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Asia Go to Europe Go to Anatolia Go to Mesopotamia Go to Persia Go to India Go to East Asia
c. 10,000 mammothSiberian WOOLY MAMMOTH, split from the steppe mammoth from 800,000, goes extinct - except for diminutive populations on St. Paul Island and Wrangel Island, which humans will not colonize until 3600 and 2000 BCE respectively. art: Dmitry Bogdanov

10,000 wikQEE
c. 10,000 With the retreat of the ice, vegetation patterns change.  Reindeer follow mosses and ferns at the ice edge and people dependent on them follow. 10,000 mxfld
c. 10,000 GobustanGobustan State Historical and Cultural Reserve has more than 6,000 rock carvings of people, animals, battles, ritual dances, bullfights, boats with armed oarsmen, warriors holding lances, caravans, sun and stars, dating back 5,000-20,000 years, including this one dated 10,000 BCE. 10,000 Azen no date: wikGSHCR
c. 10,000 PROTO-DRAVIDIANS, in Zagros Mts. from ??, migrate east into south Asia until 5000. 10,000 wikDrv
Shigir horizontal
Shigir Idol tipped horizontally     photo: Russian name
c.9500 SHIGIR IDOL, the oldest known wooden sculpture, is deposited in a peat bog on the east slope of the Middle Urals, near the village of Kalata (Kirovgrad) central Russia.  It is made of larch wood from a tree that was at least 159 years old when felled.  The top is a head with eyes, nose, and mouth. The body is flat and rectangular. Geometrical motifs decorate its surface; original height was 5.3 m.  It is speculated that the idol was a warning not to enter a forbidden area. 9500 wikSgr
c.8500 KundaMesolithic KUNDA Culture evolves off of the Swiderian from the Baltic forest eastward into Russia until 5000.  Most settlements are near the edge of forests beside rivers, lakes, or marshes.  They hunt elk, seal, pike and other fish from rivers..  TOOLS are bone and antler, some decorated with simple geometric designs. 8500 wikKnd 8000 u2HWEY timelapse
c.8500 GOATS V domesticated in Asia, Anatolia, and Mesopotamia.   China 5000 8500 Copilot
c. 8000 extinctionsQUATERNARY EXTINCTION EVENT, which has been ongoing since Late-Pleistocene, ends.  About 65% of all megafaunal species worldwide go extinct, rising to 72% in North America, 83% in South America and 88% in Australia.  Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia have much lower extinctions than other regions.  Extinct mammals include megatherium, woolly rhinoceros, Irish elk, cave bear, cave lion, and sabre-toothed cats.  The mammoth goes extinct in Eurasia and North America, but is preserved in small island populations until c.1650. map: Sandom, Faurby, Sandel, Svenning

