426/5 | Aetolians invite Spartans to join them. | winter 426/5 lvG |
c.425 | ANACTORIUM, under Corinth from 433, taken by Athenian general DEMOSTHENES, in cooperation with Acarnanians. Corinthians expelled. Anactorium absorbed into Acarnania. | 425 DGRG 1-128, LEWH 72, OCD 57 |
c.425 | PERDICCAS-II king of Macedon 452-13 allies with Spartan BRASIDAS to oust Athenians and Arrabaeos prince of Lyncos. | 425 OCD 799 424 DGRBM 1-349 |
c.425 | ODESSOS Thrace joins Athenian League until ?. | 425 wikOd |
c.425 | EION Thrace under Athenians from 475, retaken by Chalcidians and Bottiaeans. | 425 DGRG 1-809 |
425 May | Athenian fleet under generals Eurymedon and Sophocles, enroute to protect Corcyra, driven by storm into Pylos harbor on west coast of Peloponnese. When storm ends, Demosthenes is left at Pylos with 5 triremes. Demosthenes fortifies PYLOS, which is under Athens until 409. Eurymedon and Sophocles sail on to Corcyra, where 60 Spartan ships under Brasidas are operating. Demosthenes tries to stir up Messenians against Sparta. | 425 B76 14-22, CAH 5, GHH, LEWH 72, MCAW 132, OCD 251, 289, 329, 796, 902, OHG, RAH 245-6, lvG, wikBPy |
c.425 | Λ CORCYRA V: Democrats massacre oligarchs again. | 425 OCD 289, wikCrf |
c.425 | Courtesan LAIS of Corinth flourishes. Among her clients are philosopher Aristippos (2 of his alleged writings are about Lais) and Olympic champion Eubotas of Cyrene. | 425 wikLoC |
c.425 | Earthquake in Euboea, which only now converts it from a peninsula to an island. | 425 GHH |
c.425 | EUTHYNOS, eponymous archon of Athens from 426, ends. STRATOCLES succeeds until 424. | 425 wikEA |
c.425 | BRYSON of Heraclea, mathematician, sophist, flourishes. Λ GEOMETRY V: Contributes to squaring the circle and calculating pi. (See Hippocrates 450, Hippasus 445, Hippias 420) |
late 5th-cen: wikBH |
c.425 | Corinthian XENOCLEIDES sent with 300 heavy-armed soldiers to Ambracia. | 425 DGRBM 3-1289 |
c.425 | Plague in Attica from 430 ends. | 423 TToH |
c.425 | ARISTOPHANES publishes anti-war play Acharnians , produced by Callistratos, winning 1st prize at Lenaea. Farmer hero Dicaeopolis makes a private peace treaty with Sparta despite opposition of chorus, and enjoys its benefits. | 425 B76 I-57, 1-1154, CAH 5, CDCC 222, DGRBM 1-313, Dur 2-422, OCD 113, OHG 202, TTPC, bk |
c.425 | ARISTOPHANES parodies the recently completed 430 "History" of Herodotus. | 425 OCD 508 |
c.425 | HERODOTUS dies in Athens, Macedonia, or Thuri. | after 430 wikHrd 425 Dur 2-729, LEWH 76, RAH 289, SHT 1-783, SHWC 77 424 IDB 2-596, MCAW 135, TToH |
c.425 | AGIS-II king of Sparta 427-399, invades Attica and ravages for 15 days, learns of the Athenian fortification of Pylos, returns to Peloponnese. He sends troops toward Pylos and sends word for Admiral Brasidas to return from Corcyra to Pylos. | 425 CAH 5, DGRBM 1-72, GHH, MCAW 132, lvG, wikBPy |
c.425 | Spartan Admiral Brasidas with 60 ships escapes Athenian fleet, sails from Corcyra to Pylos. Demosthenes at Pylos sends 2 ships to recall the Athenian fleet from Corcyra to counter Brasidas. | 425 B76 14-22, wikBPy |
c.425 | Spartans under Brasidas land 420 hoplites with helot auxiliaries at SPHACTERIA Island in Pylos harbor, and attack the Athenian/Messenian garrison in Pylos from land and sea. Attack fails, so Spartans besiege Demosthenes in Pylos. | 425 B76 8-357, 14-22, GHH, LEWH 72, RAH 246, wikBPy |
c.425 | Athenian fleet under Eurymedon and Sophocles arrives at Pylos harbor, routs Spartan fleet, and traps the 420 Spartans on Sphacteria Island. Spartans negotiate a truce: Spartans surrender ships, and are allowed to bring food and supplies to the men on Sphacteria. | 425 B76 14-22, DGRBM 2-1186, Dur 2-442, OCD 251, lvG, wikBPy |
c.425 | Spartans send an embassy to Athens to negotiate a more permanent settlement at Sphacteria. Athenian statesman CLEON thwarts Spartan peace efforts at Athens. Spartan envoys return home. Armistice at Pylos ends. | 426 LEWH 72 425 B76 14-22, CAH 5, OCD 251, wikBPy |
c.425 | Athenian admiral NICIAS attacks coast of Corinth, kills Corinthian general LYCOPHRON in battle. | 425 DGRBM 2-847, 1186 |
c.425 | DEMOSTHENES and Athenian fleet besiege the Spartans on Sphacteria. | 425 B76 8-357, LEWH 72, wikBSp |
c.425 | In Athens CLEON accuses DEMOSTHENES of wasting time and resources at Sphacteria. NICIAS challenges Cleon to do better. Cleon is sent with a fleet to do so. Theogenes accompanies. | 425 DGRBM 3-1074, LEWH 72 no date: OCD 251 |
c.425 | Athenians CLEON and DEMOSTHENES capture 292 troops on Sphacteria, 120 of which are Spartan elite. They are taken in chains to Athens to prevent another Spartan invasion of Attica. | 425 B76 II-989, 8-357, 14-22, CAH 5, CDCC 489, Dur 3-442, GHH, LEWH 72, MCAW 132, OCD 676, RAH 246, TTPC, lvG, wikBSp |
c.425 | ATHENIAN LEAGUE doubles its dues to 1,200 talents. | 425 CDGRA 478 |
c.425 | ALCAMENES, sculptor of Lemnos and Athens flourishes. Noted for delicacy and finish of his works, of which only Roman copies survive. This head of a herm (see 550) is an example. | photo QuartierLatin1968 450-00 wikAlc |
c.425 | CRATINOS, Old Comedy dramatist, produces Cheimazoumenoi , wins 2nd prize. | 425 DGRBM 1-887 |
Callimachos Maenads from frieze of Temple of Athena Nike Creative Commons |
c. 425 | CALLIMACHOS, architect and sculptor of Athens and Corinth flourishes. Pausanias says "though not of the first rank of artists, [he] was yet of unparalleled cleverness, so that he was the first to drill holes thru stones" -that is, in order to enhance surface effects of light and shade in locks of hair, foliage and other details. Known for elaborately detailed sculptures or drapery. Few securely attributed works by him survive, such as sculptures of Nikes on frieze of the Temple of Athena Nike. . | 450-00 wikClm |
c.424 spring | CLEON is elected stategos of Athens. | spring 424 RAH 247 |
c.424 | SITALCES dies. King of Odrysians of Thrace from 431, campaigns against the Triballi and is killed. Neph SEUTHES-I succeeds until 410. | 424 CAH 6-449, 454, DGRBM 3-809, GHH, frH, rcSB2, wikLRTD, wikOK, wikSths, wikStl |
c.424 | Artaphernes, a Persian envoy from Atraxerxes-I bound for Sparta is intercepted at Eion Thrace by Aristides son of Archippos, and brought to Athens. He has a letter containing a complaint by Atraxerxes about confusion caused by many conflicting messages. Atraxerxes asks for a personal embassy to be sent back with the envoy. The Athenians send their own embassy with the envoy to Ephesus. Meanwhile, Atraxerxes dies, so nothing comes of any of it. | 425 DGRBM 1-369 |
c.424 | STRATOCLES, eponymous archon of Athens from 425, ends. ISARCHOS succeeds until 423. | 424 wikEA |
