c. 10,000 | Pre-Pottery Neolithic A period begins in Levantine and Anatolian Neolithic culture until 8800. Archaeological remains are in Levant and Upper Mesopotamia. Tiny circular unbaked clay brick houses, semi-subterranean with stone foundations and terrazzo-floors, small hearths covered with cobbles. Flint tools, crops cultivated, game hunted, heated rocks used in cooking, no pottery, corpses buried below floors of houses. Sickle-blades and arrowheads continue traditions from late Natufian culture; transverse-blow axes and polished adzes first appear. Most settlement have storage bins of stones or mud-brick. | 10,000 wikPPNA, 9600 wikGbT |
c.9500 | ![]() |
photo taken 2011: Teoman-cimit 9600 tanKrn 9500 wikGbT, 9000 wikNlt, wikPPNA |
c.9400 | ![]() |
photo 2023: Mahmut Bozarslan 11-9000 wikKrn 9400 tanKrn |
c.9000 | Some of the floors in the oldest layer of GOBEKLI TEPE are made of terrazzo (burnt lime); others are bedrock from which pedestals to hold the large pair of central pillars are carved in high relief. These early circles are radiocarbon dated 9000 BCE. | 9000 wikGbT |
c.9000 | Earliest date recorded for construction of temenoi ceremonial structures at GOBEKLI TEPE, possibly the oldest surviving proto-religious site on Earth. | 9000 wikMgl, wikTop |
c.9000 | ![]() |
photo: Jonathan Zander 9000 wikCpr |
c.9000 | ![]() |
timelapse: Wikirictor |
c.8800 | Pre-Pottery Neolithic-A period in Anatolia, Levant and Mesopotamia from 10,000 ends. Pre-Pottery Neolithic-B begins until 6500. | 8800 wikGbT, wikPPNA, wikPPNB |
c.8630 | CAYONU TEPESI V at the foot of the Taurus mountains begins prospering until 6800. At first, it has single room structures, round or with rounded corners. On top are wattle and daub constructions. Domestic animals appear at the end of Phase I (preceramic); prior to that, the bones of wild game are abundant. Mainly sheep are domesticated at first. | 8630 wikCyn |
c.8630 | SHEEP, domesticated in north Mesopotamia from 9000, are domesticated in Anatolia. Levant 7700 Greece 7200. | 8630 wikCyn |
c.8500 | GOATS are domesticated in Anatolia, Asia and Mesopotamia. | 8500 Copilot |
c.8500 | Wild AUROCHS are domesticated into CATTLE V in Anatolia and India. Not in Europe until 6400. | 8500 Copilot, ttco, wikCtl, wikHAg 8000 ISBE 4-689, coca |
c.8300 | BONCUKLU HOYUK (9km from Catalhoyuk) is occupied until 7800. Buildings are small, oval shaped with mudbrick walls. Dead are buried below the floors. Earliest known CERAMICS of Anatolia have been discovered here. | 8300 wikBnH |
c.8250 | NEVALI CORI on both banks of the Kantara stream, a tributary of the Euphrates, level 2 is built. | 85-8000 wikNC 8000 wikNlt ' |
c.8200 | ![]() |
photo: Joe Wallace 8200 wikAsH |
c.8000 | ![]() Next 7000. |
map: Eva Fernández 8000 TTPC 7000 IDBS 679 |
c.8000 | WHEAT, cultivated in Levant from 9600, Mesopotamia from 8800, first cultivated in Anatolia. When it spead to Europe is unknown. | 8000 Copilot |
c.8000 | POTTERY first evidenced in Anatolia. See China 9000, | 8000 Copilot |
c.8000 | CAFER HOYUK in SE Anatolia is inhabited until ?. | 8200 wikCfH |
c.7800 | BONCUKLU HOYUK, occupied from 8300, ends. | 7800 wikBnH |
![]() |
c.7500 | CAYONU Tepesi, prospering 8630-6800, has the most Λ CATTLE V at this time, but they are still phenotypically unchanged until 7000. | 7500 wikCyn |
c.7500 | CATALHOYUK urban settlement founded in south central Anatolia. Composed entirely of domestic buildings, with no obvious public buildings. Lasts until 6400. | 7500 wikCth 7000 wikTop |
c.7500 | In southeast Anatolia and Mesopotamia, Λ COPPER V is cold worked, annealed, smelted, and, lost-wax casted at the beginning of the Neolithic. | 7500 wikCpr |
c.7400 | ![]() |
photo: Joe Wallace 7400 wikAsH |
![]() |
7300 wikCth |
c.7100 | CATALHOYUK 7500-6400 bottom layer of buildings is built - residence only; no public buildings. . | 7100 wikCth |
