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Persia Go to Mesopotamia Go to Asia Go to India Go to Arabia
c.10,000 NEOLITHIC AGE begins in Persia until 5500, overlapping the Mesolithic until 8000. 10,000 ioCE 8000 ioNEI
c.10,000 CHOGHA GOLAN V in the south Zagros foothills, earliest aceramic Neolithic site in Persia, founded and occupied by hunter - gatherers until 7600.  Animals are dominated by ungulates (mostly sheep/goat but also gazelle, red deer, pig, and cattle), followed by fish. 10,000 wikCG, wikPI
c.8700 ShanidarSHANIDAR CAVE on Bradost Mountain in the Zagros Mountains Kurdistan.  Levels 1-5 show remains of 10 Neanderthals from 65-35,000 BP, plus stone tools and animal remains.  Younger levels contain copper beads. photo: Muhammed Amin

8700 wikCpr
no date: wikSndr
c.8500 Domesticated GOATS evidenced by bones in Mesopotamia and the Zagros Mountains of Persia. 8500 fdAI 8000 Copilot
c.8500 ASIAB, a small camp of hunter-gatherers, is only seasonally inhabited until 8000.  They eat wild goats and sheep. 8500 wikPI
c.8000 Earliest permanent settlements in Persia. 8000 fdAI
c.8000 Mesolithic ZARZIAN Culture of Persia from 18,000 ends.  Hunter-gatherers who eat onager, red deer and caprines.  They domesticate dogs and introduce bow and arrow. 8000 wikZrz
c.8000 Neolithic Tepe GANJ DAREH in Luristan is first occupied.  It has 2-row barley and the oldest evidence for goat domestication in Persia. 8000 fdAI, ioNEI, wikGD
c.7800 ΛCHOGHA GOLAN now has domesticated emmer WHEAT, which becomes its main crop.  It has wild BARLEY at every level. 7800 wikCG
c.7600 CHOGHA GOLAN, in the south Zagros foothills, occupied by hunter - gatherers from 10,000, abandoned. 7600 wikCG
c.7500 ALI KOSH in the Zagros Mountains in west Persia is occupied until 6500. 7500 wikAK
c.7500 BUS MORDEH phase of Ali Kosh settlement begins as a group of small, rectangular houses with several rooms made of rammed earth.  They grow emmer wheat and 2-row hulled barley; gather wild legumes and native grasses.  Cultivated cereals are harvested with flint sickles.  7500 wikAK, wikBM
c.7500 TEPE ABDUL HOSEIN in the Khava mountain valley of Luristan is occupied until ??. 7500 ioNEI
c.7300 GANJ DAREH in Luristan gets first mud walled buildings. 7300 wikGD
c.7250 Ali Kosh phase at Ali Kosh begins until 7000.  With larger houses, the dead are buried under floors, sometimes with gifts.  Skull deformation using bandages during childhood is introduced.  Economy shows more agriculture plus fishing and shell-fishing. 7250 wikAK
c.7200 CHOGHA BONUT, the earliest village in Elam, occupied. 8000 wikPI 7200 wikCgBn
c.7090 JARMO V, a small village in foothills of the Zagros Mountains, first settled with farmers. 7090 wikJrm 7000 Copilot
c.7000 GOAT herders keep a few male goats to breed and kill off the rest of the male goats at age 2, (when they reach sexual maturity), while females are allowed to live because they supply milk and produce kids. 7000 fdAI
c.7000 HASANLU occupied continuously until 825.  It is south of Lake Urmia on the cross roads of east-west trade routes and the route south along the Zagros. 7000 fdAI
c.7000 SUSA first occupied.  under original inhabitants until 4395. 7000 Copilot wikPI
c.7000 copperCOPPER V lying on the ground, used in Mesopotamia from 9000, begins to be hammered into utensils. photo: Jonathan Zander