c.424 | THUCYDIDES (the historian) is elected stategos and sent with 7 ships to Thasos Island in north Aegean. | 424 DGRBM 3-1112, EoΦ 8-123, θuc |
c.424 | KYTHERA island south of Peloponnese, under Sparta from 550, is taken by Athenians NICIAS and Nicostratos. Under Athens until 421. Garrisoned as a base for attacking Laconia. | 424 B76 14-22, CAH 5, DGRBM 2-1186, 1200, DGRBM 3-332, GHH, LEWH 72, OCD 308, lvG taken by Cleon: MCAW 132 |
c.424 | Athenian NICIAS ravages coast of Laconia. | 424 GHH |
c.424 | Exiles from Aegina, given land by Spartans, are hunted down by Athenians. Most exiles are killed at Threatis. Survivors will be restored in 404. | 424 B76 I-108 |
c.424 | Democratic party at MEGARA offers to betray Megara to Athens. Demosthenes and Hippocrates immediately march to exploit this opportunity, and occupy the 2 long walls built and garrisoned by Athenians 459 which connect Megara to its port, Nisaea, but Athenians cannot enter Megara itself. | 424 DGRBM 2-481 |
c.424 | NISAEA, the main port of Megara, under a Spartan garrison from ?, is taken by Demosthenes and Hippocrates, under Athens until ?. | 424 B76 8-358, CAH 5, DGRBM 1-980, 2-481, LEWH 72, OCD 329 |
c.424 | Megarans destroy the 2 long walls. | 424 wikNis |
c.424 | Demosthenes and Hippocrates try to take Megara, but are prevented by Spartan admiral BRASIDAS with 700 hoplites and 1,000 Argive mercenaries on their way to Thrace. Brasidas secures dominance of pro-Spartan oligarchs at Megara, but doesn't have time to recover Nisaea. He withdraws to Corinth. | 424 B76 II-237, DGRBM 1-980, LEWH 72, OCD 179, 329, 796, TTPC, lvG |
c.424 | BRASIDAS with 700 hoplites and 1,000 Argive mercenaries moves quickly thru Boeotia and Thessaly. | 424 LEWH 72-3, OCD 179, 796, TTPC, lvG |
c.424 | Spartan admiral BRASIDAS with 700 hoplites and 1,000 Argive mercenaries arrive at Heraclea Thrace, persuades several cities to rebel against Athens. | 424 B76 14-22, DGRBM 1-502, GHH, LEWH 72-3 |
c.424 | EUCLES, Athenian commander of Amphipolis, asks Thucidides (the historian), now at Thasos, for help against Brasidas. | 424 DGRBM 3-1112 |
c.424 | ARGILOS, resenting Amphipolis occupying what was once their land, readily joins Brasidas. | 424 DGRG 1-199 |
c.424 | ACANTHOS Chalcidice joins Brasidas. | 424 DGRBM |
c.424 | ARRHABAEUS king of Lyncestis west of Macedon rebels against overlord, Perdiccas-II of Macedon until 423. | 424 wikArb |
c.424 | Perdiccas-II king of Macedon 452-13 supports Spartan general Brasidas, who in return helps him strengthen his grip on Lyncestis. | 424 lvG |
c.424 | ACANTHOS Chalcidice, allied with Athens from 479, either joins Brasidas voluntarily, or is taken by him, allies with Sparta until 421. | 424 CAH 5, DGRBM, DGRG 1- 8, rcSB2 |
c.424 | TORONE, in central peninsula of Chalcidice, allied with Athens from ?, taken by Brasidas, under Sparta until 422. | 424 CAH 5 |
c.424 | AMPHIPOLIS, on coast of Thrace east of Chalcidice, under Athens from 437/6, surrenders to Spartan BRASIDAS without resistance. Under Sparta until 421. Athenian admiral Thucydides does nothing to prevent it. | 424 B76 14-22, CAH 5, CDCC 144, DGRBM 3-1112, DGRG 1-126, Dur 2-244, GHH, LEWH 73, MCAW 132, OCD 54, 1067, bk, rcSB2 424/3 θuc |
c.424 | THUCYDIDES (the historian), with 7 ships at Thasos, sails to Eion, at the mouth of the Strymon, on the evening of the same day Amphipolis surrenders. He at least prevents Eion from failing to Brasidas | 424 B76 14-22, DGRBM 3-1112 |
c.424 | Brasidas makes agreement with Perdiccas-II of Macedon, goes from Macedonia to Thessaly. | 424 DGRBM 1-502 |
424 Mar 21 |
SOLAR ECLIPSE begins 8th year of Pelop. War. "In first days of the next summer there was an eclipse of the sun at the time of new moon, and in the early part of the same month an earthquake [Etna in Sicily]." (Thucidides: History of the Peloponessian war 4-52) |
424 Mar 21 GHH, hbar, nasaS |
c. 424 | Athenians Demosthenes and Hippocrates plan a 3 prong invasion of Boeotia from west and east. Demosthenes sails 40 ships to Naupactos, raises their forces in Acarnania, and sails for Siphae Boeotia. Thebans are forewarned of attack, send general Pagondas with Boeotians who prevent Demosthenes from landing at Siphae. Hippocrates occupies Delium without opposition, fortifies it, garrisons it, and returns to Athens. | 424 B76 14-22, CAH 5, 6-527, CDCC 89, 129, 859, DGRBM 1-99, 980, 2-481, DGRG 1-415, Dur 2-365, 444, LEWH 73, MCAW 132, OCD 329, 796, OHG 164, TTPC |
c. 424 | PAGONDAS, Boeotian general, arrives at Delium. Hippocrates returns and meets Boeotians between DELIUM and Oropos 7 miles west of it. Pagondas (using blowtorches) defeats and annihilates Hippocrates and 1,000 hoplites. HIPPOCRATES is killed. Athenian offensive ends. Legend says Socrates saved the lives of Alcibiades and Xenophon. |
424 B76 14-22, CAH 5, 6-527, CDCC 89, 129, 859, DGRBM 1-99, 980, 2-481, 3-848, DGRG 1-415, Dur 2-365, 444, LEWH 73, MCAW 132, OCD 329, 796, OHG 164, TTPC |
c.424 | Athenian general HIPPONICUS-III son of Callias-II killed at Delium. Son Callias-III inherits fortune. | 424 DGRBM 1-567 |
c.424 | DEMOSTHENES is further disgraced for a failed attempt on Sicyon. | 424 DGRBM 1-980 |
c.424 | Athenian general DEMOSTHENES is discredited for failure of the Boeotian campaign - plus Sicyon, given no major command until 413. | 424 OCD 329 |
c.424 | PANACTUM, an Athenian fort on Boeotian border between Plataea and Phyle, taken by Boeotia after battle of Delium. | no date B76 8-358 |
c.424 | A plot to betray CHAERONEA Boeotia to Athens is thwarted. Chaeronea is occupied by a strong Boeotian force. | 424 DGRG 1-595 |
c. 424 | THUCYDIDES, Athenian admiral, commands a fleet in the Aegean. He is exiled until 404 at insistance of CLEON for doing nothing to stop Brasidas from taking Amphipolis. He spends the next 20 years traveling. | 424 CAH 5, Dur 2-432, LEWH 73, MCAW 135, OCD 1067, OHG, RAH 293, TTPC, bk 423 DGRBM 3-1113 no date: B76 18-359 |
Thucydides is the historian who gave us all this info. |
c.424 | Athenian fleet at Sicily from 427 returns to Athens. | 424 B76 14-22, CAH 5, CDCC 819, LEWH 73, OCD 985, 1030 |
c.424 | CLEON easily passes a bill allowing Athenians to pay no taxes to support the war, but to finance it by nearly trippling the tax paid by tributary states. | 425 CAH 5 424 Dur 2-442, LEWH 72 no date OCD 251 |
c.424 | Painter ZEUXIS, pupil of Apollodoros, moves from Heracleia to Athens. | 424 Dur 2-317 |
c.424 | ARISTOMENES the "door maker", Athenian Old Comedy dramatist, wins 1st prize at the City Dionysia. | 424 OCD 112 |
c.424 | CRATINOS, Old Comedy dramatist, produces, Saturoi , winning 2nd prize at Lenaea. | 424 DGRBM 1-887 |
