c.300 | Syrian CALENDAR month names are revised to Macedonian standard by Seleucus-I Nicator. | reign of S-I: FHBC 53 |
c.300 | CASSANDER, LYSIMACHUS, & SELEUCUS make treaty confirmed by marriages. Ptolemy's dau Arsinoe-II marries Lysimachus (who must divorce Amastris, wife from 301). Lysandra marries Lysimachus' son Agathocles. Seleucus marries Stratonice, age 16, dau of Demetrius-I. | 300 CDCC 86, DGRBM 1-366, lvD, lvPt1, wikStr 299 lvA 299/8 B76 15-181, OCD 124 |
c.300 | SELEUCUS, king of Babylonia 305, ruler of Syria 301-281, solicits STRATONICE-I dau of Demetrius-I in marriage. | 300 DGRBM 3-925 |
c.300 | ANTIGONEIA on the Orontes from 307, refounded by Seleucus-I, and named after his father Antiochus, as ANTIOCH, royal capital. It is a planned city in Corinthian style. Under Seleucids until 246. | 301 Dur 2-555 300 BBA 224, CAH 7.1, CDCC 53, IDB 1-145, MCAW 181, OCD 71, anan, atl4, hwD, rcT 300/299 CAH 7.1 |
c.300 | Temple at Daphne near Antioch is also founded by Seleucus-I. | 300 atl4 |
c.300 | SELEUCIA PIERIA on Mediterranean coast north of the Orontes, founded by Seleucus-I Nicator, under Seleucids until 246. | 300 BAA 235, wikSP |
c.300 | Seleucid capital: SELEUCIA on the Tigris from 311, moved to SELEUCIA-PIERIA until 246. | 301 CAH 7.1-179 |
c.300 | ZEUGMA refounded as SELEUCIA on the Euphrates (across the Euphrates from Apamea), under Seleucids until 64. | 300 wikZC |
CONFUSION ALERT! There are 4 SELEUCIAs: Trachea in Cilicia, Pieria on the Orontes, on the Euphrates, and on the Tigris.
c.300 | APAMEA (previously Pharmake) on the Orontes founded, enlarged and fortified by Seleucus-I, named for his dau (or Bactrian wife). | 300 atl4, wikAS |
CONFUSION ALERT! There are several APAMEAs: in Phrygia: in Lydia: on the Euphrates: on the Orontes: Apamea Myriea in Bithynia.
c.300 | DURA-EUROPOS founded on mid Euphrates as a Seleucid military colony. | 303 wikDE 300 OCD 422, wikDE |
c.300 | LAODICEA (Latakia) founded on coast by Seleucus-I. | 300 atl4 |
c.300 | GLASS BLOWING invented in Syria. (XX 100 Levant) | 300 avw |
c.300 | COTTON (See India), already reported by Herodotus: Megasthenes reports to Seleucus-I "there being trees on which wool grows in Indica". | no date: wikCot |
c.299 | SELEUCUS-I, king of Babylonia 305, ruler of Syria 301-281, at Rhosus on Mediterranean coast of Syria, allies with DEMETRIUS-I, marries his dau by Phila-II, STRATONICE-I, age @17, until 292. | 300 DGRBM 3-925, wikSS 299 lvPt1, lvS1 298 B76 16-503, CDCC 804 no date: B76 8-378 |
c.299 | SELEUCUS-I, king of Babylonia 305, ruler of Syria 301-281, raids Samaria, under Ptolemies 301-198. | 299 lvPt1 |
c.299 | PHARNAVAZ-I becomes 1st king of Colchis/Iberia until 237. | 302 CEKI 8, wikCl 299 hifiGeo |
c.297 | SELEUCUS-I, king of Babylonia 305, ruler of Syria 301-281, offers to buy Tyre and Sidon from Demetrius-I, refused. Now they don't like each other. | 297 TAG 12 |
