78 | L. Cornelius SULLA dies, age 60, in retirement, from a colon ulcer "which broke out into lice". An epitaph, which Sulla himself wrote, is inscribed on the tomb, reading: "No friend ever served me, and no enemy ever wronged me, whom I have not repaid in full". Son by 4th wife Cealia Metella, FAUSTUS and his sis are left under guardianship of L.(4) Licinius Lucullus. Pregnant 5th wife Valeria will bear a dau, Cornelia Postuma. | 78 B76 IX-661, CAH 9-207, DGRBM 3-939, 943, Dur 3-127, GHH, MCAW 244, SHWC 116, atl1, bk, rtp, ttpm, wikELJC, wikJC |
78 | Consul CATULUS favors the unprecedented honor of a state funeral. Consul LEPIDUS tries to thwart burial arrangements for Sulla, but Pompey supports Catulus and organizes Sulla's funeral. His corpse is burnt, so as to avoid the fate of Marius' corpse 81. Ashes entombed on Campus Martius. | 78 CAH 9-207, CDCC 152, atl1, rtp, ttpm, wikPm |
78 | Populare consul M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS tries to repeal Sulla's laws, calls for cheap grain, recall of exiles, restore confiscated lands, reinstate office of tribune - all resisted by L.(2) Marcius Philippus and defeated by consul Q. Lutatius Catullus. | 78 B76 VI-158, CAH 9-208, DGRBM 3-287, GHH, LEWH 107, OCD 597, atl1 |
c.78 | Populare consul M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS criticises Sulla's rule in a speech to the people. | 78 atl1 |
c.78 | Pleb tribunes call on the consuls to restore tribune power. Lepidus is first to refuse, and most of the crowd at an assembly agree with him. | 78 atl1 |
c.78 | Populare consul M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS passes a lex cibaria, to restrict spread of luxuries. | 78 atl1 |
c.78 | Enemies of the Sullan constitution prosecute his son Faustus to compel him to restore public funds which his father had received or taken from the treasury. Senate opposes investigation. | 78 DGRBM 3-943 |
c.78 | TABLUARIUM built to archive official documents. | 78 CDCC 744 |
78 | C.(4) Julius CAESAR in Anatolia from 81, learns of Sulla's death, returns to Rome, declines to participate in Lepidus coup, begins a career as an orator/lawyer until 75. | 78 B76 3-576, DGRBM 1-540, Dur 3-167, sjsu, ttjc, vrm, wikBθP |
78 | Gn.(5) Cornelius DOLABELLA proconsul of Cilicia 80-79, prosecuted for extortion by Julius Caesar and M. Scaurus. Accomplice C. Verres provides evidence against him. Convicted, property confiscated, exiled, disappears. | 78 B76 X-404, DGRBM 3-1242, atl1 no date: OCD 358 |
78 | Populare consul M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS proposes reforms to undo Sullan laws. | 78 B76 VI-158, CAH 9, GHH, LEWH 107, MCAW 244, OCD 597, atl1, bk |
c.78 | After death of Sulla, populare M. PERPERNA VENTO joins consul Lepidus until his death 77. | 78 DGRBM 3-202 |
c.78 | FAESULAE Tuscia, destroyed from 80, is the site of an insurrection. The inhabitants brake into the strongholds of Sullan veterans, kill many of them and reclaim their land. Both consuls are sent to quell the insurrection. | 78 CAH 9-208, atl1 |
c.78 | Populare consul M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS heads for mountains of Etruria to prepare for the insurrection. Lepidus puts himself at the head of the insurgents, and clashes with Catulus, who is prepared to use force to resist him. | 78 CAH 9-208, atl1 |
c.78 | Faesulae insurgents defend their actions before the senate on the grounds that the rural population had been forced to do this after being driven from their homes. | 78 atl1 |
c.78 | Senate negotiates with Lepidus, and makes both consuls swear to keep peace. They promise Lepidus the province of Transalpine Gaul, perhaps with Cisalpina too. | 78 CAH 9-208, atl1 |
c.78 | Populare consul M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS, thwarted by Q. Lutatius Catullus, raises an army of discontented troops and insurgents from Faesulae in Etruria. The senate suspects his intentions and recalls him. Lepidus tries to stand for re-election as consul, but refuses to return to Rome for elections. | 78 B76 VI-158, CAH 9-209, GHH, LEWH 107, MCAW 244, OCD 597, atl1 |
c.78 | T. Quinctius ATTA, comic poet, dies in Rome. | 78 DGRBM 1-408 |
c.78 | War with Mediterranean pirates. | 78 GHH |
c.78 | Alexander Polyhistor flourishes. Greek scholar, grammarian, freed slave of Cornelius Lentulus who then took the name Cornelius Alexander, and turned citizen. Writes historical and geographical accounts of nearly all countries of Roman world. Interpretater of Pythagorean doctrines. Fragments survive. | 100-50 wikAP 78 GHH |
c.78 | Lex Lutatia De Vi(s) by consul L. Lutatius Catulus, regarding civil violence. | 78 atl1, unrv |
c.78 | MIRACLE: A cock is reported to have spoken, at a farm near Ariminum. | 78 atl1 |
77 early | Lepidus' legate, M.(6) junius Brutus gets command in Cisalpine Gaul. | 77 CAH 9-208, wikM6JB |
77 early | M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS, proconsul of Gaul 77, returns to Italy. | 77 OCD 597, 857 |
77 early | L.(2) Marcius PHILIPPUS makes a speech in the senate, after which M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS is declared a public enemy. Without waiting for forces of his partisan M.(6) junius Brutus, who commands in Cisalpine Gaul, Lepidus marches on Rome demanding consulship of 77. | 77 DGRBM 1-511, 2-765, 3-479, atl1 |
c.77 | Senate appoints Catulus proconsul to put down Lepidus, and appoints Pompey praetor to help Catulus. | 77 CAH 9-209 |
c.77 | Populare consul M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS is easily defeated by Q. Catulus and Pompey at Milvian Bridge north of Rome where Via Flaminia crosses the Tiber. Lepidus flees back to Etruria, pursued by Catulus. | 77 B76 II-648, VI-158, CAH 9-209, DGRBM 2-765, 3-479, MCAW 244, atl1, bk |