c.424 | ARISTOPHANES produces Knights , winning 1st prize at Lenaea. Cleon is satyrized, and beaten at his own game by an illiterate cynic sausage-seller. Comic poet Cratinos is portrayed as a drivelling old man with a withered crown. "Aggitators are like those who fish for eels. When the water is still, they catch nothing, but if they stir up the mud, they make a haul." |
424 CAH 5, DGRBM 1-886, Dur 2-244, 421, DGRBM 1-313, MCAW 135, MNDQ 26, OCD 113, OHG 202, bk, lvG |
c.424 | EURIPIDES publishes Hecuba . "The bad will be bad forever, and the good will be good." |
425 TTPC, bk 424 DGRBM 2-107, MNDQ 475, OCD 419 pre-423 B76 6-1032 |
424 Oct 9 |
SOLAR ECLIPSE interpreted as an evil omen against Cleon. "When you chose that enemy of heaven, the Paphlagonian tanner, for a general, we knitted our brow, we caused our wrath to break out; the lightning shot forth, the thunder pealed, the moon deserted her course and the sun at once veiled his beam threatening, no longer to give you light, if Cleon became general." [as he did in spring] (Aristophanes: "Clouds") |
424 Oct 9 hbar |
c.424 | Spartan CAVALRY numbers 400. | by 424 OCD 517 |
c.424 | Temple to ATHENA NIKE, begun 427 by architect Callicrates on the bastion of the southwest corner of the Acropolis, finished. Made of pentelic marble in Ionic style. | 425 CDCC 70, 104 424 B76 II-462 |
c.423 | GRABUS, king of Dardanians of Illyria from 437, ends. SIRRAS, king of Lyncestis from 437, succeeds until 393. ARRHABAEUS becomes king of Lyncestis. | 423 wikGr, wikSrs |
c.423 | ARRHABAEUS king of Lyncestis, under Macedon from ?, rebelling against Perdiccas II from 424, breaks free, allies with Sirras of Dardanians. | 423 wikArb, wikSrs |
c.423 | ISARCHOS, eponymous archon of Athens from 424, ends. AMYNIAS succeeds until 422. | 423 wikEA |
c.423 | ALCIBIADES begins public career. | 423 GHH |
c.423 | THESPIA destroyed by Thebans. | 423 GHH |
c.423 | Blowtorches used by Spartans at Lekythos. | 423 CDCC 89 |
c.423 | PERSIA / ATHENS peace treaty of 446 renewed. | 423 CAH 5 |
c.423 | Spartan reinforcements under Ischagoras join Brasidas in Chalcidice. | 423 DGRBM 2-625 |
423 Apr 24 | Truce of Laches : Athenian envoys NICIAS, Autocles, and Nicostratos and Sparta make a 1 year truce, but within a few days Spartan admiral Brasidas inspires Thracian cities Scione and Mende in Chalcidice to rebel against Athens. | 423 B76 II-237, 8-358, 24-22, CAH 5, DGRBM 1-446, 502, 3-188, GHH, LEWH 73, MCAW 132, OCD 179, 733, 796, OHG, TTPC, lvG, bk |
c. 423 | SCIONE in Chalcidice rebels against Athens after April 22 when truce of Laches begins, which means Spartan Brasidas cannot support Scione. But the Athenians would punish a city that had just asked Brasidas for protection. So Brasidas lies, and says the rebellion began before Apr. 22. This encourages nearby Mende, which asked and received protection against the Athenians too. | 423 lvG |
c.423 | MENDE Chalcidice, rebelling against Athens, quickly suppressed by Athenian generals Nicias and Nicostratos, who then blockade SCIONE, which holds out until 421. | 423 B76 8-358, DGRBM 2-1186, TTPC |
c.423 | Spartan Brasidas persuaded by Perdiccas to join in a campaign against Arrhabaeus king of Lyncestis. Perdiccas withdraws from battle, forcing Brasidas to retreat. | 424 DGRBM 1-349 423 DGRBM 3-188 |
c.423 | EPIRUS, under unknown ruler from 450, comes under king THARYPAS until 395. | 423 rcSB2 |
c.423 | Temple of HERA 8km northeast of Argos burnt by negligence of the priestess. Eupolemos is employed to erect a new temple. | 423 B76 I-506, DGRBM 3-454, DGRG 1-206, GHH |
c.423 | CRATINOS, Old Comedy dramatist, produces his last play, Pytine "Flagon", winning 1st prize at the City Dionysia. He satyrizes his own notorious drunkenness, which Aristophanes had caricaturized in 424. | 423 DGRBM 1-887, wikCr |
c.423 | AMEIPSIAS, comic poet, performs Konnos , wins 2nd prize at the City Dionysia. | 423 wikAm |
c.423 | ARISTOPHANES performs Clouds , produced by Philonides, winning 3rd (last) prize at the City Dionysia. Attacks contemporary education and morals as taught by sophists. Socrates is ridiculed as a sophist and corrupt rhetoric teacher. | 423 B76 1-1154, CAH 5, DGRBM 1-313, 3-316, 848, Dur 2-244, MCAW 135, OCD 113, 348, OHG, TToH, TTPC, bk |
c.423 | SOCRATES is ridiculed in comedies by Aristophanes and Ameipsias. | 423 B76 16-1001 |
c.423 | CLEON, Athenian politician, proposes to destroy SCIONE in Chalcidice and execute all of its citizens. Passed. | 423 OCD 251 |
c.423 late | Perdiccas-II abandons alliance with Spartans, makes peace with Athens. | 423 DGRBM 3-188, GHH |
c.422 | Spartan envoy Lichas goes to Argos to renew the expiring truce of Laches. Argos declines. | 422 DGRBM 2-781 |
422 Apr 24 | 1 Year TRUCE of LACHES expires. | 422 B76 II-237, lvG |
422 | CLEON, strategos of Athens, leads expedition in Thrace and Chalcidice to bring rebel allies back into Athenian League. | 422 B76 II-237, 8-358, 14-22, DGRG 1-126, LEWH 73, OCD 251 fall 422 OCD 796 422/1 CDCC 489 |
c.422 | Pisander refuses to accompany Cleon to Thrace and Chalcidice. | 422 DGRBM 3-167 |
c.422 | TORONE, in central peninsula of Chalcidice, under Sparta from 424, recovered by CLEON, strategos of Athens. | 422 B76 8-358, CAH 5, OCD 251 |
c.422 | GALEPSOS, in central peninsula of Chalcidice, recovered by CLEON, strategos of Athens. | 422 OCD 251 |
c.422 | STAGIRA Chalcidice resists attempt to recover it by Athenian Cleon. | 422 OCD 251 |
c.422 | Cleon, fearing Brasidas, waits for reinforcements from Macedonia and Thrace, meanwhile organizing a base at Eion and moving his army to Amphipolis. Brasidas cannot attack Cleon's superior numbers and retreats to Amphipolis. | 422 lvG |
c.422 | AMPHIPOLIS, under Spartan Brasidas from 424, resists attempt to recover it by Athenian Cleon. Socrates is among Athenian soldiers. |
422 B76 8-358, 14-22, CAH 5, CDCC 129, DGRBM 1-502, Dur 2-365, GHH, MCAW 132, OCD 54, 251, bk |
422 | Spartans Rhamphias and 2 colleagues, command 900 men, intended to strengthen Brasidas in Thrace; but their passage through Thessaly is opposed by Thessalians. Hearing of the battle of Amphipolis and death of Brasidas, they return to Sparta. | 422 DGRBM 3-167 |
c.422 | Spartan BRASIDAS and Athenian CLEON both killed at Amphipolis. Brasidas is succeeded by CLEARIDAS, who holds Amphipolis. Cleon is succeeded at Athens by NICIAS until 420 and HYPERBOLOS until 418. | 422 B76 II-237, 989, 8-358, 14-22, CAH 5, CDCC 144, DGRBM 1-502, Dur 2-244, LEWH 73, MCAW 132, OCD 54, 251, 796, OHG, SHWC 67, TTPC, bk, lvG, rcSB3 |
c.422 | PERDICCAS-II king of Macedon 452-13 allies with Athens. | 422 OCD 799 |
c.422 | AMYNIAS, eponymous archon of Athens from 423, ends. ALCAEOS succeeds until 421. | 422 wikEA |
c.422 | Athenian envoy Pheaeax sent to Italy and Sicily to induce allies to help Leontini against Syracuse. | 422 CAH 5, DGRBM 3-229, OCD 808, lvG |
