70 Jan 1 | CONSULS: VESPASIAN (2nd) and son TITUS (1st) (in absentia) suffetes: Cassius Rufus Petilius Cerealis, P. Valerius Asiaticus, and C. Licinius Mucianus |
70 DGRBM 3-1218, 1247, FHBC 85, LEWH, OCD 224, 702, 1080, about, wikCon |
70 Jan 1 | Senate is convened by Urban Praetor (both consuls are absent), Julius Frontinus, and votes thanks and congratulation to the generals, armies, and foreign princes (Sohaemus, Antiochus, and Agrippa). Tettius Julianus, who had left his legion when it went over to Vespasian, is deprived of his praetorship, which is given to Plotius Grypus. Frontinus resigns his praetorship and Caesar Domitian succeeds him. | THs 4:39 |
70 Jan | C. Licinius MUCIANUS, main partisan of Vespasian, arrives in Rome, takes control from Antonius Primus and the troops he could no longer manage, holds it as consul until Vesp arrives. PRIMUS leaves Rome. | 69 B76 19-96, CAH 11-4 70 CAH 10, DGRBM 2-1118, LEWH, fyf, wikDt |
70 Jan | Vitellian general Didius SCAEVA killed when Rome is taken by Mucianus. | 79 DGRBM 3-731 |
70 Jan | C. Licinius MUCIANUS, main partisan of Vespasian, kills infant son of Vitellius and Calpurnius Galerianus, a potential rival to Vespasian, restores order. | 70 CAH 11-4 |
70 Jan | C. Licinius MUCIANUS, main partisan of Vespasian, reduces Praetorian Guard to its former size. | 70 B76 19-96 |
70 Jan | C. Licinius MUCIANUS, main partisan of Vespasian, sends able generals to deal with Batavian rebellion: ANNIUS GALLUS for Upper Germany and PETILIUS CEREALIS for Lower Germany. Mucianus is afraid the war might be too much for them, but could not leave Rome without government. He fears Domitian's unbridled passions, and distrusts Antonius Primus and Arrius Varus, commander of the Guards. | THs 4:68 70 CAH 11-5, DGRBM 1-673, OCD 457, wikVs |
70 | Junius MAURICUS asks Domitian to give the senate access to imperial registers, so they can know what impeachments the informers had imposed. Domitian says Vespasian will handle it. | THs 4:40 70 DGRBM 2-978 |
70 | Senatus consultum Pagasianum gives the technical owner of property the same right as a beneficial owner that he had by Lex Falcidia (40 BC) against legatees. | 70 SHERL 815 |
70 | Sextilius FELIX is sent by Antonius Primus from Italy to Raetia to watch movements of Vitellian procurator Porcius Septimius. He remains until 71. | 70 DGRBM 2-145 |
70 | FLEET of Vitellius under Lucilius Bassus at Misenum defects to Vespasian. Vitellian Claudius Apollinaris escapes with 6 galleys. | 70 DGRBM 1-230, 473 |
70 | M. Aponius Saturninus is suspected of corresponding with Vitellians. His troops attack him, but he is rescued by L. Vipstantius Messala. | 70 DGRBM 2-1053 |
70 | DOMITIAN, 2nd son of Vespasian, is praetor. | 70 DGRBM 3-1247 |
70 | ARRIUS VARUS, prefect of praetorians from 69, demoted by Mucianus to director of grain supply. Mucianus appoints a relative of Vespasian, M. Arrecinus CLEMENS to succeed until 71. | THs 4:68 70 DGRBM 1-788, wikPP |
70 Mar? | Mucianus and Domitian start from Rome with legions, VIII, XI, XIII, XXI - one of Vitellius' legions, and II, which had been newly enrolled, for Gaul/Germany. XIV is also summoned from Britain, and I and VI from Spain. | THs 4:68 70 fyf |
70 | Pedius BLAESUS, expelled from senate in 60, readmitted. | TAn 14:18, THs 1:77 70 DGRBM 1-492 |
70 | PLOTIUS GRIPHUS becomes praetor. | THs 3:52, 4:39 70 DGRBM 3-428 |
c.70 | Sextus Julius FRONTINUS becomes urban praetor. | 70 OCD 448 |
70 | Praetor Helvidius PRISCUS opposes sycophancy to the emperor, fearlessly attacks the emperor and whole imperial system like he thinks he can get the republic restored. | 70 DGRBM 3-527, britVs |
c.70 | Notorious informer M. Aquillius REGULUS attacked by T. EPRIUS MARCELLUS, defended by half bro L. Vipstanus Messala. Acquitted. | 70 OCD 675, geni |
70 | Equite L. VESTINUS is assigned to restore the Capitol. He consults priests, who say the ruins of the former capitoline temple be carried away to the marshes at Ostia and a new temple erected on the same site. The gods don't want the original form of the building to be changed. | THs 4:53 |
c.70 | PLUTARCH, Greek from Chaeronea, math and philosophy student of Ammonius in Athens, sponsored by L. Mestrius Florus, visits Rome. | 70 wikPl |
c.70 | Nero's DOMUS AUREA "golden house", construction stopped 68, destroyed to make room for the Colosseum. | 71 LEWH |
70 Jun 21 |
CAPITOLINE TEMPLE, burnt 69, begun again until 71. High priest, Plautius Aelianus, dictates the proper formulae. Helvidius Priscus, the praetor, consecrates the site by a sacrifice to Mars of a pig, a sheep and an ox, and then offering the entrails on an altar of turf, he prayed to Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, as guardian deities of the empire, to prosper the enterprise. Temple iasts until 80. | THs 4:53 70 CAH 11-5 |
c.70 | The Capitol, burnt 69, rebuilt. | THs 4:53 69 GHH 70 LEWH 71 DGRBM 1-29 |
70 | Several of Nero's laws repealed. | 70 GHH |
70 Ag-Oc |
VESPASIAN sails from Greece to Corcyra to Iapyx promontory Italy. | Wars 7:2:1 70 B76 19-96 |
70 Ag-Oc |
VESPASIAN finally arrives in Rome. | 70 B76 5-950, 19-96, BNTH 411, CAH 10, 11-5, CDCC 925, Dur 3-285, IDB 4-782, britVs, wikDt, wikVs |
70 Oct | C. Licinius Mucianus continues to press Vespasian to collect as many taxes as possible. | 70 wikVs |
70 Oct? | PRAETORIAN GUARD, 16 cohorts from 69, reduced to the original 9 by Vespasian until 85. | 70 CAH 11-5, wikPG |
70 Oct? | VESPASIAN, tries to arrange marriage between his youngest son Domitian and dau of Titus, Julia Flavia, but Domitian is adamant in his love for Domitia Longina, going so far as to persuade her husband, L. Aelius Lamia, to divorce her so that Domitian could marry her. | 70 wikDt |
70 Oct? | Dau of Gn. Domitius Corbulo d66, DOMITIA LONGINA divorces L. Aelius Lamia Plautius Aelianus in order to marry DOMITIAN, 2nd son of Vespasian, until divorce 83. | 70 OCD 289 71 wikDL |
Tactius' History breaks off before the end of 70.
