c.300 | West Ukraine (later Ruthenia), under proto-Dacians from 680, comes under La Tene Gauls until 200. | 300 rcU |
c.299 | PHARNABAZ-I becomes king of Iberia until 234. | 299 hifiGeo |
c.285 | CASPIAN SEA explored by Patrocles, Seleucid governor of Babylon 312-?, who learns of Indian trade down the Oxus river, and thinks the Oxus & Jaxartes flowed into the Caspian. Never reaches the north end. Assumes that it flowed into a northern sea which linked with India. | 285 OCD 210 790 |
c.285 | Seleucid provinces MARGIANA and ARIA are invaded by nomads, who are then repelled beyond the Jaxartes. | 290-80 B76 9-840 |
c.285 | Scythians invade Crimea. | 285 GHH |
c.285 | KINKHILA or NARENDRADITYA, king of Kashmir from 322, ends. ANDHA YUDHISTIRA succeeds until 272. | 285 bkfc |
c.284 | SPARTOCUS-III, Spartocid king of Bosporus at Panticapaeum in Crimea from 304/3, ends. Son PAERISADES-III succeeds until 245. | 284 DGRG 1-422, MRDK, OCD 1008, rcCrm, wikKCB, wikSpD 284/3 CAH 6-501, 503 283 wikBsp |
c.280 | Area presently called MOLDAVIA, northwest of Black Sea, under Scythians from 700, comes under La Tene Celts until 200. | 280 rcEB |
c.272 | ANDHA YUDHISTIRA, king of Kashmir from 285, ends. GONANDA Dynasty from 1182 ends. PRATAPADITYA succeeds until 240. His dynasty lasts until 80. | 272 bkfc |
c.260 | GANDAHAR, under Seleucids from 312, comes under Mauryans until 240. | 260 rcCAS |
c.260 | Rock Edicts of ASOKA at Kandahar written in Greek and Aramaic. | 260 CAH 7.1 |
CONFUSION ALERT! KANDAHAR is in Arachosia. GANDAHAR is in Gandara.
Both western and Indian sources cite only 8 or 9 Greek kings of Bactria, but their coins bear at least 31 names of kings and 2 of queens. Some names represent more than one king, thus increasing their number to 40 or more. They cover c.200 years with territories extending, at one time or another, from Sogdiana to the Punjab. We must assume simultaneous rule of more than one king, not always belonging to the same family, sharing power. | CAH 8-394 |
c.256 | BACTRIA, under Seleucids from 306, practically independent, but still nominally under Seleucids, until 250. | soon after 261 CAH 8-393 256 rcCAS, rcCAW |
c.256 | BACTRA becomes capital of Bactria until 30. | 256 rcCAS |
c.256 | OSHRUSANA, region in Transoxiana northeast of Markanda and south of Syr Darya river, comes under Bactria until 130. | 256 rcCAW |
c.256 | SOGDIANA, under Seleucids from 301, comes under Bactria until 130. | 256 rcCAW |
c.256 | MARKANDA (later Samarkand), under Seleucids from 301, comes under Bactria until 130. | 256 rcCAS, rcCAW |
c.256 | ARIA, under Seleucids from 301, comes under Bactria until 130. | 256 rcCAS |
c.256 | TURKMENISTAN, area west of Caspian Sea, under Seleucid satraps from 312, comes under Bactria until 58. | 256 rcCAW |
c.256 | DIODOTUS-I becomes Seleucid satrap of Bactria until 250. | 256 CAH 8-420, frH, hifiB, rcCAS |
c.256 | HERAT, city and fertile region in northwest Afghanistan, under Seleucids from 301, comes under Bactria until 167. | 256 rcCAS |
254/3 | PAERISADES-II, Spartocid king of Bosporus 284-45, sends an embassy to Ptolemy-II Philadelphus king of Egypt 285-46. | 254/3 CAH 6-504 |
c.250 | GEORGIAN SCRIPT created by PARNAVAZ-I ruler of Kartli 302-237. | no date: wikΦ1 |
c.250 | SOGDIANA, independence recognized by ANTIOCHUS-II Theos, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia 261-47. | 250 B76 9-353, Dur 2-578 |
c.250 | BACTRIA, under Seleucids from 309, nominally only from 256, under satrap Diodotus from 256, becomes independent Greek kingdom until 237. DIODOTUS-I becomes king until 248. Independence recognized by ANTIOCHUS-II Theos, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia 261-47, who is now busy with Ptolemy-II. | 256 CAH 8-394, DGRG 1-365, MRDK, OHG 367, RPar 45, hifiB, rcCAS 256/5 B76 III-558, OCD 347 255 or 46 wikD1 250 B76 1-173, 9-353, CAH 7.1, DGRBM 1-196, Dur 2-578, GHH, LEWH 93, 96, vrb, wikGB, wikHCA 245 wikSE |