c.422 | Now that the main war proponents are dead, peace negotiations reopen between Athens and Sparta. | 422 CAH 5, LEWH 73 |
c.422 | Athens decrees that first-fruits of harvests are to be offered to goddess Demeter at Eleusis according to ancestral custom. | 422 CAH 6-661 |
c.422 | ALCIBIADES becomes leader of war party at Athens. | 422 MCAW 132 |
c.422 | Population of Athens is 20,000 citizens (males above age 20). | 422 DGRBM, DGRG 1-262, GHH |
c.422 | EURIPIDES' play Suppliant Women . | pre-423 B76 6-1032 422 OCD 419 421 DGRBM 2-107, MNDQ 21, 687 420 TTPC, bk |
c.422 | CRATINOS dies, age 97. Old Comedy dramatist. Fragments of his 27 plays survive. | 423 Dur 2-721 422 DGRBM, GHH, wikCr 421 TToH 420 B76 III-223 |
c.422 | ARISTOPHANES publishes Proagon , produced by Philonides, winning 1st prize at Lenaea. | 422 DGRBM 3-316 |
c.422 | ARISTOPHANES publishes Wasps , produced by Philonides, winning 2nd prize at Lenaea. Satirizes democracy and litigousness of Athenians. Ridicules old men serving on juries. Cleon is the poster boy for all judicial abuses. | 422 B76 1-1154, CAH 5, DGRBM 1-313, 798, 3-316, Dur 2-422, MCAW 135, OCD 113, OHG, TTPC, bk, lvG |
c.421 early | ARISTOPHANES produces Peace , winning 2nd prize at the City Dionysia. Celebrates the Peace of Nicias before it is ratified. | 421 B76 1-1154, CAH 5, DGRBM 1-313, Dur 2-234, OCD 113, OHG 204, RAH 248, TToH, bk |
c.421 | ALCAEOS, eponymous archon of Athens from 422, ends. ARISTION succeeds until 420. | 421 wikEA |
c.421 | 50 Years Truce concluded by Athens and Sparta. It does not prevent frequent hostilities, and will be declared formally ended in 414. | 421 DGRBM 2-700, GHH, SHWC 67 |
421 421 421 |
ARCHIDAMIAN WAR from 431 ends. 2nd PELOPONNESIAN WAR from 431 is suspended until 414, both with Peace of Nicias : Amphipolis, under Spartans from 424 to Athens, but remains virtually independent until 357. Other Chalcidian cities to be autonomous, but tributary to Athens. DELPHI, under Phocis from 448, independent until 356. PYLOS, under Athens from 425, to be returned to Sparta. Athenians keep Sollium and Anactorium, both in Acarnania. Athenians keep NISAEA, main port of Megara, until until Boeotians restore PLATAEA Boeotia. Boeotia must return PANACTUM to Athens. Actual results: PELOPONNESIAN LEAGUE, begun c.550, is dissolved until 418. Spartan CLEARIDAS refuses to surrender Amphipolis. It remains virtually independent until 357. Corinth, Megara, Elis, and Boeotia refuse to sign the treaty, but are out-voted by smaller states. Athens and Sparta make alliance anyway (supposedly to last 50 years). Spartans return Athenian prisoners. PYLOS remains under Athens 425-409. Elis, Mantinea, Corinth, and Chalcidian cities can no longer rely on Sparta, and so ally with Argos (whose treaty with Sparta had expired). KYTHERA Island, under Athens from 424, is returned to Sparta until 393. Megara and Boeotia delay action. Thebans refused to sign. |
spring 421 B76 VII-329, CAH 5, CDCC 613, TTPC, lvG 421 B76 VII-329, 1-1154, 8-358, 14-22, BCoC 369, Dur 2-443, GRG 282, LEWH 73, MCAW 132, OCD 54, 290, 308, 733, 796, OHG, RAH 247, TToH, bk, lvA, lvG, rcSB3 |
c.421 | AMPHIPOLIS is supposed to be restored to Athens, but inhabitants refuse to surrender to them, and the Spartans are unable to compel them to. | 421 DGRG 1-126 |
c.421 | Spartan Ischagoras is sent to urge Clearidas to surrender Amphipolis to the Athenians. | 421 DGRBM 2-625 |
c.421 | SCIONE in Chalcidice, rebelling against Athens from 423, suppressed, destroyed until 404. | 421 B76 8-358, CAH 5 |
c.421 | ACANTHOS Chalcidice, allied with Sparta from 424, again allies with Athens until 392. | 421 rcSB2 |
c.421 | Messenians from Pylos, who become refugees when Pylos is returned to Sparta, are settled by Athenians at Cranii on Cephalonia island. | 421 DGRG 1-699 |
c.421 | LEPREON on coast of Triphylia and other cities of Triphylia, with help of Spartans, rebel against Elis. | 421 wikLp |
c.421 | Spartans under PLEISTOANAX march into Arcadia, release the Parrhasians from dependence on Mantineia, and destroy the fortress which the Mantineans had built, to command Laconia, at Cypsela on the borders. | 421 DGRBM 3-413 |
c.421 | MANTINEA Arcadia allied with Sparta from 430, allies with Athens, Elis, and Argos against Sparta until 418. | 421 DGRG 1-191, 204, rcPl 420 B76 III-853, OCD 644, bk no date: LEWH 73 |
c.421 | ERECHTHEUM (temple of hero Erechtheos) construction begun with pentelic marble on Acropolis until 407. | 435 OHG 421 B76 III-939, CDCC 104, 866, OCD 405, SHT 2-402 420 Dur 2-244, LEWH 76, TToH |
c.421 | EURIPIDES' play Heracleidae . | 421 DGRBM 2-107 |
c.420 | Sparta violates Peace of Nicias by making a separate treaty with Boeotia, whereby Boeotia is to return Panactum, a fort in Attica near Boeotia, to Athens. Boeotians destroy PANACTUM, then return it to Athens. | 420 CAH 5, DGRG 1-329, LEWH 73, lvG |
c.420 | XENARES, harmost of Heraclea Trachis from ?, attacked by several neighboring tribes including Aenianes and Dolopes, killed in battle. | 420 DGRBM 3-1288 |
c.420 | Old Comedy poet PHERECRATES play Misanthropoi (Wild Men) satyrizes Athenians who claim to hate civilization and want to return to nature. | 420 DGRBM 3-258, Dur 2-420 |
c.420 | Temple of Apollo Epikurios at Bassae Messenia begun until 400. | 420 OHG |
c.420 | Sanctuary of ASCLEPIOS built on south slope of Athenian Acropolis. | 420 B76 2-266 |
c.420 | Corinth rescinds 421 treaty with Argos, resumes alliance with Sparta. | 420 LEWH 73 |
c.420 | ARISTION, eponymous archon of Athens from 421, ends. ASTYPHILOS succeeds until 419. | 420 wikEA |
c.420 | Argos sends envoys to Athens to make alliance. | 420 DGRBM 2-1186 |
c.420 | CORINTHIAN COLUMN TOP invented by sculptor Callimacos, introduced to Greek architecture, which is almost all Doric. Earliest example will be found at Bassae Messenia. | drawing {{PD-US}} 540 GHH 427 wikCo 420 MCAW 137 350 TToH no date: DGRBM 1-572 |
c.420 | Sparta sends 3 envoys to disuade Athenians from allying with Argos. They are trapped by Alcibiades into the appearance of corruption. Athenians want to ally with Argos, but are disuaded by Nicias, who persuades them to send him to Sparta to demand satisfaction for grievances. | 420 DGRBM 2-734, 1186 |
c.420 | Nicias goes to Sparta, but can only extract a ratification of existing treaties. | 420 DGRBM 2-1186 |
c.420 | LEPREON on coast of Triphylia siezed by Spartans. | no date: DGRBM 2-781 |
c.420 | Athens, led by Alcibiades, forms QUADRUPLE ALLIANCE with Argos, Mantinea, and Elis (supposedly for 100 years), but fails to get Corinth to join. | 421 DGRG 1-191 420 B76 I-506, 8-358, 14-22, CAH 5, DGRBM 1-100, GHH, LEWH 73, MCAW 136, OCD 37, 106, TTPC |