70 | VESPASIAN, now emperor, returns to Judea???. | 70 TTPC |
c.70 | GATES of the TEMPLE OF JANUS, open from 66, closed until ?. | 70 MCAW 71 GHH, LEWH |
70 | Vespasian and Mucianus restore old taxes, establish new ones, increases tribute from provinces, rebuild Rome. | 70 TTPC, wikVs |
70 | URINE TAX re-enacted by Vespasian and Mucianus. Public toilet managers charge for urination. | 70 wikVs |
70 | Gn. Julius AGRICOLA sent by Vespasian to Britain until 73. | 69 CDCC 25 70 B76 I-144, DGRBM 1-76 71 OCD 28 |
70 | Grain shipments to Rome delayed by adverse winds. Causes bread shortage and panic. | 70 TTPC |
70 | Legion II Adiutrix "Rescuer", is founded by Vespasian from navy marines of fleet of Ravenna. Assigned to Lower Germany. | 70 wik2Adt |
70 | Flavian Amphitheater, now called COLOSSEUM, begun on the site of Nero's golden palace. Architect unknown. Finished 80. | 69 B76 III-21 70 B76 IX-683, Dur 3-210, GHH, TTT, wikTt 75 TTS, wikVs |
71 Jan 1 | CONSULS: VESPASIAN (3rd) and M. Cocceius NERVA suffetes: Domitian, C. Valerius Festus, and Gn. Pedius Castus |
71 B76 VII-264, DGRBM 2-149, 1167, 3-164, 1248, FHBC 85, about, wikCon, wikDt, wikNv |
Not Nerva. DOMITIAN, son of Vespasian | CAH 11-6, |
71 | 700 Jew POWs sent by Titus from Alexandria to Rome, and enslaved. Some are bought and freed to form Jewish communities. | Wars 7:5:3 71 71-3 MCAW |
71 | DOMITIAN proposes restoration of Galba's titles and statues. | 71 DGRBM 2-1113 |
71 | Curtius MONTANUS proposes that the degree against Piso be rescinded, and attacks informer M. Aquilius REGULUS in senate. | TAn 16:28,29 70 OCD 303 71 DGRBM 2-1113 |
71 Jun | TITUS returns from Alexandria to Rome, with the loot from the Jerusalem temple: menorah, showbread, purple curtains, Torah scroll. Josephus accompanies, and remains in Italy until death 100. | Wars 7:5:3 70 BI+N 225, ISBE 2-1132, MCAW 71 CAH 10-862, IDB 4-782, JZ 128, unrvTt, wikTt |
71 | Antonius FLAMMA banished for extotion and cruelty as governor of Cyrene. | THs 4:45 71 DGRBM 2-168 |
71 | ARCH of TITUS begun. Finished 81. | 71 TTPC 81 TToH, TTPC |
71 | VESPASIAN and son TITUS celebrate a triumph. It ends with execution of terrorist leader SIMON bar Giora. | 71 GHH, Jud 4-221, 16-116, LEWH, unrvTt |
71 | M. Arrecinus CLEMENS, prefect of praetorians from 70, ends. VESPASIAN takes over until 79 | 71 wikPP |
71 | TITUS, now a senator, is made Prefect of Praetorian Guard until 79, a post traditionally for equites. | 71 CAH 11-7, LEWH, wikPP 72 unrvTt no date: OCD 1080 |
71 | TITUS receives proconsular imperium and tribunician power. | 71 CAH 11, LEWH |
71 | Emperor VESPASIAN re-imposes taxes, brings new provincial blood to the senate. | 71 MCAW |
71 | Rhetoric teacher QUINTILLIAN, in Rome from 68, is appointed 1st state-salaried teacher until 88. | 71 MCAW |
71 | LAVATORY built with flush toilets and extensive waterworks. | 71 TTPC |
71 | Bro-in-law of Pliny the Elder, ???? dies. Son Pliny the Younger, is entrusted to Elder, who being in Spain 67-72, entrusts Younger to L. Verginius Rufus. | 71 DGRBM 3-414 |
71 | Temple of Peace begun on southeast side of the Argiletum with loot from Jerusalem. Finished 75. | 71 GHH, LEWH, wikTPR |
Not same as Altar of Peace (Ara Pacis) 9BC |
71 | Helvidius PRISCUS opposes Vespasian. | 70 B76 19-96 71 GHH |
72 Jan 1 | CONSULS: VESPASIAN (4th) and TITUS (2nd) suffete: C. Licinius Mucianus | 72 FHBC 85, OCD 702, about, wikCon |
72 | Vespasian receives message from Caesennius, legate in Syria, that Antiochus-IV of Commagene is intriguing with Arsaces of Parthia Vespasian empowers Paetus to act against them. | 72 DGRBM 3-1248, GHH |
72 | ANTIOCHUS-IV, former king of Commagene 41-72 is sent in bonds from Cilicia to Rome, contrary to wishes of Vespasian, who sends him with plenty of money to Sparta. He soon returns, and lives with sons Epiphanes and Callinicus in Rome until death. | Wars 7:7:3 72 wikA4C |
72 | Helvidius PRISCUS advises the senate to restore the republic. Vespasian is unable to suppress him. | 72 MCAW |
c.72 | PLINY the Elder procurator in Spain from 67, returns to Rome, adopts neph Pliny the Younger, welcomed by Vespasian. | 70-73 DGRBM 3-414 |
73 Jan 1 | CONSULS: T. Flavius DOMITIAN (2nd) and L. VALERIUS CATULUS MESSALINUS suffete: Sextus Julius Frontinus | 73 DGRBM 2-1054, FHBC 85, OCD 360 about, wikCon, wikDt |
73 | Office of CENSOR, revived by Claudius 47, revived again by Vespasian when he and Titus become censors. | 73 B76 19-96, CAH 11, HRRP 4.2-648, LEWH, britVs |
73 | Julius AGRICOLA in Britain from 70, returns to Rome until 74, granted patrician status. | 73 B76 I-144, OCD 28 |
73 | Temple built at Brescia by Vespasian. | 73 B76 II-256 |
c.73 | Son-in-law of Thrasea Paetus, Helvidius PRISCUS dies. Leader of Stoics from 66, banished and forced to suicide by Vespasian. | 72 Dur 3-210, MCAW 73 GHH, LEWH 76 B76 19-96, britVs |
73 | PHILOSOPHERS & ASTROLOGERS banished from Rome by Vespasian (except Musonius Rufus), at request of advisor C. Licinius Mucianus. | 71 CAH 11-9, Dur 3-210 73 DGRBM 3-1248, LEWH |
73 | VESPASIAN goes to the Rhine. | 73 LEWH |
74 Jan 1 | CONSULS: VESPASIAN (5th) and TITUS (3rd) sufetes: Sextus Julius Frontinus, Eprius Marcellus and Caesius Petilius Cerealis |
74 DGRBM 2-181, FHBC 85, Ocd 224, 402, about, wikCon |
74 | Λ CENSUS taken by Vespasian and Titus - the last made in Rome. | 74 DGRBM 3-1248, GHH |
74 | Gn. Julius AGRICOLA, in Rome from 73, made governor of Aquitania until 76. | 74 B76 I-144, DGRBM 1-76, MCAW, OCD 28 |
74 | Latin rights granted by Vespasian to all Spain. | 74 LEWH |
75 Jan 1 | CONSULS: VESPASIAN (6th) and TITUS (4th) Suffete: Domitian, C. Licinius Mucianus |
75 DGRBM 2-1118, FHBC 85, about, wikCon, wikDt |
75 | Office of Censor abolished. | 75 GHH |
75 | AGRIPPA-II, tetrarch 53-93, and sis BERENICE-II go from Judea to Rome. Agrippa becomes a praetor. Berenice lives as mistress of Titus, causing disapproval of Romans. | 75 B76 V-3, CAH 11-11, IDB 2-592, ISBE 2-697, Jud 4-601, LEWH, unrvTt, wikTt |
75 | JOSEPHUS publishes Wars of the Jews in Greek language in Rome. Attributes burning of the temple to God purging it from the corruption of the zealots. | 75 Dur 3-546, IDB 4-552, JsCW 427, 678 75-9 B76 10-278, CBCNT 53, DGRBM 2-613, IDB 2-144, ISBE 2-1132, Jud 16-947, JZ 31, 238 78 ODCC 759 |
75 | Antonia CAENIS dies. Wife of Vespasian from ?. | 75 wikVs |
75 | Bronze COLOSSUS (Apollo statue) of Nero begun 65, and having his face, is erected by Vespasian. He adds a sun-ray crown, and calls it Colossus Solis, after the Roman sun god Sol. Remains just outside the main palace entrance at the terminus of the Via Appia until 128. | 75 wikVs |
75 | A stage to the theater of Marcellus is dedicated by Vespasian. | 75 wikVs |
75 | Temple of Peace, begun 71, finished. Destroyed 192. Not same as Altar of Peace (Ara Pacis) 9 BC |
model: Autokrator 75 GHH, LEWH, wikVs |
75 | Loot from the Jerusalem temple: menorah, showbread, purple curtains, Torah scroll, are put in the Temple of Peace. | 75 GHH, LEWH |
76 Jan 1 | CONSULS: VESPASIAN (7th) and TITUS (5th) Suffete: Domitian | 76 FHBC 85, about, wikCon, wikDt |
76 | Sis of Agrippa-II, BERENICE-II, consort of Titus, behaves arrogantly in Rome, holds her own judicial court. | 76 CAH 11-11 |
76 | Gn. Julius AGRICOLA, in Aquitania from 74, returns to Rome until 77/8. | 76 DGRBM 1-76 |
76 | C. Licinius MUCIANUS dies. | 75-7 DGRBM 1-76, OCD 702, wikDt |
77 Jan 1 | CONSULS: VESPASIAN (8th) and TITUS (6th) Suffete: Domitian | 77 DGRBM 3-1248, FHBC 85, about, wikCon, wikDt |
