86 | MOESIA, a province from 6 CE, divided into UPPER and LOWER Moesia by Domitian. | 86 wikDt |
86 | M. Cornelius Nigrinus Curiatius MATERNUS becomes governor of Lower Moesia until 89. | 86 wikGLM |
c.86 | 3 more legions sent to the Danube. | 86 wikDt |
86 | Legion IV Flavia Felix camped in Burnum, Dalmatia from 70, is moved to Upper Moesia. | 85 wik4Mc 86 wik4FF |
c.86 | Cornelius FUSCUS with 5 legions in Moesia invades Dacia, and is ambushed, defeated, and killed at First Battle of Tapae Dacia. Legion-V is annihilated, and never restored; its standard captured. | 86 B76 15-1113, OCD 309, wikCF, wikDt 86/7 OCD 360 87 HRRP 4.2-712 |
86 Aug | DOMITIAN comes in person from Rome to Illyria and Moesia to save Romans from Dacians. | 85 unrvDt 86 DGRBM 1-945, HRRP 4.2-712, wikDt 87 MCAW, no date: LEWH |
86/7 | L. Funisulanus VETTONIANUS becomes governor of Upper Moesia until 87/8. | 86/7 wikGUM |
87 | DACIANS under Decebalus south of Danube from 86, forced back to Dacia by Domitian in person. | 87 MCAW |
87 | DACIANS under Decebalus again pushed by Sarmatians south over the Danube. | 87 MCAW, wikMs |
87 | Romans bridge Danube again. | 87 MCAW, wikMs |
87 | Romans under Tettius Julianus invade Dacia again. | 87 wikDt |
87/8 | L. Funisulanus VETTONIANUS, governor of Upper Moesia from 86/7, ends. L. Tettius JULIANUS succeeds until 89/90. | 87/8 wikGUM |
c.88 | DOMITIAN restores situation in Moesia, patches up damage done by Dacians, but revolt of Saturninus in Germany prevents him from following up. | 88 B76 15-1113 |
89 | Legion XXI Rapax is sent from Germany to Pannonia until 92. | 89 wik21R |
89 | M. Cornelius Nigrinus Curiatius MATERNUS , governor of Lower Moesia from 86, ends. Sextus Octavius FRONTO succeeds until 93. | 89 wikGLM |
89/90 | L. Tettius JULIANUS, governor of Upper Moesia from 87/8, ends. No data until 93/4. | 89/90 wikGUM |
90 | Greek botanist Pedanios DIOSCORIDES dies (location unknown). | 90 Dur 3-505, wikPD |
c.90 | PAULINE EPISTLES begin to be collected and copied. | 90 BAA 11 |
90 | EPICTETUS, Greek Stoic philosophy teacher in Rome from 86, expelled, from Italy, goes to Nicopolis Epirus, lives in poverty as a teacher, wries nothing. | 90 GB 12-101 95 MCAW |
91 | L. Neratius PRISCUS becomes governor of Pannonia until 94. | 91 wikLNP |
91 | T. Avidius QUIETUS becomes gov of Achaea until 92. | 91 wikARp |
91 | MESSENIA in Peloponnese forbids local women to wear transparent silk clothing at religious initiations. | 91 Dur 3-319 |
92 | T. Avidius QUIETUS, gov of Achaea ends. C. Avidius Nigrinus? succeeds until ?. | 92 wikARp |
92 | Legion XXI Rapax, in Pannonia from 89, is probably destroyed, fighting on the Lower Danube against the Roxolani. XIV Gemina is sent to replace it, setting up camp in Vindobona Pannonia. | 92 wik21R, wikL14 |
c.92/3 | Q. Pomponius RUFUS becomes governor of Dalmatia until 94/5. | 92/3 wikDRP |
93 | Sextus Octavius FRONTO, governor of Lower Moesia from 89, ends. No data until 95. | 93 wikGLM |