c.420 | NICIAS, top dog in Athens from 422, loses popularity and influence in Athens. Son of Cleinias, ALCIBIADES, elected strategos, becomes leader of radical democrats. Alcibiades is promoted to general and opposes Nicias. | 420 B76 1-436, 8-358, MCAW 136, OCD 37, RAH 248, rcSB3 |
c.420 | Elean officials, under pretext that the Spartans had sent troops to Lepreon after the Truce, fine the Spartans 2000 minae. Spartans refuse to pay. The Eleans deny Spartans admittance to the Olympic games. | 420 CDCC 309, DGRG 1-819, bk |
c.420 | PHRYNICHOS-2, Old Comedy dramatist of Athens, flourishes. Wins 2 victories. | 435 GHH 420 B76 VII-973 |
c.420 | Theater admission costs 2 obols from 500. After 420, poor Athenians are allowed free admission, because theater has a partly religious function. | 454 CDGRA 625 420 Dur 2-381 |
c.420 | Λ GEOMETRY V: HIPPIAS of Elis discovers the quadratrix (aka trisectrix V) of a curve, the 1st known curve that cannot be made with straightedge & compass. It can be used to trisect an angle, but Hippias probably didn't know this. (See Hippocrates 450, Hippasus 445, Bryson 425, Theodoros 400, Archytas 390) |
420 Dur 2-338 420-11 TTS |
c.420 | PAEONIOS of Mende, sculptor flourishes. Paeonius wins the commission to decorate the acroteria of the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, as described in the pedestal inscription on his Nike statue. This is the only work that can be positively attributed to him. | photo Roccuz late 5th wikPn |
c.420 | Sculptor/architect POLYCLEITOS of Sicyon sculpts Hera at Argos. | 420 CAH 5 |
c.420 | Sculptor PERICLYTOS flourishes. | 420 wikPrc |
c.419 | ASTYPHILOS, eponymous archon of Athens from 420, ends. ARCHIAS succeeds until 418. | 419 wikEA |
c.419 | HERACLEA TRACHIS, a Spartan colony 5 miles from Thermopylae, causes friction between Boeotia and Sparta. | 419 CAH 6-32 |
c.419 | Alcibiades, strategos of Athens, marches into Peloponnese to help Argives against Spartans, operates there until ?. | 419 CAH 5, DGRBM 1-100, GHH |
c.419 | ARGOS, at instigation of Alcibiades, attacks Epidauros. | 419 DGRBM 1-72 |
c.419 | Tragic poet MELANTHIOS is satyrized in all 3 comedies that win prizes this year. Kolakes of Eupolis, Eirene of Aristophanes, Phratores of Leucon, specifically for his profligacy, gluttony, social offensiveness, and bad poetry. | 419 DGRBM 2-1015 |
c.419/8 | AGIS-II king of Sparta 427-399, for reasons unknown to historians (therefore probably "divine" guidance), marches with his whole force to Leuktra, percieves an evil omen, turns back, notifies allies to meet him for attack on Argos. | 419/8 DGRBM 1-72 |
c.418 | AGIS-II king of Sparta 427-399, with 6,000 hoplites including Boeotians, Megarans, Corinthians, Tegeans, aided by Thebes, invades Argolis from the north, attacks Mantinea and Argos. Boeotians soon back out. | 419 DGRBM 1-72, TTPC 418 B76 I-138, 14-22, CDCC 315, 547, DGRBM 3-1109, LEWH 73, MCAW 136, OCD 27, 37, 120, 290, 644, 796, lvG 417 CDCC 129 |
c.418 | Argive generals Thrassylos and Alciphron ask Agis-II of Sparta for a 4 month truce. Agis not only grants it, but withdraws his army. | 418 B76 I-138, DGRBM 1-72 |
c.418 | ORCHOMENOS Arcadia taken by Argos during the 4 month truce. | 418 DGRBM 1-72 |
CONFUSION ALERT! Orchomenos is a city in Boeotia and another in Arcadia.
c.418 | Argive allies delay response. Athens and Mantinea finally send 1,000 heavy armed hoplites and 300 cav under Athenians LACHES son of Melanopos, and NICOSTRATOS to help Argos against Sparta. Alcibiades accompanies as ambassador. | 418 DGRBM 2-1200, LEWH 73, OCD 290 |
c.418 | ARCHIAS, eponymous archon of Athens from 419, ends. ANTIPHON succeeds until 417. | 418 wikEA |
c.418 | Allies of Sparta figure Agis-II has no idea what he's doing. They go home. | guess |
c.418 | Spartans are so disgusted with Agis-II that they propose to tear down his house and fine him 100,000 drachmas. They relent and appoint a council of 10 without whom Agis-II cannot march an army out of Sparta. | 418 DGRBM 1-72 |
c.418 | Athenian and Argive allies go from Orchomenos Arcadia to attack Tegea Arcadia. Spartans cannot allow Tegea to fall into enemy hands, because that would isolate them in south Peloponnese. Agis-II marches north with large army, secures Tegea. | 418 DGRBM 2-1200, Aug lvAg2 |
c.418 | AGIS-II king of Sparta 427-399, now helped only by Tegeans, decisively defeats 6,000 Athenians, Argives, and Mantineans at MANTINEA (biggest land battle of Peloponnesian War). Sparta now controls the Peloponnese. | 419 TTPC 418 B76 VI-581, 14-22, CAH 5, CDCC 315, 547, DGRBM 1-72, DGRG 1-205, Dur 2-443, GHH, LEWH 73, OCD 27, 37, 120, 290, 644, 796, OHG 166, bk, lvG 417 CDCC 129 |
c.418 | Athenians LACHES son of Melanopos, and NICOSTRATOS both killed at Mantinea. | 418 DGRBM 2-700 |
c.418 | Spartan PLEISTOANAX leads an army of old men and boys to help Agis-II, arrives at Tegea Arcadia and learns that Agis-II has won at Mantinea. Pleistoanax returns to Sparta | Aug 418 DGRBM 3-413 |
c.418 | After Mantinea, Spartan Lichas induces Argos to make peace with Sparta. | 418 DGRBM 2-781 |
c.418 | MANTINEA Arcadia, allied with Athens and Argos from 421, forced to renew alliance with Sparta. | 418 rcPl 417 DGRG 1-191 |
c.418 | ARGOS, at command of Sparta, drops alliance with Athens, makes a 50 year alliance with Sparta, evicts its democracy, installs a pro-Spartan oligarchy until 417. | 419 TTPC 418 GHH, LEWH 73, MCAW 136 418/7 CAH 5 |
c.418 | PERDICCAS-II king of Macedon 452-13 secretly joins alliance between Sparta and Argos. He changes allies a lot. | 418 DGRBM 3-188, lvG 417 OCD 799 |
c.418 | PELOPONNESIAN LEAGUE, dissolved by Peace of Nicias 421, reestablished until 365. Spartan supremacy restored in Peloponnese. | 419 TTPC 418 LEWH 73 |
c.418 | ALCIBIADES, radical democrat leader of Athens, disgraced by outcome of Mantinea until 416, escapes ostracism by joining Nicias against other democrat leader Hyperbolos. | 418 B76 1-436, MCAW 137 |
c.418 | HYPERBOLOS, democrat leader from 422, overthrown. ANDROCLES succeeds to 413. | 418 B76 1-436 |
c.418/7 | Demosthenes conducts a minor operation in Epidauros in Argolis. | 418/7 lvG |
c.417 | Another HYPERBOLOS, a lampmaker with oratory skills, leads a 3rd party of radicals in Athens, who want to conquer Sicily and attack Carthage. | 417 CDCC 613 no date: RAH 248 |
c.417 | CHALCIDICE, autonomous tributary of Athens from Peace of Nicias 421, throws back Athenian Nicias, remains hostile. | 417 TTPC no date: B76 14-22 |
c.417 | ANTIPHON, eponymous archon of Athens from 418, ends. EUPHEMOS succeeds until 416. | 417 wikEA |
c.417 | Oligarchy at ARGOS from 418, lasted 4 months, ousted by democrats, who renew alliance with Athens. | 418/7 CAH 5 417 DGRBM 1-72, DGRG 1-204, LEWH 73 |
