c.2 | TIBERIUS, on Rhodes from 6 BC, returns to Rome. | 2 SORH |
6 | SARDINIA and CORSICA, a senatorial province from 27 BC, taken over by Augustus because of piracy. They are put under a procurator of equestrian rank. They were always barbarous and remote. The rugged nature of Corsica, the bad air of Sardinia, make them suitable places of exile. Sardinia is imperial until 67. |
6 HRE 92, fyf |
7 | L. Plotius VICINAS, governor of Crete/Cyrenaica from 2 BC, ends. Confused data until 21. | 7 wikRGCC |
14 Aug 19 | AUGUSTUS dies. TIBERIUS succeeds until 37. |
16 | Earthquake damages Cyprus. | 16 wikRC |
17/18 | Gn. Calpurnius PISO sails from Athens to Rhodes. | 17/18 wikGrm |
18 | GERMANICUS goes from Greece to Lesbos to Thrace. Agrippina and 3rd son Caius accompany. Agrippina bears dau JULIA on Lesbos. | 18 CAH 10-620, wikGrm |
18 | Gn. Calpurnius PISO sails from Rhodes to Syria. | 18 wikGrm |
19 | A new island appears in the Aegean near Delos. | 19 DGRBM 3-1120 |
19 | Gn. Calpurnius PISO former governor of Syria, sails from Syria to Cos island in the Dodecanese, where he hears of death of Germanicus, rejoices tactlessly, offers sacrifices, visits temples, returns to Syria. | TAn 2:75, 80 19 CAH 10-623 |
21 | Cestius CORDUS becomes governor of Crete/Cyrenaica. Confused data until 46. | 21 wikRGCC |
24 | C. Vibius SERENUS, exiled on Amorgos island in Cyclades from 23, accused of plotting against Tiberius by son of same name, aquitted in Rome, and sent back to Amorgos. Son prosecuted. | TAn 4:28 24 wikVbg |
25 | Votienus MONTANUS, exiled in Balearic islands from ?, dies. | TAn 4:42 25 DGRBM 2-1113 |
25 | People of Segesta ask Tiberius to restore the temple at Eryx. He agrees and begins, but never finishes. | 25 DGRG 1-853 |
41 Jan | CALIGULA dies. CLAUDIUS succeeds until 54. |
41 | L. Anneas SENECA, philosopher, rhetorician, banished from Rome to Corsica until 49, begins writing tragedies. | 41 B76 16-530, CAH 10, CDCC 808, Dur 3-210, GHH, MCAW, OCD 976, wikSY |
42 | L. Anneas SENECA writes Consolation to Helvia to his mom. | 42 B76 16-530, wikSY |
42 | L. Anneas SENECA writes Consolation to Polybius (a freedman of Claudius) consoling him on the death of his bro to win his favor. | 42 B76 16-531 44 wikSY |
42 | L. Anneas SENECA writes On Providence addressed to Lucilius. | 42 B76 16-531 64 wikSY |
Map by Pomponius Mela 43CE reconstructed by Konrad Miller 1898 Photo {{PD-US}} |
44 | L. Anneas SENECA writes On Anger on consequences and control of anger - addressed to bro Novatus (Gallio). | 41 wikSY post 42 B76 16-531 |
44 | RHODES: Lycians riot. Some Lycian citizens are crucified. Claudius revokes their liberties until 53. | 44 CAH 10-692 |
46 | CAGLIARI Sardinia becomes a Roman port. | 46 B76 16-245 |
c.46 | Sergius PAULUS appointed proconsul of Cyprus until 48, hqs at Paphos. | 46 B76 5-407 47 ISBE 3-729 |
c.46 | SAUL, with BARNABAS and his cousin Mark begin 1st missionary journey from Seleucia Pereia Syria to Salamis Cyprus, where Sergius Paulus is proconsul. Saul is now called PAUL, and replaces Barny as leader. On Cyprus until later 46. | map: Richard Aschmann Ax 13:1-5 45 Dur 3-582, IDB 3-704, MCAW, TToH, wikAHC, wikRC 46 TTPC 47 BAA, CBCNT 119, 124, ISBE 1-43, 3-709, blbPl 48 CBCNT 129, civPl 49 IDB 4-265 |