c.294 | ANTIOCHUS, 1st son of Seleucus cured of illness by ERASISTRATOS of Cos?, Ceos?, or Chios?, who becomes famous for discovering that the kid is lovesick for his mother-in-law Stratonice-I. Seleucus gives her to him. | 294 DGRBM 2-42, wikEr 292 ISBE 1-144 |
c.294 | ANTIOCHUS, 1st son of Seleucus, marries mother-in-law Stratonice-I. | 294 wikA1, wikSS |
c. 292 | SELEUCUS, king of Babylonia 305, ruler of Syria 301-281, makes son ANTIOCHUS-I co-king and gives him the eastern empire from the Euphrates to the Indian Ocean plus his own wife Stratonice-I, on whom Antiochus had developed a crush. Seleucus takes evetything west of the Euphrates. | 294 CAH 7.1, wikSS 294/3 lvA1 293 BHS 1-74, DGRBM 3-772, MCAW 293/2 CDCC 804, OCD 71 292 B76 I-423, lvS1 |
c.290 | SAMUS becomes king of Commagene until 260. | 290 wikRCmg |
c.288 | COALITION against DEMETRIUS-I Poliorcetes formed by PYRRHUS, LYSIMACHUS, SELEUCUS-I, and PTOLEMY-I. Lysimachus is to invade Macedonia from the east and Pyrrhus from the west, while Ptolemy is to sail his fleet to Athens and try to raise Greece. Seleucus apparently has no part in the plan. | 289/8 TAG 92 288 DGRBM 3-772, atl3 287 DGRBM 3-584 |
c.286 | SOSIGENES is among the few still loyal to Demetrius-I Poliorcetes. He gives Demetrius-I 400 gold pieces, with which he tries to reach the coast. | 286 DGRBM 3-882 |
c.285 | DEMETRIUS-I POLIORCETES, former king of Macedonia 294-88, deserted by troops, captured in Cilicia by Seleucus-I Nicator king of Syria/Babylonia. Detained in Apamea. Treated well until death 283. | 286 CAH 7.1-108, MCAW 285 B76 1-991, 8-378, 16-503, LEWH 90, OHG, TTPC, anan, hifi, wikWD |
c.281 | SELEUCUS, king of Babylonia 305, ruler of Syria 301-281, invades Anatolia. | 282 B76 8-378 281 LEWH 93 |
c.281 | SELEUCUS-I Nicator dies. King of Babylonia 305, ruler of Syria 301-281, co-king with son Antiochus from 292, a popular ruler, stabbed to death by Ptolemy Keraunos in Thrace. ANTIOCHUS-I sole rule until 261. Revolt breaks out in Syria. Empire begins to disintegrate. |
281 B76 8-378, 16-503, BI+N 125, CAH 7.1-413, 8, CDCC 804, CHJ 2, ISBE 1-385, 144, Jud 3-73, LEWH 90, OCD 71, RAI2, RAI3, bk, frH, hifiSl, lvA, lvA1, wikA1 280 Dur 2-555, GHH, IDB 1-149, LEWH 93, MCAW, Tmsn 233 |
c.281 | ANTIOCHUS-I, king of Syria / Babylonia 281-61, forced to make peace with Ptolemy Keraunos, renounces all ambitions west of straits. | 281 OCD 71, wikA1 |
c.280 | ARMENIA, under Seleucus-I from ?, set up its own monarchy. | 280 Dur 2-578, anan |
c.280 | Syrian War of Succession begins until 279. Troops in north Syria, mostly at Apamea, mutiny. | 280 CHJ 2-53, CAH 7.1-415 |
c.280 | APAMEA Syria, under Seleucids from ?, rebels with help of Ptolemy-II Philadelphus. Hostilities until 279. | 280 B76 8-380, LEWH 93, lvA1 |
CONFUSION ALERT! There are several APAMEAs: in Phrygia: in Lydia: on the Euphrates: on the Orontes: Apamea Myriea in Bithynia.