8000 wikQEE, wikTop
c.7000 WHEAT, cultivated in Mesopotamia from 8800, first cultivated in Asia.   See China 2600. 7000 PW 13
c.7000 Wheat, barley, pulses evidenced from Anatolia to the Indus Valley. 7000 PW 13
c.7000 Post-glacial sea level rise decelerates, slowing the submersion of landmasses that had happened over previous 10,000 years. 8-6000 wikTop
c.7000 AGRICULTURE V develops from east Iran to Indus River. 7000 PW 13
c.7000 Λ GOAT becomes the main domestic animal. 7000 PW 13
c.7000 Early Neolithic culture in South Asia is represented by the Mehrgarh findings in present Balochistan, Pakistan. 7000 wikI
c.6500 Λ AGRICULTURE emerges in Balochistan, on the margins of the Indus alluvium.   India 6000 6500 wikIVC, 5500 wikIVC
c.6500 YAKS domesticated in central Asia for their milk, wool, meat, and as beasts of burden.  But first physical evidence is not until 500. 8-5000 ttco
c.6500 RYE first cultivated in southwest Asia, then expands west.   See 1700. 6500 Copilot
c.6000 Oldest known SKI in Karelia in west Russia, has an elk head carved on one end, which may have functioned as a brake.   See Scandinavia 4000. 6000 ftpHS
c.6000 JEITUN sites in northeast Persia [south Asia] occupied until 5800. 6000 ioNEI
c.6000 Kura AraxesTRIALETIAN Mesolithic in east Anatolia and Caucasia from c.13,000 ends.  Hunted boars and brown bears.  Replaced by SHULAVERI-SHOMU. 6000 u2HWEY, wikTrl
CONFUSION ALERT!  There is also a TRIALETI Culture beginning in 3000.
c.6000 Tri Shu ShoSHULAVERI-SHOMU Culture begins in central Transcaucasus until 4000.  Divided into 3 locations:
1.  central south Caucasus around the middle Kura.
2.  the Nakhichevan region, the Mil plain, and the Mugan steppe.
3.  the Ararat Plain.  All cereal cultivaters and domestic animal breeders.  Domesticated animals include goat, sheep, cow, pig, and dog.  They eat 10 species of wheat and several types of barley, plus oats, millet, sorgum, lentil, pea, bean, cultivated grape, melon, sorrel, amaranth, and goosefoots.
6000 u2HWEY timelapse, wikPArm, wikPAs, wikSSC, wikTVC
c.6000 MILLET, cultivated in China from 8500,, is cultivated in central Asia.  First evidence in Dzungar Alatau Mts.   Europe 1500  6000 guess 2560-2150 Copilot
c.6000 SHEEP, domesticated in north Mesopotamia from 9000, Anatolia from 8630, Levant 7700, Greece 7200, are domesticated in Asia. 6000 wikSSC
c.6000 WINE first evidenced in the Caucasus region.   Persia 5000 6000 Copilot
c.5600 BLACK SEA, until now a freshwater lake, receives salt water coming thru the Bosporus from the Aegean. 5600 wikBS 5500 mxfld
c. 5500 CucuteniChalcolithic CUCUTENI-TRYPILLIA Culture begins from Carpathian Mountains to the Dniester and Dnieper, centered on Moldova and covering parts of west Ukraine and northeast Romania.  Small settlements 3 or 4km apart, mainly in the Siret, Prut and Dniester river valleys.  Settlements are periodically destroyed, each site lasting 60 to 80 years.  Culture lasts until 2750. map: Thomas Harper

5500 wikCTC, 4500 u2HWEY
c.5200 CATTLE introduced to Eurasian steppes. 5200 wikIEM
c.5000 KundaKUNDA Culture occupying the Baltic forest eastward into Russia from 8500 ends. 5000 wikKnd
c. 5000 SamaraSAMARA Culture begins at the Samara Bend of the Volga River until ??.  POTTERY V is mainly egg-shaped beakers with pronounced rims.  They are not able to stand on a flat surface.  Graves are shallow pits for 1 person, but 2 or 3 bodies might be placed there.  Remains of animal sacrifice occur over most sites.  Head and hooves of cattle, sheep, and horses are placed in shallow bowls over the human grave, smothered with ochre.  Graves yield well-made daggers of flint and bone, placed at the arm or head of the deceased, plus bone spearheads and flint arrowheads. map: Krakkos

5000 wikSmr
CONFUSION ALERT!  There is also a SAMARRA (2 Rs) Culture in Mesopoyamia beginning 5500.
c.5000 HORSES V first domesticated in the Volga-Don area.  They are eaten, but not yet ridden.  Earliest horse burials evidenced in Samarra Culture.  5000 wikSmr 3500 Copilot
c.5000 Dnieper DonDNIEPER DONETS Culture begins north of the Black Sea until 4200.  It expands quickly toward the steppe, including over 200 known sites.  People live in semi-subterranean huts covered with bark.  Originally hunter-gatherers, eating aurochs, elk, red deer, roe, wild boar, fox, wildcat, hare, bear, onager, fish and nuts.  Domestic plants include millet, wheat and peas.  They trade with the Caucasus. map: Krakkos

5000 wikDDC
c.5000 DRAVIDIANS, in south Asia from 10,000, move into northwest India. 5000 guess
c.4700 KhvalynskKHVALYNSK Culture begins in middle Volga area until 3800.  Replaces the Early Eneolithic Samara culture.  Artifacts include metal rings and spiral metal rings, 1 long flint dagger and tanged arrowheads, all carefully retouched on both faces, jewelry: beads of shell, stone and animal teeth, bracelets of stone or bone, pendants of boar tusk.  Cemetery, 30m x 26m, has 158 skeletons, mainly in single graves, but some 2-5 together. map: Krakkos