77 | Plague at Rome recorded by Eusebius. | 77 DGRBM 3-1248, GHH |
77 | Gn. Julius AGRICOLA elected consul ????. | 77 CDCC 25, DGRBM 1-76, GHH, OCD 28 |
77 | VIA FLAMINIA, finished 27 BC, is tunneled thru Intercisa (Furlo) Pass. | 36BC MCAW 261 77CE DGRG 2-1299, wikVF |
77 | C. Cornelius TACITUS marries a dau of Julius Agricola. | 77 B76 17-983, DGRBM 1-76, GHH, OCD 1034 78 DGRBM 3-968 |
c.77 | PLINY the Elder publishes 1st 10 books of Historia Naturalis (Natural History) begun 55, His only extant work. A conglomerate of observation, hearsay, and philosophical comment on astronomy, geography, and zoology, all from secondary sources, giving equal credence to legend and magic. He laments the discovery of iron, because it makes war more terrible. The remainder of the 37 books will be published by Pliny the Younger in ?. | 77 B76 14-572, CDCC 467, DGRBM 3-415, Dur 3-308, IDB 2-144, MCAW, OCD 845, wikNHP 79 TTPC |
c.77/8 | Gn. Julius AGRICOLA, in Rome from 76, sent to be governor of Britain until 84. | 77 B76 I-144, CDCC 146, 367, Dur 3-452, LEWH 122, TTPC, wikFr, wikGJA 77/8 CAH 11, MCAW 78 B76 3-195, 19-96, CDCC 25, DGRBM 1-76, 2-181, 3-1248, GHH, MCAW, OCD 181, 448, wikGRB |
78 Jan 1 | CONSULS: L. Ceionius COMMODUS and D. Novius PRISCUS | 78 DGRBM 1-817, 3-528, FHBC 85, about, wikCon |
c.78 | FRONTINUS, governor of Britain from 74, returns to Rome. Begins reorganizing the water supply. | 77/8 MCAW 78 GHH, MCAW |
78 | Rebuilding of the Capitol. | 78 GHH |
78 | Sis of Agrippa-II, BERENICE-II, consort of Titus from 75, sent away by order of Vespasian, because of popular indignation. Returns to Judea. | 78 Jud 4-602, |
78±1 | LINUS, bishop of Rome from 66, ends. ANACLETUS succeeds until 92. | 76 DDS 152, 361, IDB 3-136 76 or 79 B76 I-334, GHH 77 Dur 3-552 78 ODP 6 79 wikPA |
79 Jan 1 | CONSULS: VESPASIAN (9th) and TITUS (7th) suffete: Domitian | 79FHBC 85, LEWH, about, wikCon, wikDt |
79 | Julius SABINUS dies. He had claimed to be Caesar, and been hiding in Gaul with wife Epponina since 70, caught, and both brought with their 2 kids to Rome. Vespasian executes them, but spares the kids. | THs 4:67 79 DGRBM 3-1248, GHH |
79 | A. CAECINA Alienus and Eprius MARCELLUS die. They conspire to kill Vespasian, and are discovered. Titus invites Caecina to dinner and orders him stabbed to death before he had left the room. Marcellus is tried, prosecuted by Titus, condemned, and suicides. | 78 B76 19-97, CAH 11, britVs 78/9 wikVs 79 B76 II-431, DGRBM 1-531, 3-1248, GHH, OCD 187, 402, 1080, wikACA, wikTt |
79 | TITUS repairs an aqueduct. | 79 DGRBM 3-1160 |
79 | VESPASIAN, in bad health, visits his home in Reate, gets severe diarrhea. | 79 DGRBM 3-1248, Dur 3-288, wikVs |
79 Jun 23/4 | Princeps of Rome from Dec 69, T. Flavius VESPASIAN dies of illness, age 69, in Reate. Oldest son, age 38, TITUS succeeds until 81. Titus assures Domitian that full partnership would soon be his, but neither tribunician power nor imperium of any kind is given him during Titus' reign. Titus rules with moderation; punishes informers; and relieves the poor. | 79 B76 15-1112, 19-97, BAA, CAH 11-12, CDCC 892, 925, DGRBM 3-1159, 1248, DGRG 1-721, Dur 3-288, GHH, HRRP 4.2-670, IDB 4-782, IR 65, ISBE 2-698, Jud 15-1168, 16-116, LEWH, MCAW, SHWC 131, TToH, TTPC, britVs, unrvDt, wikDt, wikTt, wikVs |
79 Jun | TITUS Flavius Vespasian, princeps 79-81, halt trials based on treason charges. No senators are executed during his reign. | 79 wikTt |
79 | After Vespasian dies, dau of Agrippa-I, BERENICE-II, wife of Polemo-II, returns from Judea to Rome, expecting to resume relationship with Titus. He sends her away. | 79 Jud 4-602, wikTt |
79 Aug 24 | VESUVIUS erupts. Earthquake accompanies; Herculanaium, Pompeii, and Stabiae covered in up to 10 feet of lava in 6 hours. Next eruption 203. | TAn 15:22 79 B76 IX-509, 14-789, 19-98, BBA, CDCC 419, 445, 705, DGRG 1-1053,4, 2-1284, Dur 3-457, GHH, HRRP 4.2-681, IR 138, LEWH, MCAW, TTPC, unrvTt, wikDt, wikTt |
79 Aug 24 | Son of Antonius Felix & Drusilla, AGRIPPA dies. His wife, DRUSILLA dies. Dau of Agrippa-I, and their son Agrippa, all killed at Pompeii. | 79 BBA, BNTH 344, IR 138 |
79 Aug 24 | C. Plinius Secundus, PLINY the Elder dies, age 55. He commands a Roman fleet at Misenum, lands at Stabiae to rescue friends and family, and to observe the eruption. A wind forbids him to leave port, and he suffocates. | 79 AΨΨ 396, B76 14-572, CAH 11-21, CDCC 690, DGRBM 3-414, DGRG 2-362, Dur 3-210, MCAW, OCD 845, SHWC 148, TTPC, TTS, wikPtE |
79 Aug 24 | PAINTING STYLES evidenced at Pompeii
Dur 3-353 |
79 Aug | TITUS takes personal control of relief efforts at Pompeii and Herculaneum. | 79 CDCC 892 |
79 Aug | Bronze CABLE evidenced in Pompeii. | 79 TTT |
79 Aug | POMPEII settlement phases:
map: Marcus Cyron wikPmp |
SURGICAL TOOLS found at Pompei Photo {{PD-US}} Giorgio Sommer |
79 Aug | PLINY the Younger writes a letter describing the erruption. | 79 MCAW, TTS |
79 | CLOTHING PRESS with right & left handed screws represented by drawings at Pompeii. | 79 B76 11-232 |
79 | GLASS WINDOWS scarce, but present at Pompeii. Sheets as large as 21" x 28". | 79 SHT 2-416, 3-227 100 TTT |
79 | A library of papyrus scrolls on Epicurean philosophy buried at Pompeii. | 79 ISBE 3-652 |
79 | PLANE used at Pompeii and Roman Britain, but is lost at fall of Rome until 13th cent. | 79 SHT 2-393 |
79 | TITUS Flavius Vespasian, princeps 79-81, visits Pompeii after the eruption and again in spring 80. | 79 wikTt |
80 Jan 1 | CONSULS: Imp. TITUS (8th) and bro DOMITIAN (3rd). But Titus grants Domitian no proconsular imperium or tribune power. suffete: T. Vinicius Julianus | 80 CAH 11-19, DGRBM 3-1262, FHBC 85, OCD 360, about, wikCon |
c.80 | TITUS Flavius Vespasian, forbids a person to be tried under different laws for the same offense. | no date: wikTt |
80 spring | TITUS Flavius Vespasian, princeps 79-81, visits Pompeii again. While there, fire begins in Rome | 80 wikTt |
80 spring | FIRE at Rome lasts 3 days; the Capitol is again destroyed, also Vespasian's temple, Agrippa's Pantheon, Temple of Jupiter, the Diribitorium, Pompey's theater, and Augustus' library. Titus personally compensates for losses. Results in extensive rebuilding. | 79 Dur 3-289 80 DGRBM 3-1160, GHH, ISBE 4-232, LEWH, OCD 203, wikDt, wikTt |
80 | PANTHEON, on Campus Martius from 25 BC, burnt. Not rebuilt until 118. | 80 ISBE 4-233, wikTt |
80 | CAPITOLINE TEMPLE, rebuilt 70-71, burnt again. Rebuilt 82. | 80 CDCC 161 |
80 | THEATER of L.(2) Cornelius BALBUS on Campus Martius, dedicated 13BC, damaged in fire. | 80 iath |
80 | Flavian Amphitheater (now called COLOSSEUM), begun 70 by Vespasian, finished and dedicated by Titus. 160 ft high, oval 617 ft x 513 ft. 50,000 marble seats plus 37,000 other seats. Has basements and sub-basements, 4 stories: 1st Doric, 2nd Ionic, 3rd-4th Corinthian. Its opening begins 3 months of celebrations, including fights between wild animals (elephants, cranes), mock naval battles. 500 animals and many gladiators are killed. Wooden balls are dropped into the audience, inscribed with various prizes (clothing, gold or even slaves), which could be redeemed for the designated item. Biggest theater in the world until 1914. | 80 DGRBM 3-1160, Dur 3-361, GHH, LEWH, MCAW, TTPC, wikTt 82 B76 III-21, IX-683 |
exterior FeaturedPics. |
interior: LemonCrumpet |
80 | PORTICUS OCTAVIAE built c.20 BC by Augustus, burnt and restored. | reconst. {{PD-US}} 80 wikPO |
CONFUSION ALERT! This is not Porticus Octavia with no E on the end.
