c.500 | SARDINIA invaded by Greeks, Phoenicians, and Carthaginians. | 500 TToH |
c.500 | SARDINIA annexed by Carthage, but its interior is not pacified. under Carthage until 238. | 500 OCD 952 |
c.500 | Carthaginians become main power in west Mediterranean until 241, but are 2nd to Greeks in east Mediterranean. | by 500 SHWC 53 |
c.500 | Spartan colony at Mt. Eryx 510, overcome and destroyed by combined forces of Carthage, Segesta, and Phoenicia. | no date: B76 8-346, MWΦ 196 |
c.500 | Ionian Greeks of Miletos and Samos, oppressed by Persians, begin migrating to ZANCLE. | 500 B76 VI-824 |
c.500 | CATANA, on east coast of Sicily, under oligarchy from 729, no longer under oligarchy. | 500 rcSI |
c.498 | Tyrant of Gela from 505, CLEANDROS murdered by a Gellan named Sabyllus. Bro HIPPOCRATES succeeds until 491. | 498 CAH 4, DGRBM 1-778, 2-480, DGRG 1-984, GRG 237, 326, OCD 518, lvG, rcSI 497 GHH |
c.496 | HIPPOCRATES, tyrant of Gela, campaigns in east Sicily until 495. | 496 CAH 4 |
c.495 | CAMARINA, desolate from 553, refounded and colonized by Hippocrates of Gela, who obtained it by treaty with Syracuse. Lasts until 484. | 498 GHH 495 DGRG 1-486 |
c.495 | SYRACUSE: The gamoroi (land owning aristocrats) are overthrown by the demonata (alliance of plebs and enslaved Sicels) until 485. | 497 GHH 495 Dur 2-172 |
495/4 | Naxos, under Chalcidians from734, taken by HIPPOCRATES, tyrant of Gela. | 495/4 OCD 725 |
c.494 | LEONTINI Sicily, Chalcidian city from 729, taken by HIPPOCRATES, tyrant of Gela, under Gela until 466. | 498 DGRG 2-158 495 rcSI 494 OCD 596 |
c.494 | SYRACUSE, Corinthian city from 734, about to be destroyed by HIPPOCRATES, tyrant of Gela, is rescued by Corinthians. | 494 MCAW 104 |
c.494 | DIONYSIUS of Phocaea attacks Etruscan and Carthaginian shipping from north Sicily. | 494 CAH 7.2 |
c.494 | Refugees from Samos & Miletos are invited by Greeks of Zancle to colonize Calacte on north coast of Sicily. | 494 DGRBM 3-762, DGRG 1-475 |
c.494 | Scythes engages in hostilities against the Sicels, and the Samians are persuaded by Anaxilas of Rhegium to take advantage of his absence, and occupy Zancle. | 494 DGRBM 3-762 |
c.494 | Refugees from Samos & Miletos arrive at Locri. | 494 DGRBM 3-762 |
c.493 | ZANCLE Sicily, under tyrant Cadmos from ?, siezed by Samian refugees. SCYTHES becomes tyrant of Zancle until 490. | 497 DGRBM 1-525 494 DGRBM 3-762 493 CAH 7.2 494-89 CAH 4 |
c.492 | L. Geganius Macerinus, bro of consul Macerinus, is sent from Rome to Sicily to get grain. | 492 DGRBM 2-884 |
492/1 | SYRACUSE, under oligarchy 734-485, besieged by Hippocrates tyrant of Gela, who defeats Syracusans at Helorus river. | 492 CAH 4 492/1 lvG |
c.491 | CAMERINA Sicily annexed by Hippocrates of Gela. | 491 CAH 4 |
c.491 | HIPPOCRATES tyrant of Gela from 498, killed besieging Sicel town of Hybla on south slope of Mt. Etna. Sons Cleander and Eucleides succeed under regency of cavalry commander GELON until 490. | 491 B76 8-352, CAH 4, DGRBM 2-480, DGRG 1-984, MCAW 104, OHG, rcSI 491/0 GRG 326, OCD 460, 518, lvG, lvS |
c.491 | The GAMOROI (conservative land owners) expelled from Syracuse, appeal to Gelon for help. | 497 GHH 491 CAH 4 |
c.491 | Corinth mediates between Gela and Syracuse. | 491 OCD 290 |
c.491 | ERGETIUM in the plain of Catana besieged. | 491 CAH 4 |
c.491 | GELON of Gela sends famine relief grain to Rome. | 491 SORH |
c.490 | Massilia Gaul defeats Cathaginian fleet off Cape Nao. | 490 CAH 7.2 |
c.490 | ZANCLE Sicily, under Samian refugees from 493, siezed by ANAXILAS tyrant of Rhegium. Samians in Zancle, having made a pact with Hippocrates of Gela, are expelled by Anaxilas, who replaces them with other Greek colonists, mainly Messenians. Therefore its name is changed to Messene, which is corrupted to MESSANA. Under Rhegium until 461. | 490 rcSI 490/89 OCD 61, 675 489 CAH 4, 7.2 no date: B76 VI-824 |
c.490 | SCYTHES tyrant of Zancle from 493, flees to Himera, thence to Anatolia. | 490 DGRG 1-1065 no date: DGRBM 3-763 |
c.490 | GELON, regent of Gela 490, dispossesses Cleander and Eucleides, sons of Hippocrates, becomes master of Gela and its holdings, but not its tyrant until 485. | 491 DGRBM 1-778, 2-236, wikG 490 OCD 460 |
c.490 | GELON of Gela and Syracuse fights Carthaginians in Sicily until 486. | 490 CAH 7.2 |
c.489 | ANAXILAS tyrant of Rhegium allies with Terillus of Himera. | 489 CAH 7.2 |
c.488 | ACRAGAS Sicily, under Aristocratic Republic from 510, comes under tyrant THERON-II until 472, under tyranny until 409. | 489 CAH 4 488 B76 8-352, DGRG 1-75, Dur 2-66, LEWH 71, MCAW 108, OCD 1061, rcSI |
c.485 | SYRACUSE, under Corinthian oligarchy from 734, taken with little resistance by GELON of Gela, in behalf of the gamoroi (aristocrats exiled in 495). Gelon becomes tyrant of Syracuse until 478. | 491 bk, rcSI 485 ISBE 4-686, brit, DGRBM 2-236, GHH, TToH, wikG |
c.485 | GELON, regent of Gela from 491/0, becomes tyrant of Gela until 478. | 485 CAH 5, DGRG 1-984, Dur 2-172, GHH, LEWH 71, MCAW 108 |
c.485 | GELON, tyrant of Gela and Syracuse 485-78, leaves bro HIERON in charge of Gela, moves to Syracuse. | 485 DGRBM 2-236, Dur 2-66 LEWH 71, MRDK, OCD 460 |
c.485 | Comedian EPICHARMUS of Cos, in Megara from ?, moves to Syracuse. | 485 Dur 2-420 483 GHH |
c.485 | GELON, tyrant of Gela and Syracuse 485-78, transfers inhabitants of Camarina to Syracuse. | 485 DGRG 1-486 |