4900 wikKvl 4700 wikYmn
c.4500 KHVALYNSK Culture begins uniting the lower and middle Volga sites keeping domestic sheep, goats, cattle, and maybe horses. 4500 wikKvl
c.4500 Proto-WRITING develops in China, Southeast Europe (Vinca symbols) and West Asia (proto-literate cuneiform). 6-3000 wikTop
c.4500 Sredny StogSREDNY STOG Culture begins north of the Black Sea until 3500.  Sporadic temporary settlements west and east of the Dnieper.  Artifacts include corded Λ POTTERY V, stone battle-axes.  Dead are buried on their backs with legs flexed. map: Krakkos

4500 wikYmn, wikSSC
c.4500 Evidence of Λ HORSE V domestication in Sredny Stog culture.  4500 wikSSC
c.4350 LeylaChalcolithic LEYLA-TEPE Culture begins on south slopes of Central Caucasus until 4000.  Dwellings are packed closely together and made of mud bricks with smoke outlets.  People practice extractive copper metallurgy, which declines with the advent of Kura-Araxes culture.  Dead are buried in ceramic jars. 4350 wikLTC, wikMkp
c.4350 Domesticated Λ HORSES V in central Asian Steppes are now ridden as well as eaten.  They spread west to Eurasia.   See Europe 3000, Anatolia 2450. 4400 PW 13     4350 TTPC     4000 wikHAg     3500 Copilot 2500 TAWH 16     2300 CWH 2100-1700 wikDHrs
c.4300 Funl BkrFUNNELBEAKER CULTURE begins in north-central Europe, extending into Asia, until 2800.  A technological merger of local neolithic and mesolithic techno-complexes between the lower Elbe and middle Vistula rivers.  Introduced farming and husbandry to pottery-using hunter-gatherers. photo: Silar

4300 wikFBC, 4200 eupFBC
c. 4200 Pit Comb WareMesolithic PIT COMB WARE Culture begins from the Baltic Sea east to the Volga until 2000.  Characterized by large pots with rounded or pointed bases, holding 40-60 litres.  The forms of the vessels are constant, but the decoration varies.  Asbestos is often used to temper the clay.  Settlements are beside sea or lakes.  Main dwelling is a teepee of 30 square meters where some 15 people could live.  Economy is based on hunting, fishing and gathering plants.  Dead are covered with red ochre.  Grave goods include objects of flint and amber. 4200 u2HWEY timelapse, wikCCC
c.4200 Herdsmen of the steppes migrate into the lower Danube valley. 4200 wikIEM
c.4200 Dnieper DonDNIEPER DONETS Culture north of the Black Sea from 5000 ends. map: Krakkos

4200 wikDDC
c.4050 Trypillian people begin building NEBELIVKA in Ukraine.  The settlement within the boundary ditch includes over 1200 structures.  It will grow to 15-18,000 inhabitants.  Artifacts include Λ POTTERY V, female figurines, stylised faces, charred bones of animals, and small gold pieces. 4050 wikTop 4000 wikNbl
migrationsINDO-ARYAN MIGRATIONS according to one of several theories. map Dbach mann