c.250 | PARNI, a tribe of Scythians, under brothers Arsaces & Tiridates, migrate from Sogdiana south across Oxus River into Bactria. Parni remain independent until 245. | 256-50 CAH 7.1 pre-250 CAH 9-575 250 RAI2 350, RAI3 418 |
c.250 | DIODOTUS-I king of Bactria, tries to bring PARNI tribe, under his rule. | 250 CAH 9-575 |
c.250 | ARSACES becomes chief of PARNI tribe until 248. | 255 TToH pre-250 CAH 9-613, RAI2, RAI3, hifiE 247 TAWH 17 |
c.248 | ARSACES, chief of the Parni from 250, ends. Bro TIRIDATES-I succeeds as ARSACES-II until 211, independent until 245. | 248 CAH 9-613, RAI2, RAI3 RPar 50 247 OCD 123, TAWH 70 217-11 B76 9-841 |
c.248 | DIODOTUS-I dies. King of Bactria from 256. Son DIODOTUS-II succeeds until 235. | 248 CAH 8-420, CDCC 17, MRDK, OCD 347, frH, hifiB 243 GHH 240 wikGB 235 rcCAS |
c.247 | Seleucid governor of Persia murdered by the Parni, who set up the kingdom of PARTHIA, which is independent until 245, and lasts until 224CE. Why the Arsacid court retroactively chose 247 as the first year of the Arsacid era is uncertain. | 250 Dur 2-556, ISBE 3-671 248/7 CAH 8-394 247 B76 VII-774, Dur 2-578, frH, wikPE, wikPr |
c.245 | PAERISADES-II, son of Spartocus-III, Spartocid king of Bosporus from 284, ends. Son SPARTOCUS-IV succeeds until 240. | 245 CAH 6-503, MRDK, OCD 1008, rcCrm, wikKCB, wikSpD |
c.245 | ANDRAGORAS, Seleucid satrap of Hyrcania 2??-38, rebels. | 245 B76 9-840, caisAD, livB, lvTSW, |
c.244 | Hyrcania siezed by Tiridates-I, chief of the Parni 248-11. | 244 GHH |
c.243 | SELEUCUS-II Callinicus king of Syria / Babylonia 246-26 withdraws troops from eastern provinces. | 243 RPar 53 |
c.240 | SPARTOCUS-IV, Spartocid king of Bosporus from 245, killed by bro LEUCON-II, who succeeds until 220. | 240 CAH 6-503, MRDK, rcCrm, wikKCB, wikSpD 215 OCD 1008 |
c.240 | GANDAHAR, under Mauryans from 260, back under Seleucids until 200. | 240 rcCAS |
c.240 | PRATAPADITYA, king of Kashmir from 272, ends. JALAUKASA succeeds until 208. His dynasty lasts until 80. | 240 bkfc |
c.239 | DIODOTUS-II, king of Bactria 248-34, rebels against SELEUCUS-II Callinicus, Seleucid king of Syria / Babylonia. Sets up independent kingdom including Bactria, Margiana, Sogdiana, some of it lasting until 130. | 239 B76 VII-767, 8-380, 9-840, CAH 7.1, OHG, caisAD |
c.238 | TIRIDATES-I, chief of the Parni 248-11, migrates west from Bactria, invades Hyrcania. | 238 B76 8-380, 9-840, OHG 367, caisAD |
c.238 | ANDRAGORAS-I, Seleucid satrap of Hyrcania, killed by TIRIDATES-I, chief of the Parni 248-11, who becomes king. ARSACID DYNASTY of PARTHIA begins in southeast Hyrcania until 224CE. |
240 Jud 4-37, PW 17 238 B76 8-380, 9-840, OHG 367 |
c.237 | SELEUCUS-II Callinicus king of Syria / Babylonia 246-26, goes from Persia to invade Parthia. | 238 GHH 237 wkbEA |
c.237 | DIODOTUS-II, king of Bactria 248-34, now threatened by Tiridates-I, re-submits to SELEUCUS-II Callinicus until 234. | 237 CAH 7.1 no date: B76 9-841 |
c.237 | PARNAVAZ-I ruler of IBERIA (Georgia, east of Black Sea) from 302, dies. Son SAURMAG-I succeeds until 159. | 237 rcCau, wikΦ1 234 hifiGeo, wikS1 |
c.235 | DIODOTUS-II, king of Bactria 248-34, back under SELEUCUS-II Callinicus from 238, reverses policy. Allies with Tiridates-I. | 235 CDCC 17 234 B76 9-841 |
c.235 | DIODOTUS-II dies. King of Bactria from 248, killed by Seleucid satrap (possibly of Sogdiana) Euthydemos, EUTHYDEMOS succeeds until 223. | 235 CAH 8-420, MRDK, OCD 158, 347, frH, hifiB, rcCAS 234 B76 9-841 230 wikGB 221 GHH |
232/1 | SELEUCUS-II Callinicus, Seleucid king of Syria/Babylonia 246-26, goes from Hyrcania to BACTRIA, quells remainder of Diodotus-II rebellion, in Asia until 230. | 232/1 B76 9-841 |
232/1 | TIRIDATES-I, chief of the Parni 248-11, in Hyrcania from 238, retreats north from Seleucus-II across Jaxartes River. Hyrcania under Seleucus-II until 228. | 232/1 B76 9-841 |
c.231 | SELEUCUS-II pursues Tiridates-I beyond Jaxartes River. Suffers losses. Makes peace with T-I, who accepts him as sovereign. | 231 B76 9-841 |