c.484 | CAMARINA, under Gela from 495, destroyed until 461 by GELON tyrant of Syracuse and Gela. | 484 DGRG 1-486, OCD 198 |
c.483 | MEGARA Sicily, under Greeks from 728, destroyed by GELON tyrant of Gela and Syracuse. | 483 CAH 7.2, OCD 665 |
c.483 | Depopulation of Gela, Camarina, Megara Hyblaea. | 483 CAH 4 |
c.483 | TERILLUS tyrant of Himera from ?, expelled by THERON tyrant of Acragas (ally of Syracuse). HIMERA comes under Acragas until 461. | 483 CAH 4, 7.2, CDCC 426, LEWH 71, OCD 1061 482 DGRBM 3-1098 481 DGRG 1-537 no date: OCD 515-6 |
c.481 | Athenian envoys ask GELON tyrant of Syracuse for aid in upcoming war against Persians. Gelon promises 28,000 men and 200 ships if he is appointed commander of either the Greek navy or army. Athenians refuse. | 481 CAH 4, wikG |
c.480 | TERILLUS, tyrant of Himera Sicily, asks Carthage for help. | 480 LEWH 71, OCD 1061 |
c.480 | HAMILCAR-I, 3rd Magonid ruler of Carthage 510-480, with 300,000 (disputed) men including many mercenaries with the professed object of restoring Terillus, sails to counter Greek coalition on Sicily. Loses ships carrying horses and chariots to a storm. Sends some ships to Sardinia to get grain. | 480 DGRBM 2-326, 3-1098, DGRG 1-1066, MCAW 113, MWΦ 120, 209, OHG, RAH 213, hifiC 479 HAG |
c.480 | 300,000 (disputed) Carthaginians under HAMILCAR land at Panormus with mercenaries from Phoenicia, Libya, Iberia, Liguria, Sardinia and Corsica, marches toward Himera. | 480 CAH 7.2-494, DGRBM 2-326, DGRG 1-537, HRRP 1.1-198, MWΦ 120, wikG |
c.480 | SELINUS Sicily, alligns with Carthage. | 480 OCD 972 |
c.480 | Theron, terrified at the magnitude of the Carthaginian army, shuts himself up in Himera, and sends to Gelon for help. | 480 DGRBM 3-1098 |
c.480 | GELON, tyrant of Gela and Syracuse 485-78 sends a treasure ship under Cadmos to Delphi, with orders to give the treasure to the Persians if they win, and bring it back if the Greeks win. Cadmos obeys completely. | 480 DGRBM 1-524 |
c.480 | Underground drainage channels cut by Phaeax to drain Acragas. Still extant. | 480 CDGRA 272 |
c.480 | GELON, tyrant of Gela and Syracuse 485-78 leads 50,000 inf + 5,000 cav to Himera. | 480 wikG |
c.480 | GELON, tyrant of Gela and Syracuse 485-78 defeats Punic/Etruscan fleet. | 480 LdHR 1-19 |
c.480 | ANAXILAS tyrant of Rhegium 493-76 supports Carthaginian HAMILCAR against GELON of Gela and Syracuse. | 480 OCD 61 |
c.480 | HAMILCAR-I is defeated and killed by GELON and THERON at HIMERA, leaving sons Himilco, Hanno, & Gisco. GISCO flees to Selinus. Carthaginian ships are burnt, troops killed or enslaved. Carthage is forced to pay 2,000 talents indemnity. Greeks dominate Mediterranean until ?. | 480 B76 I-146, IV-871, 8-353, 13-147, 17-918, CAH 4, 5, 6-373, 7.2-506, DGRBM 1-959, 2-237, 268, Dur 2-241, GHH, LEWH 71, MCAW 113, MWΦ 120, OCD 6, 208, 486, 516, 985, 1061, OHG, RAH 213, SHWC 64, TToH, bk, hifiC, lvG 479 HAG |
c.479 | Temple of Athena built at Syracuse by Gelon after his victory over Hamilcar at the Battle of Himera 480. A hexastyle Doric temple surrounded by a portico with columns, 6 on the short sides and 14 on the long sides. | 500 ISBE 4-686 5-400 wikTAS |
c.478 | Tyrant of Gela and Syracuse from 485, GELON dies of dropsy, leaving an infant son, but handing an effective government to bro HIERON-I, who succeeds to 467/6. Gelon bequeaths his widow Demarete, dau of Theron, in marriage to Polyzelus along with command of the army. | 478 B76 V-32, 8-353, CAH 4, 5, DGRBM 2-237, 454, 3-472, Dur 2-438, CDCC 914, GHH, GRG 237, ISBE 4-686, LEWH 71, MCAW 115, OCD 460, 514, OHG, MRDK, bk, lvG, lvS, rcSI, wikG |
c.478 | HIERON-I, tyrant of Gela and Syracuse 478-66, invites poets Aeschylus, Pindar, and Bacchylides to Syracuse. | 478 TToH |
c.478 | Disputes between Hieron and his bro Polyzelus, who had married Demarete widow of Gelon, cause a rupture between Hieron and Theron. Acragas and Syracuse war until 477. | 478 CAH 5, DGRBM 3-1098 |
c.477 | HIERON-I, tyrant of Gela and Syracuse 478-66, invades south Italy. | 477 OCD 514 476 CAH 7.2 |
c.476 | Greek poet BACCHYLIDES of Ceos, in Greece from ?, goes to Sicily at invitation of Hieron. | 477 GHH 476 CAH 4, OCD 158 |
c.476 | At invitation of Hieron-I, playwrite AESCHYLUS goes from Greece to Sicily until ?. | 478 GHH 476 CAH 5, Dur 2-383 |
c.476 | Playwrite AESCHYLUS performs Aetnaeae at Etna. | 476 CAH 5 |
c.476 | SIMONIDES, lyric poet of Ceos, in Athens from 490, goes to Syracuse at invitation of Hieron-I, in Sicily until death 468. | 476 B76 8-351, CAH 4, GHH, OCD 158, 991 |
c.476 | Carthaginians defeat Etruscans at sea. | 476 GHH |
c.476 | PINDAR of Thebes, lyric poet of Cynoscephalae, at invitation of Hieron-I of Syracuse, moves to Sicily until 475. Welcomed by Theron of Acragas and Hieron. | 477 GHH 476 B76 14-466, CAH 4, OCD 833, wikPnd 473 DGRBM 3-368 |
c.476 | PINDAR: Olympian Odes 2 & 3 in honor of Theron. | 476 CAH 4, 5 |
c.476 | Hieron-I tyrant of Syracuse tries to Doricize NAXOS, a Chalcidian city under Gela from 495/4. | 476 OCD 725 |
c.476 | HIMERA resettled. | 476 CAH 5 |
c.476 | GELA, under Hieron-I tyrant of Syracuse, put under governor Polyxelos until 466. | 476 rcSI |