c.77 | C.(4) Julius Caesar is made an offer by Lepidus, and decides not to join him. | 77 atl1 |
c.77 | M. TERPOLIUS is pleb tribune. | 78 DGRBM 3-1005 |
77 | After Lepidus' defeat, new consuls are finally elected. | 77 atl1 |
77 | CONSULS: Mamercus Aemilius LEPIDUS LIVIANUS and Decimus(6) Junius BRUTUS Both declare unwillingness to go to Spain. | 77 CAH 9-210, DGRBM 1-510, 2-765, OCD 185, csm, wikCon |
77 | M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS becomes proconsul of Gaul, holds Cisalpine Gaul thru legate M.(6) Junius Brutus, aggitates in Transalpina, contacts Sertorius in Spain. | 77 OCD 597 |
c.77 | Gn. POMPEY is appointed to lead government forces against Lepidus' supporters in Cisalpine Gaul. | 77 atl1 |
c.77 | Gn. POMPEY marches into Cisalpine Gaul, where M.(6) Junius Brutus commands troops on behalf of Lepidus. | 77 CAH 9-209, DGRBM 3-479 |
77 | On Pompey's approach M.(6) Brutus withdraws to Mutina, and defends for some time, then surrenders Mutina to Pompey, on condition that his life be spared. | 77 CAH 9-209, DGRBM 3-479, atl1 |
c.77 | Populare M.(6) Junius BRUTUS dies. An officer of Lepidus in Mutina in Cisalpine Gaul, He is promised amnesty by Gn. POMPEY and surrenders. The next day Brutus is murdered near the Po, on orders of Pompey. Sons M.(7) and Decimus(7) (both future assassins of Caesar) are adopted, M.(7) by uncle Q. Servilius Caepio, D.(7) by Aulus Postumius Albinus. | 79 DGRG 2-697 77 B76 II-326, CAH 9-209, DGRBM 3-479, GHH, OCD 183, atl1 |
c.77 | Nobles of Mediolanum are slaughtered by troops of Gn. Pompey. | 77 atl1 |
c.77 | Pompey pursues troops of Brutus northeast as far as Liguria. | 77 CAH 9-209 |
c.77 | Lepidus' son SCIPIO is captured and killed in Liguria when Pompey captures Alba Fucens. | 77 CAH 9-209, atl1 |
c.77 | Pompey returns from Liguria to Etruria. | 77 CAH 9-209 |
c.77 | Catulus orders Pompey to disband troops. Pompey refuses on grounds that he wants to be sent to Spain. | 77 CAH 9-210 |
77 | Gn. POMPEY, at his own request, made proconsul of Spain to help Q.(6) Metellus Pius against Sertorius. Goes first to Transalpine Gaul. | 77 CAH 9-210, CDCC 809, DGRBM 3-791, GHH, OCD 857, ahe, atl1, rtp, ttpm |
78 | Gn.(5) Cornelius DOLABELLA proconsul of Cilicia 80-79, prosecuted for extortion by Julius Caesar and M. Scaurus. Accomplice C. Verres provides evidence against him. Convicted, property confiscated, exiled, disappears. | 78 B76 X-404, DGRBM 3-1242, atl1 no date: OCD 358 |
c.77 | Gn.(4) Cornelius DOLABELLA, accused of extortion as proconsul of Macedonia 80-78, prosecuted by C.(4) Julius Caesar. Defended by C. Aurelius Cotta and Q. Hortensius. Acquitted. | 77 CAH 9-210, DGRBM 1-540, 1058, atl1, wikGCD |
77 | L. VALERIUS TRIARIUS is made propraetor and sent to Sardinia. | 77 DGRBM 3-1172 |
c.77 | L.(5) Julius CAESAR is made quaestor and sent to Asia until ?. | 77 OCD 190, wikL5JC |
c.77 | L.(4) Licinius LUCULLUS and bro Marcus, both done being aediles, both become praetors. | 77 DGRBM 2-832, 838 |
c.77 | L.(4) Licinius LUCULLUS becomes governor of Africa until 76/5. | 77 rcNA, wikAf, wikLcl |
c.77 | M.(9) Aemilius Lepidus decorates his house at Rome in magnificent style. | 77 atl1 |
c.77 | Populare M.(9) Aemilius LEPIDUS, in north Italy with remnant of army, defeated by Gn. POMPEY at Cosa Etruria. Lepidus flees from Cosa to Sardinia until death. Pompey mops up the remaining rebels. | 78 DGRG 1-696, rtp 77 CAH 9-209, DGRBM 2-765, 3-479, LEWH 107, no date: B76 14-795 |
c.77 | L. Cornelius CINNA, who participated in Lepidus' revolt, joins Sertorius in Spain. In exile until 70. | no date: OCD 241, wikCn |
c.77 | Praetor Q. CALIDIUS is tried and convicted, despite friendship with Q. Caecilius Metellus Pius. | 77 atl1 |
c.77 | Mamercus Aemilius Lepidus Livianus overrules praetor Gn. Aufidius Orestes to deprive Genucius, a "gallus", of his inheritance. | 77 atl1 |
77 | M. Tullius CICERO, out of Italy from 79, in Rhodes from 78, returns to Italy, immediately begins disputing with Hortensius. | 77 CDCC 198, DGRBM 1-709, LdHR 365, OCD 234, atl1 |
c.77 | M. Tullius CICERO writes Pro Rocio Comedo . | 77 B76 4-610 |
c.77 | Dramatist T. Quinticius Atta dies. Wrote 12 "fabulae togatae" national comedies. Titles and fragments remain. | 77 atl1, wikTQA |
c.77 | Lex Philippia? by ex-censor L.(2) Marcius Philippus, provides special command against Sertorius in Spain to Gn. Pompey (at this point still not a senator) along with Q.(6) Caecilius Metellus Pius rather than sending the consuls. | 77 unrv |
c.77 late | Proconsul Gn. POMPEY with 30,000 inf and 1000 cav, departs to Gaul, then Nearer Spain, remains until 71. | 77 B76 II-326, CDCC 708, 809, rcIb |
76 Jan 1 | CONSULS: Gn.(7) OCTAVIUS and C.(3) Scribonius CURIO | 76 B76 III-302, DGRBM 1-901, 3-8, 758, OCD 302, csm, wikCon, wikGSC |
c.76 | Great distress in Rome; Consul, C. Cotta??? obtains power from the Senate to sell Sicilian tithes of wine, oil, and grain, in Rome, instead of in Sicily. | 76 GHH |
76 | Gn. (or L.) SICINIUS is pleb tribune. He is first magistrate to attack the law of Sulla, which deprived tribunes of their former power. | 76 CAH 9-211, DGRBM 3-816 |
76 | Curio stops Sicinius from introducing political reforms. | 76 atl1 |
c.76 | Earthquake at Reate, a Sabine town in north Samnium. | 76 atl1 |
c.76 | A "SPARK" falling off a star lights up night sky, and is seen in Etruria by proconsul D. Junius Silanus and his entourage. | 76 atl1 |