93/4 | Gn. Pinarius Aemilius Cicatricula Pompeius LONGINUS becomes governor of Upper Moesia until 96/7. | 93/4 wikGUM |
94 | L. Neratius PRISCUS governor of Pannonia from 91, ends. | 94 wikLNP |
c.94/5 | Q. Pomponius RUFUS, governor of Dalmatia from 92/3, ends. No data until 98/9. | 94/5 wikDRP |
95 | L.? Julius MAR[INUS?] becomes governor of Lower Moesia until 98. | 95 wikGLM |
c.95 | P. Acilius HADRIANUS becomes military tribune to Legion-II Adjutrix, probably at Aquincum Pannonia, goes with it to Upper Moesia until 96. | 95 B76 8-539, DGRBM 2-319, OCD 484 |
96 | P. Acilius HADRIANUS, military tribune of legion-II from 95, transfers to be tribune of legion-V Macedonica in Lower Moesia. | 96 B76 8-539, OCD 484 |
96 | P. Acilius HADRIANUS, now retired from the army, goes to Athens, studies philosophy, math, medicine. Becomes a known Greek-lover. | ? |
96 | Gn. Pompeius LONGINUS transferred from Moesia to be governor of Pannonia until 99. | 96 wikGPL |
96 Sep 18 | DOMITIAN dies. NERVA succeeds until 98. |
96/7 | Gn. Pinarius Aemilius Cicatricula Pompeius LONGINUS, governor of Upper Moesia from 93/4, ends. No data until 100. | 96/7 wikGUM |
97 | P. Acilius HADRIANUS hurries from Greece to Lower Germany to be 1st to congratulate Trajan on being adopted by Nerva. | 97 DGRBM 2-319 |
98 | Legion XIII Gemina at Poetovio Pannonia from 44, is transferred to Vindobona Pannonia, begins fortress construction. | 98 OCD 850, 1122 |
98 | TRAJAN passes thru Vindobona Pannonia. | 98 OCD 1122 |
98 | L.? Julius MAR[INUS?, governor of Lower Moesia from 95, ends. Q. Pomponius RUFUS succeeds until 100. | 98 wikGLM |
98 | L. Herennius SATURNINUS becomes gov of Achaea until 99 | 98 wikARp |
98/9 | TRAJAN winters on Danube frontier. | 98/9 CAH 11-225 |
c.98/9 | ? ? MACER becomes governor of Dalmatia until 99/100. | 98/9 wikDRP |
99 | Gn. Pompeius LONGINUS governor of Pannonia from 96, ends. L. Julius Ursus SERVIANUS succeeds until 100. | 99 wikGPL, wikJRS |
99 | L. Herennius SATURNINUS, gov of Achaea from 98, ends. L. Julius Marinus CAECILIUS SIMPLEX succeeds until 100. | 99 wikARp |
c.99/100 | ? ? MACER, governor of Dalmatia from 98/9, ends. Sparce data until 147. | 99/100 wikDRP |
100 | L. Julius Ursus SERVIANUS governor of Pannonia from 99 ends. | 100 wikJRS |
100 | Q. Pomponius RUFUS, governor of Lower Moesia from 98, ends. M' LABERIUS MAXIMUS succeeds until 102. | 100 wikGLM |
100 | C. Cilnius PROCLUS becomes governor of Upper Moesia until 101/2. | 100 wikGUM |
100 | LIBRARY built at the southeast corner of the agora Athens by T. Flavius Pantainus decorated with a marble scuplture of Homer. | 100 B76 2-267 |
100 | L. Julius Marinus CAECILIUS SIMPLEX, gov of Achaea from 99, ends. C. Caristanius IULIANUS succeeds until 101. | 100 wikARp |
by 100 | CHRISTIANITY: Strongly represented in Anatolia mostly, also Syria, Macedonia, Greece, and Rome - which has the largest congregation. Moderately in Egypt. | by 100 WHCC 37 |