c.500 | Story of Ahikar , written earlier in Aramaic, a copy is buried at Elephantine, to be found in 1907. Ahikar is chancellor to Sennacherib and Esarhaddon. Having no child of his own, he adopts his nephew Nadab (Nadin), and raises him to be his successor. Nadab ungratefully plots to have Ahikar murdered, and persuades Esarhaddon that Ahikar is treasonous. Esarhaddon orders Ahikar executed. Ahikar is imprisoned to await punishment. Ahikar reminds the executioner that the executioner had been saved by Ahikar from a similar fate under Sennacherib, so the executioner kills a prisoner, and pretends that the body is of Ahikar. The rest is missing. Later versions V will have more of the story. See Tobit 200. |
500 ΨeuSA, wikSA |
c.500 | Λ GOLDEN RULE attested in a Late Period papyrus. "That which you hate to be done to you, do not do to another." (See Thales 600, Leviticus, China, Mahabharata, Isocrates 390) | 664-323 wikGR |
c.497 | Darius-I in Egypt until 496. | 497 CAH 4 |
c.497 | CANAL from Nile to Red Sea, begun by Neco-II in 610, resumed by Darius-I in 510, completed. See 280. | 520 TAWH 17, TTPC 515 MCAW 101 500 PW 16, TTT 497 CAH 4, Shaw 375 |
c.486 | Persian satrapy 525-404 rebels against Darius-I until 485. Athens sends troops to help Egypt. | 487 OHG 486 B76 6-481, 9-835, DGRBM, GHH, GHAE 370, MCAW 108 485 CAH 4-23 |
486 late | DARIUS-I HYSTASPES king of Medo-Persia and Egypt from 522, dies in Persepolis. 1st son XERXES-I succeeds to 465. | 486 B76 9-835, 11-989, 17-447, CDCC 258, Dur 2-722, FLAP 195, GRG 299, GHAE, HCC, IDB 1-769, 4-922, LEWH 51, 53, MNHK, OCD 4, 1144, OHG, RAH, RAI2, RAI3, Sdl 5-136, Shaw, SOTS 244, 246, ae, frN 485 Dur 2-237, MCAW 108, RAI2, TToH |
485 | XERXES-I invades Egypt until 484. | 485 B76 I-56, 9-835, CAH 5, OHG 484 DGRBM 1-8, 3-1304 |
c.485 | Egyptian rebellion from 486 crushed by XERXES-I who appoints bro HAKHAMANISH (Achaemenes) satrap. He ignores Egyptian customs and imposes Persian rule until 460. | 485 B76 9-835, CAH 5, OHG 484 B76 I-56, DGRBM 1-8, GHH |
c.484 | XERXES-I ravages the Delta. | 484 B76 19-1057 |
c.484 | XERXES-I leaves bro Achaemenes, governor of Egypt, returns to Persia. | 484 DGRBM 3-1304 |
c. 481/0 | Phoenician fleets attached to Xerxes' army are commanded by their respective kings: Tetramnestus of Sidon, Mattan-IV of Tyre, Marbalus of Aradus. | 481/0 CAH 6-322 |
c.480 | HAKHAMANISH, satrap of Egypt 485-54, contributes 481 ships to Xerxes-I European campaign. | 480 MCAW 108 200 ships: GHAE 370 |
c.465 | XERXES-I dies. King of Medo-Persia and Egypt from 486, murdered in Persepolis by Artabanus, captain of bodyguard. 1st son DARIUS succeeds. Artabanus tells Xerxes 2nd son Artaxerxes that Darius murdered Xerxes. Artabanus kills Darius and ARTABANUS usurps throne until 464. | 465 B76 9-835, CAH 5, CDCC 957, GHAE, IDB 4-922, MCAW 116, MNHK, OCD 4, 1144, RAI2, RAI3, Sdl 5-187, Shaw, SOTS 246, TToH, WPOT, frN 326 464 HCC, OCD 126, OHG, RAH |
c. 465/4 | ARTABANUS dies. Usurper of Medo-Persia and Egypt from 465, killed by Xerxes' 2nd son Artaxerxes, who recovers throne. ARTAXERXES-I LONGIMANUS succeeds until 424. | 465 IDB 1-241, MRDK, Shaw, WPOT 327 464 B76 9-835, OCD 126, RAI2, RAI3, SOTS 246 |
c. 465/4 | Egypt rebels against Persia. Athens again sends troops to help Egypt, but rebellion is crushed. | 465 LEWH 53 464 MCAW 116 |
c.460 | Egypt, under Persia from 485, rebels under Libyan prince INAROS, son of Psamtik-III, until 454, appeals to Athens for military help. | 462 CAH 5, OHG 460 B76 I-549, BI+N 105, CDCC 88, DGRBM 2-572, GHH, IDB 1-241, ISBE 1-306, LEWH 69, SOTS 247 459 B76 9-835, OCD 140, 800 456 LEWH 53 |
c.460 | HAKHAMANISH (Achaemenes), bro of Artaxerxes satrap of Egypt from 485, killed in battle against Inaros. ARSAMES succeeds until ?. | 460 B76 I-56 no date: DGRBM 1-8, 2-572, GHAE 371 |
c.460 | AMYRTAEUS of Sais joins Inaros revolt. | 460 BI+N 114, DGRBM 1-156 |
c.459 | Pericles sends 200 Athenian galleys to Egypt to help Libyan prince INAROS against the Persians. They sail up to Memphis. | 460 DGRBM 2-572, GHH, OCD 319 459 B76 4-618, CAH 5, Dur 2-437, MCAW 120, OCD 805 |
c.459 | Athenians take MEMPHIS, except for the citadel which is held by Persians and besieged until 456. | 459 MCAW 120 no date: LEWH 69, OCD 319 |
c.458 | MEGABYZOS, satrap of Syria, launches land and sea attack on Egypt, defeats INAROS, Libyan rebel, who flees to Prosapitis Island in the Nile delta. Greeks hold out until 454. | 458 Sdl 5-188 456 CAH 5, 6-308, DGRBM 1-156, wikMg |
c.456 | MEGABYZOS defeats Athenians at MEMPHIS, relieves the besieged citadel, besieges Athenians on Prosapitis Island. | 456 LEWH 70 455 WPOT 327 |