c.280 | 1st SYRO / EGYPT WAR begins until 279. Ptolemy-II Philadelphus conducts a brief successful war against Antiochus-I mostly in Anatolia, but also in Levant. | 280 CAH 7.1-145, CHJ 2, ISBE 1-144, 3-1049, lvFSW, lvPt2 |
c.279 | 1st SYRO / EGYPT WAR from 280 suspended until 275. Ptolemy-II Philadelphus keeps Anatolian possessions: Ionia, Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia, and parts of Cilicia. | 279 B76 8-379, ISBE 3-1049, lvA1, lvFSW |
c.279 | SELEUCUS, 1st son of Antiochus-I, appointed viceroy of the east until 268/7. | 280 B76 I-423 279 wikA1 |
c.279 | Antiochus-I, king of Syria / Babylonia 281-61 supports Sparta. | 279 TAG 160 |
c.278 | PEACE SETTLEMENT in Anatolia made between ANTIGONUS-II Gonatas honcho of Greece, and ANTIOCHUS-I, king of Syria / Babylonia 281-61, who renounces claim to Macedonia. They make a defensive agreement with against Ptolemy-III | 279 B76 I-423 278 CAH 7.1-256, OCD 69, 71, atl3 |
c.277 | ANTIOCHUS-I, king of Syria / Babylonia 281-61 and vassal PHILATAERUS of Pergamum are occupied with CELTS until 275. | 277 B76 8-380, OCD 814 |
c.275 | 1st SYRO / EGYPT WAR, suspended 279, resumes until 271. PTOLEMY-II Philadelphus invades south Syria. Defeated by ANTIOCHUS-I. | 276 ISBE 3-1049, LEWH 93, OCD 896 275 B76 I-423, BI+N 125, RAH 382, bihi, wikA1 274 B76 IX-747, 8-380, 15-182, CAH 7.1-416, CHJ 2, OCD 71, OHG, frH, lvA1, wikSW |
c.275 | ANTIOCHUS-I Soter, Seleucid king of Syria/Babylonia 281-61 allies with Magas, king of Cyrenaica against Ptolemy-II. | 275 CAH 7.1, lvFSW 264 GHH |
c.274 | SELEUCIA on the Tigris founded by Antiochus-I Soter. | 274 RAI3 415 |
CONFUSION ALERT! There are 4 SELEUCIAs: Trachea in Cilicia, Pieria on the Orontes, on the Euphrates, and on the Tigris.
c.273 | Ptolemaic ships, attacks Seleucid ports, forces Antiochus-I Soter to retreat. | 273 lvFSW |
c.273 | Poet ARATOS of Soli, at court of Antigonus-II Gonatas from 276, goes over to Antiochus-I Soter until ?. | 273 TAG 223 |
c.272 | PHOENICIA, Syria south of the Eleutherus River, under Seleucids from 301, taken by PTOLEMY-II Philadelphus until 257. | 273/2 B76 I-423 272 TTPC 25 no date: LEWH 96 |
c.271 | 1st SYRO / EGYPT WAR from 275 ends. Ptolemy-II reconquers territories. 2nd 266. | 272 LEWH 93, lvFSW 272/1 CHJ 2 271 B76 IX-747, 8-380, CAH 7.1-416, ISBE 3-1049, OCD 71, OHG, frH, lvA1, wikSW 270 B76 15-182, ISBE 1-144 |
c.268 | ANTIOCHUS-I Soter, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia 281-61 suspects son Seleucus of treachery, goes to Babylonia. | 268 lvA1 |
c.267 | ANTIOCHUS-I Soter returns from Babylonia to Syria. | 267 guess |
c.266 | Λ 2nd SYRO / EGYPT WAR, dormant from 271, begins until 254/3. ANTIOCHUS-I Soter, king of Syria 281-61 war with PTOLEMY-II Philadelphus until 261. |
266 B76 8-380 263 OCD 71 260 B76 IX-747, frH, bihi |
c.262 | ANTIOCHUS-I Soter marches from Syria to Anatolia until death 261. | 262 wikA1 |
c.261 | ANTIOCHUS-I Soter dies. Seleucid king of Syria/Babylonia from 281, age 64, killed fighting Celts in Galatia. Son age 24, ANTIOCHUS-II Theos succeeds until 246. | 262 Dur 2-555, Tmsn 233 262/1 B76 I-423, BHS 1-168, CHJ 2, TAG 315 261 B76 I-423, 8-380, 11-989, CAH 7.1-212, 8, CDCC 803, DGRBM 1-196, DGRG 1-928, IDB 1-149, ISBE 1-144, OHG, anan, bk, frH, hifiSl, lvA1, wikP |
c.261 | 2nd SYRO / EGYPT WAR 266-54/3, won by PTOLEMY-II Philadelphus in 1st half, suspended until 260. | 261 B76 8-380 |
c.260 | SAMES-I, satrap of Commagene from 290, ends. ARSAMES-I succeeds until 228. | 260 frH, wikLrC |
c.260 | 2nd SYRO / EGYPT WAR 266-54/3, suspended from 261, resumed by ANTIOCHUS-II Theos until 254/3 to regain land lost by father. Attacks Ptolemaic outposts in Anatolia. Eumenes-I of Pergamum is allied with Ptolemy. | 260 B76 IX-747, 15-182, CAH 7.1, CDCC 857, CHJ 2, ISBE 3-1049, LEWH 93, 96, MCAW, OHG, lvA, lvPt2, lvSSW, wikSW 259 B76 I-423 |