c.76 | C. Stalenus accepts 600,000 sesterces to bribe the tribunal in a court case at Atella concerning estate of Safinius. He absconds with it and spends it all. | 76 atl1 |
c.76 | Lex Cornelia de legibus solvendo plebiscite limiting the right of the senate to exempt a person from laws (legibus solvere). Such laws benefiting particular individuals had been passed in the past. This law sets a quorum of 200 senators and requires subsequent approval by a popular assembly. | 76 EDRL 549 |
c.76 | To replace the SIBYLLINE BOOKS , burnt in 83, 3 men are sent to Erythrae Asia to collect Sibylline prophecies. They include P. Gabinius Capito. They collect 1,000 verses from Erythrae and more from elsewhere. Other envoys are sent to Ilium, Samos, Sicily, and Africa for same purpose. See 69. | 76 DGRBM 2-195, wikSB 75 AΨΨ 370 |
c.76 | Praetor M. FONTEIUS becomes governor of Narbonensis until 73. | 76 DGRBM 2-180 74 atl1 |
c.76 | C.(1) ANTONIUS Hybrida, prosecuted for oppression of Achaia province by C.(4) Julius Caesar. Hybrida refuses to appear and escapes punishment after appealing to pleb tribunes. | 76 CAH 9-210, DGRBM 1-214, 540, atl1, wikGAH |
c.76/5 | L. Licinius LUCULLUS, governor of Africa from 77, returns to Rome, succeeded by A. Manlius TORQUATUS until 67. | 76 rcNA 76/5 wikAf 75 wikLcl |
75 Jan 1 | CONSULS: C.(3) Aurelius COTTA and L.(1) OCTAVIUS | 75 CAH 9-211, DGRBM 1-435, 3-9, OCD 94, csm, wikCon |
c.75 | C.(3) Scribonius CURIO becomes proconsul of Macedonia until 73. | 76 wikGSC |
c.75 | C.(4) Julius CAESAR wants to learn oratory and rhetoric. The best teacher, Apollonius Molon, is on Rhodes, so he sails for Rhodes, and is away until 74. | 76 DGRBM 1-540, sjsu, MCAW 245 75 Dur 3-167, vrm, wikELJC |
c.75 | P. Cornelius LENTULUS SPINTHER is sent to organize Cyrenaica as a province. | 75 atl1, wikKC |
75 | Lex Aurelia de Tribunis Plebis by consul C.(3) Aurelius Cotta, and introduced by tribune Q. Opimius, rescinds Lex Cornelia de Tribunis Plebis (81) that prevented former pleb tribunes from being eligible for higher offices. | 75 CAH 9-378, DGRBM 3-34, 1242, EDRL 548, OCD 601, atl1, unrv, wikLRL |
c.75 | Ap. CLAUDIUS PULCHER prosecutes (?) Terentius Varro for conduct in Asia 77-6. | 75 DGRBM 1-770 |
c.75 | P.(6) Cornelius LENTULUS SURA is praetor 1st time. | 75 DGRBM 2-730 |
c.75 | Pontifex C. Aurelius COTTA proposes to restore powers to tribunes taken by Sulla. | 75 LdHR 386 |
c.75 | Consuls and 2 praetors contract workers to repair temple rooves, but work is not completed. | 75 atl1 |
c.75 | FAESULAE Tuscia, destroyed from 80, rebuilt, and under Rome until 396CE. (See 59) | 75 rcNI |
c.75 | PHILODEMOS of Gadara, Epicurean philosopher, poet, moves from Athens to Italy, becomes mentor to L. Calpurnius Piso, lives in his villa in Herculaneum. | 75 B76 VII-950, CDCC 676 |
c.75 | TUSCANY, under Etruscans from ?, comes under Rome until 396. | 75 rcNI |
c.75 | M.(4) ANTONIUS is praetor. | 75 DGRBM 1-214 |
c.75 | Q. HORTENSIUS Hortalus is aedile, and acknowledged to be the leading orator in Rome. | 75 DGRBM 2-526, atl1, wikQHr |
c.75 | M. Tullius CICERO, age 31, is made quaestor, sent to west Sicily until 74 to serve under Sextus Peducaeus. | 76 DGRBM 1-710 75 B76 4-607, Dur 3-110, 141, LdHR 365, OCD 234, wikCc |
c.75 | Antiochus-XIII Asiaticus goes to Rome to bid for throne of Egypt as well as Syria. His bro accompanies. A-XIII gets confirmed as king of Syria, but fails to get Egypt, and returns via Syracuse. | 75 atl1 |
c.75 | L.(2) Marcius PHILIPPUS persuades senate to reimpose taxes on states which had been exempted by Sulla in 80. | 75 atl1 |
c.75 | L.(2) Marcius PHILIPPUS boasts of achieving political success at Rome without trying to buy popular support. | 75 atl1 |
c.75 | L.(2) Marcius PHILIPPUS claims that Romans have a legal right to rule Egypt. | 75 atl1 |
c.75 | Young sons of A-X Eusebes go to Rome and are recognized as kings of Syria. They stay nearly 2 years. | 75 BHS 2-263 |
c.75 | Temple to FELICITAS (personification of happiness) built by L.(3) Lucullus in the Velabrium, the marketplace between the Roman Forum and Forum Boarium on the Vicus Tuscus, the main road that ran thru the Velabrium connecting the Roman Forum and the Circus Maximus. | 75 DGRBM 2-143 |
c.75 | NAEVIUS TURPIO is convicted of an assault by praetor C. Licinius Sacerdos. | 75 atl1 |
c.75 | Praetor C. Licinius SACERDOS sets a fair price in grain. | 75 atl1 |
c.75 | Statius Albius OPPIANICUS allegedly murders his aunt Cluentia, his bro Caius, and his sis-in-law Auria. | 75 atl1 |
75 | C. VERRES is elected urban praetor for 74. | 75 atl1 |
75 late | LETTER from Pompey to the senate arrives, demanding more troops and grain, and threatening to quit Spain if he does not receive them. Senate waits until 74 before complying. | 75 CAH 9-218, 219, DGRBM 3-479, 791, LdHR 358, atl1 74 CAH 9-212 |
74 Jan 1 | CONSULS: M.(3) Aurelius COTTA and L.(4) LICINIUS LUCULLUS | 74 B76 15-1104, DGRBM 1-435, 868, 2-832, LEWH 107, OCD 294, csm, wikCon, wikLcl |
c.74 | 2 legions and money are sent by senate to Pompey in Spain, as much from the jealousy of his enemies as to his friends. Consul L. Lucullus is afraid that if Pompey returns from Spain, he would get command of the war against Mith-VI of Pontus. | 74 DGRBM 3-791, atl1 |
74 | Both consuls are sent against Mith-VI of Pontus: M.(3) COTTA to Bithynia for a holding action, and L.(4) LUCULLUS with 1 Italian legion to command in Asia. | 74 CAH 9-359, DGRBM 2-832, atl1 |
74 | After L.(1) Octavius dies in Cilicia, L.(4) LUCULLUS intrigues with P. Cethegus and his mistress Praecia to secure Cilicia. Then Lucullus is given Asia as well, and M.(3) Cotta's province, whatever it was, is changed to Bithynia. | 74 CAH 9-213, 233 |