c.4000 LeylaChalcolithic LEYA-TEPE Culture, on south slopes of Central Caucasus from 4350 ends. 4000 wikLTC, wikMkp
c.4000 MUNDIGAK founded in Afghanistan.  Divided into 5 periods of occupation: 4000-3800,  3800-3400,  3400-3200,  3200-2900,  2900-2400. 4000 wikHlm
c.4000 Kura AraxesSHULAVERI-SHOMU Culture from 6000, ends. 4000 wikPArm, wikPAs, wikSSC, wikTVC
c.4000 Proto-Indo-European folk tale,  The Smith and the Devil  originates.  A blacksmith offers his soul to a malevolent being (commonly a devil in modern versions) in exchange for the ability to weld any kind of materials together.  The blacksmith then uses his new ability to stick the devil to an immovable object (often a tree), thus avoiding his end of the bargain.  Versions of it will be found in Indo-European folktales from Scandinavia to India. 4000 wikS&D no date: wikPIE
by 4000 APPLES first cultivated in Asia in the Tian Shan Mts.   See India 2000, 10-4000 Copilot
c.4000 COTTON, cultivated in east Sudan from 5000, the wild tree form is cultivated in Pakistan.   See Levant 5200, India 3000 4000 Copilot
c. 3950 RepinREPIN Culture on the Don River begins and expands northeastward until 3300.  Economy is based on animal breeding.  They eat mostly Λ HORSES V, but also cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, and deer.  Pots are tall with profiled necks and rounded or flat bottoms, made of silt or clay and silt.  Some are made using molds.  Repin Λ POTTERY V is sometimes in the layer below Yamnaya pottery.  Dead are buried crouched and supine with legs to the left or right, sprinkled with ochre, with multiple burials in flat graves.  3950 wikYmn, 3900 wikRpn
c.3800 Trypillian people build TALLIANKI between the Talianka River and a smaller stream in Ukraine.  It will grow to 15,600-21,000 inhabitants - the largest of its time. 3800 wikTop, 3850-3700 wikTln
c.3800 KhvalynskKHVALYNSK Culture in middle Volga area from 4700, ends. 3800 wikYmn, 3500 wikKvl
c.3800 SOHR DAMB (Red Mound) founded near Nal, in central Balochistan.  Divided into 4 phases that are also divided.  Has wheat, hulled and naked barley, later sesame and millet, humped or Zebu cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, and bull figurines.  Lasts until 2300. 3800 wikSD
c.3800 DOGS, domesticated in Asia from 40-30,000, evidenced in China from 8500,, evidenced at Sohr Damb. 3800 wikSD
c.3800 Hittite is the earliest LANGUAGE V to split off from Indo-European languages.  4139-3450 wikIEM
c.3790 Proto-Indo-European language begins diverging.  Hittite is the earliest language to split off.      3500 wikIEM
c.3700 BotaiBOTAI Culture begins in central Asia and Siberia until 3100.  Settlements consist of pit-houses, and are large and permanent, the largest being the site at Botai with over 160 houses.  They are sedentary pastoralists who ride and eat Λ HORSES V.  Tools are of stone and horse bones.  Λ POTTERY V is simple, gray, and unglazed. 3700 wikBt, wikHCA
c.3700 Trypillian build in Maidanets (Ukraine) settlement reaches 12,000-46,000 inhabitants, and builds 3-story building. 3700 wikTop
c.3700 MaykopBronze Age MAYKOP Culture begins east of the Black Sea and north of the Kura River until 3000.  People lived sedentary lives, raising pigs, cattle, and a few horses.  Dwellings are packed close together and made of mud bricks with smoke outlets.  WAGON WHEELS discovered.  Their animal art is seen as the prototype for later archaeological cultures. map: Joostik u2HWEY timelapse photo: fair use

3700 wikMkp
c.3700 WHEELS with axles, in Mesopotamia from 5500, first evidenced in Asia.   China 2500 3700 guess
c.3650 Ox drawn WAGONS in south Russia are the 1st vehicles buried in graves. 3650 PW 13
c.3600 St. Paul Island, refuge of pygmy mammoths from 10,000, colonized by humans who exterminate them. 3600 wikQEE
c.3500 Sredny StogSREDNY STOG Culture north of the Black Sea from 4500 ends. 3500 wikYmn, wikSSC
c.3500 INDO-EUROPEANS, in Asian Steppes from ?, move to Europe, specifically the Danube area. 3500 B76 2-614
c.3500 Kura AraxesKURA-ARAXES Culture begins in Caucasus and Urartu until 2200.  They grow grain and orchard crops, and use grinders to make flour.  They raise cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, and in later phases, horses.   Anatolia, Persia 3400. 4000 wikCc, wikHA, wikKAC, wikPArm
3500 wikMkp
3400 u2HWEY, wikKAC, wikPArm, wikPI   3300 wikPAs
c.3500 NovotitBronze Age NOVOTITOROVKA Culture begins northeast of the Black Sea overlapping Maykop until 2700.  Economy is semi-nomadic pastoral with some agriculture.  Artifacts include more metal objects than neighbor cultures.  Graves often contain wagons. map: Krakkos