c.7100 | CATALHOYUK, 7500-6400, becomes biggest neolithic site in Near East, noted for craftsmanship, art, and mud-brick houses crammed together in an aggregate structure. Average population of 5-7,000. Houses have plaster interiors accessed by squared-off timber ladders or steep stairs. No footpaths or streets between dwellings, which are clustered in a honeycomb-like maze. Ceiling openings are the only source of ventilation. Rooftops serve as streets. Women cultivate the crops and tend cattle while the men hunt with their newly domesticated dogs. Dead are buried within the village. | 7000 wikCth |
c.7040 | HACILAR V village level 1 founded in SW Anatolia. Has 11 habitation levels, cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and dogs. Cultivated spelt, wheat, barley, peas and vetch. It shows evidence of a Chalcolithic Culture using pure copper along with stone. Level 2 5300. | 7040 wikHcl 5500 mxfld |
c.7000 | Λ CATTLE V become significantly smaller, at Cayonu, and continue thereafter at this and related sites in the area. | 7000 wikCyn |
c.7000 | ![]() |
map: Eva Fernandez 7000 mxfld |
c.7000 | ![]() |
timelapse: Wikirictor |
c.7000 | Λ COPPER V is at least experimented with. | 7000 TAWH 16 |
c.7000 | WEAVING V, possibly known from the Paleolithic, evidenced by a piece of hemp cloth in burial F.7121 at Catalhoyuk. See Peru 9600, Egypt 9000. |
7000 wikWv |
c.7000 | Wheat, barley, pulses evidenced from Anatolia to Pakistan. | 7000 PW 13 |
c.7000 | PIGS domesticated in south Anatolia. See China 7600, Europe 6500. |
8-7000 Copilot 7500 ttcDP 7000 PW 13 |
c.6800 | ![]() |
photo: Krahenstein 6800 wikCy |
c.6500 | Pre-Pottery Neolithic-B period in Anatolia, Levant, and Mesopotamia from 8800 ends. Pottery NEOLITHIC begins until ??. | 7000 wikGbT 6500 wikPPNA, wikPPNB |
c.6500 | YESILOVA HOYUK, near Izmir on the west coast, occupied until 4200. | 6500 wikYsH |
c.6400 | Late Neolithic DOMUZTEPE in southeast Anatolia occupied until 5450. A Halaf site. | 6200 wikDmz |
c.6400 | Domestic Λ CATTLE, in Anatolia from 8500, taken to Europe. | 6400 ttco |
c.6400 | CATALHOYUK V urban settlement in south central Anatolia from 7500 begins decline until 5000. | 6400 wikCth |
c.6300 | MERSIN on south coast of Anatolia occupied until 350. | 6300 wikMrs |
c.6200 | LINEN (and therefore Λ WEAVING) evidenced at Catalhoyuk. | 6200 PW 13 6000 ISBE 4-1043 |
c.6200 | Limited Λ COPPER smelting evidenced at Catalhoyuk. | 6200 PW 13 |
c.6000 | People whose place names and language are not Greek, spread over the east Mediterranean, introducing baked brick architecture. They may be Luvians. | 6000 mxfld |
c.5600 | Λ HACILAR V village level 6 is founded. 9 buildings are grouped around a square. Villagers grow spelt, wheat, barley, peas and vetch; they breed animals; cattle, pigs, sheep, goats and dogs. Ceramics are simple, but some specimens represent animals. | 5600 wikHcl |
c.5600 | Λ CATALHOYUK 7500-5000 top layer of buildings is built - residence only; no public buildings. | 5600 wikCth |
c.5600 | BLACK SEA, until now a freshwater lake, receives salt water coming thru the Bosporus from the Aegean. | 5600 wikBS 5500 mxfld |
c.5450 | Late Neolithic DOMUZTEPE in southeast Anatolia, occupied from 6400, abandoned until Hellenistic period. | 5450 wikDmz |
c.5400 | CHALCOLITHIC AGE begins in Anatolia until 3000. | 5500 Copilot, tran, wikPA 5400 anan 3800 RAI2 190 3000 LEWH 17 |
c.5300 | Λ HACILAR village level 2 is fortified and has a small temple. | 5300 wikHcl |
c.5000 | CATALHOYUK, noted for mud-brick houses, craftsmanship, and art, declining from 6400, is abandoned. | 6400 wikCH 5000 mxfld |
c.5000 | Neolithic site ALACA HOYUK level 1 founded NE of Bogazkoy. Lasts until 2600. | 5000 tat |
c.4500 | NORSUNTEPE, first of 40 levels occupied, a central hill 140m X 100m and 35m high, making it the largest tell in the area. | 5-4000 wikNrs |
c.4200 | Arsenic-BRONZE V is produced at Degirmentepe. | 4200 wikNrs 3600 TTPC |
c.4200 | YESILOVA HOYUK, near Izmir on the west coast, occupied from 6500, abandoned and covered with silt. | 4200 wikYsH |
by 4000 | MELITENE (Arsiantepe) is first occupied until 3000. | 6-5000 lvMlt by 4000 wikMlt |