c.456 | AMYRTAEUS of Sais escapes to island of Elbo, holds out as king in marshes until 410. | 456 DGRBM 1-156 455 GHH |
c.455 | All Egypt except the marshes conquered by Megabyzos. | 455 DGRBM, GHH |
c.454 | MEGABYZOS diverts a stream and grounds Athenian ships. INAROS and Athenians on Prosapitis Island in the Nile delta, besieged by MEGABYZOS from 456, fall, and are killed by Persians. An Athenian relief squadron is also annihilated near Memphis by MEGABYZOS. Athenian army remnant flees into Sinai. | 457 DGRBM 2-1006 454 B76 4-618, 8-311, CAH 5, LEWH 70, MCAW 120, OCD 319, 805, Sdl 5-188, SHWC 66, TToH |
c.454 | INAROS dies. Libyan rebel of Egypt from 460, defeated by Megabyzos and tortured to death by disputed means. | 455 DGRBM 2-572 454 B76 I-549, 6-481, 8-311, LEWH 70, MCAW 120, OCD 319, Sdl 5-188 in Persia: GHAE 371 |
c.454 | Egypt, with Athenian support, resisting Persians from 459, no longer resists. | 454 B76 9-835, BI+N 105, Dur 2-244, IDB 1-241, LEWH 53, OCD 126, 800, OHG |
c.450 | 60 Athenian ships from Cimon try to revive Egyptian rebellion against Persians. | 450 OCD 805 449 DGRBM 1-371 |
by c.450 | Domestic CATS, sacred to goddess Bastet: Killing one is punishable by death. (Italy) | by 450 aeCt |
c.450 | HERODOTUS visits Egypt. Describes the battle field (456) of Prosapitis Island in the Nile delta. Says one of the 3 Persian garrisons is at Elephantine. | 450 B76 6-481, DGRBM 2-433, ISBE 2-45, WPOT 328 449 SHT 1-267 448 GHH |
c.450 | EMBALMING described by Herodotus. "First they take a crooked piece of metal and with it draw out some of the brain thru the nostrils and then rinse out the rest with drugs. Next they make a cut along the side of the body with a sharp stone and take out the whole contents of the abdomen. After this they fill the cavity with myrrh, cassia and other spices and the body is placed in natron for 70 days." |
5th cen: hls |
c.449 | AMYRTAEUS of Sais, holding out as king in marshes, is sent aid by Athenians. | 449 DGRBM |
c.445 | Athens receives gift of FREE GRAIN from Egypt. | 446/5 LEWH 70 445/4 CAH 5 444 DGRBM 3-197 |
c.424 | ARTAXERXES-I LONGIMANUS dies. King of Medo-Persia and Egypt from 464 murdered in Susa. Son XERXES-II succeeds 45 days. | 425 B76 9-835, IDB 1-241 424 OCD 4, OHG, IDB 4-922, MCAW 132, RAI2, RAI3, Sdl 5-187, frN 423 HCC |
c.424 | XERXES-II king of Medo-Persia and Egypt 45 days killed in a drunken party by half-bro son of a concubine of Artaxerxes-I, SOGDIANUS, who succeeds 7 months. | 424 B76 9-835, GHAE, IDB 4-922, LEWH 53, MNHK, MRDK, OCD 313, RAI2, Shaw, SOTS 247, TToH, WPOT 327 423 HCC, OCD 4 |
c.423 | SOGDIANUS dies. King of Medo-Persia and Egypt murdered by bro, either Ochus or Darius. A son of Artaxerxes-I and a Babylonian concubine, DARIUS-II NOTHUS succeeds to 404. | 424 LEWH 53, OHG, Shaw 423 BNTH 1, IDB 1-770, OCD 4 |
c.420 | Λ Story of Ahikar (Ahiqar), a Mesopotamian story of 500, New Aramaic version written at Elephantine. This version contains the oldest extant fragments. | 500 wikAh 420 Sdl 5-169 420-00 AΨΨ 719 |
c.419 | ELEPHANTINE Island in Nile: The commander of Yeb, the Judean fortress-colony at Elephantine is directed by Darius-II thru governor Arsames to celebrate Feast of Unleavened Bread. The Passover letter , written by Hananiah from Jerusalem, gives detailed instructions for keeping Passover from Nisan 15 to 21. | 419 BBP 46, DHJ 372, E2LM 9, IDB 2-84, ISBE 2-60, wikEP |
c.410 | Egypt, under Persia 525-404, tries to revolt against Persian satrap. | 410 WPOT 328 |
c.410 | AMYRTAEUS of Sais, holding out as king in marshes from 456, claims to be king of Lower Egypt until 404. | 414 DGRBM 1-156 413 GHH |
c.410 | ELEPHANTINE Island: Egyptian priests of Khnum bribe Persian commander Widrang to lead Egyptian troops to destroy Jewish temple. Jews write to high priest at Jerusalem, asking him to use his influence to rectify it. No response. | 411 E2LM 39, Jud 6-605 410 B76 6-481, BBP 45, BI+N 113, DHJ 369, IDB 2-84, ISBE 2-59, Jud 5-1304, MCAW 141, WPOT 328 407 GHAE 317 |
c.410 | Egypt, under Persia from 525, becomes sorta independent. | 410 OCD 313 413 GHH |
c.407 | Jews of Elephantine write to BAGOAS Persian satrap of Judah requesting assistance rebuilding the temple at Elephantine. "Our forefathers built this temple in the fortress of Elephantine back in the days of the kingdom of Egypt, and when Cambyses came to Egypt he found it built. They [Persians] knocked down all the temples of the gods of Egypt, but no one did any damage to this temple." |
408 BBP 45, E2LM 39, Jud 4-94 407 DHJ 369, ENBD 1139, IDB 4-210, ISBE 2-60, WPOT 328, sjud, wikEP |