3500 wikMkp, 3300 wikNvt
c.3500 DAMB SADAT is settled.  It is in Quetta Valley west of the Indus, a rich agricultural environment, and home to several earlier Neolithic cultures in Pakistan.  DAMB SADAT Culture begins until ?.  Phase 1 begins until 2600.  Settlements remain small but grow in number. 3500 wikDS
c.3450 History of KASHMIR begins, but no known sites until 3000.  Independent until 2500. 3450 bkfc
c.3400 Glob AmGLOBULAR AMPHORA Culture begins from the Elbe to the Vistula, extending south to the middle Dniester and east to the Dnieper.  It includes the Rossen Culture.  Settlements are sparse and possibly temporary, normally just containing small clusters pits, no houses.  People have diverse livestock, mostly pigs.  Grave goods include globular amphorae and stone axes - cattle-burials also, often in pairs, accompanied by grave gifts.  Lasts until 2800. 3400 u2HWEY, wikGAC
c.3400 UsatovoUSATOVO Culture northwest of Black Sea begins until 2900.  A mixture of the Eneolithic agrarian cultures of southeast Europe, having clay figurines, painted ceramics, tumulus (kurgan) burials, shell-tempered coarse wares, items made of metal, such as arsenical BRONZE V and silver. map: Krakkos photo: Jona Lendering

3500 wikYmn, 3400 wikUsC
c.3300 RepinREPIN Culture on Don River area from 3950, ends. 3300 wikRpn, wikYmn
c.3300 YamnaYAMNAYA Culture begins north of Black & Caspian Seas until 2600.  Begin expanding across the Pontic/Caspian steppe until 3200.  Nomads, with a chiefdom system and wheeled carts and wagons that allow them to manage large herds.  Dead are buried in tumuli (kurgans) containing simple pit chambers. gif: Joshua Jonathan

3450 u2HWEY timelapse
3300 wikIEM, wikYmn
c.3300 AfanasievoAFANASIEVO Culture begins in south Siberia until 2500.  Economy includes cattle, sheep, goats.  Artifacts include horse remains, artistic representations of wheeled vehicles, tools of stone (axes, arrowheads), bone (fish-hooks, points) and antler, ornaments of copper, silver and gold.  Cemeteries include both single and small collective burials with deceased usually flexed on their back in a pit.  Pits are arranged in rectangular, sometimes circular, enclosures marked by stone walls. 3450 u2HWEY timelapse, 3300 wikAfn, wikTcL
c.3238 Gonanda I becomes king of Kashmir until 3188. 3238 bkfc
c.3200 DnieperMIDDLE DNIEPER Culture (early Corded Ware culture) begins north of the Black Sea until 2300.  200+ sites show mostly barrow inhumations under tumuli; plus some cremation in the north.  Grave goods include Λ POTTERY V and stone battle-axes. map: Krakkos

5000 u2HWEY, 3200 wikDnp
no date: wikMDn
c.3195  METEORS  bombard Earth, resulting atmospheric dust-veil as evidenced as cold period in narrow tree rings, and other world events. 3195 kpol 3123 CWH
c.3188 Gonanda-I, king of Kashmir from 3238, is killed by Krishna's elder bro Balarama.  Damodara-I succeeds until 3140. 3188 bkfc
c.3140 Damodara-I, king of Kashmir from 3188, killed by Krishna and his army.  Wife Yasovati succeeds as queen for 6 months until 3139. 3140 bkfc
c.3139 Yasovati, queen of Kashmir from 3140, ends.  Son Gonanda-II succeeds until 3083. 3139 bkfc
c.3100 BotaiBOTAI Culture in central Asia from 3700 ends. 3100 wikBt, wikHCA
c.3100 YAMNAYA Culture, 3300-2600, begins expanding into the Danube valley until 2600 3100 wikYmn
c.3083 Gonada-II, king of Kashmir from 3139, is killed in a battle with Parikshit (grandson of Arjuna), king of Hastinapura.  Parikshit succeeds until 3041.  Pandava dynasty rules Kashmir for 1331 years until 1752. 3083 bkfc
c.3041 Parikshit, king of Kashmir from 3083, ends. 3041 bkfc
by 3000 Kura AraxesKURA-ARAXES Culture in Caucasus and Urartu 3400-2200 spreads to Georgia, but never reaches Colchis.  by 3000 wikPArm
c.3000 Indo-European tribes slowly expand in all directions until 1500, including various salients across south Asia both east and north.  Baltic area and west Russia are colonized mostly by Indo-Europeans.   But the nomadic ancestors of Estonians reached the Baltic from the upper Volga.  They are related to Finns and Hungarians, and speak a non-Indo-European language. 3000 mxfld
c.3000 KIEV:  Tripolski Culture tribes have farming, cattle raising, and pottery. 3000 B76 10-468
c.3000 NemanCORDED WARE Culture begins in Eurasia, from the Rhine to the Volga, until 2350.  Originated from the westward migration of Yamnaya-related people from the steppe-forest zone.  Named after cord-like design on its Λ POTTERY V. map: Cre. Com. photo: Einsamer Schutze