c.4000 | LIMANTEPE harbor village on west coast occupied. It has a fortification wall partially submerged in the sea. | 4000 wikLmt |
c.3600 | TROY V founded by petty chieftains. Troy-1 begins until 2500. | 3600 wikTry 3000 rcT 2750 MCAW |
c.3500 | CAN HASAN 1 in east Anatolia occupied until ??. | 3750-3250 wikCH1 |
c.3400 | KURA-ARAXES Culture, in the Caucasus from 3500, begins in Anatolia and Persia until 2000. | 3400 wikPI |
c.3300 | SWORD: Arsiantepe swords are evidenced at Melitene (Arsiantepe) in east Anatolia. They are about 60cm long, made from an arsenical Λ BRONZE V alloy. Some are inlaid with silver. | 3300 Copilot |
c.3195 | METEORS bombard Earth, resulting atmospheric dust-veil as evidenced as cold period in narrow tree rings, and other world events. | 3195 kpol, wikCEI, 3123 CWH |
c.3000 | ![]() |
map: DEMIS Mapserver |
c.3000 | CHALCOLITHIC AGE ends in Anatolia. Began 5400. | 3000 wikPA 2600 LEWH 17, RAI2 190 |
c.3000 | Λ BRONZE AGE begins in Anatolia until 1400. EARLY BRONZE AGE begins until 2500. |
3300 wikPA 3000 SHT 1-595, TTPC, tran |
c.3000 | Λ TROY-1 V, occupied 36-2500, Fortified. | 3000 wikTry |
c.3000 | INDO-EUROPEANS, now thruout Europe & Anatolia, have uniform culture until 2000. | 3000 B76 2-614 |
c.3000 | DEMIRCI HOYUK levels 1 & 2 occupied until 2500. | 3000 wikDmH |
3000 | MELITENE (Arsiantepe), occupied from 4000, burnt, but survives. | 3000 lvMlt |
c.3000 | KANESH (Nesha, Kultepe) level 1 occupied by Hatti and Hittites until 2500. | 3000 wikKlt |
c.2950 | ASSYRIAN trading colonies established in Cappadocia until 1950. | 1950 HCIP 1-210 |
c.2700 | TITRIS HOYUK 1st occupation phase begins until 2400. | 2700 wikTtH |
c.2650 | ![]() |
photo: Bernard Gagnon 2850-2450 wikAlH |
c.2600 | Neolithic site ALACA HOYUK level 1 NE of Bogazkoy from 5000, abandoned until 2500 | 2600 tat |
c.2500 | EARLY BRONZE V AGE in Anatolia from 3000 ends. MIDDLE BRONZE AGE begins until 2000. |
2500 wikPA |
c.2500 | DEMIRCI HOYUK levels 1 & 2, occupied from 3000, end. | 2500 wikDmH |
c.2500 | KANESH (Nesha, Kultepe), occupied by Hatti and Hittites from 3000, ends. | 2500 wikKlt |
c.2500 | ALACA HOYUK, abandoned from 2600, level 2 occupied by the Hatti until 2100. | 2500 tat |
c.2500 | HATTUSA founded by the Hatti. One of many such small states supported by farming and which produce a distinctive, highly-burnished pottery. It is not a capital until 1650. | 2500 hifiHa |
c.2500 | Λ TROY-1 from 3600, ends. TROY-2 begins until 2200. Has towered walls, pottery wheels for distinctive flaring bowls and goblets. | 2550 2500 rcT 2400 MCAW |
c.2500 | Domestic DONKEYS, in Levant from 3500, brought to Anatolia. Mesopotamia 3100 | 2500 Copilot |
c.2450 | ![]() |
photo: Stipich Bela 2500 Copilot 25-2400 wikAlH |
c.2450 | Domestic HORSES, in Asia from 4350, spread to Anatolia. See Mesopotamia 2400, Levant 1600. | 27-2200 Copilot |
c.2400 | ANATOLIA: Prosperous civilization is growing. Royal tombs of Alaca Hoyuk show prosperity and develop art. Animal Λ SACRIFICE, but not human. | 2400 MCAW |
c.2400 | TITRIS HOYUK, occupied from 2700, abandoned until 2300. | 2400 wikTtH |
c.2300 | LUVIANS, origin unknown, at Beycesultan on the Meander River from ?, migrate to Konya until 2200. | 2300 TAWH 54 |
c.2300 | TITRIS HOYUK, abandoned from 2400, occupied 2nd time until ??. | 2300 wikTtH |
c.2200 | TROY-2, founded 2500, sacked and burnt. TROY-3, begins until 2050. | 2200 rcT 2050 MCAW 18, 20 |
c.2200 | LUVIANS, at Konya from 2300, migrate to Tarsus until . | 2200 TAWH 54 |
c.2100 | Indo-European HITTITES migrate from either Europe or Ukraine to Anatolia. | 2100 TAWH 54, 2000 WPOT 199 |
c.2100 | ALACA HOYUK, occupied by the Hatti from 2500, deserted until 2000. | 2100 tat 2000 ISBE 1-324 |
c.2050 | TROY-3, founded 2200, is destroyed, after inhabitants hide valuables in holes. TROY V-4, 5, begins as unimportant villages, brick houses with domed ovens, lasts until 1900. | 2050 MCAW 18, rcT |
c.2050 | GUTI in Anatolia overthrown by Assyrians. | 2050 wikPA |
Anatolia 2000-1301