80 | PUBLIC BATHS of M. Agrippa from 19, damaged by fire. | 80 wikBA |
80 | Public BATHS of Titus built hastily, possibly converting an existing or partly built bathing complex of the Domus Aurea. Dedicated. They are not large, but contain impressive paintings. | 80 DGRBM 3-1160, GHH, LEWH, MCAW, wikTt 81 wikBT |
c.80 | ANTHRAX plague sweeps the empire, killing thousands of people and animals, clear to the Chinese border. | 79 BBA, Dur 3-311 80 DGRBM 3-1160, Dur 3-289, TTPC, wikTt |
80 | Several public works built; the Capitol, Thermae aqueducts, roads | 80 GHH |
c.80 | MARTIAL (M. Valerius Martialis) writes De Spectaculis (On Spectacles). About the dedication of the Colosseum. | 80 B76 VII-542, CDCC 558, OCD 652, TTPC |
c.80 | False teeth used in Rome, according to an epigram of Martial. | 80 MCAW |
c.80 | APOLLINARIS, disciple of Peter, 1st bishop of Ravenna, dies. | no date: DDS 67 |
c.80 | ASPREN, disciple of Peter, 1st bishop of Naples, dies. | no date: DDS 74 |
81 Jan 1 | CONSULS: L. Flavius SILVA (or Silvanus) NONIUS BASSUS and ASINIUS POLLIO Verrucosus suffetes: L. Vettius Paulus and L. Venuleius Apronianus | 81 DGRBM 3-439, FHBC 85, about, wikCon |
81 | C. Cornelius TACITUS becomes quaestor. | 81 B76 17-983 |
c.81 | PLINY the Younger is a judge in the centumviral court (decemvir litibus iudicandis). | 81 wikPlnY |
81 | APOLLONIUS of Tyana interviewed by Titus. . | 81 gtbAT |
81 | Roman treasury is depleted by generosity of Titus. | 81 MCAW |
81 | PALACE of Domitian begun by architect Rabirius on the Palatine until 92. | 81 wikPD |
81 | L. Julius URSUS and Cornelius FUSCUS become Praetorian Prefects; Ursus until 83, Fuscus until 87 | 81 wikPP |
81 | ARCH of TITUS, begun 71 on east end of Forum, finished. | photo: Anthony M 71 TTPC 80 Jud 15-1167 81 B76 X-133, Dur 3-210, TToH, TTPC, wikAT 82 IR |
81 Sep | TITUS Flavius Vespasian, princeps 79-81, leaves for Sabine territories but falls ill at the first posting station. | 81 wikTt |
81 Sep 13 | TITUS Flavius Vespasian dies of fever, age 40. Princeps from Aug 79. His younger bro Flavius DOMITIAN succeeds on same day until 96, under suspicion of murder. He has Titus deified. | 81 B76 5-950, 15-1113, BAA, CAH 11-21, CDCC 281, 892, DGRBM 1-1061, 3-1159, 1161, Dur 3-289, GHH, HRRP 4.2-679, Jud 6-164, 15-1168, Jxn 51, LEWH, MCAW, OCD 360, SHWC 131, TToH, TTPC, unrvTt, wikDt, wikTt |
81 | Domitian's beginning is puritannical and competent. He enforces Julian moral laws, stops castrations, stops speculation, issues good coins, cancels tax arrears over 5 years old. | 81 MCAW |
81 | By moving the center of government to the imperial court, Domitian openly renders the Senate's powers obsolete. In his view, the Empire is a divine monarchy. He intervenes in all branches of administration with edicts governing everyday life and law. Taxation and public morals are rigidly enforced. The imperial bureaucracy never ran more efficiently than under Domitian. | wikDt |
81 | Domitian: Astrology buff, loner, austere, legalistic, cruel, grim, ironic, calculating, rude to his guests, bent on total autocracy. | 81 CAH 11-23 |
81 | MONEY: Denarius, 81% silver during Vitellius reign, raised to 92% under Domitian until 98. | 81 TTPC |
c.81 | DOMITIAN PERSECUTION of CHRISTIANS begins, because they refuse to sacrifice before his image. Ends at his death in 96. | 81 ENBD 227, FBM 19, WHCC 30 92 MCAW 95 ENBD 942 |
82 Jan 1 | CONSULS: DOMITIAN (4th) and cousin T. Flavius SABINUS | 82 CAH 11-23, DGRBM 3-690, FHBC 85, OCD 942, 960, about, wikCon |
82 | The Capitol is again restored. | 82 GHH |
82 | CAPITOLINE TEMPLE, burnt 80, rebuilt more grandiose. | 82 CDCC 161 |
82 | Silius Italicus, the historical poet, flourishes. | 82 GHH |
82 | Freedman Tiberius CLAUDIUS, serving emperors from Tiberius on, banished until 89 by Domitian. | 82 OCD 247 |
82 | Another fire in Rome. | 82 Dur 3-289, MCAW |
83 Jan 1 | CONSULS: DOMITIAN (5th) and Q. Petilius RUFUS (2nd) | 83 DGRBM 3-676, FHBC 85, OCD 247, about, wikCon |
83 | Aureus struck in 83 depicting Domitian and wife Domitia Longina titled Augusta. | photo: Domitian |
83 | DOMITIA LONGINA, wife of Domitian from 70, divorced on advice of Ursus on charge of adultery with actor Paris until 85. | 83 CAH 11-25, DGRBM 1-1060, wikDL |
83 | Praetorian Prefect from 81, L. Julius URSUS ends. L. Laberius MAXIMUS succeeds until 84. | 83 wikPP |
83 | DOMITIAN goes to Gaul on pretext of holding a census. | 82 unrvDt 83 CAH 11-162, GHH, LEWH, MCAW, wikDt |
83 | DOMITIAN, in Gaul/Germany 83, returns to Rome, has triumph. | 83 unrvDt |
84 Jan 1 | CONSULS: DOMITIAN (6th) and C. Oppius Junius SABINUS | 84 DGRBM 2-688, FHBC 85 about, wikCon |
84 | DOMITIAN made consul for 10 years and censor for life. He openly subordinates the senate and majistrates to himself. | 84 LEWH |
84 | Cousin of Domitian, T. Flavius SABINUS executed by Domitian, who then takes his wife FLAVIA JULIA as mistress until death 91. She is Domitian's neice. | 84 B76 5-950, OCD 567, 942 |
84 | Praetorian Prefect from 83, L. Laberius MAXIMUS ends. Casperius AELIANUS succeeds until 84. | 84 wikPP |
c.84 | Gn. Julius AGRICOLA, governor of Britain from 77/8, recalled by Domitian. | 83 CDCC 146 84 B76 I-144, CDCC 25, DGRBM 1-76, Dur 3-210, 452, LEWH, MCAW, OCD 360, TTPC, wikGRB 84/5 CAH 11-25 85 GHH, OCD 181, wikGJA |
84 | DOMITIAN increases army pay by ⅓. | 84 B76 5-950, LEWH |
84 | DOMITIAN revives excessive use of the law of treason, and resumes pay for informers. | 84 LEWH |
84 | Triumph of DOMITIAN, now called Germanicus. | 84 GHH |
84 | PLUTARCH lectures in Rome. | 84 GHH 89 Dur 3-452 |
84/5 | C. Oppius SABINUS becomes legate of Moesia until death 85, | implied |
85 Jan 1 | CONSULS: DOMITIAN (7th) and T. AURELIUS FULVIUS | 85 FHBC 85, about, wikCon |
85±5 | Roman CHURCH divided into 25 parishes by bishop Anacletus, each under a presbyter. | no date: ODP 7, wikPA |
c.85 | Greek sophist, DIO CHRYSOSTOM, banished from Italy and Bithynia for advising one of the Emperor's conspiring relatives. Goes to Greece. | 85 B76 III-556 82 wikDCr |
c.85 | CENSORSHIP of Domitian expires after 18 months. He wants to keep it because it gives him total control of senate membership, so he is elected censor potestas for life. | 84/5 OCD 360 85 B76 5-950, 15-1113, CAH 11-24, unrvDt, wikDt |
c.85 | M. Ulpius TRAJANUS becomes praetor. | 85 HRRP 4.2-743, unrvTr |