c.46 | PAUL, with BARNY and his cousin Mark, on 1st missionary journey, from Salamis to Paphos Cyprus. Sorcerer Elymas is blinded. Sergius Paulus turns Ctn. | Ax 13:6 47 blbPl |
c.46 | PAUL, with BARNY and his cousin Mark, on 1st missionary journey, on Cyprus from 46, sail from Paphos to Perga Pamphilia. | Ax 13:13 48 CBCNT 124, 129 |
46 Jul 8 | A new island appears in the Aegean near Thera. It is called Thia. | 46 DGRG 2-1158, 9, 60, HMed 149 |
46 | Caesernius VIENTO becomes governor of Crete/Cyrenaica. Confused data until 64. | 46/7 wikRGCC |
c.48 | Sergius PAULUS, proconsul of Cyprus from 46, Ctn from 46, ends. Hqs at Paphos. | 48 ISBE 3-729 |
49 | SENECA, philosopher, rhetorician, banished to Corsica from 41, pardoned, returns to Rome. | 49 MCAW |
c.49 | PAUL, Silas, Tim & Luke, on 2nd missionary journey, sail from Troas to Samothrace to Neapolis Macedonia. | map: Richard Aschmann Ax 16:11 49 FHBC 320, ISBE 1-43, 3-709 50 CBCNT 130, MCAW, blbPl, gnwd 51 B76 11-177 |
52 Jan? | SEA closed to navigation until March 10 | Vegetius: On Military Affairs 4:39 52 BBA |
54 Oct 13 | CALIGULA dies. NERO succeeds until 68. |
58 | 1st church building on Malta. Publius makes part of his palace into a church. It will become the Cathedral of St. Paul. | 58 HMed 188 |
59 Oc 5 | Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) is October 5 (later than in neighboring years). | 59 Oc 5 BBA 481 |
60 | SEAS opened to navigation in spring, according to Pliny. | 60 BAA 473 |
60 | PAUL, Luke, Tim, & Titus, and centurion Julius, enroute to Rome, sail from Myra Lycia, to Fair Havens Crete. | Ax 27:6 53-7 MCAW 56 Schaff 1-105 57 ENBD 22759 BBA, CBCNT 132, blbPl 62 CBCNT 128 |
c.60 | Titus is left in charge of Ctns on Crete until 65. PAUL & Tim sail to Mileta (Malta). | Tit 1:5 59 CBCNT 132, blbPl 64 NIV 1836 |
c.60 | Storm and shipwreck of PAUL & Luke on island of Melita (Malta), spend 3 months. | 59 CBCNT 126, 132, blbPl 59/60 BAA, BNTH 361 60 B76 11-391, DGRG 2-320, GSNT 319 |
60/1 | PAUL & Luke winter on island of Melita. | Ax 28:11 60/1 ENBD 945, mtmg |
c.61 | PAUL & Luke, in custody of centurion Julius, sail from Melita on an Alexandrian ship that had wintered in the harbor of Valletta for Syracuse. | Ax 28:11-12 60 BNTH 361, CBCNT 132 61 ENBD 945, mtmg |
61 | PAUL & Luke spend 3 days at Syracuse, sail to Rhegium | Ax 28: 12-13 52 bsic 59 blbPl |
61 | Cousin of Mark, BARNABAS martyred. On Cyprus from ?, stoned at Salamis. | 61 DDS 89, ODCC 134 73 FBM 18 no date: wikBrn |
64 | JOSEPHUS sails from Judea for Italy to get release of certain priests sent there by Felix for trial. Ship contains 600. Ship is wrecked in the Adriatic (Sea of Hadria). He is picked up by a ship from Cyrene, and makes it to Italy. | Life 3 63 BBA 490 64 IDB 1-50, Jud 13-861 |
64 | L. Turpilius DEXTER becomes governor of Crete/Cyrenaica. No data until 67. | 64/5 wikRGCC |
65 | Rufius Crispinus banished to Sardinia. | 65 DGRBM 1-892 |
65 | C. CASSIUS LONGIUNUS exiled by Nero to Sardinia until 69. | 65 B76 II-617, CAH 10-973, GHH, OCD 212 66 DGRBM 2-803, MCAW, wikGCL |
c.65 | TITUS in charge of Ctns on Crete from 63, relieved by ARTEMAS, goes to Nicopolis (probably the one in Epirus) as ordered by Paul. | Tit 3:12 |