c.260 | ANTIGONUS-II Gonatas, king of Macedonia 276-39, allies with ANTIOCHUS-II Theos until 255 to expel PTOLEMY-II Philadelphus from the Aegean. | 260 OCD 70 259 lvPt2 259 lvSSW |
c.260 | ARDAVASDES (Orontes-III), Seleucid satrap of Armenia from 317, ends. SAMUS, satrap of Commagene from 290, succeeds until 243. ARSAMES-I becomes satrap of Commagene (also Sophene) until 228. | 280 lvArm 260 hystn, lvArm, rcCau, rcT, wikLAK, wikRCmg |
254/3 | 2nd SYRO / EGYPT WAR from 266, resumed from 260, suspended until 246. ANTIOCHUS-II Theos, having regained most of Anatolian coastland, but not Lycia, Pergamum, Caria, or south Syria, quits fighting. Treaty 252. | 255 B76 I-423, ISBE 3-1049, LEWH 96 255-3 B76 IX-747, 8-380 253 B76 15-182, CAH 7.1, CDCC 857, CHJ 2, MCAW, OCD 72, 896, OHG, frH, lvA, lvA2, lvSSW, wikSW |
c.252 | SYRO / EGYPT Treaty between ANTIOCHUS-II Theos and PTOLEMY-II Philadelphus. | 253 ISBE 1-144, lvPt2 252 BI+N 125, CAH 7.1, Jud 5-1282-3, bk 250 IDB 1-149 249 GHH |
c.252 | ANTIOCHUS-II Theos, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia 261-47, compelled by treaty to put away 1st wife Laodice-I and marry BERENICE Phernephorus, dau of Ptolemy-II Philadelphus (until P-II dies 246). Wedding happens in Phoenicia. | 253 B76 I-423, 15-182, CHJ 2-60, 512 252 Jud 5-1282-3, OCD 72, Sdl 5-234, bk, lvA2 250 IDB 1-149, wikPt2 249 DGRBM 1-482, GHH, MCAW 248 DGRBM 2-718 |
c.246 | ANTIOCHUS-II Theos on death of Ptolemy-II Philadelphus, divorces P-II's dau Berenice, and returns to his 1st wife Laodice. Berenice Phernephorus goes to Antioch. Berenice's bro Prolemy-III therefore invades Seleucid dominions. | 247 DGRBM 1-482 246 CHJ 2-512, lvA2 |
c.246 | Antiochus HIERAX, younger bro of Seleucus-II, king of Syria / Babylonia 246-26, sent by S-II to rule with mother LAODICE in Anatolia. | 246-1 B76 I-424 |
c. 246 | ANTIOCHUS-II Theos dies. Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia from 261 poisoned in Ephesus by 1st wife Laodice-I, who hides his death until she has her son Seleucus lined up to take charge. SELEUCUS-II succeeds until 226. S-II and his younger bro Antiochus Hierax live in Ephesus. | 247 Dur 2-556, Tmsn 233, hifiSl 246 B76 I-423, IX-41, 8-380, BHS 1-179, BI+N 126, CAH 7.1-208, 212, 420, CAH 8, CDCC 803, CHJ 2, DGRBM 1-194, 2-718, 196, 3-773, IDB 1-149, ISBE 1-144, Jud 3-73, LEWH 93, MCAW, OCD 72, RAI2, RAI3, bk, frH, lvA2, lvA2, lvTSW |
From A-II's 2nd marriage, with Berenice Phernephorus, he has a son Antiochus (age 5); they live in Antioch. |
c.246 | BERENICE Phernephorus, dau of Ptolemy-II & Arsinoe-I, widow of Antiochus-II 252-46, murdered, along with her 5 year old son Antiochus in the grove of Daphne in Antioch, by agents of Laodice-I. | 246 B76 I-994, DGRBM 3-773, GHH, ISBE 1-144, Jud 5-1283, LEWH 93, MCAW, lvS2 |
c.246 | Λ 3rd SYRO / EGYPT WAR dormant from 254/3, begins until 241 (called Laodicean War after A-II's first wife, Laodice). PTOLEMY-III Euergetes attacks SELEUCUS-II and HIERAX in Levant for murder of sis Bernice. | 247 TAWH 78 246 B76 I-424, CAH 7.1-208, 420, CDCC 857, CHJ 2-60, GHH, ISBE 3-1049, Jud 5-1283, LEWH 96, OCD 72, OHG, frH, lvA, lvPt3, lvS2, lvTSW, wikSW 245 B76 IX-747 |
c.246 | PTOLEMY-III Euergetes from Phoenicia to south Syria to uphold claims of Berenice Phernephorus, widow of Antiochus-II, for her son Antiochus. | 246 CHJ 2-512, DHA 89 245 bihi |
c.246 | SELEUCIA PIERIA on Mediterranean coast from 300, Seleucid capital from 300, easily taken by Ptolemaic navy, under Ptolemies until 219. | 246 DHA 89, 113, lvAnt, lvTSW taken by S-II: lvS2 |
CONFUSION ALERT! There are 4 SELEUCIAs: Trachea in Cilicia, Pieria on the Orontes, on the Euphrates, and on the Tigris.