c.85 | DOMITIA LONGINA, divorcee of Domitian from 83, taken back to live in the palace along with his mistress Julia. | 85 CAH 11-25, DGRBM 1-1060 |
c.85 | PRAETORIAN GUARD, 9 cohorts from 70, increased to 10 by Domitian until ?. | 81-96 wikPG |
c.85 | Praetorian prefect 81-87, Cornelius FUSCUS sent with 5 legions by Domitian to Moesia to expell the Dacians. | 85 CAH 11-170, OCD 309 wikCF 86/7 OCD 360 |
86 Jan 1 | CONSULS: DOMITIAN (8th) and Ser. Cornelius DOLABELLA Sulpicianus (Petronianus?) | 86 DGRBM 3-215, FHBC 85, OCD 359, about, wikCon |
86±2 | EPICTETUS, Greek Stoic slave of Epaphroditus, a secretary of Nero, freed, becomes philosophy teacher in Rome until 90. | pre-89 GB 12-101 |
86 | Domitian is addressed by poets and courtiers as MASTER and GOD. | 86 CAH 11-25 85-9 IDB 1-863 |
86 | Father of Hadrian, P. Aelius Hadrianus AFER dies. P. Acilius Attianus and future Emperor Trajan (another native of Italica) become 10-year-old Hadrian's guardians. | 86 wikPAA |
86 | LUDI CAPITOLINI (Capitoline Games), begun 387, revived by Domitian. A quadrennial contest of athletic displays, chariot racing, oratory, music, and acting. | 86 GHH, MCAW, unrvDt, wikCG, wikDt |
c.86 | STADIUM of Domitian, begun in 80 north of Campus Martius in brick and concrete, 160m x 48m, clad in marble and dedicated - Rome's first permanent venue for competitive athletics. It may have been used as a private riding school. Seats 15-20,000. | photo: Rjdeadly 86 wikDt 92 wikSD |
c.86 | MARTIAL (M. Valerius Martialis) begins publishing 12 Books of Epigrams until 101. | 86 CDCC 559, IDB 4-107 |
86 | Grammarian P. Papinius STATIUS dies. | 86 DGRBM 3-902 |
86/7 | DOMITIAN goes in person to Illyria to save Romans from Dacians. | 86 DGRBM 1-945 87 MCAW no date: LEWH |
87 Jan 1 | CONSULS: DOMITIAN (9th) and L. Volusius SATURNINUS | 87 DGRBM 3-726, FHBC 85, about, wikCon |
87 | Praetorian Prefect from 81, Cornelius FUSCUS ends. Colleague Casperius Aelianus continues 84-94. | 87 wikPP |
c.87 | CORNELIA, chief of the vestals, and 3 other vestals charged with unchastity, executed by burying alive. | 83 OCD 360, zxcCV 87 wikDt 92 GHH, OCD 360 |
88 Jan 1 | CONSULS: DOMITIAN (10th) and L. Minicius RUFUS | 88 DGRBM 3-676, FHBC 85, about, wikCon |
c.88 | War with the Dacians. | 88 GHH |
c.88 | Mime, PARIS is killed on suspicion of intrigue with Domitia. | 88 DGRBM 2-688 |
88 | C. Cornelius TACITUS becomes praetor. | 88 B76 17-987, DGRBM 3-968, HRRP 4.2-699, OCD 1034 |
88 | LUDI SAECULARES celebrated (6 years ahead of the Augustan cycle) by Domitian. Praetor Tacitus helps one of the quindecemviri. | 88 B76 IX-19, CAH 10-837, DGRBM 3-968, GHH |
88 | Rhetoric teacher QUINTILLIAN, 1st state-salaried teacher from 71, retires. | 88 B76 14-341 |
88/9 | PLINY the Younger is a Quaestor attached to Emperor's staff (quaestor imperatoris). | 88/9 wikPlnY |
89 Jan 1 | CONSULS: T. AURELIUS FULVUS and M. Asinius ATRATINUS | 89 FHBC 85, about, wikCon |
89 | People suspected of implication in Saturninus' revolt in Germany are hunted down. Informers are encouraged by payment. | 89 MCAW |
c.89 | Domitian and his Praetorian Guard go from Rome to Gaul. | 89 wikDt, wikTr |
89 | DOMITIAN is granted a triumph over the Dacians - anyway. | 89 MCAW 91 GHH |
89 | DOMITIAN says he and his family are all gods. | 89 MCAW |
89 | Freedman Ti. CLAUDIUS, banished from 82, recalled by Domitian because of intercession by Claudius Etruscus. | 89 OCD 247 |
90 Jan 1 | CONSULS: DOMITIAN (11th) and M. Cocceius NERVA (2nd) | 90 B76 VII-264, DGRBM 2-1167, FHBC 85, OCD 730, about, wikCon |
c.90 | Sextus Julius FRONTINUS writes 2 books on the water supply of Rome, sumarizing advances on aqueducts from ancient times. | 90 MCAW, TTT 97 TTS no date: B76 1-1037 |
c.90 | PLUTARCH of Chaeronea lectures on philosophy in Rome. | 90 MCAW |
c.90 | Poet C. Valerius FLACCUS dies. Author of Argonautica about legendary Jason, and his ship Argo. | 90 B76 X-338 |
c.90 | CORPUS PAULINUM (Pauline Epistles) begin to be collected and copied. | 90 BAA 11 |
90 | Spaniard M. Fabius QUINTILIAN, is made tutor to Domitian's 4 grand-nephews. | 90 wikQnt |
c.90 | PHILOSOPHERS and ASTROLOGERS banished from Italy by Domitian. | 89 CAH 11-17, IDB 1-863, LEWH, MCAW, OCD 360 90 GB 12-101, GHH 93 wikEpc |
90 | EPICTETUS, Greek Stoic philosophy teacher in Rome from 86, expelled, from Italy, goes to Nicopolis Epirus. | 89 IDB 3-549 90 GB 12-101 93 wikEpc 95 MCAW |
c.90 | HADRIAN, age 14, visits Spain, his ancestral home. | 90 B76 8-539 |
c.90 | SPICES become more plentiful because Arab monopoly is broken by Roman ships big enough to sail safely from Egyptian ports on Red Sea to India. But spices are popular and expensive, therefore drain the economy. | 90 TTPC |
91 Jan 1 | CONSULS: M. Ulpius TRAJANUS and M' ACILIUS GLABRIO | 91 B76 8-539, DGRBM 2-272, 3-1166, FHBC 85, HRRP 4.2-743, OCD 231, 467, about, unrvTr, wikCon, wikTr |
91 | PLINY the Younger is pleb tribune. | 91 wikPlnY |
91 | Niece of Domitian and mistress from 84, Flavia JULIA dies. Deified. | 91 OCD 567 |
c.91 | P. Acilius HADRIANUS, age 15, in Spain from 90, is is recalled to Rome by Trajan. | 91 DGRBM 2-319, Dur 3-414 |
c.91 | Gnostic opponent of John the Evangelist, CERINTHUS denies that the Supreme God made the physical world, and denies virgin birth and divinity of Jesus. Says the Christ descended on Jesus at baptism and guided him, but left him at the crucifixion. Epiphanius says Cerinthus founded a school in Asia province. All that is known of him comes from writing of his theological opponents. | 91 GHH no date: wikCrn |
91/2 | ANACLETUS, bishop of Rome from 78, ends. CLEMENT-I succeeds until 98. | 88 Dur 3-552, gnwd, TToH, wikPC1 88 or 91 B76 I-334 88-92 B76 II-984 91 DDS 151, GHH, ODP 7 92 wikPA |
92 Jan 1 | CONSULS: DOMITIAN (12th) and Q. Volusius SATURNINUS suffetes: Q. Junius Arulenus Rusticus, L. Venuleius Apronianus, and C. Junius Silanus | 92 DGRBM 3-726, 822, 1239, FHBC 85, OCD 128, about, wikCon |
92 | Economic edict of Domitian increases wheat production and diminishes wine production - bans new vineyards in Rome, orders uprooting of half of the vineyards in Roman provinces. | 92 IDB 1-864, nomer |
PALACE of Domitian separated into parts Drawing Cassius Ahenobarbus |