c.74 | X-tribune Q. OPIMIUS, who introduced Lex Aurelia 75, is condemned and fined for it by praetor C. Verres. His property is auctioned. Verres profits equally at the expense of the defendant and the treasury. | 74 CAH 9-211, DGRBM 3-1242 |
c.74 | Statius Albius OPPIANICUS murders Asuvius and Dinaea, and tries to murder stepson A. Cluentius Habitus. | 74 atl1 |
c.74 | Statius Albius OPPIANICUS is accused by his stepson A. Cluentius Habitus of trying to poison him. C. Junius presides. Oppianicus is convicted after notorious bribery on both sides. (See 66) SCAMANDER, freedman of C. Fabricius, is accused of trying to administer poison to Cluentius. He is defended by Cicero. |
76 OCD 256 74 CAH 9-225, DGRBM 1-807, 2-134, 3-34, 734, atl1 |
c.74 | C. STAIENUS is one of the judices at the trial of Oppianicus. It is believed that he first received money from the accused to acquit him, but afterwards received more from the accuser Cluentius, and votes guilty. | 74 DGRBM 3-898 |
c.74 | C. Junius is condemned for permitting Staienus to hand out bribes during trial of Oppianicus. | 74 atl1 |
c.74 | C. Fidiculanius is accused by tribune L. Quinctius of accepting bribes during trial of Oppianicus, but he is acquitted. | 74 atl1 |
c.74 | Praetor Q.(7) Caecilius METELLUS refuses to allow pimp Vecilius to inherit an estate. | 74 atl1 |
c.74 | Aedile M. SEIUS distributes cheap grain and oil. | 74 atl1 |
c.74 | GELLIUS PUBLICOLA defends the cause of M. Octavius Ligur, whose adversary is unjustly favored by praetor C. Verres. | 74 DGRBM 3-600 |
c.74 | P. Cornelius LENTULUS SURA is praetor. | 74 B76 VI-146 |
c.74 | P. CAELIUS is praetor. | 74 DGRBM 1-532 |
c.74 | L. RABONIUS is praetor. He sufferers from unrighteous decisions of Verres. | 74 DGRBM 3-640 |
74 | Quaestor, M. Tullius CICERO in west Sicily from 75, returns to Italy, lands at Puteoli. He is miffed that no one has heard of his achievements as quaestor, and decides to focus on oratory. | 74 DGRBM 1-710 2-526, atl1 |
c.74 | C. VERRES is made urban praetor, and gets governorship of Sicily 73, both by bribery. Cicero says Verres embezzled, and his official duties are mostly discharged by his clerks and mistress Chelidon. | 74 B76 X-404, CAH 9-377, DGRBM 1-693, 3-1242 73 DGRG 2-983 |
c.74 | C. VERRES intervenes to disinherit A. Trebonius, Q. Opimius, and M. Octavius, heir of C. Sulpicius Olympus. | 74 atl1 |
c.74 | C. VERRES seeks to make a fraudulent profit from restoration of temples, especially the temple of Castor, guardianship of which had devolved to a boy called P. Junius, who died in 80. | 74 atl1 |
c.74 | D.(7) Junius BRUTUS ALBINUS is security for P. Junius before C. Verres. | 74, DGRBM 1-510 |
c.74 | P.(1) Servilius VATIA, now called ISAURICUS, subduing pirates in south Anatolia from 78, returns to Rome, has triumph for conquest of Cilicia, deposits much loot in the public treasury, without taking any for himself (which is a big deal, and gets noticed), becomes a senator. Piracy remains a menace. | 75 CAH 9-212 74 DGRBM 3-1233, wikPSV |
c.74 | Λ 3rd Mithridatic War begins in Pontus until 63. |
c.74 | L.(6) Calpurnius PISO Frugi is made praetor, and thwarts many schemes of praetor C. Verres. | 74 DGRBM 3-373 |
c.74 | C.(4) Julius CAESAR runs up large debts to increase his popularity, assembles a private army, sails it to combat Mith-VI, king of Pontus until 74/3. | 74 B76 3-576, atl1, sjsu, ttjc |
c.74 | Hotel and library of L.(4) Licinius Lucullus built in his hereditary estate in Tusculum Latium. | 74 GHH |
c.74 | Consul M.(3) Aurelius COTTA repeals law of his bro C.(3) concerning lawsuits. | 74 DGRG 2-788 |
c.74 | TRIBUNAL AURELIUM built in the Forum near the Temple of Castor and Pollux by consul M.(3) Aurelius Cotta. | 74 DGRG 2-788 |
c.74 | CHERRY tree from Cerasus Asia introduced into Europe by troops of L.(4) Licinius Lucullus. | 79 TToH 74 DGRG 1-590, GHH 67 TTPC 66 atl1 |
74 | Praetor M.(4) ANTONIUS, with help of P. Cethegus and consul M.(3) Cotta, is given a 3 year command of a newly built fleet, and orders to clear the Mediterranean of pirates, thereby helping operations against King Mith-VI of Pontus. | 74 B76 15-1104, CAH 9-213, 249, 355, DGRBM 1-214, OCD 76, atl1, wikMA |
c.74 | Fleet commander M.(4) ANTONIUS attacks pirates and their allies in Liguria and Spain. | 74 atl1 |
c.74 | So excessive is the wealth of L.(4) Lucullus, and luxurious his life style, that Pompey calls him the Roman Xerxes. Lucullus introduces to the Romans the luxuries of Asia. | 74 GHH |
c.74 | L. Aelius Praeconinus Stilo, critic, teacher of Latin philology & literature, dies. | 74 B76 IX-572 |
c.74/3 | C.(4) Julius CAESAR, in east from 74, returns from Rhodes. | 74 B76 3-576, sjsu, ttjc, wikELJC 73 CDCC 479, sjsu |
73 Jan 1 | CONSULS: C.(4) CASSIUS LONGINUS Varus and M. LICINIUS LUCULLUS (aka M. Terentius VARRO LUCULLUS) | 73 DGRBM 2-799, 838, 3-1222, csm, wikCon |
c.73 | X-urban praetor C. VERRES goes to Sicily as procurator until 71. | 73 B76 4-607, X-404, CDCC 925, DGRBM 3-1243, Dur 3-141 |
c.73 | C. LICINIUS MACER is pleb tribune, then praetor. | 73 DGRBM 2-883 |
c.73 | Praetor M. FONTEIUS governor of Narbonensis from 76, returns to Rome, but is not prosecuted for extortion until 69. | 73 DGRBM 2-180 |
c.73 | C. RABIRIUS charged by C. Licinius Macer with having been accessory to the death of Saturninus in 100. | 73 DGRBM 2-883 |
c.73 | MEDICINE: M. Terentius Varro's 3 Books on Agriculture , his only complete extant work. Warns people to avoid swamps and marshland, since in such areas "there are bred certain minute creatures which cannot be seen by the eyes, but which float in the air and enter the body thru the mouth and nose and cause serious diseases". | 73 GHH no date: wikMTV |
