciphered. 2500 wikGnw
c.2500 MOHENJO-DARO latest level founded.  Prospers until 1900, lasts until 1700. 2750 HCIP 1-195 2500 wikMD
c.2500 Amri Culture site REHMAN DHERI phase 2 from 2850 ends.  Phase 3 begins until 1900. 2500 wikAmr, wikRD
2450 wikAmS
c.2500 Pre-Harappan GANESHWAR JODHPURA Culture begins in Rajasthan until 2000.  Excavation of over 80 sites reveal copper objects including arrowheads, spearheads, fish hooks, bangles, chisels, and other stone tools. 2500 wikGns
c.2500 NEOLITHIC AGE in IVC from 7000 ends, but continues in some parts of India until 1000. 2500 wikIVC
c.2500 MESOLITHIC AGE in SOUTH India from ??? ends.
NEOLITHIC AGE begins in SOUTH India until 1000.
2500 wikSI
c.2500 Amri Culture site KALIBANGAN in northwest Rajasthan from 3500, phase-I ends.  . 2500 wikAmr, wikAmS
c.2500 Pre-Harappan site, BANAWALI founded on the left banks of dried up Sarasvati River, 120km NE of Kalibangan.  Occupied until 1450.  Period 1 (Kalibangan phase) begins until 2300.  Well-planned houses of kiln burnt and molded bricks.  Pottery: vases and jars, divided into 2 groups, based on design. 2500 wikBnw,
c.2500 MOHENJO-DARO has woven cloth. 2500 PW 14
2500 Animal-drawn PLOW is evidenced in the Indus Valley Civilisation at Kalibangan. 2600 PW 14 2500 wikHAg
c.2500 ELEPHANTS used in Indus Valley for work. 2500 B76 5-971
by 2450 KALLIBANGAN pre-Harappan settlement established.  Non-rectangular mud brick houses within a broad brick surrounding wall. by 2450 B76 9-337
by 2400 A local SCRIPT exists in the Indus Valley, but it has not been deciphered.  No one knows the language family to which it belongs, though there are thousands of short examples on stone seals, metal objects and pottery. by 2400 mxfld
2400 RICE, evidenced in the Ganges plain from 5000, cultivated in the Indus Valley. 2430 Copilot
c.2350 Bronze Age HELMAND Culture in Kandahar (city), Helmand (province) and Sistan (region) from 3300 ends.  2350 wikHlm
c.2350 Harappan civilization trades with Sumeria via the Persian Gulf, develops a yet undeciphered writing method similar to late Minoan, used only for accounting and tax gathering. 2350 MCAW
c.2300 Urban phase begins in Indus valley. 2300 bk
c.2300 BANAWALI on the left bank of dried up Sarasvati River, Period 1 (Kalibangan phase) from 2500 ends.  Period 2 (Mature Harappan) begins until 1700.  Defense wall 105m long, 4.5m high, 6m wide.  Well planned Harappan style chess-board pattern fortified town, 200m by 500m, consisting of 2 adjacent areas, one for ruling class and other for common people.  Roads cut at right angles.  Houses, on both sides of lanes, with rammed earth floor, mud plastered walls, rooms, kitchen, toilet. 2300 wikBnw,
c.2300 MOHENJO-DARO now has a citadel on the west side, grid streets, bath houses, sawn brick, gypsum mortar. 2300 B76 9-340
c.2300 AMRI, pre-Harrapan site on lower Indus from 3000 ends. 2300 B76 9-337
c.2300 INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION, independent from 2700,comes under HARAPPAN CULTURE until 1750. 2300 CWH, PW 14     1900 wiki
1750 B76 9-344, TTT
1700 vrb     1550 TAWH 16
1500 HCIP 1-156     1200 PAE 108
Sources conflate and confuse Indus Valley Civilization and Harappan Culture, Civilization or Period.
c. 2250 MatureIVC
Indus Valley Civilization, Mature Phase 2600-1900 BCE
map: Avantiputra7

2600-1900 wikIVC
c. 2150 Dancing GirlBronze Dancing Girl sculpture made by lost-wax casting.  10.5cm tall × 5 cm wide.  One of two bronze figures found at Mohenjo-daro that show more flexible features when compared to other more formal poses.  Naming the figure a dancer is based on a colonial British perception of Indian dancers.  Probably she represents a woman carrying an offering. front: Alfred Nawrath
back: Ernest Mackay

2400-1900 wikIVC, 2300-1750 wikDG,
c.2100 KAYATHA Culture begins in Madhya Pradesh until 1800. 2100 wikMP
c.2100 SURKOTADA in Gujarat occupied intil 1700.  Phase 1A begins until 1950.  Contains a citadel with mud-brick and mud-lump fortification over a raised platform of hard rammed yellow earth.  The platform averages 1.5m high, and the base width of the wall is 7m by 4.5m high.  A residential area has a fortification wall 3.5m thick.  Horse bones will be found at all levels. 2100 wikSrk

India 2000-1001