92 | DOMUS AUGUSTANA (Flavian Palace, Domus Flavia, Palace of Domitian), begun by architect Rabirius on the Palatine 81, finished. Central section (Domus Augustana) has at least 4 main parts: the 2nd Peristyle to the northeast, the central 3rd Peristyle, the courtyard complex and the exedra on the southwest. Built on two levels, the upper north one consisting of the 2 peristyles to the north on the same level and closely linked to the Domus Flavia, therefore probably having public functions. The south section is built later. (renamed 96) | 92 CDCC 638, wikFP, wikPD |
c.92 | DOMITIAN returns from Rome to the Rhine for 8 months until 93. | 92 unrvDt |
93 Jan 1 | CONSULS: Gn. POMPEIUS COLLEGA and Cornelius PRISCUS suffetes: M. Lollius Paulinus and T. Avidius Quietus | 93 DGRBM 2-798, 3-526, FHBC 85, OCD 156, about, wikCon |
93 | APOLLONIUS of Tyana tried in Rome. . | 93 gtbAT |
93 | Sarmatian War begins. | 93 DGRBM 2-965, GHH |
c.93 | PLINY the Younger becomes praetor. | 93 CDCC 691, HRRP 4.2-700, wikPlnY |
c.93 | DOMITIAN, in Gaul/Germany since 92, returns to Rome. | 93 CAH 11-30 |
93 | Baebius MASSA, former proconsul of Baetica, charged with corruption by Baeticans, prosecuted, convicted, but is pardoned by Domitian. Becomes a favored informant. | 93 CAH 11-39, DGRBM 2-970 |
93 | Reign of terror begins until 96: persecution of Jews, Christians, and philosophers. | 93 B76 5-950, Dur 3-210 95 GHH |
93 Aug 23 |
Gn. Julius AGRICOLA dies, age 55, on his family estates in Gallia Narbonensis. | 93 B76 I-143, CAH 11-30, DGRBM 1-76, 2-970, GHH, OCD 28, MCAW, unrvDt, wikAgr |
93 | JOSEPHUS publishes Antiquities of the Jews to regain their good will by boosting Jewish achievements to the Romans. Uses 1Esdras instead of Ezra - Nehemiah. | 93 B76 I-426, 10-278, BAA 24, 147, DGRBM 2-613, Dur 3-546, GHH, JsCW 678 93/4 CBCNT 53, IDB 2-987, ISBE 2-1132, Jud 10-262, 16-948, JZ 30 94 ODCC 759 |
93 late | Son of H.P. d72, Helvidius PRISCUS executed. Senator suspected of treason. | 93 CAH 11-30, LEWH, brit |
93 late | Herennius SENECIO executed. Suspected of treason. | 93 CAH 11-30, LEWH |
93 late | Arulenus RUSTICUS dies. Writes a panegyric on Thrasea Paetus and Helvidius Priscus. Executed. | 93 CAH 11-30, LEWH, OCD 128 |
94 Jan 1 | CONSULS: L. Nonius TORQUATUS ASPRENAS and T. Sextius MAGIUS LATERANUS suffete: L. Sergius Paulus | 94 DGRBM 2-724, FHBC 85, about, wikCon |
94 | Praetorian Prefect from 84, alone from 87, Casperius AELIANUS ends. T. Flavius NORBANUS and T. Petronius SECUNDUS succeed; Noranus until 96, Secundus until 97. | 94 wikPP |
c.94 | PLINY the Younger becomes prefect of military treasury until 96. | 94 CDCC 691, wikPlnY |
94 | EPICTETUS, freed slave, Phrygian Stoic, flourishes. | 94 GHH |
95 Jan 1 | CONSULS: DOMITIAN (13th) and T. FLAVIUS CLEMENS | 95 DGRBM 1-788, FHBC 85, OCD 249, about, wikCon, wikDt |
95 | Conspiracy of P. Juventius Celsus, the jurist and Nerva. Celsus successfully delays prosecution by flattery, and promises to reveal other conspirators until Domitian dies. | 95 GHH no date: DGRBM 1-662 |
c.95 | MALARIA appears in farmlands outside Rome, removing Campanian produce from markets. Farmers move into Rome, taking malaria with them, lowering live-birth rate in Rome, while rates elsewhere rise. Malaria continues 500 years. | 95 TTPC |
c.95 | 250,000,000 galons of WATER per day flows to Rome by at least 10 aqueducts. This makes 50 galons per person even after the baths use half of it. | 95 TTPC |
95 May | Lappius Maximus receives 2nd consulship. | 95 wikDt |
c.95 | AKIBA ben Joseph and other sages sail from Judea to Puteoli, then go to Rome | 95 B76 1-404 |
c.95 | Iron PLOWS with wheels help Italian farmers. | 95 TTPC |
95 | M' Acilius GLABRIO dies. Cos 91, convicted of following "Jewish practices" Christianity?, executed. Wid Priscilla survives to 98. | 95 BNTH 414, CAH 11, OCD 231, 467 |
c.95 | PHILOSOPHERS banished from all Italy. | 95 CAH 11, MCAW, OCD 360 |
c.95 | Road connecting Appian Way at Sinuessa to Puteoli built by Domitian. | 95 DGRG 2-679 |
95 | JOSEPHUS publishes Vita "Life", his autobiography. Says Agrippa-II is dead at this time. | 93/4 Jud 10-262 post-96 DGRBM 2-613 100 IDB 2-144 |
c.95 | JOSEPHUS writes Against Apion . A defense of Judaism as an ancient religion and philosophy against criticism by literati Apion. Scripture consists of 22 books, possibly excluding Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs. Divides into 3 parts: 1. 5 books of Moses, 2. 13 prophets, 3. 4 books of hymns. |
95 ENBD 188, ISBE 2-1132 no date: Jud4-827 |
95 | Letters of Paul are published. | 95 IDB 2-795 |
c.95 | Spanish teacher, rhetorician, M. Fabius QUINTILIAN publishes Institutes of Oratory . 12 volumes. | 95 IDB 4-107, wikQnt |
95 late | Consul T. Flavius CLEMENS, cousin of Domitian, is accused of godlessness, and executed, for treason and following "Jewish practices" (Christianity?). Clemens' wife FLAVIA DOMITILLA (neice of Domitian) is banished to Pandateria island for the same crime. | 95 B76 5-950, BNTH 413, CAH 11, GHH, IDB 1-863, ISBE 1-204, Jud 6-164, 1338, LEWH, OCD 231, 249, 360, WHCC 30 95/6 ODP 8 96 DDS 230 |
96 Jan 1 | CONSULS: C. ANTISTIUS VETUS and T.(c.?) MANLIUS VALENS | 96 DGRBM 3-1207, 1252, FHBC 85, about, wikCon |
96 | DOMITIAN orders execution of his freedman secretary Epaphroditus for not preventing Nero from suicide. Other freedmen in royal household plot against Domitian, whose wife Domitia Longina is in on it. | 96 DGRBM 1-1061, MCAW, TTPC |
96 | EPAPHRODITUS dies. Freedman from ?, secretary of emperors from ?, former owner of Epictetus, executed by Domitian. | 95 wikEpf 96 DGRBM 1-1061, MCAW, TTPC |
96 | Praetorian Prefect from 94, T. Flavius NORBANUS ends. Colleague T. Petronius SECUNDUS continues 94-97. Casperius AELIANUS appointed by Nerva until 98. | 96 wikPP |
c.96 | PLINY the Younger, prefect of military treasury from 94, ends. | 96 CDCC 691, wikPlnY |
96 | DOMITIA LONGINA, wife of Domitian, feels insecure, joins 2 praetorian prefects & senators in plot to kill Domitian. | 96 IDB 1-863, OCD 360 |
96 | STEPHANUS, former steward of Flavia Domitilla (exiled 95), offers services to senatorial conspirators. | 96 BNTH 413 |