65/6 | Kourion's Sanctuary of Apollo Hylates on Cyprus, damaged by earthquake from 16, rebuilt. | 65/6 wikRC |
67 | SARDINIA & probably CORSICA, imperial province from 6 CE, becomes senatorial province. Nero gives it back to compensate for making Achaia independent. | 66/7 CAH 10 67 fyf |
67 | T. Antilius RUFUS becomes governor of Crete/Cyrenaica. No data until 71. | 67 wikRGCC |
68 Jun 9 or 11 | NERO dies. Year of 4 emperors begins until 69. |
69 | Decimus Pacarius becomes procurator of Corsica. He is an enemy of Otho. | 69 DGRBM 3-76 |
69 | Decimus Pacarius tries to arouse Corsicans in favor of Vitellius, while their coasts are exposed to the fleet of Otho. Claudius Pyrrhicus, who commands the Liburnian cruisers and equite Quintius Certus oppose Pacarius, who orders their execution. The rest of Corsica falls in line. | THs 2:16 69 DGRG 1-690 |
69 | Vitellian Decimus Pacarius is murdered in his bath, along with his comerades. Their heads are sent to the Othonians.. | THs 2:16 |
69 | C. CASSIUS LONGIUNUS exiled on Sardinia by Nero from 65, recalled by Vespasian. | 69 CAH 10-973 |
69 | At Cynthos on Delos a slave who resembles Nero becomes 1st of 3 NERO IMPERSONATORS V causes aggitation in Greece and Asia. After persuading some to recognize him, he is captured and executed. | 69 HRRP 4.2-557, wikNr |
69 Dec 20 | VITELIUS dies. VESPASIAN succeeds until 79. |
70 | Mt. ETNA Sicily erupts. | 70 DGRG 1-62 |
70 | VESPASIAN sails from Alexandria to Rhodes to Ionia. | Wars 7:2:1 |
70 | VESPASIAN sails from Ionia to Greece. | Wars 7:2:1 |
70 | Many Jews migrate to Cyprus after fall of Jerusalem. | 70 wikRC |
71 | A. Minucius RUFUS becomes governor of Crete/Cyrenaica until 72. | 71/2 wikRGCC |
72 | A. Minucius RUFUS, governor of Crete/Cyrenaica from 71, ends. CATULLUS succeeds until 73. | 72 wikRGCC |
73 | CATULLUS, governor of Crete/Cyrenaica from 72, ends. C. Arnius MODESTUS succeeds until 75. | 73 wikRGCC |
73 | Rhodes and Samos come under Roman governors. | 73 GHH |
75 | C. Arnius MODESTUS, governor of Crete/Cyrenaica from 73, ends. No data until 84. | 75 wikRGCC |
76 | KOURION Cyprus damaged by earthquake. | 76 wikRC |
76/7 | Earthquakes cause much rebuilding on Cyprus. | 76/7 wikRC |
79 Jun 23/4 | VESPASIAN dies. TITUS succeeds until 81. |
81 Sep 13 | TITUS dies. DOMITIAN succeeds until 96. |
84 | A. Julius QUADRATUS becomes governor of Crete/Cyrenaica.No data until 88. | 84/5 wikRGCC |
88 | C. Pomponius Gallus Didius RUFUS becomes governor of Crete/Cyrenaica. Confused data until 98. | 88/9 wikRGCC |
95 | Apostle JOHN banished from Ephesus to Isle of Patmos in the Dodecanese. | 95 GHH |
96 Sep 18 | DOMITIAN dies. NERVA succeeds until 98. |
97 | Return of JOHN from Patmos to Ephesus. | 97 GHH |
97 | APOLLONIUS of Tyana dies in Crete. Greek Neopythagorean philosopher. Philostratus will say he ascended to heaven. | 96 Qlb 82 97 nweAT, wikAT |
98/9 | C. MEMMIUS becomes governor of Crete/Cyrenaica until 99/100. | 98/9 wikRGCC |
99/100 | C. MEMMIUS, governor of Crete/Cyrenaica from 98/9, ends. L. Elufrius SEVERNUS succeeds until ?. | 99/100 wikRGCC |
c.100 | PSEUDO-SCYMNUS writes a sailing manual . | 100 PD 103 |