c.407 | BAGOAS Persian satrap of Judea replies to Elephantine Jews in Aramaic. | 407 DBANE 88, wikEP |
c.407 | Correspondence between Jewish community at Elephantine and Jerusalem ceases. | 410 hifiI |
c.405 | AMYRTAEUS of Sais, claiming kingship of Lower Egypt 410-? revolts gainst Persian rule because Darius-II is sick, employs many Greek mercenaries. | 405 B76 9-386, DHJ 371, WPOT 329 404 GHAE 371 |
c.404 | DARIS-II NOTHUS dies. King of Medo-Persia and Egypt from 423 dies of illness in Babylon. Son ARTAXERXES-II MNEMON succeeds to 359. | 405 BNTH 1, GHAE, MNHK, OCD 313, RAI3, Shaw, TToH, anan, frN 404 B76 9-835, CDCC 88, HCC, IDB 1-241, 770, Jud 3-647, LEWH 53, MCAW 143, OCD 4, 126, OHG, RAI2, Sdl 5-202, SOTS 247, WPOT 96, 329, bihi, hifiE, hifiP, KoP, taP, wikP |
c.404 | Egypt, under Persians from 525, nominally from 410, is independent until 343. AMYRTAEUS of Sais becomes only pharaoh of 28th dynasty until 399. He is not yet in complete control of the country, for at Elephantine Artaxerxes-II is recognized until 401. | 404 B76 I-549, 6-481, CAH 6-47, 337, E2LM 35, GHAE, IDB 2-55, ISBE 2-45, LEWH 53, OCD 126, OHG 168, Shaw 377, WPOT, 402/1 IDB 1-241 401 Jud 3-647 401/0 CAH 5 |
c.401 | TAMOS, an Egyptian of Memphis governing Ionia for Persians, having supported Cyrus, flees to Egypt with his fleet, where he is killed along with his kids by pharaoh Amyrtaeus, who confiscates his money and fleet. | 401 DGRBM 3-973, MCAW 142 400 Shaw 381 |
c.400 | Jewish community at ELEPHANTINE ends. | 400 BNTH 136 |
c.399 | AMYRTAEUS of Sais ends. Only pharaoh of 28th dynasty from 404. A Mendesian NEFAURUD-I succeeds until 393. 29th DYNASTY begins until 380. It venerates god Khnub at Elephantine. |
408 DGRBM 1-943 400 BI+N 115 399 B76 6-481, Clay, DMoN, GEoP, GHAE, ISBE 2-59, JIAE, MRDK, Murn, Shaw, WPOT, ae, ktut, nar, phou, resh, scar, tig, treg 398 GHAE 371, lveg, wikP |
c.396 | Agesilaos of Sparta asks for alliance with Nefaurud-I. | 396 CAH 6-347 |
c.396 | NEFAURUD-I, pharaoh 399-93, refuses alliance with Agesilaos of Sparta, but sends him equipment for 100 triremes and 500,000 measures of grain. | 396 CAH 6-347, Shaw 381 |
c.395 | A grain fleet is sent by Nefarud-I for Sparta, but is captured near Rhodes | 395 lvG |
c.393 early | NEFAURUD-I dies. 1st pharaoh of 29th dynasty at Mendes from 399. PSAMMUTHIS succeeds for a few months and ends. ACHORIS succeeds until 380. | 393 Clay, DMoN, GEoP, GHAE 373, JIAE, MRDK, Shaw, ae, ktut, nar, phou, pic, resh, scar, tig, treg, wikP 392 lveg 389 GHH |
c.392 | PHARNABAZOS sent from Persia commanding expedition to Egypt. | 392 OCD 810 |
c.388 | ACHORIS makes alliance with Athens, allowing him to reorganize his forces against Artaxerxes-II. | 389 GHAE 374 388 spring CAH 6-116, 315 |
c.385 | ACHORIS helps Evagoras of Cyprus with ships and money against Artaxerxes-II. | 385 DGRBM 1-14 |
c.385 | Athenian mercenary CHABRIAS hires out to Achoris. | 385 Shaw 381 |
c.385 | PHARNABAZOS-II, general under Artaxerxes-II, aided by Abrocomas and Tithraustes , tries to recover Egypt, but is resisted by Achoris and his Greek mercenaries until 383. | 385 B76 I-549, VII-928, CAH 6-80, GHAE 374, OCD 126, 810 |
c.383 | PHARNABAZUS-II, trying to recover Egypt from 385, quits until 374. | 383 B76 I-549, CAH 6-80, GHAE 374, OCD 126, 810 |
c.381 | ACHORIS, pharaoh 399-80, sends 50 triremes with food, money, and other resources to help EVAGORAS king of Salamis against Persians. | 381 CAH 6-348, Shaw 382 |
c.380 | EVAGORAS king of Salamis visits Egypt in person to persuade Achoris to prosecute the war against Persians more vigorously, but gets only more financial support. | 380 CAH 6-348 |
c.380 | ACHORIS dies. 2nd pharaoh of 29th dynasty at Mendes from 399. Son NEFAURUD-II succeeds until later that year. | 380 GEoP, Murn, JIAE, Clay, GHAE, Shaw, MRDK, DMoN, ae, ktut, lveg, nar, phou, pic, resh, scar, tig, treg, wikP 379/8 CAH 6 |
c.380 | NEFAURUD-II ends. 3rd pharaoh of 29th dynasty from 380, deposed. 29th dynasty ends. Began 399. NECTANEBO succeeds until 362. 30th dynasty begins until 343. |
380 B76 VII-239, 6-481, CDCC 899, DMoN, GHAE, MCAW 152, MRDK, Shaw, TToH, ktut, nar, phou, pic, resh, treg, wikP 379 MRDK |
c.380 | NECTANEBO gains effective control of Egypt. | 380 GHAE 375 |
c.380 | NAUCRATIS, Greek city in Egypt, taxed by Nectanebo to support Saite goddess Neith. | 380 MCAW 153 |
c.380 | NECTANEBO, 1st pharaoh of 30th dynasty 380-62, puts his largely Greek army under Athenian general CHABRIAS. | - |