96 Sep 18 | Princeps from 81, 2nd son of Vespasian, Flavius DOMITIAN dies, age 44. Stabbed to death by freedman Stephanus, with complicity of chamberlain Parthenius. There is no retaliation by praetorians. Rome rejoices, and condemns his memory, but the army venerates Domitian. | 96 B76 5-950, 15-1113, BAA, CAH 11-33, CDCC 281, DGRBM 1-1061,2, 3-129, Dur 3-210, GHH, IDB 1-863, Jud 6-164, Jxn 51, LEWH, MCAW, OCD 730, SHWC 131, TToH, TTPC, unrvDt, wikDt, wikNv |
96 Sep 19 | 65 year old senatorial appointee, M. Cocceius NERVA persuaded by chamberlain Parthenius to claim therone, NERVA proclaimed princeps by senate until 98. He is childless, so can't establish a dynasty. He has been a jurist and minor poet, known as eloquent, peaceful, and just. So he lacks military support. | 96 B76 VII-264, 15-1113, BAA, CAH 11-33, 188, DGRBM 2-1167, 3-129, Dur 3-210, GHH, HRRP 4.2-731, LEWH, MCAW, OCD 730, SHWC 131, TToH, TTPC, unrvDt, wikDt, wikNv, wikTr |
96 Sep | Reign of terror from 93 ends. | 96 B76 5-950 |
96 Sep | Work of Marcellinus AMMIANUS starts here. | 96 DGRBM 1-143 |
Emperor NERVA restores tranquility, halts trials based on treason, releases those imprisoned for treason, recalls exiles, restores their property when possible, reforms taxation and land tenure, relieves the poor, publicly swares to never execute a senator - and keeps it. Most superfluous religious sacrifices, games and horse races are abolished. | 96 GHH, MCAW, TTPC, wikNv |
96 | Custom now requires a new emperor to give gifts and money to the people and army. A congiarium of 75 denarii per head is given to citizens, while the Praetorians get possibly as much as 5,000 denarii per man. Economic reforms follow to alleviate the tax burden from poor Romans. The poorest collectively get land allotments worth up to 60,000,000 sesterces. New income comes from Domitian's former possessions, including auctioning of ships, estates, and furniture. Much money comes from Domitian's silver and gold statues. Nerva forbids that similar images be made to him. | 96 wikNv |
96 | Chamberlain Parthenius dies. He and other conspirators against Domitian are killed by soldiers. Nerva lacks the courage to protect them. | 96 DGRBM 3-129 |
96 | Publicius CERTUS attacked in senate by Pliny and Ummidius Quadratus for his action in condemnation of Helvidius Priscus. | 96 DGRBM 3-632,3 |
96 | All statues of Domitian destroyed by order of senate. His name is removed from all public inscriptions. His laws are anulled, his informers prosecuted. | 96 LEWH, MCAW, OCD 730 |
96 Oct? | DOMUS AUGUSTANA (Flavian Palace, Domus Flavia) on the Palatine hill, completed 92, renamed House of the People) | 96 wikNv |
96 | Consul T.(c.?) MANLIUS VALENS dies, age 18. | 96 DGRBM 3-1207 |
96 | Nerva's forum opens. | 96 MCAW |
96 | Lex Cocceia prohibits castration. | 96 GHH, EDRL 549 |
c.96 | 1st Epistle of Clement written to Corinthian Ctns in response their deposition of certain elders (terms bishop and presbyter are used interchangeably). Clement tells congregation to repent, restore the elders, and obey their superiors. Quotes 1st Corinthians to support his authority. 1st reference to martyrdom of Peter & Paul attested (ch5). Cites the O.T. @100 times. Quotes material similar to synoptics w/o calling it scripture. "Wisdom of Solomon" is quoted in it as scripture. Contains earliest reference to Epistle to Ephesians, Hebrews. The so called 2nd Epistle of Clement is a 2nd cen homily falsely attributed to Clement. |
93-7 WHCC 32, 41 95 BAA 8, BNTH 419, CAH 11-289, 12-530, ENBD 945, IDB 1-164, Qlb 47, 49 95/6 CBCNT 58, ENBD 942, FHBC 304, IDB 1-649 96 B76 13-956, 14-156, BBP 102, ISBE 3-706, Jxn 96, MMCL 1, OCD 250, ODCC 300, ODP 8, Jxn 40, gnwd, wikFEC, wikPC1 97 ANF 2 no date: IDB 1-512 |
by 96 | There is a copy of 1 Corinthians and other N.T. writings in church archives of Rome, | by 96 BBP 167 |
96 | Ecclesiastical Supremacy of Rome in 1 Clement: 59. "But if any disobey the words spoken by him thru us, let them know that they will involve themselves in transgression and no small danger." 63. "For you will have joy and gladness if obedient to what we have written thru the Holy Spirit to you..." |
96 DIPA 2 |
96 | APOSTOLIC SUCCESSION supported in 1 Clement: Says bishops are successors to the Apostles. |
95 B76 II-43 |
96 | Clement, who knew that Paul wanted to go to Spain, says, he had "come to the exreme limit of the west". | 95 IDB 4-430, Qlb 47 |
96 | Poet, P. Papinius STATIUS dies in Neapolis. | 96 CDCC 842, MCAW |
97 Jan 1 | CONSULS: M. Cocceius NERVA (3rd) and L. Verginius RUFUS (3rd) suffetes: Cornelius Tacitus, Arius Antoninus | 97 B76 VII-264, 17-983, CAH 10-869, 11-192, DGRBM 2-1167, 3-678, 969, FHBC 85, OCD 76, 1034, 1114, about, wikCon |
97 early | Conspiracy led by senator C. Calpurnius Piso Crassus Frugi Licinianus fails, but again Nerva refuses to execute the conspirators. Senate disapproves. | 97 wikNv |
97 | Domitian assassin STEPHANUS and accomplices killed by Praetorian Guard. | 97 B76 VIII-174, OCD 730 |
97 | Lex Agraria redistributes land. | 97 CAH 11 |
97 | Sextus Julius FRONTINUS appointed curator aquarum by Nerva to overhaul the Roman water system. "With such an array of indispensable structures carrying so many waters, compare ... the idle pyramids, or the useless but famous works of the Greeks." | 97 B76 1-1036-7, CAH 11-193, CDCC 367, OCD 448 |
97 | Praetorian Prefect from 94, T. Petronius SECUNDUS dismissed by Nerva. Colleague Casperius AELIANUS continues 96-98. | 96 wikNv 97 wikPP |
97 | Consul L. Verginius RUFUS-III dies age 83, after breaking a leg, and is replaced by suffete C. Cornelius Tacitus, who does his eulogy. | 97 DGRBM 3-678, 969, MCAW, wikVR |
97 | Emperor NERVA considers adopting M. Cornelius Nigrinus Curiatius Maternus, governor of Syria. He is covertly opposed by supporters of popular army commander M. Ulpius Trajanus. | 97 wikNv |
97 mid | Emperor NERVA consults the army before deciding to adopt soldier M. Ulpius TRAJANUS as son and successor. This creates a precedent. | 97 CAH 11-178, 197, CDCC 902, GHH, LEWH, MCAW, OCD 730, TTPC, unrvTr, wikNv |
97 mid | M. Ulpius TRAJANUS, in Upper Germany fighting Suevi, is adopted by Nerva, and given full imperial and tribunician power, essentially making him co-emperor. | 97 DGRBM 3-1166, HRRP 4.2-742, TTPC, unrvTr, wikTr |
97 | P. Acilius HADRIANUS, former ward of Trajan, now in Lower Moesia, is chosen to go to Gaul and tell Trajan of his adoption. | 97 B76 8-539, DGRBM 2-319, wikTr |
Sources conflict as to whether Trajan went to Rome to be adopted.