7000 mxfld
c.7000 Ali Kosh phase at Ali Kosh from 7250 ends.  Mohammed Jaffar phase begins until 6500.  Houses are stone, and a necropolis is nearby.  Tools are flint, with some obsidian.  Polished stone containers, hand mills, mortars, and baskets (sometimes lined with pitch) are used.  Ceramics appear. 7000 wikAK
c.6800 JARMO, occupied from 7090, settled with 200 people in 30 houses on 3 acres.  Pre-pottery neolithic Jarmo begins until ?.  Brick houses with earth and reed floors.   Highpoint 6200. 7000 RAI3 40
6800 MCAW, TTPC 6750 B76 11-967, ISBE 1-705, RAI3 45
c.6800 CHOGHA MISH, a Chalcolithic settlement in Khuzistan province, occupied until 4800. 6800 wikCM, wikPI
c.6500 Chaff-tempered POTTERY begins in Persia.   See Africa 10,000, China 9000, Mesopotamia 7000, Levant 6900 6500 ioNEI
c.6500 ALI KOSH in the Zagros Mountains in west Persia, occupied from 7500, abandoned until 6100. 6500 wikAK
c.6200 JARMO, a village of 150 people in 25 houses in foothills of the Zagros Mountains from 6800, begins high point until 5800.  Coarse, lightly fired clay pots plus pink pottery decorated with red lines of oblique tadpole shaped blobs.  6300 RAI3 46, 6200 wikJrm
c.6200 Tepe GURAN becomes a permanent settlement with mud brick houses and ceramics similar to those at neighboring Tepe SARAB. 6200 ioNEI
c.6100 Tepe ALI KOSH, abandoned from 6500, occupied until 5800. 6100 ioNEI
by 6000 Village farming is practiced on the Iranian plateau, and well established in Hassuna and Samarra cultures. by 6000 PW 13, fdAI
c.6000 Tall-e Mushki, early Pottery Neolithic site in the Kur river basin, 11 km southeast of Persepolis, occupied until 5500. 6000 ioNEI
c.6000 TEPE SIALK level 1 occuipied until 5500, north mound occupied until 3000.  Tombs contain rough pottery including ZAGHEH archaic painted ware until 5500.  Later levels contain oldest evidence of silver production in the world. 6000 wikTS
c.6000 IRRIGATION V discovered in Mesopotamia, Persia, and Egypt.   India 4500 6000 Copilot
c.6000 Λ COPPER V and LEAD smelting in north and central Mesopotamia in Hassuna and Samarra cultures. 6000 PW 13
c.5900 HAJJI FIRUZ on the Solduz plain in northeast Zagros Mts is occupied until 5500.  People build mud brick-buildings. 6000 wikHFT 54-5000 fdAI 5900 ioNEI
c.5800 JARMO a village of 150 people in 25 houses in foothills of the Zagros Mountains at high point from 6200, begins decline until ?. 5800 wikJrm
c.5800 Tepe Ali Kosh, occupied from 6100, ends. 5800 ioNEI
c.5600 BLACK SEA, until now a freshwater lake, receives salt water coming thru the Bosporus from the Aegean. 5600 wikBS 5500 mxfld
c.5500 NEOLITHIC AGE, in Persia from 10,000 ends with new styles of pottery, with designs painted in black on a buff background.
CHALCOLITHIC AGE begins until 3500.
5500 ioCE, ioNEI
c.5500 HAJJI FIRUZ on the Solduz plain, occupied from 5900 ends. 5500 ioNEI
c.5500 Λ COPPER smelted from malachite in Persia.  Molded and beaten into desired shapes. 5500 TTPC, bk
c.5500 Tepe HESAR, near Damghan, and Tepe TURNAG, near Astar Abad are first occupied. 5500 fdAI
c.5500 Tall-e Jari in south Persia occupied until 4900. 5500 ioNEI
c.5500 Earliest known Λ IRRIGATION SYSTEM at Chogha Mami Mesopotamia. 5500 PW 13
c.5200 GODIN TEPE founded in west Persia.  Occupied until 1400.  Level IX begins until 4200. 5200 wikGT
by 5000 There is evidence of irrigation on a steppe east of Mesopotamia. by 5000 mxfld
c.5000 RAGAE in NE Media 1st occupied. 5000 ISBE 4-33
c.5000 ANSHAN founded.  Independent until 2230. 5000 lvP
c.5000 SIALK Persia, north mound occupied from 6000, south mound occupied until ??.  Complex architecture (molded bricks, use of stone), crafts, metallurgy. 5000 wikTS
c.5000 WINE, in the Caucasus from 6000, first evidenced in Persia.   Greece 4500 5000 Copilot
c.4950 TOURNETTE "slow WHEEL" evidenced in Tepe Pardis Iran.  Potter's wheel made of stone or clay and secured to the ground with a peg in the center, but required significant effort to turn.   See Mesopotamia 5500. 52-4700 wikWl
c.4800 CHOGHA MISH, a Chalcolithic settlement in Khuzistan province, from 6800, abandoned. 4800 wikCM
c.4500 Tepe HISSAR first occupied 90 km southeast of the Caspian Sea, along the south slopes of the Alburz mountains.  It is on the east-west trade route.  Artifacts include lapis lazuli turquoise from Badakshan in the east.  Flourishes until 1900. 4500 fdAI
c.4395 SUSA, first occupied 7000, taken by Elamites until 655.   Capital 4000. 4395 Copilot
c.4200 GODIN TEPE Level IX from 5200 ends.  Level VIII begins until 4000.  Trading networks emerge for metals and precious or semi-precious stones. 4200 wikGT
c.4200 Monumental buildings in Susa are destroyed. 4200 wikCM
c.4000 Tepe SIALK, near Kashan, shows evidence of pottery. 4000 fdAI
c.4000 SUSA, under Elamites from 4395, becomes capital of Elam until ??, which now emerges as a state, until 655. 4000 FLAP 18, ISBE 1-260, wikPI 1350 Jud 14-1483
c.4000 SUSA 1 Period begins until 3700.  Beginning of monumental architecture. 4200 wikSs 4000 wikUkP
c.4000 GODIN TEPE Level VIII from 4200 ends.  Levels VII-VI begin until 3200. 4000 wikGT
c.3700 SUSA 1 Period from 4000 ends.  SUSA 2 Period begins until 3100. 3800 wikSs 3700 wikUkP
c.3500 CHALCOLITHIC AGE in Persia ends.  Began 5500.
BRONZE AGE begins until 1500.
3500 ioCE
c.3500 shoeOldest known leather SHOE, a moccasin is left in a cave near the village of Areni, Armenia.  24.5cm long, 7.6 to-10cm-wide covered piece of footwear.  It has laces and is sewed to fit around the wearer's foot.   See Egypt: 2000. photo: Pinhasi R. et al