476/5 | CATANA on east coast of Sicily, under Greeks of Naxos from ?, population removed to Leontini by Hieron-I tyrant of Syracuse, who replaces it with 10,000 Dorian mercenaries. Under Syracuse and renamed ETNA until 461. | 476 B76 VI-153, CAH 5, DGRG 1-567 2-158, OCD 17 475 OCD 214, 515, rcSI |
c.475 | ΛMt. ETNA V Sicily errupts. | 475 CAH 5, OCD 20 479 or 475 DGRG 1-61 |
c.475 | Theron tyrant of Acragas begins a new row of temples along the south wall of Acragas. Building continues after his death. | 475 MCAW 115 |
c.475 | TEMPLE of OLYMPIAN ZEUS Model left, Ruins right.![]() |
left Clemensfranz right José Luiz no date: wikTOZA |
c.475 | Theron tyrant of Acragas and Hieron-I of Syracuse, at odds from ?, make peace thru mediation of Simonides. | 475 Dur 2-130 |
c.474 | Campanian Greeks, with aid from HIERON-I tyrant of Syracuse 478-66 and ARISTODEMUS of Cumae, destroys Etruscan fleet off CUMAE Italy. | 475 vrb 474 B76 V-32, 1-148, 8-350, 15-1087, BCoC 480, CAH 5, 7.2, DGRBM 2-454, GHH, LEWH 71, MCAW 112, OCD 199, 204, 301, 410, 515, 856, OHG, bk, lvS, rcSI |
c.474 | PITHECUSAE on island of Ischia west of Cumae founded by HIERON-I tyrant of Syracuse as a port for his galleys. | 474 lvS |
c.472 | Tyrant of ACRAGAS from 488, THERON-II overthrown & killed. Son THRASYDAEUS succeeds to 470. He immediately gets in a war with HIERON-I of Syracuse until 471. | 474 DGRBM 472 B76 8-353, CAH 4, 5, DGRBM 2-454, DGRG 1-75, 1066, Dur 2-66, GHH, LEWH 71, MCAW 115, OCD 515, 1061, rcSI |
c.471 | THRASYDAEUS and HIERON-I, at war from 472. Hieron wins. | 471 CAH 5 no date: LEWH 71 |
c.471 | Mercenaries begin warring in territory of Gela and Acragas. | 471 CAH 5 |
c.470 | AESCHYLUS goes from Greece to Sicily 2nd time at invitation of Hieron-I. | 470 Dur 2-383 |
c.470 | THRASYDAEUS tyrant of Acragas from 472 expelled by people of Acragas and Himera, who are persuaded by philosopher Empedocles to set up a democracy at Acragas, which lasts until 406. | 472 OCD 382 471 CAH 5 470 B76 I-146, bk, rcSI no date: LEWH 71 |
c.468 | SIMONIDES, lyric poet of Ceos, perfecter of the elegy and epigram, in Sicily from 476, at court of Hieron-I, dies age 89, buried at Acragas. | 469 Dur 2-129 468 CAH 5, CDCC 826, LEWH 76, OCD 158, 991, TToH, wikSm 467 DGRBM 3-835 |
c.467 | 2 sons of Anaxilas of Rhegium visit Syracuse on invitation of Hieron-I, who persuades them to oust Micthyos and rule Rhegium. They return to Rhegium. | 467 DGRBM 2-1084 |
467/6 | Himera sends a force to help Syracuse overthrow Thrasybulus. | 466 DGRG 1-1066 |
467/6 | Tyrant of Gela and Syracuse from 478, HIERON-I dies at Etna. Youngest bro THRASYBULUS succeeds for a year, but is incompetent. | 467 B76 8-353, CDCC 914, DGRBM, Dur 2-244, GHH, ISBE 4-686, MCAW 119, bk, lvG, lvS 467/6 CAH 5, GRG 237, OCD 515 466 B76 V-32, LEWH 71, MRDK, OHG |
c.466 | THRASYBULUS, cruel and incompetent tyrant of Syracuse from 467/6, expelled. Anarchy until 465. | 467/6 OCD 515, lvS 466 B76 17-918, DGRBM, DGRG 1-984, 2-158, GHH, ISBE 4-686, LEWH 71, MRDK, RAH 286 465 rcSI |
c.466 | Civil war begins at Syracuse until 461. | 466 CAH 5 |
c.466 | FAMILY of Gelon d.478 expelled from Syracuse. | 466 DGRBM 1-1090 |
c.466 | CORAX of Syracuse treatise The Art of Words to guide citizens wanting to address an assembly or jury. | 466 Dur 2-430 |
c.466 | GELA, under tyrants from 505, under Hieron-I tyrant of Syracuse, and governor Polyxelos from 476, comes under democracy until 405. | 466 rcSI |
c.466 | LEONTINI Sicily, under Gela from 494, independent under democracy until 422. | 466 DGRG 2-158, rcSI |
c.466/5 | DUCETIUS, a Hellenized Sicel, unites the Sicels of central Sicily into one state. | 466/5 DGRBM 1-1090 |
c.465 | SYRACUSE, in anarchy from 466, comes under democratic republic until 405. | 465 TToH, rcSI 463 CAH 5 |
c.465 | Festival of Liberty at Syracuse. | 463 CAH 5 |
c.465 | Battle of Crastus (location unknown): Acragas vs. inhabitants of the town of Crastus and their allies from Himera and Gela. Results unknown. | 471 CAH 5 465 hwbc, wikhst |
c.461 | MESSANA Sicily under Rhegium from 490, expells sons of Anaxilas, sets up independent democracy until 396. | 461 CAH 5, rcSI |
c.461 | ETNA (Catana), Syracusan colony on east coast under Dorian mercenaries from 476/5, mercenaries expelled. Original name CATANA restored. Refugees go and found city of INESSA (also called Etna). | 461 CAH 5, DGRG 1-567, OCD 20, 214, rcSI |
c.461 | Civil war at Syracuse from 466 ends. | 461 CAH 5 |
c.461 | NAXOS city, under Syracuse from 476, restored. | 461 CAH 5 |
c.461 | NAXOS city opposes Syracuse until 403. | 461 OCD 725 |
c.461 | DUCETIUS leads some Sicels against CATANA until 460. | 461 CDCC 292 |
c.461 | HIMERA Sicily, under Acragas from 483, independent until 409. | 461 OCD 516 |
c.461 | DUCETIUS, a Hellenized Sicel, helps Syracuse overthrow the mercenaries of their X-tyrants, organizes a territorial state. | 461 CAH 5, OCD 366, lvS after 461 OCD 725 460 B76 III-688 |
c.461 | CAMARINA Sicily, destroyed from 484, refounded by Gela. | 461 CAH 5, DGRG 1-486, GHH, OCD 198, 459 |
c.460 | HIMILCO-I of Carthage rules the Carthaginian settlement in Sicily until 410. | 460 hifiC |
c.460 | PANORMUS Sicily, under Phoenicians from 8th cen., comes under Carthage until 254. | 460 rcSI |
c.460 | RHETORIC first becomes formally studied in Sicily by Corax and his pupils Tisias and Gorgias. | 460 B76 10-1093 |