c.380 | NECTANEBO, 1st pharaoh of 30th dynasty 380-62, builds many monuments and restores temples including temple of Thoth at Hermopolis. | 380 MCAW 153 |
c.380 | Athenian general CHABRIAS, in charge of Nectanebo's army, recalled to Greece by instigation of Pharnabazus. | 380 CAH 6-93, MCAW 152 380/79 GHAE 375 379 CAH 6-83 377 DGRBM 3-240 |
c.374 | NECTANEBO, pharaoh of 30th dyn 380-62, strongly fortifies north coast and northeast Delta. | 374/3 Shaw 380 |
c.374 | PHARNABAZUS-II, general under Artaxerxes-II, with army of 200,000 barbarians and a Greek fleet with 20,000 mercenaries under Athenian IPHICRATES, making a combined fleet of 300 triremes and 200 triakontors, tries to recover Egypt again. | 374 B76 I-549, OCD 126, 810 374/3 CAH 6-348 373 B76 6-481, GHAE 376, MCAW 152 |
c.374 | PHARNABAZUS-II and Athenian IPHICRATES arrive by sea, and are able to take Memphis, but Pharnabazus wants to wait for his land army, because he thinks Iphicrates wants to take Memphis for the Greeks and betray the Persians. The Persian land army gets blocked by floods at Pelusium. Iphicrates flees back to Athens. No further Persian attacks until 344. | 374 CAH 6, GHH, OCD 797 373 B76 VII-928, GHAE 376 |
c.373 | PHARNABAZUS loses initiative because of indecision, defeated by NECTANEBO near Mendes. | 373 B76 VII-239, CAH 6, enot |
c. 373/2 | PHARNABAZUS, Persian commander in Egypt, is relieved, goes to Anatolia until death 372. Replaced by DATAMES until 370. | 373/2 CDCC 258 372 CAH 6-83 |
c.372 | Ionian mercenary TIMOTHEOS of Miletus arrives in Egypt to help Datames. | 373/2 CAH 6-84 |
c.370 | DATAMES, Persian commander in Egypt from 372, rebels against Artaxerxes, takes his troops and sails back to Anatolia. | 370 wikDt |
c.370 | EUDOXOS of Knidos, in Egypt for 16 months during reign of Nectanebo, writes Oktaeteris about a Λ CALENDAR based on an 8 year cycle perhaps from study of Venus. (See Cleostratos 520, Chinese 444, Zoroastrian 441, Mayan 400, Babylonian 380, Roman 304) |
380-63 B76 6-1021 after Athens visit: OCD 414 |
![]() Ivan Marcialis |
![]() Mohammed Moussa |
TEMPLE of ISIS on Philae Island (just south of Elephantine) built by Nectanebo. Since Philae was one of the buryal-places of Osiris, it was revered both by Egyptians and Nubians. Only priests could dwell there. | 380-62 wikΦl |
c.365 | NECTANEBO, pharaoh of 30th dyn 380-62, names son TEOS (Tachos) heir. | 365 GHAE 377 |
c.365 | A new type of marriage contract appears, called the "maintenance document", which soon becomes common. It creates favorable conditions for the wife, imposing crushing financial penalties on the husband in the event of divorce. | 365 CAH 6-351 |
c.362 | NECTANEBO dies. 1st pharaoh of 30th dyn from 380. Son TEOS (Tachos) succeeds to 360. | 363 B76 VII-239, 6-1021, GEoP, GHH 362 CDCC 899, Clay, DMoN, GHAE, JIAE, MRDK, Murn, Shaw, ae, ktut, phou, pic, resh, scar, tig, treg, wikP 361 nar 361/0 CAH 6 360 WERE, lveg |
c.362 | Persian general RHEOMITHRES joins Satraps' Revolt, and is sent to the new pharaoh Teos to ensure continued Egyptian aid. | 362 DGRBM 3-649 |
c.361 | Pharaoh TEOS hires Greek mercenaries under Agesilaos king of Sparta and Greek fleet under Athenian Chabrias, who is also given command of Egyptian fleet, 200 triremes in all. | 361 DGRBM 1-70, GHH, GHAE 377, lvG 361/60 Shaw 380 |
c.361 | Pharaoh TEOS leaves bro Tjahapimu in charge of Egypt, with 200 warships under Chabrias, enters Phoenicia to help them rebel against Persians. | 361 OCD 27 361/0 Shaw 382 360 GHAE 377, livTeos |
c.360 | TEOS, 2nd pharaoh of 30th dyn from 362, dethroned by military revolt in Phoenicia, flees to Persia. NECTANEBO-II, now in Phoenicia, succeeds until 343. | 361 GEoP, GHH, pic 360 B76 VII-239, Clay, DMoN, GHAE 377, JIAE, MRDK, Murn, Shaw, ae, ktut, phou, resh, scar, tig, treg, wikP 359 nar, lveg, lvTeos 359/8 CAH 6 |
c.360 | Prince of Mendes opposes Nectanebo-II as a usurper. | 360 GHAE 378-9 |
c.360 | NECTANEBO-II, 3rd pharaoh of 30th dyn 360-43, and AGESILAOS and his Spartan mercenaries go to Egypt, suppress the Prince of Mendes. | 360 GHAE 379 |
c.352 | BUBASTIS taken by Persians. Walls torn down. | 352 DGRG 1-453 |
c.351 | ARTAXERXES-III OCHUS king of Medo-Persia 359-38 sends army to recover Egypt 1st time. It fails. | 354 CAH 6-346 351 B76 I-549 |
c.350 | ARTAXERXES-III OCHUS king of Medo-Persia 359-38 sends army to recover Egypt 2nd time. BAGOAS and Mentor of Rhodes command ⅓ of the Greek mercenaries. | 352 CAH 6, Jud 3-647 351 B76 I-549, 9-836, CAH 6-346, GHAE 379, OCD 126 351/0 CAH 6-329 350 DGRBM 1-453, GHH |
c.350 | BAGOAS is sent to take Pelusium, now under Theban Lacrates, who negotiates a surrender. Artaxerxes-III then allows Bagoas' troops to loot Pelusium, in violation of the terms of surrender. | 350 DGRBM 1-453 |