c.246 | ANTIOCH, Seleucid from 300, easily taken by Ptolemaic navy, under Ptolemy-III until 244. | 246 DHA 89, lvAnt,
lvTSW taken by S-II: lvS2 |
c.246 | SELEUCUS-II, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia 246-26, counterattacks PTOLEMY-III Euergetes, leaving ANTIOCHUS Hierax to become independent ruler in Anatolia. | 246 OCD 72 |
c.246 | Ptolemy III goes from Syria to Anatolia. | 246 implied |
c.246/5 | Ptolemy III marches from Ephesus to Syria, to the Euphrates. | 246 CAH 7.1 245 bihi |
c.245 | LAODICE, sis of Seleucus-II and Antiochus Hierax marries Mithridates-II of Pontus. Phrygia is awarded to him as a marriage gift. | 245 lvS2 |
c.245 | PTOLEMY-III Euergetes forced to return from Babylon to Syria because Antigonus-II Gonatas is intervening in Egypt's Aegean possessions. | 245 bihi, lvPt3 |
c.244 | By the beginning of 244, Ptolemy-III, now in Syria, is no match for all his enemies at once. He must buy off one of them. He chooses Antigonus-II, and sends Sostratos of Knidos as envoy. | 244 TAG 386 |
c.244 | SELEUCUS-II, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia 246-26, begins a series of campaigns in Syria, for which he is named Callinicus "Famous Conqueror". | 244 TAG 386 |
c.244 | ANTIOCH, under Ptolemy-III from 246, recovered by Seleucus-II, becomes his military headquarters, remains Seleucid until 83, except for usurper in 145. | 244 DHA 90 |
c.243 | PTOLEMY-III Euergetes-I in Syria from 245, recalled by revolt in Egypt. | 243 DGRBM 3-588, TTPC |
c.243 | SAMUS, Seleucid satrap of Armenia (also in Commagene and Sophene) from 260, ends. ARSAMES succeeds (also in Commagene and Sophene) until 228. | 243 wikLAK |
c.242 | SELEUCUS-II Callinicus, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia 246-26, again extends his power to the Euphrates, founds CALLINICUM on previous city of Nicephorium. | 242 DGRBM 3-773 |
c.241 | ANTIOCHUS Hierax ruling part of Anatolia with mother LAODICE 246-?, sends army into Syria, supposedly to help Seleucus-II, but actually to sieze Syria. | 241 B76 I-424 |
c. 241 | 3rd SYRO / EGYPT WAR from 246 (called Laodicean War), ends in peace treaty, because of HIERAX troops from Anatolia attack PTOLEMY-III Euergetes. Ptolemies have gained Syrian coast, including Seleucia Pieria, but lose some Aegean possessions. Antiochus HIERAX, and PTOLEMY-III Euergetes sign treaty in Coele-Syria. 4th 219 | 241 B76 I-424, IX-747, CAH 7.1-208, 420, CDCC 857, CHJ 2-60, ISBE 3-1049, LEWH 96, OHG, RAH 382, bk, frH, lvA, lvPt3, lvS2, lvTSW, wikPt3, wikSW 240 BI+N 126 |
c.240 | MELITENE on Anatolia / Syria border, under Seleucids from 301, comes under Egypt until 194. | 240 rcT |
c.240 | SELEUCUS-II Callinicus invades Egypt. | 242 lvS2 240 bihi |
240 /39 | SELEUCUS-II Callinicus, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia 246-26, tries to recover Anatolia. Thwarted by bro, ANTIOCHUS Hierax. War of the Brothers brgins until 236. Hierax is successful but loses his territories to Attalus-I of Pergamum. | 242 GHH 240 lvS2 240/39 CAH 7.1 239 B76 I-424, OCD 72 |
c.239 | SELEUCUS-II Callinicus, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia 246-26, makes 10 year truce with PTOLEMY-III Euergetes-I. | 239 DGRBM 3-773 |