459/8 | Ducetius' home village of Menai is enlarged to create a new city called MENAINON. | 459/8 CAH 5, CDCC 292, howD |
459/8 | MORGANTINA, under Sicels from ?, taken by Ducetius. | 459/8 CAH 5, CDCC 292, howD |
459/8 | SICELS unite under DUCETIUS. Sicel movement begins until 450. | 459/8 CAH 5, LEWH 71 453 CDCC 292 |
458/7 | SEGESTA and HALICYAE Sicily ally with Athens. | 458/7 CAH 5, 7.2 458/7 or 454/3 OCD 970 453 LEWH 70, 71 |
458/7 | AESCHYLUS, Athenian religious aristocrat and playwright, sails from Greece to Sicily 3rd time until death 456. | 458 wikAe 457 DGRBM 1-42 |
c.456 | AESCHYLUS, in Sicily from 457, dies age 69 of an accident at Gela. Produced 80 known titles, won 52 prizes. |
456 CAH 5, DGRBM 1-42, DGRG 1-985, Dur 2-383, 710, GHH, GRG 238, LEWH 76, MCAW 99, 123, OCD 17, OHG, RAH 219, SHWC 77, TAWH, TToH 17, wikAe 456/5 B76 1-149, CDCC 16 |
c.454 | MENAENUM founded by DUCETIUS, who helps somebody establish a capital there. Under Sicels until 396. | 459 bril 454 OCD 366 |
454/3 | SEGESTA and LILYBAEUM begin war. | 454/3 CAH 5 |
c.453 | SEGESTA and HALICYAE Sicily begin war with SELINUS. | 453 LEWH 71 |
c.453 | DUCETIUS, ruler of Sicels, founds a capital at PALICE until 450. | 459/8 LEWH 71 453 CDCC 292 453/2 CAH 5, howD |
c.453 | ILVA (Aethalia, Elba) island, a nest of Etruscan pirates off coast of Etruria, ravaged by Syracusan fleet under Phaylus. | 453 DGRBM 3-243, DGRG 2-40 |
c.453 | In response to Etruscan piracy, Syracusan fleet under Phaylus ravages coasts of Etruria and Corsica (now under Etruscans). | 453 CAH 7.2, DGRG 1-861 |
c.453 | Phaylus bought off by pirates, returns to Syracuse, condemned, exiled. | 453 DGRBM 3-243 |
453/2 | DUCETIUS tyrant of Palice unites almost all of interior Sicily in a new federation. | 453/2 lvG |
c.451 | INESSA (Etna), Syracusan city from 461, taken by DUCETIUS, Hellenized ruler of Sicels. | 451 OCD 20 |
c.451 | MOTYCA taken by DUCETIUS, Hellenized ruler of Sicels, who defeats Syracusans at Motyca same year. | 451 CDCC 292 451/0 CAH 5 |
c.451 | Syracuse and Acragas ally against Ducetius, and are defeated by him. | 451 lvG 451/0 CAH 5 |
c.450 | DUCETIUS tyrant of Palice defeated by Syracuse and Acragas at Nomae, exiled to Corinth until 446. Sicel unity collapses. | 450 B76 III-688, CDCC 292, LEWH 71, bk, lvG 450/49 CAH 5 |
c.450 | 1st AMPHITHEATER at Syracuse built by architect Damokopos Myrilla. Still stands, but ruins reflect later renovation c.230. | 500-400 wikGTS |
c.450 | MIME introduced as a dramatic form by Sophron at Syracuse. | 450 TToH |
c.450 | EPICHARMUS dies. Comic poet of Cos, in Syracuse from 485. He wrote comedies, in which philosophical views were occasionally satirised; but some of the alleged quotations are obvious forgeries. | 450 Dur 2-725 443 GHH 440 B76 III-920 no date: sctx |
![]() The world according to Herodotus Pub Dom |
c.446 | DUCETIUS, exiled to Corinth from 450, returns to Sicily, restores SICEL federation until 440/39, founds Cale Acte. | 448/7 lvG 446 B76 III-688, CAH 5, CDCC 292, LEWH 71, 366 |
c.446 | ACRAGAS defeated by Syracusans at Himera river. | 446 DGRG 1-1068, GHH |
c.446 | ACRAGAS defeated by DUCETIUS at Himera river. | 446 DGRG 1-75 |
CONFUSION ALERT! The ancients appear to call 2 rivers Himera, and even assert that they joined in the middle of the island ! DGRG 1-1068
c.445 | Syracuse and Acragas fight over spoils from their victory over Sicels in 450. Syracuse wins. | 446 CAH 5 445 LEWH 71 |
c. 444 c. 444 c. 444 |
EMPEDOCLES of Acragas, Pythagorean philosopher, statesman poet, physiologist, healer, miracle man, claimer of divinity, father of rhetoric, flourishes. METAPHYSICS: The "all" is a sphere composed of 4 elements: Earth, air, fire, water. All is DUALITY (contradicting Parmenides 460): Love and strife interact to bring together and separate the 4 elements. Accepts Eleatic contention that "being" is permanent. e.g. Matter cannot be created or destroyed. All things are transformed depending on the ratio of the 4 elements. (See Heraclitos 500, Xenophanes 480, Anaxagoras 450, Leucippos 440, Diogenes 440, Democritos 400) PHYSICS V: Advances ATOMIC THEORY. (See atomic theory 450, Leucippos 440, Democritos 400) COSMOGONY begins with separation of the 4 elements beginning with air & fire. (See Anaxagoras 450, Hippo 450) LIFE originated with trees. Sexes became distinguishable only after strife entered. When love was ascendant, separate limbs arose, heads without necks, arms without shoulders. COSMOLOGY V: 2 hemispheres: Fixed stars are embedded in one of them. Bright and dark revolve around a SPHERICAL EARTH V. The sun is the rays of the bright hemisphere focused back from Earth. (See Anaxagoras 450, Diogenes 440, Phaedo 370) ANATOMY: Bodies contain 4 HUMORS: blood, bile, black bile, phlegm. HEART is the seat of intelligence. Blood is the seat of thought and innate heat. (See Alcmaeon 490, Hippo 450, Diogenes 440) Λ REINCARNATION: Those who sin suffer 30,000 reincarnations. Escape requires purification, including vegetarianism. (See Upanishads 500 Meno 386) |
460 Dur 2-244 450 CDGRA 486, GHH, OHG, bk 445 MCAW 125 444 LEWH 76, OCD 382 no date: B76 III-879, KPHP 14-15, OCD 58 431 TTPC |
c.443 | RHEGIUM, and LEONTINI, (possibly also Catana and Naxos) fearing the power of Syracuse, ally with Athens. | 443 CAH 5, LEWH 71 |