c.350 | Theban general LACRATES with 1,000 heavy-armed troops, helps Artaxerxes-III in Egypt. | 350 DGRBM 2-701 |
c.350 | Persian army in Egypt from 351, fails and leaves until 344. | 350 B76 6-481, 9-836, Jud 3-647 |
c.350 | NECTANEBO-II pharaoh 361-43, sends 4,000 Greek mercenaries to help Sidon against Persians. | 346 GHAE 380 |
c.344 | ARTAXERXES-III OCHUS king of Medo-Persia 359-38 gathers Greek mercenaries, personally leads his 2nd invasion of Egypt. | 344 B76 9-836, GHAE 380, Jud 3-647 343 CAH 6, GHAE 376, MCAW 162 343/2 CAH 6-349 |
c.343 | ARTAXERXES-III OCHUS king of Medo-Persia 359-38 defeats Greek garrison at Pelusium. NECTANEBO-II (having 20,000 mercenaries) doesn't even try to relieve them, retreats to Memphis. | 343 B76 I-550, 6-481, 9-836 343/2 Shaw 380 |
c.343 | PELUSIUM resists Artaxerxes-II and is taken. | 343 MCAW 162, OCD 797 |
c.343 | NECTANEBO-II ends. 3rd pharaoh of 30th dyn from 361, with family and partisans, flees from Memphis to Nubia. Maintains an independent kingdom. 30th DYNASTY ends. Began 380. | 345 WPOT 330 343 B76 VII-239, 6-481, 9-836, CAH 6-93, Clay, GEoP, GHAE, JIAE, MCAW 162, MRDK, Murn, Shaw, TToH, ae, ktut, phou, pic, resh, scar, tig, treg, wikP 342 DMoN, nar 341 WERE, lveg |
c.343 | EGYPT, independent from 404, recovered by ARTAXERXES-III, helped by Rhodian mercenary Mentor. Under Medo-Persia until 332. | 343 B76 9-836, CAH 6-47, CDCC 88, GHAE, OCD 126, 672, Shaw 377, WPOT 96, htc 343/2 CAH 6-330, 347, 774 342 Tmsn 227 |
c.343 | ARTAXERXES-III OCHUS king of Medo-Persia 359-38 destroys the sacred bull of Apis and so many religious monuments that he is hated nearly as much as Cambyses. | 343 MCAW 163 |
c.343 | ARTAXERXES-III OCHUS king of Medo-Persia 359-38 withdraws from Egypt loaded with loot. | 343 B76 9-836, MCAW 162 |
c.341 | Egypt is in Persian hands. | 341 CAH 6-349 |
c.337 | Nubian prince KHABABASH, Persian satrap of Egypt from ?, rebels until 336. | 339/8 Shaw 382 337 B76 9-836, GHAE 381 |
c.336 | KHABABASH, satrap of Egypt, rebeling from 337, suppressed by Darius-III. | 336 B76 9-836, GHAE 381 335 B76 6-481 |
c.333 | AMYNTAS son of Antiochus, Macedonian enemy of Alex-III, welcomed in Egypt to assist in destroying Persian garrisons. | 333 CAH 6-344, Shaw 382 |
c.332 | ALEX-III goes from Gaza to PELUSIUM, which surrenders to him. He leaves a garrison at Pelusium. Macedonian forces move by land and water to Memphis. Persian satrap Mazaces, having no troops, surrenders the city and its treasury, 800 talents, and all royal stores, hands over all Egypt. Alex remains in Egypt until 331 | 333 OCD 797 332 B76 1-470, 6-481, 8-374, CAH 6-810, CDCC 303, CHJ 2-116, DGRBM 2-1003, ISBE 2-46, LEWH 79, MCAW 168, OHG, RAH 332, lvLx, wikAlx 331 hmLx |
c.332 | EGYPT, under Persia from 343, comes under Alex-III until 323. | 332 B76 6-481, CHJ 2, GHH, Shaw, lvG 332/1 CAH 6 331 lvG |
c.332 | CLEOMENES of Naucratis appointed financial manager and tax collector of Egypt and administrator of eastern Delta by Alex-III until 331. Charged with completion of Alexandria. | 332 OCD 250 |
332/1 | ALEX-III marches south to Heliopolis, accepted as pharaoh by priests at temple of Ra. | 332 B76 1-470, NLEM 32 332/1 MCAW 167 spring 331 CDCC 43, hmLx |
332/1 | ALEX-III, now officially pharaoh, returns to Memphis, sacrifices to sacred bull Apis, and is given the crown of Upper and Lower Egypt. | 332 B76 1-470, 8-374 332/1 B76 1-470, 8-374 MCAW 167 331 lvLx |
332/1 | ALEXANDRIA founded at mouth of west branch of the Nile. | 333 OCD 43 332 B76 1-470, 479, BAA 351, Dur 2-458, GHH, TToH 331 B76 8-374, BBA 57, BI+N 121, BNTH 136, April CAH 6, CDCC 35, DGRBM 1-120, IDB 1-79, MCAW 167, OHG, lvLx no date: LEWH 79 |
332/1 | ALEX-III from Alexandria marches west along the coast to Amunia (called Praetonium by Romans), then southwest to Siwah to visit the temple of Ammon on the Libya border, gets confirmed as son of Ammon, which makes him semi-divine. After this visit, Alex starts to worship Ammon. | 332 B76 1-470, GHH, NLEM 32 332/1 DGRBM, MCAW 167 spring 331 CDCC 43, hmLx, lvLx, lvPt1 |
c.331 | ARRHYBAS, bodyguard of Alex-III, dies of illness. Leonatos succeeds. | 331 DGRBM 2-753 |
c.331 | Hector, youngest son of Parmenio, accidentally drowns in the Nile. | 331 DGRBM 3-126 |
c.331 | ALEX-III returns to Memphis again. | 331 lvLx |
c.331 | Pantaleon appointed governor of Memphis. | 331 DGRBM 3-113 |