c.239 | STRATONICE-II, dau of Antiochus-I, recently divorced from Demetrius-II Aetolicus, sails from Macedonia to Syria. | 239 DGRBM 3-925 |
239/8 | STRATONICE-II, dau of Antiochus-I, and sis of A-II,, who had been queen of Macedonia (married to Demetrius-II) returns to nephew Seleucus, who refuses to marry her. She plots with nephew Antiochus Hierax and attempts an insurrection at Antioch. Seleucus returns. Stratonice flees to Seleucia Pieria. | 239/8 DGRBM 3-925, lvS2 238 atl3 235 BHS 1-237 227 DHA 91 |
c.238 | Dau of Antiochus-I, and sis of A-II, STRATONICE-II executed by Seleucus-II in Seleucia Pieria. | 227 DHA 91 |
c.237 | SELEUCUS-II Callinicus king of Syria / Babylonia 246-26, goes from Syria to Persia. In east until 227. | 238 GHH 237 wkbEA |
c.237 | PHARNAVAZ-I, 1st king of Colchis / Iberia from 299, ends. Son SAURMAG succeeds until 159. | 237 wikCl 234 CEKI 8, hifiGeo |
232/1 | SELEUCUS-II Callinicus, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia 246-26, goes from Hyrcania to Bactria, quells rebellion of Diodotus-II. | 232/1 B76 9-841 |
c.229 | SELEUCIA PIERIA on Mediterranean coast, under Ptolemies 246-19 declared a free city by Seleucus-II. | 229 IDB 4-265 |
CONFUSION ALERT! There are 4 SELEUCIAs: Trachea in Cilicia, Pieria on the Orontes, on the Euphrates, and on the Tigris.
c.228 | ARSAMES-I, Seleucid satrap of Commagene and Sophene, from 260, Armenia from 243, ends. XERXES of Armenia succeeds until 212. | 230 lvArm 228 frH, hystn, rcCau, rcT, wikLAK, wikLrC, wikRCmg |
c.228 | ARMENIA, under Seleucids from 301, independent until 212. | 228 hifi |
c.228 | Antiochus HIERAX, independent ruler in Anatolia from 246, expelled by Attalus-I of Pergamum. Goes to Syria, tries to raise rebellion against Seleucus-II. | 228 LEWH 93, OCD 72 |
c.228 | Antiochus HIERAX goes to Mesopotamia. Tries to raise the east against Seleucus-II | 228 lvS2 |
c.227 | SELEUCUS-II Callinicus in east from 237, in Mesopotamia 227, returns to Syria. | 227 CAH 7.1-213 |
c.226 | 1st son of Antiochus-II + Laodice-I, SELEUCUS-II Callinicus dies. King of Syria/Babylonia from 246, in Syria, dies of a fall from his horse. Son by Laodice-II, SELEUCUS-III Ceranus succeeds until 223. | 226 B76 IX-41, BI+N 126, CHJ 2, DHA 91, Dur 2-556, IDB 4-267, ISBE 1-144, LEWH 93, RAI2, RAI3, anan, bk, frH, hifiSl 226/5 CAH 7.1-429, CAH 8, CDCC 803 225 B76 8-380, lvS2, wikP |
c.224 | SELEUCUS-III marches from Syria to Anatolia to fight Attalus-I of Pergamum. | 224 guess |
c.223 | Son of Seleucus-II, SELEUCUS-III Ceranus dies. King of Syria/Babylonia from 226 poisoned in a conspiracy in Anatolia by army officers Aparturios and Nicanor. | 223 B76 IX-41, 1-825, 993, 8-380, BI+N 126, CAH 7.1-434, 8, CDCC 803, CHJ 2-64, DGRBM 2-410, DHA 91, Dur 2-556, IDB 1-149, 4-267, ISBE 1-144, Jud 3-73, OCD 72, OHG, RAH 383, Tmsn 233, bk, frH, hifiSl 222 CDCC 53, RAI3, lvS3 |
Bro age 15, ANTIOCHUS-III Megas succeeds until 187. Carian HERMIAS, civil and financial administrator, is main power behind throne until 220. |