c.440 | DUCETIUS dies. Back in Sicily and leader of Sicel federation at Palice from 446, gets sick during attempt to unite northern Sicily, dies. Sicel federation collapses. Syracuse then destroys Palice and dominates the Sicels. | 440 B76 III-688, CAH 5, CDCC 292, DGRBM 1-1090, GHH, MCAW 131, OCD 66, lvG 440/39 LEWH 71 |
c.435 | TEMPLE of CONCORDIA Floorplan left, Ruins right.![]() |
left Bjs right Berthold Werner 440-430 wikTOCA |
c.433/2 | LEONTINI Sicily renews 443 alliance with Pericles of Athens. | 433 TTPC 433/2 CAH 5, OCD 596 |
c.430 | EMPEDOCLES of Acragas dies. Legend says he jumped into the volcano of Mt. Etna to convince followers of his divinity. | post-444 EoΦ 2-496 440-31 TTS 436 CAH 5 435 CDΦ 224 433 OCD 382 430 B76 III-879, Dur 2-724, RAH 285, TToH dies in Greece 430 KPHP 14 |
c.427 | SICILY: General war breaks out until 424. Ionian LEONTINI leads Naxos, Catana, Rhegium, Camarina, and most Sicels ally against Dorian SYRACUSE supported by Gela, Messana, Himera, Lipara Islands, and Locri. | 427 Dur 2-446, 486, LEWH 71, OCD 198, 459, 675, 725 |
c.427 | Camarina supports Syracuse (contradicts above) until 424. | 427 OCD 459 |
c.427 | Sophist orator GORGIAS of Leontini Sicily sails to Athens for aid, which is granted. | 427 CAH 5, Dur 2-360, LEWH 76, OCD 596, wikGrg no date: LEWH 71 |
c.427 | 20 Athenian ships under Laches and Charoeades sent to help Leontini. They arrive at Rhegium, which is their base for fighting Syracuse until 424. Charoeades is soon killed. Laches is general until 426. He takes Messana and gets control of Strait of Messana. | 427 B76 VI-153, 14-22, CAH 5, CDCC 819, DGRBM 2-700, DGRG 2-158, IDB 4-75, OCD 985, 1030, OHG |
c.426 | ETNA, under Syracuse, repels attack by Athenians under Laches. | 426 DGRG 1-60 |
c.426 | Laches, Athenian commander in Sicily from 427, recalled to Athens on a corruption charge. Pythodoros succeeds until ?. | 426 DGRBM 2-700 |
c.425 | Λ Mt. ETNA V erupts. 3rd eruption since the Greeks first appeared. | 425 DGRBM DGRG 1-61 |
c.425 | 40 more Athenian ships arrive in Sicily to join the 20 ships already there. | 425 B76 14-22, HAG |
c.424 | CONFERENCE at GELA called by Hermocrates of Syracuse. Hermocrates persuades all Sicily to make peace and oppose Athenian intervention. | 424 B76 IV-1050, 14-22, CAH 5, DGRBM 2-417, LEWH 71, OCD 504, OHG, TTPC, bk, lvG no date: LEWH 71 |
c.424 | SICILY: After indecisive fighting, the general war from 427 ends. | 424 CDCC 819, LEWH 71, 73, OCD 675 |
c.424 | Athenian fleet, at Sicily from 427, returns to Athens. | 424 B76 14-22, CAH 5, CDCC 819, LEWH 73, OCD 985, 1030 |
c.423 | History of Antiochus of Syracuse ends here. | 424 OCD 73 423 GHH 422 DGRBM 1-195 |
c.422 | LEONTINI Sicily: Commoners expel oligarchs, but are soon themselves expelled. | 422 DGRG 2-158, Dur 2-284 |
c.422 | Oligarchs of Leontini move to Syracuse. | 422 CAH 6-124 |
c.422 | LEONTINI Sicily, independent under democracy from 466, comes under Syracuse ruled by local tyrants until 238. | 422 DGRG 2-158, rcSI |
c.422 | PHAEAX, Athenian ambassador to Italy and Sicily, tries to rouse people to help Leontini against Syracuse, makes alliances with the native population and towns like Acragas and Camarina. | 422 CAH 5, DGRBM 3-229, OCD 808, lvG |
c.420 | Theater at Syracuse designed by architect Democopus Myrilla. | 420 DGRBM 1-974 |
c.420 | ANTIOCHUS of Syracuse, historian, flourishes. Wrote a History of Italy and of Sicily to 423. | 420 Dur 2-712 no date: OCD 73 |
c.417 | Democrats of LEONTINI receive help from Athens. | 417 GHH |
c.416 | SELINUS Sicily attacks SEGESTA, which asks for aid from Athens in accordance with the 453 treaty, and promises to pay for an expedition. | 416 CDCC 819, Dur 2-446, LEWH 71, 73, MCAW 136, RAH 251, bk 415 B76 8-358, CAH 5 |
c.415 | Athenians NICIAS, ALCIBIADES, and LAMACHUS with 140 triremes carrying 4,000 hoplites sail from Greece invade Sicily until 413. Nicias refuses proposal by Lamachus to immediately attack Syracuse. They win over cities NAXOS and CATANA, which they use as a base, but accomplish nothing more. | 415 B76 IV-1050, VI-153, CAH 5, CDCC 104, 819, Dur 2-244, GHH, HAG, IDB 4-75, LEWH 71, 73, OCD 214, 796, 972, 985, 1030, OHG, TToH, bk, lvG, lvS |
c.415 | ALCIBIADES, in Sicily 415, recalled to Athens to stand charges for statue mutilation. Sails away. | 415 CDCC 33, GHH, HAG, MCAW 136, RAH 253 |
c.415 | Democrats of LEONTINI expelled by Syracuse-supported oligarchs. | 415 B76 VI-153 |
c.415 | HERMOCRATES of Syracuse organizes resistance to Athenians, convinces fellow Syracusans to extend their fortifications. | 415 B76 IV-1050, OCD 504, lvG |
c.415 | Syracuse besieged by Athenians until 413. | 415 B76 17-918, CAH 5, Dur 2-357, GHH, OCD 198, 459, 675, TToH 414 lvG |
c.415 | Cities NAXOS and CATANA ally with Athens against Syracuse. Catana becomes an Athenian naval base until 413. | 415 GHH, OCD 214, 425, 725 no date: OCD 425 |
c.415 | CAMARINA, GELA, and MESSANA support Syracuse until 413. | 415 OCD 198, 459, 675 |
c.415 | HIMERA supports Syracuse against Athenians. | 415 DGRG 1-1066 |
c.415 | DASCON in the harbor of Syracuse taken by Athenians until 413, but is of little use. | 415 TTPC |
c.415/4 | EUPHEMOS sent by Athenian commanders at Syracuse to negotiate alliance with Camarina. | winter 415/4 DGRBM 2-97 |