c.331 | ALEX-III, in Egypt from 332, in Memphis, informed that Samaria had revolted, leaves Egypt under divided administration: 2 garrison commanders (at Memphis & Pelusium), 2 commanders for border districts, 2 Greek mercenary commanders: Cleomenes & ???, 2 Macedonian officers who control the mercenary commanders. Polemon son of Theramenes is appointed admiral with 30 triremes to guard the Nile and coast. All military are under generals Balacrus and Peucestas son of Macaratus, Egyptians under Doloaspis and Petesis. Alex returns to Levant. | 331 B76 1-470, 6-481, 8-374, CHJ 2-117, DGRBM 1-120, 3-228, 433, LEWH 79, MCAW 168, lvLx, wikLx |
c.331 | CLEOMENES of Naucratis, financial manager of Egypt and administrator of eastern Delta from 332, makes himself satrap of all Egypt without permission from Alex-III. | 331 or soon after: OCD 250 no date: OCD 250 |
c.330 | ![]() |
photo: {{PD-US}} 4th cen. egmsb 330 CGS 706 |
c.323 | PTOLEMY-I, age 44, arrives in Egypt, becomes satrap until 305 to rule jointly with CLEOMENES of Naucratis until 322. | 323 B76 8-376, 15-180, BAA 85, CDCC 732, CHJ 2, Dur 2-555, ISBE 3-1048, Jud 13-1347, Murn, OCD 896, Sdl 5-233, Tmsn 232, frN, lveg, treg, wikPt1 322 CHJ 2-45, OCD 250 |
c.323 | SERAPIS, a Greek god with Egyptian trappings, is introduced by Ptolemy-I to unify his Greeks with native Egyptians. Serapis (Osiris + Apis > Oserapis > Sarapis) combines iconography from many cults, signifying abundance and resurrection. Temple 230. | 323 wikSr 284 GHH |
c.323 | CLEOMENES of Naucratis receives a letter from Alex-III at Babylon ordering him to build at Alexandria a monument to Hephaestion, and promising to ignore Cleomenes' past misconduct if he does a good job of it. | 323 DGRBM 1-796 |
c.323 | PTOLEMY-I, at request of a faction of Cyrenean oligarchs, sends a large force under Ophellas, to rescue them from Thibron. | no date: wikθb |
c.323 | Historian THEOPOMPOS on Chios from 333, again forced to flee because of pro-Macedonian sympathies, goes to Egypt, but Ptolemy-I refuses to receive him. Remains until death (date unknown). | 323 lvG, wikθp 321 atl4 305 DGRBM 3-1093 |
c.323 | EGYPT, under Alex-III from 332, comes under Ptolemies until 30. |
c.322 | PTOLEMY-I satrap of Egypt 323-05 goes to Damascus, siezes body of Alex-III enroute to Macedonia, diverts it to Memphis. It eventually ends up in a gold coffin in a tomb in Alexandria, where it remains until 118. | 322 MCAW 172 Dec 322 lvLx 321 atl4 no date: B76 8-376, wikLx |
c.322 | CLEOMENES of Naucratis, technically equal to Ptolemy-I from 323, subordinated under Ptolemy with title of hyparchos until 321. | 322 OCD 250 |
c.321 | CLEOMENES of Naucratis, hyparchos of Egypt under Ptolemy-I from 322, executed by Ptolemy. | 321 OCD 250 no date: OCD 896 |
c.321 | ANTI-PERDICCAS ALLIANCE is cemented by marriages: Antipater gives daughters: Phila-I to Craterus until later 321, Eurydice to Ptolemy, Nicaea, who had once been promised to Perdiccas, marries Lysimachus, governor of Thrace until 301. |
322 atl4 321 OCD 325, lvG, lvLx, lvPt1, wikNM no date: hwD |
c.321 | ATTALUS son of Andromenes and bro-in-law of Perdiccas, commands fleet of Perdiccas to Egypt. | 321 wikAtls |
c.321 | PERDICCAS, with large army, continues unopposed as far as Pelusium. | 321 DGRBM 3-187 |
c.321 | PERDICCAS, Grand vizir of Asia from 323, usurper of imperial title from 322, departs from Anatolia, invades Egypt, tries twice to cross the Nile near Pelusium, but is stopped both times by Ptolemy. He tries again near Heliopolis, but his men are carried away by the waters. His troops revolt. | 321 B76 8-377, CAH 7.1-129, GHH, MCAW 172, Shaw 389, atl4, wikNpt, wikPt1 320 lvPt1 |
c.321 | Perdiccas is accompanied by king Philip-III Arrhidaeos and wife Euridice, and Roxana with infant Alex-IV. | 321 DGRBM 3-187, 664, GHH |
c.321 | PERDICCAS dies. Grand vizir of Asia and contender for regency of Macedonia from 323 holds conference in his tent with officers, Peithon, Antigenes, and Seleucus, and is murdered by them. 1st War of the Diadochi from 322 ends. |
321 B76 8-377, BI+N 123, CAH 7.1-36, CDCC 847, GHH, ISBE 3-1048, MCAW 172, OCD 799, TAG 6, anan, atl4, hwD, wikArg, wikEur, wikLx 321/20 wikPrd 320 CHJ 2-45, OHG, lvG, lvLx, lvPt1, wikAnt, wikEum, wikPthn |
c.321 | No foreign army will penetrate Egypt again until 169. | 321 CAH 7.1-165 |
c.321 | PTOLEMY-I negotiates with Peithon, Antigenes, and Seleucus. Ptolemy is offered the regency, but refused to take the bait. He wants to keep what he has, not risk it in a larger gamble. Ptolemy therefore appoints Peithon and an officer named Arridaeus regents, two men who lacked prestige and would never be able to stop separatists like Ptolemy. | 321 CAH 7.1-36, atl4 320 lvPt1 |