c.417 | AGIS-II king of Sparta 427-399, marches back to Argos, can't defeat the democrats, Destroys long walls which Argives had begun building to the sea. | 417 DGRBM 1-72 | |
c.417 | HYSIAE on the road from Argos to Tegea Arcadia, at the foot of Mt. Parthenium, taken and destroyed by AGIS-II king of Sparta 427-399. | 417 DGRBM 1-72, DGRG 1-1108 |
c.417 | HYPERBOLOS the lampmaker, son of Antiphanes, a leader of the democratic party, intrigues to get Alcibiades or Nicias ostracised. They ally against him, and Hyperbolos is himself ostracized from Athens. Goes to Samos until death 411. OSTRACISM then falls out of use. |
417 MCAW 137, OCD 201, 534, 762, RAH 248, bk 416 CAH 5, CDGRA 299 416/5 lvG |
c.417 | SOPHOCLES play Heracles . | 417 OCD 419 408 B76 6-1032 |
c.416 | ALCIBIADES, disgraced in Athens from 418, enters 7 chariots in a race at Olympia. Wins 1st, 2nd, & 4th places. Recovers popularity. | 416 B76 1-436, bk |
c.416 | MELOS island, which refused to join Delian or Athenian League, is besieged and taken by Athenians Cleomedes and others. Men killed, women and children enslaved, repopulated with 500 Athenians, cleruchy established until 404. | 416 B76 8-358, 14-22, CAH 5, CDCC 570, DGRBM 1-791, 3-30, Dur 2-406, 443, GHH, LEWH 73, MCAW 136, OCD 252, 796, OHG, bk 415 OCD 320 |
c.416 | ALCIBIADES, leader of radicals in Athens, gets an expedition to Sicily approved over opposition by NICIAS. It is to be commanded by Nicias, Alcibiades, and Lamachos. | 416 LEWH 73, MCAW 136, RAH 251, TTPC, lvG 415 B76 8-358 no date: OCD 796 |
c.416 | EUPHEMOS, eponymous archon of Athens from 417, ends. ARIMNESTOS succeeds until 415. | 416 wikEA |
c.416 | AGATHON, Athenian tragic poet, wins at the Lenaea. | 416 B76 I-133, DGRBM 1-65, GHH, MCAW 139, OCD 25 |
c.415 | NICIAS, ALCIBIADES, and LAMACHOS receive extraordinary powers to command the Sicilian expedition. | 415 OCD 37 |
c.415 | Apparently at instigation of Alcibiades, the 440 law censoring comedy is re-enacted. | 415 DGRA 344 |
c.415 | ARIMNESTOS, eponymous archon of Athens from 416, ends. CHARIAS succeeds until 414. | 415 wikEA |
415 | Statues of Hermes around Athens are mutilated (erect phalluses broken off) by vandals. Oligarch posing as a radical democrat PISANDER leads the investigation. ALCIBIADES is suspected because of totally unrelated parodies of the Eleusinian Mysteries which he performed at private meetings. Alcibiades demands an immediate trial, but prosecutors delay because of his popularity with the military. Democrat leader ANDROCLES insures that Alcibiades leaves with his troops before he is charged. | 415 B76 1-437, CAH 5, CDCC 108, Dur 2-244 GHH, LEWH 73, MCAW 137, OCD 63, 505, 794, OHG, RAH 252, TTPC |
415 mid | NICIAS, ALCIBIADES, and LAMACHOS sail with 140 triremes carrying 4,000 hoplites for Sicily. | 415 B76 8-358, CAH 5, GHH, OHG 166, RAH 251, bk |
134 triremes, 130 supply boats, 5,000+ hoplites, 1,300 light armed troops, 30 cavalry. Total: 27,000 men. | 415 LEWH 73, MCAW 136, OCD 37 mid RAH 252 |
c.415 | Now that ALCIBIADES and his troops are gone, the prosecutors decide to recall him (without his troops) and charge him with mutilating the statues of Hermes and profaning the Eleusinian Mysteries. They send a ship to get him. ALCIBIADES returns from Sicily on the ship, but escapes to the Peloponnese. Prosecutors condemn him in absentia. Alcibiades learns of it, flees to Sparta and works for Agis-II until 411. | 415 B76 14-23, CAH 5, GHH, LEWH 73, MCAW 136, OCD 37, 63, 376, OHG, RAH 253, TToH, TTPC |
c.415 | ALCIBIADES, working for Sparta 415-11, advises Spartans to aid Syracuse, fortify Decelea in central Attica. | 415 TTPC no date: B76 1-437 |
c.415 | Sparta, with Persian money, builds a fleet. | 415 GHH 413 lvDW |
c.415 | DIOCLEIDES tells Athenian rulers he saw 300 men enter the orchestra on the night of the mutilation, and he recognized some of them by moonlight, and that they promised him 2 talents to forget it, but hadn't paid up. He is believed. | 415 DGRBM 1-1009 |
c.415 | Oligarchs Andocides and others arrested for the mutilation incident earlier 415. Andocides tells a story inconsistent with that of Diocleides. It is remembered that there was no moon that night. Diocleides is forced to admit he lied, and is executed. Andocides turns informant on promise of immunity. 4 men are named, accused, and executed. | 415 DGRBM 1-168, 1009, OCD 62-3, wikAnd |
c.415 | EICOSTE, a 5% tax on all sea imports and exports on states subject to Athens first imposed. Continues until Peloponnesian War. | 415 DGRA 446, 1098 413 CDGRA 616 |
c.415 | ANDOCIDES, unable to clear himself of charges, condemned to partial loss of civil rights and forced to leave Athens until 411. He goes to Cyprus | 415 DGRBM, wikAn no date: DGRBM 1-169 |
c.415 | SOPHOCLES produces Electra . In Argos a few years after the Trojan war, Electra, and her brother Orestes take vengeance on their mother Clytemnestra and step father Aegisthus for the murder of their father, Agamemnon. | 420-10 CDCC 834 419 TTPC 418-10 B76 17-17 no date: wikES 415 B76 III-831 |
c.415 | EURIPIDES produces Electra . Same story with more background info. | 417 OCD 419 416 Dur 2-244 415 B76 6-1032 415-13 DGRBM 2-107, wikEE 413 MCAW 139, OCD 1001, TTPC, bk |
c.415 | EURIPIDES' play Troades (Trojan Women) wins 2nd prize. | 415 B76 6-1032, CAH 5, DGRBM 2-107, Dur 2-406, MCAW 139, OCD 419, OHG, TToH, bk |
c.415 | EURIPIDES writes Encomium on Alcibiades "The first requisite to happiness is that a man be born in a famous city." |
415 MNDQ 182 |
c. 415 | PROTAGORAS of Abdera, first to declare himself a sophist, after teaching sophistry in Athens for 40 years, charged with impiety, primarily for agnosticism, flees for Sicily, drowned in the sea. Questioned whether or not virtue can be taught. "Of all things the measure is Man." "There are two sides to every question." Reality is subjective. Aristotle accused him of making the weaker argument appear stronger. Taught Theodoros. |
soon after 421 EoΦ 6-505 420 wikPrtg 415 MCAW 139, TToH, ahe 410 B76 VIII-247, RAH 286, SHWC 81 lost at sea: MCAW 137 |
c.415 | PERDICCAS-II king of Macedon 452-13 allies with Athens. | 415 OCD 799 |
c.415 | SPEUSIPPOS prosecuted by LEOGORAS. | 415 OCD 476 |
c.415 | HIPPIAS of Elis, sophist, antiquarian, polymath, dies. | 415 OCD 517 400 OHG |
c.415 | DIAGORAS of Melos, atheist philosopher, convicted of impiety and condemned to death in Athens. | 416/5 CDCC 570 414 OCD 138 |
c.415 |
Temple of Hephaestos at Athens, begun 449, completed. Doric peripteral temple, located at north-west side of the Agora, on top of the Agoraios Kolonos hill. Possibly same as Temple of Theseus 450. |
photo pub dom 448 CDCC 866 415 wikTHΦ |
430-400 SHIELD PATTERNS by Luke Sarson.