c.73 | Optimate L. Sergius CATILINE charged with having sex with Vestal Virgin FABIA, a half-sis of Terentia wife of Cicero. P. Clodius Pulcher is prosecutor. People who testify for Catiline include: Q. Lutatius Catulus, leader of the Optimates. Eventually Catiline and Fabia are acquitted thru influence of Catulus. | 73 B76 II-644, DGRBM 3-995, atl1, wikCat, wikPCP |
c.73 | L. Sergius CATILINE allegedly commits adultery with his future mother-in-law. | 73 atl1 |
c.73 | L. Sergius CATILINE marries Orestilla, allegedly after murdering his own son to please her. | 73 atl1 |
c.73 | P. Servilius RULLUS is called extravagant because he serves a whole boar for a banquet. | 73 atl1 |
c.73 | Cilician piracy continues. At no other period in history has piracy been carried to such a formidable height. Pirates of Asia ravage the neighborhood of Rome itself. |
73 GHH |
c.73 | Tribune C. Licinius MACER makes a speech encouraging Roman people to recover their rights, which were taken by Sulla. | 73 atl1 |
c.73 | Lex Cassia Terentia Frumentaria by consuls Varro and Cassius, requires distribution of grain to poor at reduced prices. | 73 OCD 624, atl1, unrv, wikLRL |
c.73 | Temple of Castor and Pollux in the Forum, restored 117, restored again by C. Verres. Lasts until 14 BC. | 73 wikTCP |
73 | 70 out of 200 GLADIATORS of Gn. Lentullus Batiatus in Capua led by Spartacus, Crixus, and Enomaus attempt escape, plunder a cooks shop of its spits and cleavers, and, thus armed, pass thru the gates of Capua. On the high road they meet some waggons laden with gladiators' armor, seize it, and occupy a slope of Vesuvius, raid nearby towns for food. They elect Thracian SPARTACUS leader until 71. | 73 B76 II-543, IX-403, 15-1104, CDCC 840, DGRBM 3-891, Dur 3-137, GHH, MCAW 244, OCD 1008, atl1, bk, wikSpr |
73 | Praetor C.(8) CLAUDIUS PULCHER commands an army against Spartacus, and besieges Spartacus on top of Mt. Somma. | 73 B76 19-99 |
73 | Praetor C.(8) CLAUDIUS PULCHER is defeated by Spartacus at Mt Vesuvius. | 73 DGRBM 1-770 |
73 | SPARTACUS on Vesuvius incites slaves to revolt, accumulates 70,000 men, teaches them to make weapons and fight with discipline. | 73 Dur 3-137 |
73 | 3rd Servile War begins until 71. | 73 GHH, wikTAR |
c.73 | C.(3) Aurelius COTTA, pontifex from ?, prepares for a triumph, but dies. | 74/3 wikRGG 73 atl1 |
c.73 | C.(4) Julius CAESAR made a pontifex in place of uncle C.(3) Aurelius Cotta. | 74 LdHR 385 73 OCD 189, atl1, sjsu no date: B76 3-576 |
c.73 | M.(6) Porcius CATO takes stoic philosopher Antipater of Tyre as his companion, makes his first public speech to protect Basilica Porcia, and marries Atilia until 62. | 73 atl1 |
73 | Praetor C. Claudius GLABER besieges Spartacus on Vesuvius. Gladiators repel down the steep back side, flank Glaber and defeat him. Legate L. Cossinius is killed. Glaber drops out of history. | 73 DGRBM 1-865, atl1 |
73 | Praetor P. VARINIUS sends legate FURIUS with 2,000 troops. Furius is routed by Spartacus. | 73 atl1 |
c.73 | L. COSSINIUS, legate of praetor Varinius, is sent with a large force to help Furius. Cossinius is caught bathing by Spartacus, and barely escapes. Spartacus seizes his baggage, pursues, and takes his camp with great slaughter. Cossinius is killed. | 73 DGRBM 1-865, 3-891, atl1 72 GHH |
c.73 | Spartacus attacks camps of praetor P. Varinius and then Thoranus, defeats both, and then overruns Campania. | 73 atl1 |
c.73 | C.(4) Julius CAESAR made a military tribune. | 73 sjsu 72 CDCC 479, ttjc, vrm |
73 | SPARTACUS' band spends winter training, arming and equipping new recruits, expanding their raiding territory to include Nola, Nuceria, Thurii and Metapontum, all of which he destroys. | 73 DGRG 2-451, atl1, wikSpr |
73/2 | SPARTACUS with 40-70,000 men, wants escape rather than victory, marches north to Picenum. | 73 Dur 3-137, MCAW 244 72 DGRBM 3-892 |
c.72 Jan 1 | CONSULS: Gn. Cornelius LENTULUS CLODIANUS and L. GELLIUS PUBLICOLA Both are sent with 2 legions each against Spartacus. |
72 CAH 9-222, DGRBM 2-732, 3-600, atl1, csm, wikCon |
72 Jan | C.(4) CASSIUS LONGINUS Varus becomes proconsul of Cisalpine Gaul. | 72 DGRBM 2-799 |
72 | Germans under Spartacus split off and are attacked by consul L. Gellius Publicola and destroyed. | 72 DGRBM 3-892 |
72 | SPARTACUS surrounded by consul Gn. Cornelius Lentulus. Spartacus attacks and defeats his legates, seizes their baggage, and proceeds toward Alps. | 72 atl1 |
c.72 | C.(1) Antonius Hybrida is tribune. He helps pass Lex Antonia de Termessibus. | 72 OCD 77 |
c.72 | Q. ARRIUS is praetor. | 72 DGRBM 1-353 |
72 | Q. HORTENSIUS Hortalus is urban praetor. He now has to prosecute those whom he usually defends. | 72 DGRBM 2-526, wikQHr |
c.72 | Senator P. SEPTFMIUS SCAEVOLA condemned on a charge of repetundae, but really because he had been one of the judices who were bribed by Cluentius, in 74 to condemn Oppianicus. | 72 DGRBM 3-734 |
c.72 | SPARTACUS now has 70,000 men. | 73 atl1 72 DGRBM 3-892 |
c.72 | SPARTACUS forces the passes of the Appenines, and enters Picenum. | 72 LdHR 360 |
c.72 | C.(4) CASSIUS LONGINUS Varus proconsul of Cisalpine Gaul, and propraetor Gn. Manlius, with 10,000 men, attack Spartacus, and are defeated near Mutina with heavy losses. Cassius barely escapes. | 72 DGRBM 2-799, atl1, wikRGG 71 DGRBM 3-892 |
c.72 | Q.(4) Servilius CAEPIO is military tribune in war against Spartacus. | 72 DGRBM 1-535 |
c.72 | M. Porcius Cato volunteers to fight against Spartacus, presumably to support his bro Caepio. | 72 wikCY |