c.321 | ATTALUS, son of Andromenes, bro-in-law of Perdiccas, fleet commander of Perdiccas, escapes with fleet to Tyre. | 321 atl4, wikAtls |
c.321 | Treaty of TRIPARADISUS in North Syria appoints satraps, in effort to hold the empire together. |
c. 320 c. 320 |
HEROPHILOS of Chalcedon, physician, flourishes mostly at Alexandria. Co-founder of the Alexandrian medical school with younger Erasistratos. Wrote over 9 works; all lost. ANATOMY V: Regognized brain as center of nervous system and seat of intelligence. Distinguished arteries from veins, and found that they carry only blood (not also air & water, as was believed), but believed they also carry pneuma (spirit). Noted that arteries pulse, which means he practiced vivisection - on criminals it is said. 1st to: disect a human body publicly (banned outside of Alexandria), propose standardized names for body parts, distinguish cerebrum from cerebellum, motor nerves from sensory nerves. Brain, not heart, houses the intellect. Described optic nerve and oculomotor nerve. Discussed duration and phases pregnancy, and causes of difficult of childbirth. Discovered the ovum. Λ MEDICINE: Introduced experimental method, but still bought into 4 humors theory. "When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied." (See Diocles 350) |
320 TTS 300 OCD 59 no date: wikHrp |
c.320 | ANDROMACHOS (father of Achaeos and bro of Laodice, who married Seleucus Callinicus), imprisoned in Alexandria from ?, released due to intercession of Rhodians. | 320 DGRBM 1-172 |
c.320 | PRAXAGORAS of Cos, physician, of the logical or dogmatic school, flourishes (mostly in Alexandria). Λ ANATOMY: Proposes a variation of the 4 humors theory (blood, phlegm, yellow & black bile) that most physicians held. He insists on 11 humors. Agrees with other Greek physicians that health and disease were controlled by the balance or imbalance of humors. Thought digestion to be a kind of putrefaction or decomposition, an idea held until the 19th century. Distinguishes between veins & arteries, but thinks arteries carry air. (See Hippocrates 400, Diocles 350) |
320 CAH 7.1 no date: TTS, wikPrx |
c.320 | 100,000 Jews deported to Egypt. | 320 GHH |
c.320 | EUCLID, mathematician, begins work at Alexandria. | 320 MCAW 175 |
c.320 | NATRON production becomes an important state monopoly. | 320 MCAW 175 |
c.319 | PTOLEMY-I satrap of Egypt 323-05 hearing of death of Antipater, invades Phoenicia. Peithon, Antigenes, and Seleucus accompany. | 320 TToH 319 B76 8-377 |
c.318 | BERENICE-I, dau of Lagos and Antigone, sails to Egypt with her children as a lady-in-waiting for her mother's first cousin Eurydice, wife of Ptolemy-I. | 318 wikBrn |
c.317 | PTOLEMY-I satrap of Egypt 323-05 marries 3rd wife, BERENICE-I, dau of Lagos and Antigone until 285. Since she is not royal, a genealogy is fabricated making her his half sis. | 317 B76 I-994, 15-181, OCD 165, wikBrn 316 atl4 |
c.316 | SELEUCUS-I satrap of Babylonia from 321, loses satrapy, flees to Egypt, given refuge by Ptolemy. | 316 B76 16-503, DGRBM 3-771, IDB 4-266, ISBE 3-1048, OCD 971, RAI2 346, RAI3 413 315 B76 8-377, CAH 7.1-46, CDCC 804, 857, atl4 |
c.315 | SELEUCUS-I tries to organize a coalition against ANTIGONUS-I Monophthalamus. | 315 atl4 |
c.315 | PTOLEMY-I satrap of Egypt 323-05 sends Myrmidon, Polycleitus, Menelaos, and SELEUCUS-I to attack ANTIGONUS-I Monophthalamus in different areas. | 315 atl4 |
c.315 | MENELAOS, bro of Ptolemy-I sent with 100 ships under Polycleitos and 10,000 men to Cyprus. | 315 CAH 6-334, DGRBM 2-1039, DGRBM 3-454 |
c.315 | CASSANDER, LYSIMACHUS, and PTOLEMY ally against ANTIGONUS-I Monophthalamus. | 315 LEWH 90 |
c.313 | CAPITAL of Egypt: Memphis from ?, moved to Alexandria until ?. | 313 CAH 7.1 |
c.313 | Ptolemy-I, occupied by a revolt of Cyrene and defection of several of the princes of Cyprus. | 313 DGRBM 3-582, atl4 |
c.312 | PTOLEMY-I, on advice of Seleucus, decides to attack Cilicia by land and sea, leads army to Gaza. | 312 DGRBM 1-960, 3-583, 771, mid lvD, wikPt1 |
c.312 | After Gaza SELEUCUS at his own request, is sent with only 800 inf and 200 cav by Ptolemy-I to recover Babylon, goes first to Levant. | 312 BHS 1-53, DGRBM 3-583, 771 |
c. 311 | 3rd War of the Diadochi from 315 ends with attempted treaty: Cassander, Lysimachus, & PTOLEMY-I agree on status quo with Antigonus-I, except that Seleucus is not mentioned. This allows ANTIGONUS-I to continue fighting SELEUCUS over Syria and Mesopotamia, CASSANDER to secure Macedonia until 306, and PTOLEMY to continue expanding in the Aegean. Greek towns are recognized by all parties as free and autonomous (but Cassander keeps several garrisons in place). Boy king Alexander, son of Alex-III & Roxane, would rule the entire empire when he comes of age, in 305 (fat chance). Uneasy peace lasts until 307. | 311 B76 1-990, 8-377, 16-503, CAH 7.1-50, ISBE 3-1048, LEWH 90, MCAW 174, OCD 69, OHG, TAG 7, anan, frH, hifi, hwD, lvD, lvG |