c.414 | ARISTOPHANES publishes Amphiaraos , produced by Philonides, at Lenaea. Now lost. | 414 DGRBM 3-316 |
c.414 | ARISTOPHANES publishes Birds , produced by Callistratos, wins 2nd prize at the City Dionysia. Birds were created before gods. An Athenian gets birds to build a city in the clouds, which occupies the whole horizon, and cuts the gods off from contact with men. The gods are compelled to accept humiliating terms. | 414 B76 1-1154, 8-358, CAH 5, DGRBM 1-313, Dur 2-428, MCAW 139, OCD 113, OHG 204, TToH, TTPC, bk |
c.414 | Λ ECONOMY V in Attica: A house and estate costs 1,200 drachmas. | 414 Dur 2-280-81 |
c.414 | CHARIAS, eponymous archon of Athens from 415, ends. TISANDROS succeeds until 413. | 414 wikEA |
c.414 | Spartan general GYLIPPOS, with a small force is sent to Sicily to help Syracuse. | 414 CAH 5, CDCC 819, DGRBM, Dur 2-448, GHH, HAG, LEWH 73, OCD 484, RAH 253, TTPC, lvG |
c.414 | PHRYNICOS-2, Old Comedy dramatist, produces Monotropos "Solitary". Wins 3rd prize at the City Dionysia. | 414 B76 VII-974 |
414 fall | Athenian Assembly, having received the report from NICIAS asking them to abandon the campaign, votes to send reinforcements to Sicily. They send a small force under Eurymedon. | 414 DGRBM 2-111, fall RAH 253 |
c.414 | The optimistic 50 YEARS TRUCE of 421 between Athens and Sparta is declared formally ended. | 415 SHWC 67 414 DGRBM |
c.414 | Athenians send 3 fleets to raid the Peloponnesian coast. Sparta declares the peace of 421 broken. 2nd PELOPONNESIAN WAR 431-404 resumes. | 415 TToH 414 B76 14-23, CDCC 658, LEWH 73 413 lvA, lvG |
c.414 | Athenian LAESPODIAS with 30 ships, raids Peloponnesian coast. | 414 DGRBM 2-709 |
c.414 | THYREA Peloponnese invaded by Argos. | 414 CAH 5 |
c.414 | Spartans ravage Argive territory. | 414 CAH 5 |
c.414 | Comic poet, ARAEIPSIAS wins 1st prize for Komastai . | 414 DGRBM |
414/3 | Athenian general EURYMEDON, with supplies sails from Corcyra to Sicily. He is defeated and killed before reaching land. | 414 GHH 414/3 CAH 5 413 wikErm |
413 | PERDICCAS-II dies. Argead king of Macedon from 454. Bastard son Archelaos (lover of Greek culture) murders uncle Alcetas, a cousin, and a half bro. ARCHELAOS-I succeeds until 399. | 413 B76 I-488, 8-366, CAH 6-723, DGRBM 1-261, Dur 2-741, GHH, IDB 3-216, MRDK, OCD 97, 799, OHG 167, RAH 309, lvG, rcSB2, wikArg, wikArcl, wikLKM, wikPrd2 |
c.413 | ARCHELAOS-I, 9th Argead king of Macedon 413-399, marries father's widow Cleopatra. | no date: DGRBM 1-261 |
413 spring | AGIS-II king of Sparta 427-399, advised by Alcibiades, aided by Boeotians, invades Attica, siezes and fortifies DECELEA as a permanent base for plundering Attica until 404. This forces Athens to import all food by sea at great expense. | spring 413 GHH, OCD 27, 796 413 B76 I-138, CAH 5, 6-25, DGRBM 1-72, LEWH 74, OCD 27, 315, 796, OHG, RAH 253, lvG |
c.413 | Sparta accuses Athens of repeatedly violating the "FIFTY" Years Truce (which was actually for 30 years in 421), renews war on Athens. It is called Decelean War or Ionian War. | 414 GHH 413 Dur 2-448, lvDW |
c.413 | TISANDROS, eponymous archon of Athens from 414, ends. CLEOCRITOS succeeds until 412. | 413 wikEA |
413 spring | Athenians DEMOSTHENES and CHARICLES sent with a squadron around the Peloponnese. They fortify a small peninsula in Laconia just to irritate the Spartans. | 413 DGRBM 1-684 |
413 spring | ALCIBIADES, working for Sparta, seduces queen while Agis-II is in Attica. | 413 B76 1-437 |
413 spring | Athenian general DEMOSTHENES sent with 65 ships carrying 15,000 troops to reinforce NICIAS at Syracuse. They are delayed at Aegina and Corcyra, but arrive at Syracuse same year. | 413 LEWH 73, OCD 329, 733 spring 413 DGRBM 1-980, RAH 253 |
413 | Athenian general CONON commands a fleet off Naupactos to prevent Corinthians from sending ships to help Syracuse. There is a battle, which neither side wins. | 413 DGRBM 1-825 |
413 | Corinthian general POLYANTHES commands Peloponnesian fleet, fights Athenian fleet under Diphilos in Gulf of Corinth. | 413 DGRBM 3-442 |
c.413 | DEMOSTHENES and NICIAS are executed. in Sicily. |
c.413 | Athenian defeat in Sicily causes the radical party under PISANDER and ANDROCLES to fall to the conservatives. | 413 LEWH 74 |
c.413 | Athenian defeat in Sicily provokes appointment of 10 elders as a sort of committee of public salvation. Sophocles is among them. | 413 DGRBM 3-867 |
c.413 | Athenian League creates a financial advisory commission (including Sophocles) to fix economy, replaces the required tribute with a 5% import/export tax on all harbors in it. This raises 1,200 talents. Tribute is revived in 410. | 413 B76 17-14, CAH 5, CDGRA 478, Dur 2-276, LEWH 74, RAH 260 |
413 | AGIS-II king of Sparta 427-399, learns of Athenian disaster at Sicily, marches north, extracts money from allies to build a fleet, remains at Decelea Attica (to stay away from his interfering government) until ?. | 413 late DGRBM 1-72 |
c.413 | Comic poet HEGEMON of Thasos produces parody Gigantomachia when news arrives of the defeat in Sicily. | 413 DGRBM GHH |
c.413 | Comic poet Archippos wins 1st prize. | 415 GHH 413 DGRBM |
c.412 | To get the Spartans to send a fleet to the Hellespont to induce local cities to rebel against Athens, rival satraps PHARNABAZOS and TISSAPHERNES both send envoys to Sparta because the man who concluded the treaty would be the king's favorite. Tissaphernes sends Greek exiles Calligeitos and Timagoras. Tissaphernes wins by offering the support of the Persian/Phoenician navy to Sparta. He never does so. | 413/12 lvA 412 DGRBM 1-570, 3-239 |
c.412 | SPARTANS hold conference at Corinth, decide to take Chios and Lesbos from Athens first, then send Clearchos as admiral to the Hellespont. | 412 DGRBM 1-780 |
c.412 | ALCIBIADES, working for Sparta 415-11, commands a small squadron to the Ionian coast, causes many allies of Athens to rebel. | 412 B76 1-437, CAH 5, GHH, LEWH 74, OCD 37, TTPC |
c.412 | CLEOCRITOS, eponymous archon of Athens from 413, ends. CALLIAS SCAMBONIDES succeeds until 411. | 412 wikEA |
c.412 | Orator LYSIAS with bros Polemarchos and Euthydemos, in Thurii Italy from 443, return to Athens, manufacture shields in the Piraeus. | 412 B76 VI-420, OCD 631 411 DGRBM, gtp |
c.412 | ATHENS uses its last 1,000 talents to rebuild a fleet. | 412 DGRBM LEWH 74 |
c.412 | Spartan admiral Clearchos with 27 ships is sent to Aegean to help Pharnabazos, if it appears beneficial to Sparta. | 412 DGRBM 3-239 |
c.412 | Athenian fleet recovers LESBOS and CLAZOMENAE until 404. | 412 LEWH 74 |
c.412 | Athenian fleet blockades Miletos Caria, but is forced to withdraw by Peloponnesian fleet. | 412 LEWH 74 |
c.412 | MELANCRIDAS, commander of Spartan fleet, succeeded by ASTYOCHOS until ?. | 412 DGRBM 1-390 |
c.412 | TIMAGORAS of Cyzicus sent by Pharnabazos to Sparta to urge that a fleet be sent to support the Greek cities in his satrapy in their intended rebellion from Athens. | 412 DGRBM 3-1132 |
c.412 | Sparta makes 1st treaty with Darius-III, who offers to finance the Spartan navy against Athens. (treaty is later revised.) | 412 CAH 5, GHH, lvG 411 GHH |
c.412 | 11 Spartan agents sent to investigate conduct of admiral Astyochos. | 412 DGRBM 2-781 |
c.412 | EURIPIDES' play Hellena wins 2nd prize. | 412 B76 6-1032, CAH 5, DGRBM 2-107, Dur 2-244, OCD 419, OHG |
c.412 | EURIPIDES' play Andromeda , now lost. | 412 CAH 5, DGRBM 2-107, Dur 2-244 |
c.412 | POLYKLEITOS (Latinized Polyclitus), Athenian bronze sculptor, dies. | 412 SHWC 79 |
c.411 | ALCIBIADES, now a free agent on Samos, promises to get Persian help for Athens if Athens will establish an oligarchy. | mid 412 OCD 447 411 LEWH 74 |
