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AUSTRONESIAN peoples from Southeast Asia have occupied Papua New Guinea from 58,000. wikPI
New Guineans have inhabited Melanesia from 33,000. wikPI
New Guineans have occupied SOLOMON ISLANDS from at least 28,000BCE. wikPI
PHILIPPINES have been occupied by humans via land bridges from at least 28,000BCE. wikPI
c.8000 People in New Guinea have a flake tool-chopper stone industry. 8000 mxfld
c.8000 Asia-Pacific Neolithic age begins until 500. 8000 mxfld, wikPP
c.8000 Land bridge from Siberia to Alaska is inundated.  Later arriving Eskimos and Aleuts will come by boat and represent the classical Mongolian race, as contrasted to the earlier original Mongolian stock who came over about 20,000. 8000 mxfld
c.8000 NEW GIUNEA, until now attached to Australia, is made an island by rising water level.  But Aboriginal Australians and Papuans diverged from each other genetically about 35,000.  New Guineans share 4%-7% of their genome with Denisovans, meaning their ancestors interbred in Asia. 8000 wikPNG
c.8000 Philippines occupied by people. 8000 mxfld
c.7000 TOALEAN Culture begins on the southeast promontory of Sulawesi island in Indonesia.  Hunter-gatherers who use refined bone points, backed microliths, large amounts of shells, small denticulate stone Maros points, but no ground stone technologies.  Artifacts include an engraved bone point and a painted shell.  It has phases: Early Toalean 55-3500, Late Preceramic Toalean 35-1500, Ceramic Toalean 1500-0, and lasts until 500CE. map: Carlhoff, et al

7000 wikTln
c.7000 Papuans begin agriculture in New Guinea: Sugarcane and some root crops such as taro are domesticated.  Bananas are cultivated and hybridized. 7000 PW 13, wikHAg, wikPNG
c.6600 BUDJ BIM on south coast of Australia has eel traps and several crops ranging from yams to bananas. 6000 wikHAg
c.6000 Philippines, occupied from 8000, receive more people by sea from Indonesia, Malaysia, Indochina and the Arab world. 6000 mxfld
agriculture map: Joe Roe
c.4000 Solomon IslandsAustronesians from Solomon Islands migrate eastward. map Chumwa
4000 wikPI
c.4000 TongaPolynesians arrive at TONGA Islands. 4000 wikPI
map Skimel
c.3000 Austronesians on Taiwan island learn long-distance canoe travel and spread themselves and their languages south to the Philippines, Indonesia, and maritime Southeast Asia; west towards Madagascar; southeast towards New Guinea and Melanesia (intermarrying with native Papuans); and east to Micronesia, Oceania and Polynesia. 3000 wikPO
c.3000 VanuatuAustronesians arrive at VANUATU Islands. 4-2000 wikPI
map TUBS
c.3000 Iron  METEORITE  hits north Australia, possibly witnessed by Aborigines. 3000 CWH
c.3000 DINGO introduced to Australia. 3000 PW 14

Pacific 2000-1001