3500 fdAI, wikASh
c.3500 SIALK south mound, level 4 begins until ??.  Has slag pieces, litharge cakes, crucibles, and moulds. 3500 wikTS
c.3400 KURA-ARAXES Culture, in the Caucasus from 3500, stretches from  Anatolia to Persia until 2000. 3400 wikPI
c.3200 Shahr-i Sokhta "Burnt City" in southeast Persia, at the junction of trade routes on the Helmand River is populated in 5 main periods until 2000, except for a gap 23-2100.  Shows evidence of extensive trade. 3550 wikSeS 3200 fdAI, unsc
c.3200  Proto-Elamite script  emerges, possibly in Susa, but used for only a few centuries. 3200 fdAI
c.3200 GODIN TEPE Levels VII-VI from 4000 end.  Level V begins until 3000. 3500 fdAI 3200 wikGT
c.3195  METEORS  bombard Earth, resulting atmospheric dust-veil as evidenced as cold period in narrow tree rings, and other world events. 3195 kpol 3123 CWH
c.3100 SUSA 2 Period from 3700 ends.  It showed strong Uruk influence.  SUSA 3 Period begins until 2700.  Called Proto-Elamite. 3100 wikSs, wikUkP
c.3000 GODIN TEPE Level V from 3200 end.  At the end of level V is a gap in settlement sequence.  Level IV begins until 2650. 3000 wikGT
c.3000 GODIN TEPE: Traces of wine and beer are found in ceramics. 3500 fdAI 31-2900 wikGT
c.3000 Tepe SIALK ZIGGURAT built.   See Mesopotamia: 4000 3000 wikTS
c.3000 SIALK Persia, occupied from 6000, conquered by Elamites. 3000 MCAW
c.3000 Chalcolithic culture exists at Anau, Tepe Hissar, and Rarjy. 3000 mxfld
c.2900 SHAHDAD on the west side of the Dasht-e Lut desert starts growing quickly as trade with Mesopotamia expands. Tombs amid stone blocks have artifacts once painted in vibrant colors, including, nearly life-size clay statues placed with the dead.  Artisans worked lapis lazuli, silver, lead, turquoise, etc. imported from as far as east Afghanistan, as well as shells from the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean. early 3rd mil fdAI
c.2850 A woman in her late 20s dies at Shahr-i Sokhta.  She is buried with an ornate bronze mirror and possibly an artificial eyeball made of bitumen paste and gold that was once held in place with fine thread.  Other archaeologists say the object is more likely an eyepatch held in place by string threaded thru holes on each side. 29-2800 fdAI
c.2700 Shahr-i Sokhta in the Sistan region 3200-2000 peaks prosperity until 2600 as a center of trade and raw materials. 2700 fdAI
c.2700 Enmebaragesi, king of Kish, raids Elam attacks Susa. 2700 ISBE 2-50, wikSs
c.2700 OLD ELAMITE Period begins until 1600. 2700 wikE, wikSms
c.2700 AWAN dynasty begins in Elam until 2180.  See 2400. 2850 LEWH 52 2700 wikAwn, 2400 wikSs
c.2700 SUSA, 1st occupied 7000, 3rd Period from 3100 ends.  Called Proto-Elamite. 2700 wikSs
c.2650 GODIN TEPE Level IV from 3000 ends.  The only notable architectural remains of this period are plastered hearths.  Level III begins 2600 until 1400. 2650 wikGT
c.2600 Iranian tribes enter the plateau which now bears their name. 2600 fdAI
c.2600 Shahr-i Sokhta in the Sistan region 3200-2000, peaking in prosperity from 2700, begins decline as the Hilmand River dries up. 2600 fdAI
c.2600 Indus Valley-Susa relations begin until 1700. 2600 wikSs
c.2500 PELI becomes king of Awan dynasty in Elam until 2460. 2500 rcM
c.2475 Cava Dei ServiDAGGER: A bronze dagger from Lorestan in Persia. photo: SMary Harrsch