3000 wikCWC

map: DEMIS Mapserver
c.3000 DOLPHINS killed in Black Sea. 3000 TTPC
c.3000 MaykopBronze Age MAYKOP Culture from 3700 east of the Black Sea and north of the Kura River ends. 3000 wikMkp
c.3000 KASHMIR, existing from 3450, receive earliest Neolithic sites in the flood plains. 3000 wikHK
c.3000 HARAPPAN civilization, in India from 5500, begins in Pakistan until 1500.
EARLY HARAPPAN Period begins until 2600
3200 wikIVC, 3000 HCIP 1-172, wikPnj
culture sites
Harappan sites 3200-2800     map: Merikanto
c.2990 TOCHARIAN Λ LANGUAGE V splits off from Proto-Indo-European language. 3727-2262 wikIEM
c.2920 Settlement at BURZAHOM in Kashmir has mud plastered pit dwellings, coarse pottery and stone tools. 2920 wikHK
  c.2900 2900 map: DEMIS Mapserver
c.2900 DnieperFATYANOVO Culture begins from Lake Pskov in the west to the middle Volga, probably a folk movement of Corded Ware people.  Soon expands eastward at the expense of the Volosovo culture,  Economy based on domestic livestock: sheep, cattle, horses, dogs.  They mine copper in the west Urals.  Dead are buried flexed under barrows, with battle-axes, bear claws, teeth, and ceramics.  Lasts until 2050. map: Krakkos

3200 mxfld 2900 wikFtB
c.2900 UsatovoUSATOVO Culture northwest of Black Sea from 3400, ends.  A mixture of the Eneolithic agrarian cultures of southeast Europe, having clay figurines, painted ceramics, tumulus (kurgan) burials, shell-tempered coarse wares, items made of metal, such as arsenical Λ BRONZE V and silver. 2900 wikUsC
c.2800 Glob AmGLOBULAR AMPHORA Culture from 3400 between the Elbe and Vistula, extending south to the middle Dniester and east to the Dnieper ends.  2800 wikGAC
c.2800 Funl BkrFUNNELBEAKER CULTURE, in north-central Eurasia from 4300, ends. photo: Silar

2800 wikFBC
c.2800 CatacombCATACOMB Culture begins until 2200. map: Krakkos

2800 wikYmn
c.2800 The Indus Valley Civilization expands across Pakistan, much of north India, and parts of Afghanistan, with Harappa and Mohenjo-daro becoming large metropolises. 2800 wikTIH
c.2760 Proto-Indo-European Λ LANGUAGE V, in Europe and Asia, SPLITS into 4 Indo-European languages:  Greek/Armenian, Albanian, Italic/Germanic/Celtic, Balto-Slavic/Indo-Iranian.  3727-2262 wikIEM
c.2750 CucuteniCUCUTENI-TRYPILLIA Culture from Carpathian Mountains to the Dniester and Dnieper, centered on Moldova and covering parts of west Ukraine and northeast Romania from 5500 ends.  . 3400 u2HWEY, 2750 wikCTC, 2700 wikYmn
c.2750 Indus Valley Civilization, in India from 3000, expands into west Pakistan until 1750.  Sites at Mohenjo Daro and Harappa.  Has defensive walls of baked brick, irrigation & drainage systems, planned streets, multi-story houses, centralized administration, advanced weights & measures.  Trades with Sumeria. 29-2600 MCAW
2750 TAWH 16, wikIVC 2600 encIVC
2350 MCAW
2300 B76 9-334
c.2700 Λ BRONZE AGE begins in Asia until 500. 2700 wikBA
c.2700 NovotitBronze Age NOVOTITOROVKA Culture northeast of the Black Sea from 3500, ends. map: Krakkos