c.414 | HERMOCRATES is elected to command the defense of Syracuse. He is unsuccessful. | 414 LEWH 73, OCD 504 |
c.414 | EUCLES, son of Hippon, is 1 of 3 new commanders of Syracuse. | 414 DGRBM 2-75 |
c.414 | CENTURIPA, southwest of Mt. Etna, forced to make treaty with Athenians. | 414 DGRG 1-586 |
c.414 | ETRUSCANS help Athenians in a 2nd attack on Syracuse. | 414 DGRBM, DGRG 1-861 |
c.414 | Athenians try to block land approaches to Syracuse with a wall. | 414 Dur 2-244, LEWH 73, MCAW 136, OCD 733, RAH 253, TTPC |
c.414 | Spartan general GYLIPPOS arrives with a small force to help Syracuse. He blocks Athenian ships in Syracuse harbor, siezes the heights of Epipolae north of Syracuse, preventing the Athenians from completing their wall around Syracuse. | 414 CAH 5, CDCC 819, DGRBM, Dur 2-448, GHH, HAG, LEWH 73, OCD 484, RAH 253, TTPC, lvG |
c.414 | Athenian general LAMACHUS is killed in a skirmish during the wall building, leaving NICIAS (who had opposed the expedition) in charge. | 414 CAH 5, OCD 516, RAH 253, TTPC, lvG |
c.414 fall | NICIAS sends a report to the Assembly at Athens asking that the expedition be recalled. | fall 414 RAH 253 |
c.414 | Athenian general EUTHYDEMOS is sent to help Nicias. | 414 DGRBM 2-123 |
c.414 | Supplies from Athens arrive at Catana. | 414 DGRBM 2-1186 |
c.413 | NICIAS uses fresh supplies to sieze Epipolae plateau. | 413 DGRBM 2-1186 |
414/3 | Athenian general EURYMEDON, with supplies sails from Corcyra to Sicily. | 414 GHH 414/3 CAH 5 |
413 | Athenian general EURYMEDON defeated and killed before reaching land. | 413 wikErm |
413 | Athenian general DEMOSTHENES arrives with 73 ships, 15,000 troops to reinforce NICIAS at Syracuse. | 413 B76 VII-329, 14-23, CAH 5, DGRBM, LEWH 73, OCD 329, 733, RAH 253, TTPC, lvG |
413 | Syracusan AGATHARCHUS sent with 12 ships to visit allies and harass Athenians. | 413 DGRBM 1-61 |
413 July | Athenian Naval base at Catana from 415 is lost to Spartans. | July 413 B76 14-23 |
413 Aug | Athenian DEMOSTHENES attacks Spartan position by night at Epipolae unsuccessfully. | 413 DGRBM 3-810, LEWH 73, OCD 329 |
413 Aug | Syracusan general SICANUS son of Execestus sent with 13 ships to Acragas, to get help, but, before he could reach the city, the pro-Syracusan party there is defeated and driven out. | 413 DGRBM 3-810 |
413 Aug 27 | LUNAR ECLIPSE seen in Sicily. "All was at last ready, and they were on the point of sailing away, when an eclipse of the moon, which was then full, took place. Most of the Athenians, deeply impressed by this occurrence, now urged the generals to wait; and Nicias, who was somewhat over-addicted to divination and practices of that kind, refused from that moment even to take the question of departure into consideration, until they had waited the thrice nine days prescribed by the soothsayers." (Thucidides: History of the Peloponessian war 7-50) |
413 Aug. 27 B76 VII-329, 14-23, DGRBM, GHH, LEWH 73, MCAW 137, TTPC, lvG, hbar, nasaS |
413 Aug | DEMOSTHENES advocates abandoning Sicily, but is prevented by NICIAS, who believes a soothsayer, who says the eclipse is an omen, and he should stay 27 days more. | 413 B76 14-23, LEWH 73, OCD 329, TTPC |
413 Sep | Athenians, in Sicily 415-13, are defeated twice at sea by Syracuse. | 413 B76 8-369, 14-23, 17-918, LEWH 73, MCAW 136, TTPC |
413 Sep | Athenian troops hit by plague. NICIAS and DEMOSTHENES withdraw by land. Rear guard under Demosthenes is attacked and defeated. The van under NICIAS is crushed at the Asinarus River by Hermocrates. Athenian Callistratos fights his way thru and leads his men to Catana. DEMOSTHENES and NICIAS are executed. Prisoners are worked at stone quarries then sold into slavery. Athenian expedition to Sicily from 415 ends, having lost over 200 ships, 35,000 crew, 4,000 soldiers. | 414 HAG 413 B76 VII-329, 8-369, 14-23, 17-918, BCoC 373, CAH 5, CDCC 104, 819, DGRBM 1-577, Dur 2-244, GHH, LdHR 1-298, LEWH 71, 73, MCAW 136, OCD 329, 733, 796, 985, 1030, OHG, TToH, TTPC, bk, lvG, lvS |
c.412 | Athenian CALLISTRATOS son of Empedos leads his men from Catana to attack Syracusans plundering the Athenian camp. Callistratos is killed. | 412 DGRBM 1-577 |
c.412 | Coins struck at Syracuse commemorating its deliverance from Athenians. | 412 MCAW 137 |
c.412 | HERMOCRATES leads 20 Syracusan and 2 Selinuntine ships to help finish off Athenian fleet. | mid 412 CAH 6-126 |
c.412 | A law of Diocles forbids people to bear weapons in the agora under pain of death. This law is popular, and spreads to other city-states in Sicily. | 412 wikDS |
c.412 | HERMOCRATES commands Syracusan squadron sent to help Sparta. DIOCLES rules a democracy in Syracuse. | 412 B76 IV-1050, OCD 504, lvG |
c.412 | DIOCLES democratic boss of Syracuse, institutes democratic reforms: new law code, privileges for lower classes, elective offices. | 412 DGRBM 1-1010, GHH, LEWH 71, OCD 1030, wikDS |
c.411 | Anyone in south Italy and Sicily suspected of Athenian sympathies is persecuted. | 411 DGRBM 2-865 |
c.410 | HIMILCO-I ruler of Punic settlement in Sicily from 460, ends as ruler, but doesn't die until 406. | 410 hifiC |
c.410 | DIOCLES, democratic ruler of Syracuse, has many oligarchs, including HERMOCRATES, banished. Diocles is now undisputed boss of Syracuse. | 410 DGRBM 1-1010, LEWH 71, 80, wikDS |
c.410 | QUADRIREMES V built by Carthaginians to attack Syracuse. Diodorus Siculus says they were first thought of by Dionysius-I in 399. |