c.72 | App.(15) CLAUDIUS PULCHER goes to Anatolia until 70 to serve under bro-in-law L. Licinius Lucullus. | 73 OCD 247 72 B76 II-977 70 DGRBM 1-770 |
72 | SPARTACUS with 70,000 men, defeats both consuls combined in Picenum. | 72 CAH 9-222, DGRBM 3-892, atl1 |
72 | Army of SPARTACUS, now in Cisalpine Gaul, drunk on victory, force him to return south. | 72 CAH 9-222, DGRBM 3-892 |
c.72 | Either praetor Q. ARRIUS or consul L. GELLIUS defeats CRIXUS, kills 20,000 escaped slaves near Mount Garganus in Apulia. CRIXUS is killed. Spartacus then kills 300 Roman POWs in reprisal. | 72 CAH 9-222, DGRBM 1-353, 896, 3-892, atl1, wikSpr |
c.72 | THURII taken by Spartacus and subjected to heavy contributions to provide him new weapons, but otherwise unharmed. | 72 DGRG 2-1193, atl1 |
c.72 | Poet PARTHENIUS of Nicaea is captured by (?)L. Cornelius Cinna, and brought to Rome. | 72 atl1 |
c.72 | Senate rules that the sentence passed by C. Verres on Sicilian orator Sthenius of Thermae is void. | 72 atl1 |
c.72 | Gn. Lentulus proposes a law to reclaim money which Sulla remitted to purchasers of property. | 72 atl1 |
c.72 | Juror C. Staienus, Bulbus, and Septimius Scaevola, who were involved in trial of Oppianicus, are all convicted of corruption. | 72 atl1 |
c.72 | Asian grammarian TYRANNION captured by Lucullus, sent to Rome, given to Murena, freed, becomes a teacher, helps organize the library of Apellicon. | 72 DGRBM 3-1196 |
c.72 | Earthquake at Rome damages buildings. | 72 atl1 |
c.72 | Consuls enact regulations about taxation in Asia. | 72 atl1 |
c.72 | Lex Antonia de Termessibus alliance with Termessus (Pisidia) as a reward for help in time of war. | 72 EDRL 547, wikLRL |
c.72 | Lex Gellia et Cornelia de Civitate consuls of 72 authorize Pompey to confer Roman citizenship to deserving soldiers. Pompey's clientele and Spaniards are the beneficiaries. | 72 atl1, unrv, wikLRL |
72/1 | Lex Pupia Senate cannot meet on Comitiales Dies (days on which comitia were or might be held). | 72/61 wikLRL |
72/1 | Father of Mark Antony, M.(4) ANTONIUS "Creticus" dies in Crete. His debts wipe out any inheritance. Widow Julia, 2nd cousin of Julius Caesar, subsequently marries Cornelius Lentulus Sura. | 72/1 wikMAC 71 trtMA, wikMA |
71 Jan 1 | CONSULS: P.(6) Cornelius LENTULUS SURA and Gn. AUFIDIUS ORESTES | 71 B76 VI-146, DGRBM 2-730, csm, wikCon |
71 | At the comitia, there are at first no candidates for praetor. Praetors are assigned to the Servile War, and Spartacus intimidates all ranks. M.(3) Licinius Crassus at length volunteers, and is unanimously elected. | 72 DGRBM 3-892 |
c.71 | M.(3) Licinius CRASSUS is made praetor. | 71 LdHR 361 |
c.71 | M.(3) Licinius CRASSUS is given command of 6 legions to suppress Spartacus. C. Pomptinus and Tremellius Scrofa are legates. | 72 CDCC 242, MCAW 244, atl1, wikSpr 71 B76 15-1104, DGRBM 3-495, 758 |
c.71 | M.(3) Licinius CRASSUS deploys on the borders of Picenum, expecting to receive the attack of Spartacus, who is approaching. He sends legate Mummius with 2 legions, by a circuitous route, with orders to follow the enemy, but avoid battle. Mummius attacks Spartacus and is defeated with many losses. Crassus decimates the remainder of Mummius' army. | Plutarch: Life of Crassus 72 CAH 9-222, atl1 71 DGRBM 3-892 |
c.71 | It is decided to summon Pompey from Spain and M. Lucullus from Thrace, to assist Crassus. It is unlikely that Crassus had asked for this. | 72 CAH 9-222 |
c.71 | M. LOLLIUS PALICANUS is pleb tribune. He works to restore powers of tribunes which had been deprived by Sulla. | 71 DGRBM 2-796, 3-93, atl1 |
c.71 | The Republic owns GOLD MINES in Sardinia, Gaul, Macedonia, and Asia; and silver mines in Spain. | 71 GHH |
71 | Praetor C. VERRES, procurator of Sicily from 73, loaded with Sicilian loot, returns to Rome, becomes senator. | 71 B76 X-404, CDCC 925, Dur 3-141 |
c.71 | Q. ARRIUS is assigned to succeed C. Verres but dies enroute to Sicily. | 71 DGRBM 1-353 |
c.71 | L.(7) Cęcilius METELLUS is praetor. | 71 DGRBM 2-1064 |
c.71 | Praetor Q.(6) Cęcilius METELLUS PIUS, in Farther Spain from 79, returns with army to Rome, dismisses his army (while Pompey & Crassus will retain theirs), has a triumph Dec. 30, retires. | 71 B76 VI-836, DGRBM 2-1060, OCD 678, atl1, rcIb |
c.71 | C.(3) Scribonius CURIO, in Macedonia from 76, returns to Rome, has triumph for victory over Thracians. | 72 atl1 71 DGRBM 1-902 |
71 | Spartacus withdraws towards Brundisium, hires pirates to take @2,000 men to Sicily. They take his money and abandon him. He tries to cross on rafts and wicker-boats. To stop desertions, Spartacus crucifies a Roman prisoner as a token of what his followers might expect from the besiegers. In 2 efforts to force his way out, Spartacus loses 12,000 men; but he finally throws fascines over the Roman trenches, and gets beyond the lines of Crassus. Rome panics. Crassus tells the senate to summon Pompey from Spain and L. Licinius Lucullus from Thrace. The jealousy of the slaves terminates the contest. The Gauls split from Spartacus and choose Ganicus and Castus leaders. These 2 with 30,000 followers, are killed near Croton by Crassus, who now retracts his appeal for Pompey and Lucullus, and tries to bring the war to an end. | 71 DGRBM 3-892, atl1, wikSpr |
71 | The slaves again divide themselves, and are twice defeated by Crassus and forced to retreat. | 71 DGRBM 3-892, atl1 |
71 | M.(3) Licinius CRASSUS drives Spartacus and his people to Rhegium, then draws strong entrenchments around Rhegium. | 71 DGRBM 3-892, MCAW 246, bk, wikSpr |
c.71 | Lex Antia Sumptuaria limits amounts spent for banquets, prohibits (with exceptions) magistrates and magisterial candidates from accepting invitations to banquets. | 72 EDRL 547 |