2700 wikMkp, wikNvt
  c.2700 2700 map: DEMIS Mapserver
c. 2700 PoltavkaYamnaya Culture evolves into Bronze Age POLTAVKA Culture at middle Volga, which expands eastward until 2100.  Settlements are rare, and confined to sand dunes in the lower Volga.  Economy is mobile pastoral, like Yamnaya.  Pottery is flat-based in contrast to round-based Yamnaya ceramics.  Cemeteries are along river terraces.  Dead are buried in kurgans, typically surrounded by a circular ditch.  80% are males, 1/3 of them with skull wounds.  Grave goods include many ornaments and weapons, plus Λ POTTERY and stone scepters.  Λ HORSE V burials are common. map: Krakkos

2800 wikPlt 2700 wikYmn
c. 2600 YamnaYAMNAYA Culture, north of Black & Caspian Seas from 3300, in Europe from 3100, ends.  Nomads, with a chiefdom system and wheeled carts and wagons that allowed them to manage large herds, buried their dead in tumuli (kurgans) containing simple pit chambers.
Catacomb Displaced by CATACOMB Culture, which lasts until 1950.  Settlements are seasonal camp-sites located near water.  Economy is based mostly on stockbreeding: cattle, sheep, goat, horse and some pigs.  Dead are buried in a flexed position on their right side, often accompanied by silver rings, wooden plows, and weapons such as stone and metal axes, arrows, daggers and maces.  Skulls of aristocrats are sometimes modelled in clay.  Livestock is often sacrificed.
gif: Joshua Jonathan

2800 u2HWEY timelapse 2600 wikYmn, 2500 wikCtc, wikIEM, wikPE
by 2600 Early Harappan communities from 3000, become large urban centers, including Harappa, Ganeriwala, Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan, and Dholavira, Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi, Rupar, and Lothal in India. by 2600 wikIVC
c.2600 DAMB SADAT Culture, Phase 1 in Pakistan from 3500 ends.  Phase 2 begins until ?.  Multi-room houses are built of mudbrick with limestone foundations.  2600 wikDS
YAMNAYA contribution in modern East Europe ranges from 46.8% among Russians to 42.8% in Ukrainians.  Finland has the highest Yamnaya contributions in Europe (50.4%).. wikYmn
migrationsINDO-ARYAN MIGRATIONS according to one of several theories. map Dbach mann

by 2500 Hunting economies had begun to give way to herding and agriculture in Kazakhistan and central Siberia.  Pottery of all these people show affinities to the Mid East.  Domestication of the Λ HORSE V allowed them to spread in all directions. by 2500 mxfld
by 2500 Λ HORSE V drawn CARTS are used in Turkistan. by 2500 mxfld
2500 2 hump CAMEL: Bactrians 1st domesticated as a pack animal in central Asia. 3-2000 wikCm
c.2500 AfanasievoAFANASIEVO Culture in south Siberia from 3300 ends. 2500 u2HWEY, wikAfn, wikTcL
c.2500 KASHMIR, independent from 3450, comes under Harappa until 1750. 2500 rcCAE
c.2400 KURGAN people begin leaving their homes to first invade the north shore of the Black Sea and then the Trans-Caucasus.  Mountain people of Trans-Caucasus had already had much contact with Mesopotamian civilizations, and had a civilizing influence on the barbarian Kurgans. 2400 mxfld
c.2400 SINTASHTA settlements appear in south Urals, with population in each site ranging from 200 to 700.  But culture doesn't emerge until 2200. 2800 u2HWEY, 2400 wikSnt
c.2400 MUNDIGAK, in Afghanistan from 4000, ends. 2400 wikHlm
c.2400 Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex begins until 1600. 2400 wikIEM
c.2350 NemanCORDED WARE Culture in Eurasia, from 3000, ends. map: Cre. Com. photo: Einsamer Schutze