c.223 | MOLON put in charge of Media, and his bro ALEXANDER put in charge of Persis by Antiochus-III Megas until 222. | 224 DGRBM 1-122 223 CAH 7.1-434, wikAl |
c.222 | LAODICE-III, dau of Mithidates-II of Pontus is conveyed by Admiral Diognetus from Pontus to Seleucia on the Tigris. | 222 DGRBM 1-1024 |
c.222 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187, marries cousin LAODICE-III, dau of Mithidates-II of Pontus. | 222 DGRBM 2-719, 1095, GHH, lvA3, lv4SW, wikA3, wikLd3 |
c.222 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187, sets out for campaign against Ptolemaic possessions in Syria. | 222 B76 1-993 221 BHS 1-307, lvPt4 |
c.222 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria/Babylonia 223-187, learns of rebellion of MOLON governor of Media and ALEXANDER governor of Persis. On advice of vizir Hermias, Antiochus splits his forces, sending some against Ptolemaic Syria, and generals Xenon and Theodotos to march east against the rebels. Both Seleucid armies are defeated. | 222 B76 1-993, DGRBM 3-1072, GHH no date: wikA3 |
c.221 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas, against advice of Hermias, marches east against rebels in Media and Persis. | 221 CAH 7.1-434, wikA3 |
c.221 | EUPHORION of Chalcis, student of Lacydes and Prytanis, poet, gramarian, goes from Athens to Syria. | 221 DGRBM 2-97 |
c.221 | ATTALUS-I, ruler of Pergamum 241-197, war with Seleucids in Anatolia from 224 ends. | 221 LEWH 93 |
c.220 | ARMENIA divided into Armenia proper and Armenia Sophene. Both are under Artashesid rulers, names unknown until 210. | 220 hifi |
c.220 | NISIBIS visited by Antiochus-III, refounded as Antiochia Mygdonia, but the name doesn't stick. | 222-20 lvA3 220 lvA |
c.220 | ATROPATENE (northwest Media), independent under Artabarzanes from ?, conquered by army of Antiochus-III, becomes a Seleucid province. | 220 B76 1-993, DGRBM 1-196, 368 |
c.220 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas, returning west from Media, learns of rebellion of Syrian ACHAEUS in Anatolia. | 220 CAH 7.1-434 |
c.220 | Carian HERMIAS, finance administrator of Antiochus-III Megas, murdered by physician Apollophanes on orders of Antiochus. | 220 GHH no date: DGRBM 2-411 |
c.220 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187, in east from ?, returns from Media to Syria. | 220 B76 1-993, wikA3 |
c.220 | EUPHORION of Chalcis, student of Lacydes and Prytanis, poet, gramarian, flourishes mostly in Athens, but is now invited by ANTIOCHUS-III Megas to the court of Syria. | 221 wikEC 220 CAH 7.1 |
c.219 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 decides not to attack Achaeus, but to recover lands lost by bro, attacks Seleucia Pieria, bribes some officers, gains control. | 219 B76 1-993, IDB 4-265 |
c.219 | SELEUCIA PIERIA on the Orontes, under Ptolemies from 246, reconquered by Antiochus-III Megas. While there, he receives a written invitation to invade Coele-Syria from Theodotos, Ptolemaic governor at Ptolemais. | 219 1&2BM 149, CAH 7.1-435, CHJ 2-64, DHA 90, IDB 4-265, ISBE 4-339, lv4SW, lvA, lvA3, wikSW |
CONFUSION ALERT! There are 4 SELEUCIAs: Trachea in Cilicia, Pieria on the Orontes, on the Euphrates, and on the Tigris.