2600-2350 wikDgr
c.2460 KASSITES live on the Qazvin Plain west of modern Tehran. 2460 fdAI
c.2460 PELI, Awan king of Elam from 2500, ends.  IGRISH-HALAM succeeds until 2450. 2460 rcM
c.2450 IGRISH-HALAM, Awan king of Elam from 2460, ends.  IRKAB-DAMU succeeds until 2420. 2450 rcM
c.2420 IRKAB-DAMU, Awan king of Elam from 2450, ends.  AR-ENNUM succeeds until ??. 2420 rcM
c.2400 AWAN Dynasty, in Elam from 2700, begins in Susa until 2180 2400 wikE, wikSs
c.2400 flagA square BRONZE FLAG mounted on a copper pole topped with a bird is buried at Shahdad on the west side of the Dasht-e Lut desert.  It depicts a seated man and a kneeling woman facing each other, with a star in between. on a background of animals, plants, and goddesses. photo: unknown

2400 fdAI, wikflg, wikSdd
c.2350 ELAM comes under Akkad until 2300.  LUKH-ISHSHAN, of Awan dynasty, becomes vassal king until 2325. 2350 rcM
c.2325 LUKH-ISHSHAN, Awan king of Elam, under Akkad, ends.  HISHEP-RATEP succeeds until 2300. 2325 rcM
c.2325 SARGON-I of Agade marches thru Elam. 2325 ISBE 2-50
c.2300 AnubaniniAnubanini petroglyph carved by the Lullubi culture 120km from the north of Kermanshah.  Anubanini, king of the Lullubi, puts his foot on the chest of a captive.  8 other captives (2 of them kneeling) are behind the Lullubian equivalent of Akkadian goddess Ishtar, (recognisable by 4 pairs of horns on her headdress and the weapons over her shoulders).  6 more captives stand below Anubanini. photo: Koorosh Nozad Tehrani
extract: same

2300 wikARR
c.2300 ELAM, under Akkad from 2350, goes independent.
KHISHEP-RATEP, king of Awan from 2325, ends.  KHELU succeeds until 2275.
2350 RAH 46 2300 rcM
c.2275 KHELU, Awan king of Elam from 2300, ends.  KHITA succeeds until 2240. 2275 rcM 2254 wikAwn
c.2240 KHITA, Awan king of Elam from 2275, ends.  Governor of Susa, KUTIK (or Puzur)-INSHUSHINAK succeeds until 2220.  He rejects the Akkadian language, in favor of the brief Linear Elamite script. 2240 rcM, wikAwn, wikE 2200 wikAwn
c.2240 Elamite king KUTIK (or Puzur)-INSHUSHINAK claims empire. 2250 bk
c.2230 ANSHAN, independent from 5000, conquered by Kutik-Inshushinak, under Elam until 675. no date: wikE
c.2230 SUSA, occupied from 7000, capital of an Akkadian province from ??, conquered by Kutik-Inshushinak, back under Elam until 2100. 2100 wikE
no date: wikE
c.2220 KUTIK (Puzur) INSHUSHINAK, Awan king of Elam from 2240, ends.  ?? succeeds until 2210. 2220 wikE
c.2210 ELAM overrun by the MARHASI people from east of Elam. 2210 hifiAk
c.2193 ELAM, a state from ?, overthrown by the GUTI. 2193 hifiGt
c.2180 AWAN dynasty in Elam from 2700, in Susa from 2400 ends.   SIMASH dynasty begins in Elam until 1850. 2200 wikAwn     2180 CWH, LEWH 52, WNHI 24
2100 wikE, wikSms, wikSs     1970 hifiE, wikE    1928 wapP 1830 LEWH 52
c.2100 SUSA, under Elam from 2230, comes under Ur until 2026. 2100 GUESS. Data is contradictory
c. 2100 Table of the LionTABLE of the LION.  Bilingual Linear Elamite (left), and Akkadian (right) inscription of Kutik-Inshushinak, ensi of Susa. photo: {{PD-US}}

2100 wikSs
c.2030 GIR-NAMME becomes king of Simash dynasty of Elam until 2010. 2030 rcM
c.2026 SUSA, under Ur from 2100?, goes independent until ????. 2100 wikSs
Ibbi Sin yr 3 RAI3 176
c.2010 GIR-NAMME, Simash king of Elam from 2030, ends.  ENPE-LUHHAN succeeds until ??. 2010 rcM

Persia 2000-1001