c.411 | SESTOS in Chersonese, under Athens from 479/8, becomes main Athenian base in Dardanelles for operations against Sparta until 404. | 411 OCD 981 |
c.411 | CHERSONESE, under Athens from 467, comes under Sparta until 408. | 411 rcT |
c.411 | Spartan PHILIPPOS with 2 galleys sent to Aspendos on south coast of Anatolia to take charge of a Phoenician fleet which had been promised by Tissaphernes, but doesn't show up. Philippos sends message to Mindaros not to trust Tissaphernes. | 411 DGRBM 3-270 |
c.411 | Treasurers of the Athenian League receive wider powers. | 411 OCD 495 |
c.411 spring | Oligarchic clubs in Athens murder prominent democrats, intimidate council and assembly. | spring 411 OCD 447, OHG |
c.411 May | PISANDER, now an oligarch, returns to Athens, supports the oligarchies. | May 411 OCD 447, 794 |
c.411 | CALLIAS SCAMBONIDES, eponymous archon of Athens from 412, ends. MNASILOCHOS succeeds and dies. THEOPOMPOS succeeds until 410. | 411 wikEA |
c.411 | Athenian Theramenes becomes prominent as an oligarchical revolutionist, and leading member of the new Council of 400. | 411 B76 IX-943, DGRBM 3-1095 |
411 | DEMOCRACY at ATHENS from 462/1 is abolished until 410 by oligarchs under Antiphon, Pisander, and Phrynichos, who open secret negotiations with Sparta. Oligarchs pass a bill (by terrorism) restricting citizenship to 5,000 rich people, the rest having no rights. Pay for public office is abolished, thereby making it economically possible only to the wealthy. A provisional COMMITTEE of 400 is to rule until the 5,000 can be chosen. This committee rules 4 months, never getting around to choosing the 5,000. |
411 CAH 5, CDCC 104, 211, DGRBM, Dur 2-449, GHH, LEWH 74, MCAW 136, OCD 447, OHG, RAH 261, TTPC, bk, lvG, wikAC |
c.411 | COMMITTEE of 400 builds a fort commanding the left promontory of the harbor to block the entry of the Athenian fleet. | 411 DGRG 1-308 |
c.411 | COMMITTEE of 400 divides into extremist and moderate parties. Phrynichos leads extremists. Theramenes leads moderates. | 411 wik400 |
c.411 | Athenians Antiphon, Phrynichos, Laespodios, Melesias, and 6 other extreme oligarchs are sent by the COMMITTEE of 400 to Sparta to negotiate peace. | 412 DGRBM 1-316 411 OCD 74 |
c.411 | Phrynichos, leader of Athenian extremists, is assassinated. | 411 OCD 74, wik411 |
c.411 | Athenian troops at the Piraeus, incited by Aristocrates, mutiny. Council of 400 sends moderate leader Theramenes to quell it. Instead, he puts himself at the head of the mutineers. | 411 DGRBM 2-423, wik411 |
c.411 | AGIS-II king of Sparta 427-399, makes unsuccessful attempt on Athens. | 411 DGRBM 1-72 |
c.411 | COMMITTEE of 400, pressured by Thrasybulos, pardons ALCIBIADES, a free agent from 412 on Samos who has been working for Sparta from 415. ALCIBIADES is recalled to Athens and made commander in chief of all military. He then demands the abolition of the 400, but approves of the choosing of the promised 5,000. The 400 end. | 411 B76 1-437, LEWH 74, MCAW 136, OCD 299, 447, TToH, TTPC |
c.411 | BYZANTIUM, under Athens from 439, rebels until 408 with Spartan aid, under Spartan military governor Clearchos until 409. | 411 OCD 186, rcT |
c.411 | Spartans in Euboea, Thrace, Hellespont, and north Aegean continue to provoke anti-Athenian rebellions. | 411 B76 III-985, LEWH 74, OCD 63, 252 |
c.411 | Athenian admiral THRASYBULOS and ALCIBIADES, working for Athens 411-?, defeat a superior Spartan fleet under Mindaros in the straits off CYNOSSEMA promontory in Chersonese. Mindaros' fleet is pursued to its base at ABYDOS in the Hellespont. | 411 CAH 5, DGRBM 2-481, DGRG 1-741, LEWH 74, bk, wikAby, wikCyn 411/10 CAH 6-601 |
c.411 | After Cynossema, Spartan HIPPOCRATES and EPICLES are sent to Euboea to take Hegesandridas and his fleet to Hellespont. | 411 DGRBM 2-481 |
c.411 | EUBOEA, under Athens from 446, rebels, goes independent until 395. | 411 CDCC 332, DGRG 1-599, 872, MCAW 137, OCD 406, 320, 412, 796 410 wikEubo |
c.411 | Spartan fleet defeats Athenian fleet off harbor of Eretria. Those Athenians who escape to Eretria, as a city in alliance with them, are killed by the Eretrians, who therefore join the rest of the Euboeans in rebellion from Athens. | 411 DGRG 1-847 |
c.411 | OENOE on frontier of Attica, under Athens from ?, taken by Boeotians. | 411 DGRG 1-329 |
CONFUSION ALERT! There are 3 OENOEs: in Attica, in Corinthia, and in Argolis.
c.411 | Spartan DERCYLLIDAS is sent to get Abydos and Lampsacos, both on the Troad side of the Hellespont, to rebel against Athens. He succeeds, but Lampsacos is quickly recovered by Athens. | 411 OCD 332 |
c.411 | ARISTOPHANES publishes Lysistrata , produced by Callistratos. Women of all Greek states compel their men to make peace by means of a sex strike. "We do nothing but sit around with our paint and lipstick and transparent gowns." From this play onward female roles become more prominent, and reveal a gradual liberation of women. |
411 B76 VI-421, 1-1155, CAH 5, DGRBM 1-313, Dur 2-307, MCAW 139, OCD 113, OHG, TTPC, bk |
c.411 | ARISTOPHANES publishes Thesmophoriazusae , produced by Callistratos. Attacks Euripides and caricaturizes AGATHON, Athenian tragic poet. Euripides discovers that Athenian women are angry at him because of his attacks on them, and are plotting to kill him. | 411 B76 1-1155, CAH 5, DGRBM 1-313, Dur 2-426, OCD 25, 113, OHG, TTPC, bk |
c.411 | Extreme oligarchs at Athens favor surrendering to Sparta. Moderates led by THERAMENES get them deposed. 9,000 citizens are given power, and absurdly called the Government of 5,000 until 510. Pay for civic offices is not restored. | 411 Dur 2-449, LEWH 74, OCD 447, TToH, TTPC 411 or 407 OCD 299 |
c.411 | PISANDER, extreme oligarch at Athens, flees to Spartans. Government of 5,000 condemns him for treason in absentia. | 411 OCD 794 |
c.411 | PAY for political offices in Athens is abolished, again excluding poorer people from holding them. | 411 CAH 6-544 |
c.411 | SAMOS: Athenian THRASYLLOS is a hoplite in the army at Samos, and is one of those who persuaded the soldiers and sailors to aid the Samians against the expected attempt of the oligarchs to put down democracy in the island. The consequence is the defeat of the rebels. | 411 DGRBM 3-1110 |
c.411 | ANDOCIDES, exiled from Athens from 415, seeking redemption, sells oars at cost to Athenian fleet at Samos, invited by Committee of 400, returns to Athens until ?. He is then siezed by Pisander, leader of Committee of 400, on charges of opposing the oligarch party at Samos. Andocides is tried and imprisoned until 410?. | 411 DGRBM 1-169, OCD 63 |
c.411 | HOPLITES assemble at the theater of Dionysus on northwest slope of the Piraeus. | 411 OCD 703 |
c.411 | ANTIPHON the Sophist (possibly identical to Antiphon of Rhamnus), flourishes. Writes On Truth . Says nature requires freedom, in contrast to the restrictions imposed by institutions. Says liberty requires social equality. Fragments survive. | 500-400 wikAnt 412 GHH |
c.411 | ANTIPHON of Rhamnus, Attic ghost writer, brain behind the oligarchic conspiracy, and leader of the extremists, and also ARCHEPTOLEMOS, are tried. Antiphon's speech in his own defense is heard and applauded by Athenian tragic poet Agathon. But they are all condemned and executed by moderates led by Theramenes. Bodies denied burial in Attica, property confiscated, houses leveled, families disenfranchised. | 411 CDCC 734, DGRBM, Dur 2-712, GHH, MCAW 139, OCD 25, 74 |
c.411 | History of Thucydides suddenly ends in the middle of 411. Xenophons Hellenica continues to 362, and the Oxyrhynchos historian begins from here to 396. | 411 B76 10-1092, DGRBM 410 CDCC 636, GHH |
Balkan Peninsula 410-380 V