410 DGRG 1-537, TTT |
c.409 | SEGESTA Sicily, warring with SELINUS (both Greek cities), ask Carthage for aid, comes under Punic domination until 307. | 410 B76 13-147, CAH 6-128, OCD 970 410/9 CAH 7.2 409 LEWH 80, MWΦ 124, OCD 985 400 rcSI |
c.409 | 100,000 Carthaginians under HANNIBAL-I MAGO, with Libyan, Iberian, Campanian, and Greek mercenaries sails from Africa to Lilybaeum. Wars in Sicily until 405. | 409 B76 III-560, 8-350, 369, CAH 5, 6-127, DGRBM 2-331, Dur 2-438, GHH, HAG, LEWH 80, OCD 970, MCAW 140, MWΦ 124, OHG, RAH 306, wikMag 408 lvG, lvS |
c.409 | SELINUS, Greek city from 648, besieged 9 days with siege towers, falls to HANNIBAL until 407. Inhabitants butchered, over opposition of Syracuse. | 410/9 CAH 7.2 409 B76 8-350, CAH 5, 6, CDCC 821, DGRA 1175, DGRBM 2-331, Dur 2-171, GHH, GRG 248, HAG, LEWH 80, MWΦ 124, OCD 970, 972, 985, OHG, RAH 306, bk 408 LEWH 80, lvG, lvS |
c.409 | DIOCLES boss of Syracuse, is named head of an army of 4000 to relieve Himera. | 409 wikDS |
c.409 | DIOCLES concentrates 4,000 men in Himera to defend against Carthaginians, but worries that they might sail against unprotected Syracuse, Diocles decides to evacuate Himera. He moves so fast as to abandon unburied Syracusan bodies, but not fast enough to get his ships back to evacuate the population of Himera before it falls. | 409 CAH 6-129 |
c.409 | HIMERA Sicily, independent from 461, falls to Carthaginian HANNIBAL, who "sacrifices" 3,000 POWs where his grandfather Hamilcar had fallen. Sacked, obliterated, and abandoned. Refugees settle 7 miles west. | 410/9 CAH 7.2 409 B76 8-350, CAH 5, 6-129, 366, CDCC 426, HAG, MCAW 140, OCD 208, 516, 985, OHG, bk 408 DGRG 1-1066, LEWH 80, RAH 306, lvG |
c.409 | ACRAGAS, under tyranny from 488, falls to Carthaginian HANNIBAL, sacked. Under democracy until 406. | 409 B76 8-350, GHH |
c.409 | HANNIBAL-I MAGO, with Iberian, Campanian, and even Greek mercenaries, moves north thru Sicily, joined by 20,000 native Sicels and Sicans, evidently eager to shake off Greek dominance. | 409 CAH 6-129, 495 |
c.408 | HERMOCRATES commander of Syracusan mercenaries in Aegean from 410, returns to Sicily, picks up 1,000 Himerans, establishes himself at Selinus, builds his force up to 6,000, raids Carthaginian territory. | 408 CAH 6-130, OCD 504, wikDS 407 CAH 6 |
c.408 | SELINUS, under Carthaginian Hannibal from 409, recovered by Hermocrates of Syracuse. | 408 CAH 6-130 407 B76 8-369 |
c.408 | PANORMUS Sicily, under Carthaginians, ravaged by HERMOCRATES commander of Syracusan mercenaries. | 408 CAH 6-130, 7.2 |
c.408 | MOTYA Sicily, under Carthaginians, ravaged by HERMOCRATES commander of Syracusan mercenaries. | 408 CAH 6-130, 7.2 |
408/7 | HERMOCRATES collects unburied Syracusan bones left at Himera by Diocles in 409, and sends them to Syracuse to discredit Diocles. DIOCLES is exiled, and drops out of history, but Hermocrates is not recalled, because some Syracusans fear a tyranny. | 408 DGRBM 1-1010, wikDS 408/7 CAH 6-130 407 DGRBM 2-418 |
408/7 | THERMAE HIMERAE founded by Carthaginians where the refugees had settled 7 miles west of former Himera. | 408/7 OCD 516 |
c.407 | Son of Hermon, HERMOCRATES dies. Tries to recover Syracuse, killed in a street fight. His partisans, including Dionysius and Philistus, are exiled. | 408/7 B76 IV-1050 407 B76 8-369, OCD 504, lvG |
c.407/6 | Carthage, represented by Himilco, makes agreement with Athens. | 407/6 OCD 516 |
c.407/6 | HIMILCO son of Hanno and HANNIBAL son of Gisco sent from Carthage to Sicily. | 406 DGRBM 2-473 |
c.406 | HIMILCO son of Hanno besieges Acragas. | 406 DGRBM 1-938, bk |
c.406 | HANNIBAL MAGO dies. 5th Magonid king of Carthage from 440, goes to Sicily, joins HIMILCO at siege of Acragas. Dies of plague. HIMILCO-II succeeds to 396. | 406 B76 8-369, CAH 5, 6, DGRBM 2-332, MCAW 140, MWΦ 197 |
c.406 | Λ QUADRIREMES built by Dionysius-I. | 406 TTS 400 DGRA 785 399 CGS 584 |
c.406 | Historian PHILISTUS promotes interests of Dionysius-I. | 406 GHH |
c.406 | Syracusan general DAPHNAEUS sent with Sicilian and Italian allies against Carthaginian HIMILCO at Acragas. They defeat a Punic force, but fail to relieve the siege. | 406 DGRBM 1-938 |
c.406 | Spartan mercenary DEXIPPUS of Gela opposes Carthaginian Himilco at Acragas. He is bought off. | 406 DGRBM 1-995 |
c.406 | Carthaginian HIMILCO-II buys off Greek generals at Syracuse and Acragas. | 406 B76 8-369, LEWH 80, MWΦ 197, OCD 6, 350, 516 406/5 OCD 985 |
c.406 | DIONYSIUS-I, helped by partisans of late Hermocrates, elected strategos with 9 colleagues, recalls exiles, marries a dau of Hermocrates, organizes a plebiscite. DIONYSIUS-I becomes tyrant of Syracuse until 367. | 407 HAG 406 CDCC 276, DGRA 1182 DGRBM 1-1033, GHH, TToH 405 B76 III-560, 8-369, 17-918, CAH 5, 6, Dur 2-439, ISBE 4-686, LdHR 1-298, LEWH 80, MCAW 140, MRDK, OCD 480, 817, OHG, bk, lvS |
c.406 | ACRAGAS, under democracy from 409, after 8 month siege, sacked by Carthaginian HIMILCO-II. Under Carthage until 392. Himilco winters in Acragas. | 407 HAG 406 B76 I-146, 8-369, CAH 5, 6-132, 7.2, DGRG 1-75, GHH, LdHR 1-298, LEWH 80, MWΦ 197, OCD 6, 350, 516, lvS, rcSI 406/5 OCD 985 405 CAH 6-134 |
c.406 | DIONYSIUS-I tyrant of Syracuse, at the time of his marriage, gives his sis in marriage to Syracusan noble Polyxenus. | 407 DGRBM 3-472 |