2350 wikCWC
c.2300 MIDDLE DNIEPER Culture at the middle of the Dnieper River from 3200 ends. 2300 wikDnp
c.2300 FATYANOVO Culture in central Russia establishes settlements engaged in Bronze metallurgy, giving rise to the BALANOVO culture. 2300 wikFtB
c. 2300 SEIMA-TURBINO burials begin until 1700.  A pattern of burial sites with similar bronze artifacts found across north Eurasia, mostly Siberia and Central Asia.  Homeland is probably the Altai Mountains.  The buried are nomadic warriors and metal-workers, traveling on horseback or 2 wheeled carts. 2300 wikSTp
c.2300 SIBERIA:  Indo-Iranian influences in southwest Siberia begin until 1000. 2300 wikHSbr
c.2300 SOHR DAMB (Red Mound) near Nal, in central Balochistan from 3800 ends. 2300 wikSD
c.2260 Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian Λ LANGUAGES V, united from 2760 SPLIT. 2723-1790 wikIEM
c.2200 The Cycladic culture in the Aegean decays and is replaced by the new palatine phase of Minoan Crete. 2200 wikPE
c.2200 ESTONIA:  Late Neolithic Period begins until 1800. 2200 wikHE
  c.2200 2200 map: DEMIS Mapserver
c.2200 AbashevoABASHEVO Culture begins in the valleys of the middle Volga and Kama River north of the Caspian and Aral Seas.  Noted for metallurgy.  Lasts until 1850. map: Krakkos

2200 wikAbs
c.2200 Kura AraxesKURA-ARAXES Culture in Caucasus and Urartu from 3500 ends.  They grew grain and orchard crops, and are known to have used implements to make flour.  They raised cattle, sheep, goats, dogs, and in later phases, horses. 2200 wikHA, wikMkp, wikPArm, 2000 wikCC, wikKAC, wikPArm, wikPAs, wikPI
4.2 kiloyear event begins from 2200 to 2150?.  A volcanic eruption causes marked increase in aridity and wind circulation, induces degradation of land-use conditions. kiloyear
Global distribution of 4.2 kiloyear event.  Hatched areas get wet conditions or flooding.  Dotted areas get drought or dust storms.
map: Jianjun Wang

2200 wik4.2, wikAE, wikAkE, wikOKE
c.2200 Kura AraxesTRIALETI-VANADZOR culture begins in Armenia, south Georgia, and northeast Anatolia until 1500.  Known for its burials.  The elite have large, rich burials under earth and stone mounds, which sometimes contain 4-wheeled carts and gold objects.  Metalurgy also includes tin and arsenic. 3000 wikPAs, 2200 wikHA, wikPArm, 2000 wikPArm
CONFUSION ALERT!  There is a TRIALETIAN Culture that ended in 6000.
  c.2200 2200 map: DEMIS Mapserver
c.2200 CatacombCATACOMB Culture north of Black & Caspian Seas from 2800 ends.

SintashtaBronze Age SINTASHTA settlements from 2400, emerge as a culture in southern Urals north of Aral Sea from interaction of the Poltavka and Abashevo cultures.  Caused by eastward migration of peoples from the Corded Ware culture.  Settlements are known for copper mining and bronze metallurgy.
Sintashta-Petrovka complex begins until 1750.
Abashevo-Sintashta communities begin until 1800.
map: Krakkos

map: Krakkos
2800 u2HWEY timelapse 2200 wikSnt 2100 wikIEM, wikYmn
c.2200 Earliest known Λ CHARIOTS V have been found in Sintashta burials.  They have spoked wheels, but not everyone agrees that the Sintashta vehicles are true chariots. 2200 wikSnt 2100 wikIEM 1950-1880 wikChr
c.2100 PoltavkaPOLTAVKA Culture, at middle Volga from 2700 ends. map: Krakkos

2200 wikPlt 2100 wikYmn
c.2100 Proto-Indo-Iranian Λ LANGUAGE and culture emerge within the Sintashta culture until its end 1800. 2100 wikIEM
c.2050 FatyanFATYANOVO Culture in central Russia from 2900, ends, but people continue in central Russia until ??. map: Krakkos

2300 mxfld
2050 wikFtB
c.2000 Pit Comb WarePIT COMB WARE Culture from the Baltic Sea east to the Volga from 4200 ends. 2000 u2HWEY, wikCCC

Asia 2000-1001