A chronology problem exists in the Seleucid withdrawal from Bactria and more westerly Parthia. A "high" chronology, places at least the initial stage of the separation in the reign of Antiochus-II, and a "low" chronology, transfers these events to the period of the "War of the Brothers" between Seleucus-II and Hierax, 240/39-237. | CAH 7.1-213 |
c.230 | SELEUCUS-II in Asia from 232/1, returns to Parthia. | 230 guess |
c.227 | HYRCANIA, under Seleucus-II from 232/1 recovered by the Parni. | 230-27 lvS2 |
c.225 | KUNALA, son of Asoka, Mauryan emperor of west from 232, ends. Son SAMPRATI succeeds in west until ?. | 225 MRDK |
c.224 | KHOTAN kingdom in south Tarim Basin on the south (oldest) branch of the Silk Road, founded (legendarily) by Kushtana, son of Asoka. 1st inhabitants appear to be Tibetans and Indians from South Asia. It will be called YUTIAN by Chinese. | 224 wikKKt |
c.223 | EUTHYDEMOS, Seleucid satrap of Bactria from 235, rebels, sets up independent kingdom, rules until 200. | 223 wikGB 212 CMoG2 296 |
c.220 | LEUCON-II, son of Paerisades-II, Spartocid king of Bosporus from 240, murdered by wife Alcathoe. HYGIAENON succeeds until 200. | 220 CAH 6-503, MRDK, rcCrm, wikKCB, wikSpD 215 OCD 1008 |
c.220 | 1st known contacts between China and the West. Greek historian Strabo writes: "they extended their empire even as far as the Seres (Chinese) and the Phryni". | 220 hifiB, wikGB |
c.210 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 chases Arsaces-II into Hyrcania. | 212 GHH, HCIP 2-104 210 DGRBM 1-1020 |
c.210 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas defeats Arsaces-II and forces him to join against Euthydemos of Bactria. | 211 GHH |
c.209 | Cretan mercenaries under Polyxedidas working for Antiochus-III Megas accompany him into Hyrcania. | 209 DGRBM 3-471 |
c.208 | JALAUKASA, king of Kashmir from 240, ends. TUNJINA succeeds until 172. | 208 bkfc |
c.208 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 marches east from Hyrcania | 210 wikGB 209 caisAD,wikA3 208 B76 III-1006, 1-993, 8-380, 9-841, BHS 2-21, CAH 8-141, HCIP 2-104, RAH 409, hifiB 207 GHH 206 livB |
into Bactria, where Greco-Bactrian king Euthydemos-I had supplanted the original rebel. They meet at the Arius river. Antiochus loses several teeth and a horse, but Euthydemos loses the battle and retreats to his capital, Bactra. Antiochus besieges Bactra until 206. |
c.206 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 besieging king EUTHYDEMOS in Bactra from 208, gets tired of siege, negotiates a peace. Euthydemos gets to remain king, recognizes Seleucid suzerainty, cedes his war elephants and furnishes Antiochus' army with supplies. Antiochus promises Demetrius, son of Euthydemos one of his own daus in marriage. | 207 B76 9-841, BHS 2-21, GHH 206 B76 8-380, BHS 2-21, CAH 8-142, frH, hifiB, wikGB |
c.206 | Sources mixed up Demetrius I, son of Euthydemus I, who was old enough in 206 to have been offered a Seleucid princess in marriage by Antiochus-III, and Demetrius II, the rex Indorum. | 206 CAH 8-399 |
c.206 | HYRCANIA is left under Parthia. | no date: RPar 61 |
c.206 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 marches from Bactria southeast, crosses the Hindu-Kush into Cabul valley, renews friendship treaty (originated by Seleucus with Chandragupta) with hindu rajah SOPHAGASENOS. Antiochus receives elephants & treasure. | 206 B76 1-993, BHS 2-23, CAH 8-142, GHH, HCIP 2-102 |
A chronology problem exists in the Seleucid withdrawal from Bactria and more westerly Parthia. A "high" chronology, places at least the initial stage of the separation in the reign of Antiochus-II, and a "low" chronology, transfers these events to the period of the "War of the Brothers" between Seleucus-II and Hierax, 240/39-237. | CAH 7.1-213 |
c.206 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 marches west from Cabul valley thru south part of his empire: Arachosia, Drangiana, Carmania, where he winters. | 206 B76 1-993, BHS 2-23, CAH 8-142, RPar 61 |
c.205 | ANTIOCHUS-III Megas king of Syria / Babylonia 223-187 marches west from Carmania into Persia. | 205 B76 1-993, CAH 8-142 |
Asia 200-100