97 Oct | Praetorian Guard, led by Casperius Aelianus, miffed that they have been excluded from emperor-appointing, rebels, besieges the Imperial Palace and takes Nerva hostage. He is forced to agree to hand over those responsible for Domitian's death and give a speech thanking the rebellious Praetorians. T. Petronius Secundus and Parthenius are sought out and killed. | 97 MCAW, wikDt, wikNv |
c.97 | M. Ulpius TRAJANUS, governor of Lower Germany from 91, Upper from 96, recalled to Rome by Nerva. | 97 B76 8-539, TTPC, wikGGI |
97 late | TRAJAN apparently returns from Rome to Gaul, but no source says so. |
98 Jan 1 | CONSULS: NERVA (4th) and TRAJAN (2nd) suffetes: Sextus Julius Frontinus, L. Licinius Sura, and C. Sosius Senecio |
98 CAH 11-198, CDCC 367, 902, DGRBM 2-1167, 3-783, FHBC 85, OCD 448, wikCon, wikNv |
T. Flavius LIBO instead of Trajan | about |
98 Jan 1 | NERVA has a stroke, then gets a fever. | 98 wikNv |
98 Jan 25-27 | Princeps from 96, M. Cocceius NERVA dies, age 95, of fever. Adopted son, M. Ulpius TRAJAN succeeds without incident until 117, (now campaigning on the Rhine). He continues there until 99. | 98 B76 VII-264, B76 15-1113, BAA, CAH 11-198, HRRP 4.2-733, LEWH, MCAW, OCD 730, TTPC 98 Jan 25 or 27 DGRBM 2-1168, 3-1166, Dur 3-408, GHH, Jud 15-1312, Jxn 54, SHWC 131, TToH, wikNv, wikTr |
98 Jan | NERVA deified by senate. | 98 GHH, wikNv |
98 | Praetorian Prefect from 96, Casperius AELIANUS ends. Sextus Attius SUBURANUS succeeds until 101. | 98 wikPP |
98 | PRISCILLA, wid of M' Acilius Glabrio 95, martyred. | 98 DDS 480 |
98 Mar 21 |
Solar eclipse (falsely recorded to be on the day of Nerva's death). | 98 DGRBM 2-1168 |
98 | The profession of BUFFOON in the Roman theater abolished by Trajan. | 98 GHH |
98 | ASTRONOMY: MENELAUS of Alexandria, in Rome, makes dated astronomical observations that will be used by Ptolemy's Almagest. | 98 DGRBM 2-1039, OCD 671 |
c.98 | PLINY the Younger becomes prefect of public treasury until 100. | 98 CDCC 691, wikPlnY |
98 | MONEY: Denarius, 92% silver under Domitian from 81, raised to 93% under Trajan until 127. | 98 TTPC |
98 | Greek sophist, DIO CHRYSOSTOM, becomes known in Rome. | 98 MCAW |
98 | P. Cornelius TACITUS publishes Germany based on previous books now lost. Reliable ethnography of Germans, whom he believes to be a threat to the empire. | 98 B76 8-34, 40, 17-983, CAH 11-76, MCAW, OCD 1034 |
98 | P. Cornelius TACITUS publishes Life of Agricola . | 98 B76 I-143, 17-983, GB 15, MCAW, OCD 1034 |
98 | Christian assemblies prohibited. | 98 GHH |
98±3 | 4th Bishop of Rome from 91, CLEMENT-I, dies. EVARISTUS succeeds until 109. | 96 GHH 97 TToH 97-101 DDS 213, B76 II-984 98 Dur 3-552 99 DDS 151, wikPC1 100 ODP 8 101 ODP 7 |
99 Jan 1 | CONSULS: A. Cornelius PALMA FRONTINUS and Q. SOSIUS SENECIO | 99 DGRBM 3-101, 783, FHBC 85, about, wikCon |
99 | TRAJAN, in Gaul & Germany from 89, decides its time to go to Rome, crosses to Italy. | 99 CGRBM 2-965, unrvTrwikTr |
99 | TRAJAN enters Rome on foot greeted by massive crowds, gives plebs a direct gift of money. He re-affirms the vow by Nerva that no senator would be harmed, and the Augustan sham of being a first citizen among peers. | 99 DGRBM 2-965, LEWH, unrvTr, wikTr 100 MCAW |
99 | Judicia Majestatis, instituted by Augustus by lex Julia de majestate (date unknown), abolished. Restoration of the Roman Constitution. | 99 GHH |
99 | Plutarch, Trajan's preceptor, flourishes. | 99 GHH |
99 | PLINY and TACITUS are appointed to conduct prosecution of Marius Priscus for misconduct in Africa 97-98. | 99 DGRBM 3-969 |
99 | Public schools and libraries: care of the poor; State bounty for children. | 99 GHH |
99 | The Ulpian Library begun by Trajan in his forum. Finished 114. | 99 GHH no date: wikUL |
100 Jan 1 | Several men are CONSULS: TRAJAN (3rd) and Sex. Julius FRONTINUS (3rd) suffetes: C. Julius Cornuntus Tertullus, L. Aelianus Roscius, Ti. Claudius Sacerdos, and Pliny the Younger | 100 CDCC 367, DGRBM 3-422, 663, 692, 1167, FHBC 85, OCD 292, 448, about, wikCon |
100 | TRAJAN spends the year in Rome honoring Nerva, ultimately with deification, and building a sense of governing authority within the senate. His rule is low key, and his court minimal. He lets provincial governors make their own decisions, and defer to the emperor only on matters of extreme importance. He reduces the power of the praetorians and reforms the court system. | 100 unrvTr |
100 | 2 new legions, II Traiana and XXX Ulpia, created by Trajan. | 100 unrvTr |
100 | P. Aelius HADRIANUS marries Vibia SABINA, until 136/7. She is dau of L. Vibius Sabinus & Matilda, niece of Trajan. | 100 B76 8-539, Dur 3-414, OCD 941 |
c.100 | PLINY the Younger, prefect of public treasury from 98, ends. Becomes suffect consul. | 100 CDCC 691, wikPlnY |
c.100 | PLINY the Younger delivers oration Panegyricus Traiani in the Senate. | 100 wikPlnY |
100 | Marius PRISCUS, former proconsul of Africa 97-8, prosecuted for extortion by Cornelius Tacitus and Pliny the Younger; convicted, exiled. | 99 GB 15-v 100 B76 VIII-45, 17-983, GHH, OCD 1034 |
c.100 | Sextus Julius FRONTINUS publishes De Aquis Urbae Romae describing aqueducts and their history. | 100 SHT 2-405, no date: OCD 448 |
c.100 | Roman army peaks at 300,000 troops. | 100 PW 17 |
c.100 | JOSEPHUS dies in Rome, age 56. | 93 GHH post-93 B76 10-278 100 B76 10-310, CDCC 474, ISBE 2-1132, ODCC 759 post-100 IDB 2-987, Jud 10-251 |
c.100 | MARTIAL (M. Valerius Martialis) publishes 10th book . | 100 DGRBM 3-524 |
c.100 | MARTIAL (M. Valerius Martialis), with financial help from Pliny the Younger, retires to his native Spain. | 96 DGRBM 2-926 100 DGRBM 2-964, GHH, MCAW |
c.100 | PLINY the Younger writes Panegyrics for Trajan. | 100 CAH 11, DGRBM 3-422, MCAW |
100 | PLINY the Younger begins writing 9 books of selected private letters until 109, beginning with events around death of Domitian. | 100 B76 VIII-45 |
100 | P. Acilius HADRIANUS marries SABINA. | 100 DGRBM 3-686 |
100 | 3 Schools of Gnostics, viz., of Syria, Asia, and Egypt. Saturninus, the Syrian Gnostic, flourishes. | 100 GHH |
100 | APOLLONIUS of Tyana Cappadocia dies in Crete. |
100 | P. Cornelius TACITUS publishes Histories in 14 books. 4½ survive. | 100 BBP 170 100-110 wikHT |
100 | MILITARY MEDICINE peaks: Every legion has 24 surgeons. First-aid and field-ambulance services are well organized. Hospitals are maintained near every important encampment. | 100 ahcRM |
c.100 | Spanish teacher, rhetorician, M. Fabius QUINTILIAN, in Italy from 68, retired from 88, dies in Rome. | post-96 B76 14-341 100 wikQnt |
by 100 | CHRISTIANITY: Strongly represented in Anatolia mostly, also Syria, Macedonia, Greece, and Rome - which has the largest congregation. Moderately in Egypt. | by 100 WHCC 37, 60 |
100 | Christians in Rome adopt Syrian / Etruscan burial custom of CATACOMB burial, probably for spacial economy. | 100 Dur 3-601 |
100 Sep 1 | PLINY the Younger becomes suffect consul. | 100 CDCC 691 |