c.406 | HYERACLEA MINOA on south coast of Sicily comes under Carthaginianians until ?. | 406 B76 IV-1035 |
c.406 | Exiles from Acragas are allowed by Syracuse to move to Leontini. | 406 DGRG 2-158 |
c.406 | Syracusan fleet defeats Carthaginian fleet off Eryx in west Sicily. | 406 DGRG 1-853 |
c.405 | Himilco-II moves from Acragas to Gela and besieges. Dionysius-I gets help from Italy, comes with 30,000 inf, 1,000 cav, & 50 ships, tries to cut off Carthaginian supplies. After 20 days, Dionysius tries a 3-pronged attack which fails, and retreats to inside Gela. | 405 CAH 6-134, DGRBM 2-474, GHH |
c.405 | GELA, ally of Syracuse from 427, under democracy from 466, defeated by Carthaginian HIMILCO-II, abandoned by Dionysius-I, evaccuated, sacked by Carthaginians, independent until 392. Inhabitants go to Syracuse. | 407 HAG 406 OCD 516 406/5 OCD 985 405 B76 8-369, CAH 6-134, 7.2, OCD 459, rcSI |
c.405 | A large statue of Apollo outside Gela is taken by Carthaginians and shipped to Tyre. | 406 DGRG 1-985 |
c.405 | MUTINY in cavalry of Dionysius-I. | 405 GHH |
c.405 | DIONYSIUS-I returns from Gela to Syracuse, accuses the other 9 generals of corruption and treachery. Appointed sole strategos until ?. | 405 spring DGRBM 1-1033 |
c.405 | DIONYSIUS-I, tyrant of Syracuse 406-367, hires a body guard. | 405 GHH |
c.405 | DIONYSIUS-I, tyrant of Syracuse 406-367, marries Arete daughter of patriot Hermocrates. | 405 GHH |
c.405 | DIONYSIUS-I decides to abandon Camarina also. His troops are furious. Some Cavalry rush home, plunder Dionysius's house and so abuse his new wife Arete that she suicides out. With 100 loyal cav and 600 elite troops, Dionysius follows and suppresses the revolt. What is left of the cavalry retires to Etna. The main body of the army arrives next morning, but the Geloans and Camarinaeans are angry with Syracuse, and join the growing settlement at Leontini. | 405 B76 8-369, CAH 6-134, GHH, rcSI 404 lvS |
c.405 | CAMARINA, ally of Syracuse from 415, abandoned by Dionysius-I, defeated by Carthaginian HIMILCO-II, sacked by Carthaginians. Never fully recovers. | 406 OCD 516 405 B76 8-369, CAH 6-134, DGRG 1-486, OCD 198, 459 |
c.405 | HIMILCO-II is about to conquer Syracuse, but disease in his army forces him to make peace treaty with Dionysius-I. Sicily is split down the middle: West under Carthage, east under Greeks. Acragas, Selinus, and Therme together with the Elymians and Sicans are all ceded to Carthage, Acragas, Gela, Himera, Selinus, and Camarina to be tributaries. None of them can have walls. Leontini, Messene and the Sicels are autonomous. | 405 B76 8-369, CAH 5, 6-135, 7.2, DGRBM 1-1033, DGRG 1-1067, GHH, LEWH 80, MWΦ 125, OCD 516, OHG, bk |
c.405 | Exiles of Himera, Selinunte, and Acragas, are allowed by the treaty to return to their homes, but must pay tribute to Carthage and not restore their fortifications. | 405 DGRG 1-1067 |
c.405 | Exiles of Leontini return to their homes, and declare independence from Syracuse. Leontini independent until 403. | 405 DGRG 2-158 |
c.405 | HIMILCO-II with a treaty and diseased troops, returns to Carthage. | 405 DGRBM 2-474 |
c.405 | PHILISTUS the historian, friend of Dionysius-I of Syracuse, made commander of the citadel until 386/5. | 405 B76 VII-948 |
c.405 | Sicily is nearly engulfed by Carthaginians. | 405 OCD 480 |
405/4 | ORTYGIA island off Syracuse fortified by Dionysius-I of Syracuse, becomes his residence. None but relatives are allowed to live on it. Becomes Dionysid residence until 343. | 405/4 DGRBM 1-1033 |
c.404 | SYRACUSE: attempted revolt against Dionysius-I, who is helped by bro-in-law Polyxenus. | 404 DGRBM 3-472 |
c.404 | DIONYSIUS-I, tyrant of Syracuse 406-367, fortifies Syracuse, increases navy, extends the franchise, divides escheated lands among freemen, quells the revolt. | 404 GHH |
c.404 | DIONYSIUS-I, tyrant of Syracuse 406-367, extends his rule northward until 402. | 404 CDCC 277 |
c.404 | A group of Campanians for which Dionysius-I had no further use does not return to Italy, but goes west and takes Elymian Entella, killing the men and marrying the women. They remain under Carthaginian control, defying attempts by Dionysius to dislodge them. | 404 CAH 6-153 |
c.404 | ZAKYNTHOS Island west of Greece, under democracy from ?, comes under oligarchy until 373. | 404 rcSB3 |
c.403 | CATANA Sicily taken and sacked by Dionysius-I. Under Syracuse until 352. Citizens enslaved. Repopulated with Campanian mercenaries until 396. | 403 CAH 7.2, DGRBM 1-1034, DGRG 1-60, 567, LEWH 80, OCD 214, rcSI 400 bk |
c.403 | EPIPOLAE, cliff north of Syracuse, fortified. | 403 GHH |
c.403 | LEONTINI, independent from 405, comes under Syracuse until 396. Whole population transferred to Syracuse. | 403 DGRG 2-158 |
c.403 | HERBITA in central Sicily, under the Siculi from ?, besieged unsuccessfully by Dionysius-I. Inhabitants conclude peace with Dionysius-I. Arconide, tyrant of Herbita quits the city and founds HALAESA with citizens of Herbita, mercenaries, and other enemies of Dionysius-I. | 403 DGRG 1-1052, wikHls |
c.403 | SYRACUSE: final attempted revolt against Dionysius-I. | 403 B76 8-369, bk |
c.403 | NAXOS city Sicily taken by Dionysius-I. Destroyed. | 403 CAH 7.2, OCD 725 400 LEWH 80, bk |
West Mediterranean 400-301