c.219 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas leaves heavy troops to continue siege of Brochi, takes light troops and marches toward Ptolemais. | 220 BHS 1-313 |
c.219 | Λ 4th SYRO / EGYPT WAR, begins until 217. Antiochus-III Megas takes personal command against Ptolemaic possessions in Levant. | 221 CAH 7.1-431, 434, LEWH 93, 97, bihi 219 B76 IX-747, 1-993, 8-380, CAH 7.1, CDCC 857, CHJ 2-64, ISBE 3-1049, MCAW, OCD 72, OHG, RAH 383, lv4SW, lvA, lvA3, lvG, wikSW |
c.219 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 invades Phoenicia. Away from Syria until 217. | 219 bk |
c. 217 | ANTIOCHUS-III's ARMY comprises, besides a phalanx of 20,000 men (mainly Greco-Macedonians), a nucleus of 5,000 Iranians and Cilicians armed like select troops, about 10,000 natives armed in the Macedonian manner, 2,000 Persian and Agrianian archers and slingers, 1,000 Thracians, about 5,000 Medes (and Iranians in general), distinct from the first group of Iranians in not being select troops, about 10,000 Arabs, 5,000 Greek mercenaries, 2,500 Cretans and Neo-Cretans, 500 Lydian lancers and 1,000 Cardacians. This is divided into heavy infantry and light. After that is 6,000 cavalry and 102 elephants. | 217 CAH 7.1- 190 |
c.217 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas, king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187, in south from 219, fears aggression by Achaeus, makes 4 month truce, withdraws to Seleucia Pieria. | 218 BHS 1-314 |
c.217 | PTOLEMY-IV Philopator, king of Egypt 222-05, invades Seleucid territory. | 217 CAH 7.1 |
c.217 | 4th 4th SYRO / EGYPT WAR from 219, ends. Antiochus-III, now at Antioch, cedes Coele-Syria. 5th 202. | 217 CAH 7.1-431, CDCC 857, CHJ 2, ISBE 3-1049, LEWH 93, 97, MCAW, OHG, bihi, lvA, lvPt4, wikSW 216 B76 IX-747, 1-993, 8-380 |
217/16 | ANTIOCHUS-III, spends winter rebuilding his army and preparing to cross the Taurus Mts. | 217/16 BHS 1-320 |
c.216 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 crosses Taurus Mts. into Anatolia, comes to terms with Attalus-I of Pergamum, in Anatolia until 213. | 216 CAH 7.1-440, wikA3 |
c.216 | ATTALUS-I of Pergamum and ANTIOCHUS-III Megas unite against Syrian rebel ACHAEUS in Anatolia. | 216 CAH 8, lvA3 |
c.213 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas, in Anatolia from 216, returns to Syria. | 213 guess |
c.212 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187, goes to Armenia until 211. | 212 BHS 2-16, CAH 7.1-215, DGRBM 1-354 |
c.212 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas marches on ARSAMOSATA, capital of Armenia, prepares siege, but king Xerxes submits quickly, and is given lenient terms. Xerxes pays back taxes and marries Antiochis, sis of Antiochus-III. | 212 BHS 2-16, CAH 8-140 |
c.212 | ARMENIA, independent from 228, reconquered by ANTIOCHUS-III Megas. Seleucid until 190, not annexed until 200. | 212 CAH 8-140, wikA3 211 LEWH 51 |
c.212 | XERXES ends. ruler of Armenia, Commagene and Sophene, from 228 ends. Abdisar succeeds and ends. Son of Arsames-I, ORONTES (Yervand)-IV succeeds as Seleucid satrap until 200. | 212 hystn, lvArm, rcCau, wheAD, wikLAK, wikO4, wikRCmg 201 rcT |
c.211 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 sails army down Euphrates, in east until 205/4. | 212 GHH 211/0 CAH 8-140 210 BHS 2-17 |
Seleucid Empire c.206. Map Talessman |
c.209 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 reaches Media, which is still governed by the Diogenes who had replaced Molon. | 209 BHS 2-17 |
205/4 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187, in east from 209, marches west from Mesopotamia, arrives back in Syria, celebrates great triumph in Seleucia Pieria. | 205 DGRBM 1-197, OHG 205/4 BHS 2-24, 47, CAH 8-142 |
205/4 | PHILIP-V, king of Macedonia 221-179 and ANTIOCHUS-III Megas secretly agree to divide the Ptolemaic Empire. Syria to get most. | 205 lvPt5 203/2 Sdl 5-235 202 BHS 2-30, ISBE 3-1049 |
204/3 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187, sets out to recover western Anatolia. | 204 or 3 CAH 8-244 |
c.202 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187, in Anatolia from 204/3, returns to Syria. | 202 guess |
c.202 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187, invades Ptolemaic COELE-SYRIA. | 202 CAH 8-151, CHJ 2-71 |
c.202 | Λ 5th SYRO / EGYPT WAR begins until 195. Antiochus-III Megas invades Coele-Syria. | 203 OHG 202 B76 IX-747, CAH 7.1-435, CDCC 857, CHJ 2-70, lv5SW, lvA, lvA3, lvG, lvPt5, wikSW 201 LEWH 93, 97, bihi |
c.201 | COMMAGENE, under satrap Orontes-IV of Armenia from 212, becomes Seleucid satrapy until 163, Son of king Orontes-IV of Armenia, PTOLEMAEUS becomes satrap until 163. | 201 wikKC, wikRCmg |
Syria / Armenia 200-100