c.311 | PTOLEMY-I takes captives from Judea and Samaria to Egypt and settles them. | Antiq 12:1:1 312 1&2BM 67 311 atl4 |
c.310 | PTOLEMY-I satrap of Egypt 323-05 puts bro MENELAUS general in charge of Cyprus. | 310 B76 8-378, CAH 7.1-53 |
c.310 | Cowley Aramaic Papyrus 81 records that there are 10 Jewish settlements between Migdol (south of Pelusium) and Elephantine. Reveals commercial activities of Jewish merchant, Abihai, includes many Jewish and Greek names. In one case only does a Jew have a Greek name. | 310 CHJ 2-187 |
c.310 | MONEY V: PTOLEMY-I initiates first of 3 successive weight-reductions of silver currency. | 310 CAH 7.1-278 |
c.310 | Worship of Alex-III spreads from Alexandria to all Egypt. | post-311 CAH 7.1-168 |
c.310 | PHILO the Dialectician studies under DIODOROS CRONOS in Alexandria. | 310 CHHΦ |
c.310 | PTOLEMY-I sails to Cyprus. | 310 implied |
c.309 | PHILITAS of Cos, founder of Alexandrian poetry, appointed tutor of Ptolemy, son of Ptolemy-I. | 309 OHG |
c.308 | PTOLEMY-I, satrap of Egypt 323-95, invades PELOPONNESE. Captures Corinth, Sicyon, Megara, stays until 308. | 309 rcPl 308 B76 8-378, CAH 7.1, DGRBM 1-620, 3-583, ISBE 3-1048, TAG 80, 371, atl4, hwD |
c.308 | Ptolemy-I, in Corinth 308, loses local support, comes to terms with Cassander, retires to Egypt. | 308 B76 8-378, hwD, lvD |
c.308 | MAGAS, step-son of PTOLEMY, in Egypt from ?, appointed to command expedition to recover Cyrene after murder of Ophellas 308. | 308 DGRBM 2-898 |
c.307 | Athenian orator DEMETRIUS of Phalerum, in Boeotia 307, goes to Egypt until death 280. | 307 DGRBM 1-970, Dur 2-586 post-297 wikDΦ |
c.307 | DEMETRIUS of Phalerum persuades Ptolemy-I to collect copies of all known books at Alexandria. | 307 TTT |
c.306 | After conquest of Cyprus, Antigonus-I in Syria assumes royal title for himself (until 301) and his son DEMETRIUS-I. Therefore the following do likewise: PTOLEMY-I, SELEUCUS, LYSIMACHUS. CASSANDER refrains temporarily. |
307 LEWH 90 306 B76 8-378, CDCC 52, 266, 537, DGRBM 3-583, GHH, MCAW 178, OCD 69, 632, anan, hifi, hwD, rcSB2, wikAntg |
c.306 | LIBRARY of ALEXANDRIA begun by Ptolemy-I aided by Demetrius of Phalerum, who persuades Ptolemy to collect copies of all known books. Gramarian ZENODOTUS of Ephesus is first librarian until 297. | 307 TToH, TTT 306 MCAW 179 |
c.306 | ANTIGONUS-I Monophthalmus, and ally Medios of Larissa, try to invade Egypt by land and sea, get as far as the Nile, fight Ptolemy-I until 305. | 306 DGRBM 2-1004, GHH, OCD 69, Shaw 389, TAG 9, atl4, wikWD |
c.306 | ANTIGONUS-I Monophthalmus troops start to desert, land attack is repelled by Ptolemy-I. | 306 DGRBM 1-188, LEWH 90, atl4 306/5 ISBE 3-1048 |
c.305 | PTOLEMY-I, satrap of Egypt from 323, declares himself king of Egypt until 285. PTOLEMAIC DYNASTY begins until 30. |
306 lvG, nar 305 B76 8-378, CAH 7.1-57, 480, CDCC 731, GEoP, IDB 2-55, 3-964, ISBE 3-1048, JIAE, Jud 13-1347, RAH, Shaw, ae, atl4, frN, ktut, resh, scar, wikP, phou 304 OCD 896, pic, tig |
c.302 | CASSANDER initiates a coalition against Antigonus. Lysimachus, Seleucus-I, and Ptolemy-I join. | 303 ISBE 3-1048 302 DGRBM 2-868, 3-583, 771, atl4, wikPt1 |
c. 301 c. 301 |
RESULTS of IPSUS: Kingdom of Antigonus-I Monophthalamus is split up. LYSIMACHUS in Thrace receives eastern Aegean, north and central Anatolia. Demetrius delivers his wife's bro PYRRHUS of Epirus as a hostage to Egypt. PLEISTARCHUS, bro of Cassander, gets Lycia and Cilicia until 299. SELEUCUS-I Nicator gets Syro-Palestine, Armenia, Mesopotamia, and Persia as far as Sogdiana and Bactria. CASSANDER is king of Macedonia, and is declared king of Greece, but DEMETRIUS Poliorcetes holds a fleet, Peloponnese, Aegean islands, Cyprus, Tyre, and some cities in Anatolia. PTOLEMY gets Cyrenaica, Egypt, south Palestine, coastal Syria, and some parts of Lycia and Pisidia. North Cappadocia goes to Ariarathes. |
301 B76 8-378, MCAW 183, OCD 69, 632, 1031, MRDK, RAH 378, anan, lvD, rcT 300 lvG |
c.301 | Over 30,000 Jews are taken from Judea to Egypt. | 302 CHJ 2-187 301 atl4 |
by 301 | PTOLEMY-I finishes his History of Alexander . | by 301 lvPt1 |
by 301 | Cotton trade and manufacturing flourish in Egypt. | by 301 GHH |
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Egypt 300-201