71 | 3rd Servile War from 73 ends. Slaves in rebellion are decisively defeated by M.(3) Licinius Crassus by river Silarus near Petelia Brutium. SPARTACUS is killed. Crassus crucifies 6,000 along the Appian way, and leaves them to rot. | 71 B76 IX-403, CAH 9-223, DGRBM 3-480, GHH, atl1, wikMLC, wikSpr, wikTAR |
c.71 | Gn. POMPEY, in Nearer Spain from 77, returns with army thru Gaul to Italy, ostensibly to help M.(3) Licinius Crassus against Spartacus, but really to secure a triumph and consulship. Pompey sets up a monument recording his taking 876 cities. He encounters 6,000 slave refugees and destroys them, crucifies 5,000. He writes to the senate, "Crassus, indeed, has defeated the enemy, but I have extirpated the war by the roots." Thus he claims credit for ending the war, and is popular enough to sell it to the people. He remains in Italy until 54. | 71 B76 14-793, 15-1104, CAH 9, DGRBM 3-480, MCAW 246, OCD 857, atl1, rcIb, rtp, wikSpr |
c.71 | Spaniard with Roman citizenship, L.(1) Cornelius BALBUS, returns with Pompey to Rome, accuses a member of the Crustumini tribe of bribery. He is convicted, and Balbus takes his place in the tribe. Balbus becomes an engineering expert. | 72 DGRBM 1-456 71 DGRG 1-924, MCAW 245, wikL1Bl |
71 | M.(3) Licinius Crassus and Pompey return from defeating slave remnant, keep armies intact outside Rome, ask permission to run for consuls while still outside Rome. Senate refuses. Crassus and Pompey join populares, buy enough support to win election. | 71 Dur 3-138, atl1 |
c.71 | C.(4) Julius CAESAR is elected military tribune over C. Popilius. | 71 atl1 |
c.71 | C.(4) Julius CAESAR supports M.(3) Licinius Crassus and Pompey. | 71 Dur 3-138 |
c.71 | Oriental luxury, introduced to Rome by Lucullus 74, catches on. | 71 GHH |
c.71 | Edictum Hieronica Abrogatio? by C. Verres, proconsul of Sicily. Agricultural tax on all farmers of Sicily, except in cities of Centuripa, Halesa, Segesta, Halicya, Panormus, Tauromenium and Messana. The latter 2 are exempt because they are civitas foederata. | 71 unrv no date: wikLH |
c.71 | Statius Albius OPPIANICUS dies. Widow Sassia says her son A. Cluentius poisoned him. | 71 atl1 |
c.71 | Gn. POMPEY asks permission of senate to run for consul though under age and never having been quaestor or aedile. Senate agrees. | 71 DGRBM 3-480 |
c.71 | POMPEY, whose consular election is certain, recommends M.(3) Licinius CRASSUS as colleague. They are elected unopposed. | 71 DGRBM 3-480, rtp |
c.71 | Praetor L.(7) Cęcilius METELLUS is sent to Sicily to replace C. Verres. | 70 DGRBM 2-1064 |
c.71 | M. Terentius VARRO LUCULLUS, proconsul of Macedonia from 73, returns to Rome and triumph for victory over Thracians. | 71 DGRBM 2-838, atl1, csm |
c.71 | M. Terentius VARRO LUCULLUS writes Commentarius , which provides guidance to Pompey on duties of a consul. | 71 atl1 |
71 Dec 31 |
Pompey is finally granted his 2nd triumph for victories in Spain. | 71 CAH 9-224, DGRBM 3-480, ahe, atl1, ttpm |
70 Jan 1 | CONSULS: M.(3) LICINIUS CRASSUS and Gn. POMPEIUS MAGNUS | 70 B76 14-793, 15-1104, CAH 9, CDCC 242, 708, DGRBM 1-875, 3-480, LdHR 363, MCAW 248, SHWC 117, ahe, csm, ttpm, wik1Tr, wikCon |
70 Jan | Consuls Pompey and Crassus favor populares, void much Sullan legislation, restore power of tribunes. | 70 CAH 9, DGRBM 3-480, MCAW 249, SHWC, bk, rtp |
70 | Λ CENSORS V (the 1st ones since Sulla's reforms): patrician Gn. Cornelius LENTULUS CLODIANUS and pleb L. GELLIUS PUBLICOLA: They register only a proportion of those whom they could have registered. | 70 CAH 9-225, 10-415, DGRBM 2-732, 3-601, LdHR 367, atl1, wikCns, wikCon |
70 | 64 SENATORS expelled from the senate by censors. They include C. Antonius, Q. Curius, and P.(6) Cornelius Lentulus Sura expelled for immorality. Most of them are acquitted by courts and restored. | 70 B76 VI-146, DGRBM 2-730, 732, LdHR 367 |
c.70 | Q. CORNIFICIUS is pleb tribune. | 70 DGRBM 1-857 |
c.70 | Senator C.(1) Antonius HYBRIDA is expelled from the senate by censors for plundering the allies while in Greece, for disobeying the summons of a praetor, and wasting his property. | 70 DGRBM 1-214, OCD 77, atl1, wikGAH |
c.70 | App.(15) CLAUDIUS PULCHER in east from 72 serving under bro-in-law L. Licinius Lucullus, returns to Rome. | 70 B76 II-977 |
c.70 | C.(4) Julius CAESAR speaks in favor of amnesty to those who had fought in recent revolutions against Rome. | 70 ttjc |
c.70 | M. Tullius CICERO writes In Caecilium Divinatio . | 70 B76 4-610 |
70 | Lex Aurelia judiciaria by praetor L.(5) Aurelius Cotta, with approval of consul Pompey, voids Sullan law of 81, criminal court juries should be equally chosen not from senators alone (See Judicaria 81), but also from equites and a mysterious category, the so-called tribuni aerarii (semi-equites). This ends the court controversy from 106, and lasts until 46. | 70 CAH 10-225, 399, DGRBM 1-868, 3-481, EDRL 548, HRE 42, LdHR 386, LEWH 107, OCD 294, 601, 858, atl1, unrv, wikLRL |
c.70 | Lex Aurelia de Λ Ambitu V by praetor L.(5) Aurelius Cotta, puts penalty of 10 year ineligibility for a candidate guilty of ambitus. | 70 EDRL 548 |
c.70 | Lex Plautia de Reditu Lepidanorum by tribune Plautius or Plotius, recalls exiled former supporters (e.g. L. Cinna) of M.(9) Aemilius Lepidus revolt 77. | 70 unrv, wikLRL |
c.70 | M. MUMMIUS is praetor and presides at trial of C. Verres. | 70 DGRBM 2-1120 |
c.70 | D. Junius SILANUS is aedile, exhibits great games, but is unsuccessful bidding for consul 64. | 70 DGRBM 3-819 |
c.70 | Lex Pompeia by consul Pompey defines the crime of parricide. | 70 atl1 |
c.70 | Lex Pompeia de Tribunicia Potestate by consul Pompey (and likely consul Crassus), restores powers of pleb tribunes to those prior to Leges Corneliae of Sulla. | 70 EDRL 558, atl1, unrv |
c.70 | Popular pressure forces consuls Pompey and Crassus to stage a public reconciliation. | 70 atl1 |
c.70 | Free grain distribution, suspended from 81, resumed until ? by consuls Pompey & Crassus. | 70 TTPC |
c.70 | L. Cornelius CINNA, exiled from 77, allowed to return to Rome by Lex Plotia . Probably barred from public office. Another Lex Plotia is a grain law. |
70 OCD 241, atl1 |
c.70 | Λ CENSUS V (the first since 85): Roman citizens, 910,000. Almost double the 85 census. | 70 CAH 9-225, 328 |
450,090 citizens | 69 GHH |
c.70 | Cretan embassy to Rome asks for peace terms. Senate says one condition is that the Cretans surrender the rebel leaders Lasthenes and Panares. Cretans reject terms. | 70 DGRBM 2-722 69 atl1 |
c.70 | M. Tullius CICERO accepts retainer from Sicilian cities to prosecute Sullan profiteer C. Verres for extortion. He is given 110 days to gather evidence, takes only 50. He writes In Verrum Actio ch 1 and 2:1-5. | 70 B76 4-607, 610, 15-1104, DGRBM 3-1243, Dur 3-141, Jud 5-560, OCD 234, atl1, bk, wikCc |
c.70 | P. Sulpicius GALBA, known for honesty and severity, is appointed judge in the C. Verres case, but is rejected by Verres, who arranges for a rival prosecutor (? Dasianus) to collect evidence against a former governor of Achaea. Urban praetor M'(4) Acilius GLABRIO presides. | 70 DGRBM 2-206, 271, atl1 |
c.70 | C. VERRES, candidate for aedile, impeached for extortion by Cicero. Verres, supported by the powerful Metellii clan, hires the best advocate of his age, Hortensius. Witnesses against Verres include L.(3) Domitius Ahenobarbus, M.(11) Claudius Marcellus Aeserninus, Gn. Cornelius Lentulus, and L. Flavius. Praetor repetendarum M' Acilius Glabrio presides. P. Servilius Vatia is among the judges. CICERO has enough evidence that his opening address gets defense attorney Q. Caecilius Hortensius to drop the case. Convicted, fined 40 million sesterces, retires to Massilia with much ill-gotten wealth and art treasures, enjoys a great life until death 43. | 70 B76 V-145, X-405, 4-609, CDCC 199, DGRBM 2-173, 526, 3-1241, Dur 3-141, GHH, Jud 5-560, MCAW 249, OCD 234, 467, atl1, wikLDA, wikPSV |
Caecilius Hortensius is a Jew. "Verres" is Latin for boar. Cicero comments, "What has a Jew to do with a pig?" | Dur 3-141, Jud 5-560 |
c.70 | Capitol destroyed by fire. | 70 GHH |
69 Jan 1 | CONSULS: Q.(7) Caecilius METELLUS (later Creticus) and Q. HORTENSIUS Hortalus | 69 B76 V-145, VI-836, DGRBM 2-526, 1064, OCD 678, csm, wikCon, wikQHr |
c.69 | C.(4) Julius CAESAR becomes quaestor, his 1st consequential political office. | 69 CDCC 479, OCD 189, sjsu, ttjc, wikELJC, wikJC 69/8 B76 3-577 68 MCAW 248 68/7 vrm |
c.69 | Wealthy banker of Velletri C.(2) OCTAVIUS becomes quaestor. He is future father of Augustus. | 69 wikELA |
c.69 | C. Tremellius SCROFA becomes military tribune. | 69 DGRBM 3-758 |
c.69 | M. LOLLIUS PALICANUS is praetor. | 69 CAH 9-228 |
c.69 | C.(1) ANTONIUS HYBRIDA is aedile until 66. | 69 wikGAH |
c.69 | M. Tullius CICERO, age 37, is aedile. He throws cheap games. | 69 CDCC 199, DGRBM 1-710, atl1, wikCc |
c.69 | Q. PUBLICIUS is praetor, before whom Cicero defends D. Matrinius. | 69 DGRBM 3-600 |
c.69 | Publicius GELLIUS is praetor peregrinus. | 69 DGRBM 2-236 |
c.69 | M.(5) Caecilius METELLUS is praetor. The lot makes him president of the court de pecuniis repetundis. | 69 DGRBM 2-1064 |
c.69 | M. FONTEIUS, former governor of Narbonensis Gaul 76-3, accused by the Allobroges and Volcae, of repetundae (extortion and misgovernment). M. Plaetorius is prosecutor. Fonteius is defended by Cicero, who writes Pro Fonteio . Probably acquitted, because he buys a house in Neapolis in 68. | 70 CAH 10-472 69 B76 4-610, DGRBM 2-180, 3-381, DGRG 1-955 |
c.69 | Public building restoration completed by Q. Lutatius Catulus. | 69 atl1 |
c.69 | Pirates increase attacks thruout Mediterranean, raid Caieta in Latium, Ostia the seaport of Rome, and Misenum a port in Campania. | 69 atl1 |
c.69 | Senate prepares to attack Crete. Consul Hortensius draws the lot to command it, but prefers to remain active in law courts in Rome, so consul Q.(7) Caecilius METELLUS is given command. | 69 atl1 |
c.69 | Consul Q.(7) Caecilius METELLUS embarks. War with Crete begins. | 69 GHH |
c.69 | P. OPPIUS accused of stealing troop supplies in Bithynia 74 by his former commander M. Aurelius Cotta and defended by M. Tullius CICERO. | 69 DGRBM 3-38 |
c.69 | A. CAECINA of Volaterrae is sued. He is defended by M. Tullius CICERO, who writes Pro Caecina . P. Memmius and A. Terentius Varro Murena, are defense witnesses. | 69 B76 4-610, DGRBM 1-529, 2-1027, 3-1222, DGRG 2-1320, wikCc |
c.69 | Q. Tullius CICERO marries Pomponia, sis of financier T. Pomponius Atticus. | 69 atl1 |
c.69 | M. Tullius CICERO writes Pro Tullio . | 69 B76 4-610 |
c.69 | M.(1) Pupius PISO FRUGI Calpurnianus, proconsul of Spain from ?, returns to Rome, has a triumph for no clear reason. | 69 DGRBM 3-374, atl1 |
69 | SASSIA, widow of Statius Albius Oppianicus, prompts another inquest into death of Oppianicus. | 69 atl1 |
c.69 | The Capitol and CAPITOLINE TEMPLE of Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva, burnt 83, rebuilt by Q. Lutatius Catulus and dedicated. See 12. SIBYLLINE BOOKS V, recollected in 76, are placed in it, along with similar sayings, e.g. those of Tiburtine Sibyl. They remain here until 12. | 69 GHH, OCD 203, 217, atl1 no date: wikSB |
c.69/8 | PIRATES plunder Gaeta and Ostia. | 69/8 wikSPm |
Italy 68-63