c.2000 | ARYANS from Bactria and northern Persia cross Hindu Kush mountains into north India. Aryan language (ancestral to Sanskrit) is well differentiated at this time. Aryans have sophisticated theology and organized priesthoods, indicating influence of Sumerian and Babylonian religion. Aryans bring livestock with them, particularly cattle. Aryans eat beef, mutton, milk, and curds and use "ghi", clarified butter, which can be kept for months. | 2000 TTT, mxfld 1800 wikbx 15-1300 KIH 27 15-1200 ACrkr |
c.2000 | Mesolithic BAGOR village in Rajasthan on the river Kothari, phase 1 from 5000 ends. It shows 5 human skeletons buried in a planned manner. Phase 2 begins until ??. | 2000 wikBgr |
c.2000 | GANESHWAR in Rajasthan: Period 2 from 2800 ends. Period 3 begins until ??. Shows a variety of pottery and copper goods - nearly 1,000 pieces of copper. Red pottery is found with black portraiture. | 2000 wikGns |
c.2000 | GANESHWAR JODHPURA Culture in Rajasthan from 2500, ends. | 2000 wikGns |
c.2000 | MEHRGARH village, occupied from 7500, ends. MEHRGARH Period 7 from 2600 ends. Period 8 begins at the Sibri cemetery, 8km from Mehrgarh. Quality and intricacy of pottery design diminishes due to mass production, and growing interest in bronze and copper vessels. | 2000 wikMrg |
c.2000 | Λ COTTON V spun into yarn and woven into cloth in Indus Valley. (See Peru 2000, China 2000, Scandinavia 1000) |
2000 WNHI 19 |
c.2000 | DRAVIDIANS, in northwest India from 5000, begin migrating southeast until 1500. | 2000 B76 5-990 |
c.2000 | Oldest existing BUTTON (decorative, not fastening) made from seashell used in Indus Valley. Some are carved into geometric shapes and have holes for attachment to clothing. | 2000 EOET 314, wikIDIVC |
c.2000 | TEA cultivated in India. See China. | 2000 TTPC-5, grddst |
c.2000 | BANANAS cultivated in India. | 2000 TTPC-5, grddst |
c.2000 | APPLES, first cultivated in Asia by 4000, cultivated in Indus Valley. | 2000 TTPC-5, grddst |
c.2000 | BETEL NUT chewing is a well established practice. Betel nut is part narcotic and part stimulant. | 2000 mxfld |
c.1950 | SURKOTADA in Gujarat: Occupation phase 1A from 2100 ends. Phase 1B begins until 1800. A new wave of people with a new form of pottery and instruments. They retain the structure of the citadel but add a mud brick reinforcement to the inside of the fortification wall, which reduces the area within the citadel. | 1950 wikSrk, |
c.1950 | ![]() |
photo: Mamoon Mengal 2500 nweMD, 2000-1900 wikSrk, |
c. 1900 c. 1900 |
![]() Over 1,000 settlements show centralized authority, large urban centers, urban planning, sanitation systems, efficient city governments. Architecture includes dockyards, granaries, warehouses, brick platforms and protective walls. No conclusive evidence of palaces, temples, kings, armies, or priests. |
Mature Hrp. Avantiputra7 1900 bk, wikI, wikIVC 1700 KIH 23 Late Hrp. Avantiputra7 |
![]() Cremation of human remains. Bones stored in painted pottery burial urns. This differs from Indus civilization where bodies are buried in wooden coffins. Reddish pottery, painted in black with antelopes, peacocks etc., sun or star motifs, with different surface treatments to the earlier period. Expansion of settlements eastward. Rice becomes a main crop. Widespread trade of Indus civilization breaks down, with materials such as marine shells no longer used. Continued use of mud brick for building. |
Sources conflate and confuse Indus Valley Civilization and Harappan Civilization or Period.
c.1900 | MOHENJO DARO V, Harrapan culture 2300-1700, prospering from 2500, gradually abandoned. | 1900 KIH 13 |
c.1900 | GANWERIWALA, founded 2500, a major trade center, fades out. Artifacts include beads, pottery, unicorn figurines, a copper seal, blades and clay tablets. Inscriptions in Harrappan language remain undeciphered. | 1900 wikGnw |
c.1900 | Amri Culture site REHMAN DHERI on the Gomal River Plain from 3300 ends. Phase 3 from 2500 ends. | 1900 wikAmr, wikRD, |
c.1900 | Indus Script (still undeciphered), in use from 3500, discontinued. | 1900 encIVC, wikIS, |
c.1900 | ANARTA tradition in India from 3950 ends. | 1900 wikAI, |
c.1900 | A transitional phase begins until 1300. Many features of Indus civilization fall out of use. Square seals with unicorn and other animal motifs gradually disappear. Cubical weights for taxation and trade are no longer used, possibly because major trade networks begin to break down. | 1900 encIVC |
![]() Excavated ruins of Mohenjo Daro. Photo by Saqib Qayyum |
c.1900 | Sarasvati River dries up. Indus-Sarasvati culture ends. Civilization relocates to the Ganga, along with possible migrations out of India to the Near East. | 1900 ht |
c.1800 | LATE HARAPPAN period of Indus Valley, 1900-1300: Climate becomes significantly cooler and drier. Portions of the Ghaggar Hakra river system disappear. The monsoon weakens. Gradual decline of culture begins. | 1800 wikIVC |
c.1800 | SURKOTADA in Gujarat: Occupation phase 1B from 1950 ends, marked by a thick layer of ash meaning it was burnt. Phase 1C begins until 1700. New people arrive, follow the same style, and make a citadel and a residential complex of rubble and dressed stones. | 1800 wikSrk, |
c.1800 | GANGES VALLEY occupation begins by two groups: Ochre Color Pottery People in Doab begin until 1200. Copper Hoard People begin until ?. (Copper: see Canaan 2000, Britain 1950, Sumerian cubit 1950, Amenhemhet-III 1842, Asia 1800, China 1500) |
1800 B76 9-345 |
c.1800 | KAYATHA Culture in Madhya Pradesh from 2100 ends. | 1800 wikMP, |
c.1800 | IRON V working begins in Ganges Valley. Attested in documents and archaeology as a material for items such as jewelry. | 1800 wikIA 17-1400 wikHMIS |
c.1800 | JUTE, a fiber for making twine and rope, cultivated in India. | 1800 TTT |
c.1800 | Agricultural communities, in the lower Ganges Valley from 3000, spread into south India, and into Malwa in the Punjab. | 1800 wikI |
c.1750 | INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION, under Harappan culture from 2300, overrun by Aryans from Bactria and northern Persia who speak a dialect of Indo-European. | 2000 CWH, PW 14 1900 wiki 1750 B76 9-344, TTT 1700 vrb 1550 TAWH 16 1500 HCIP 1-156 1200 PAE 108 |
c.1730 | INDUS VALLEY: Streets no longer follow a grid pattern. Homes diminish in size. Pottery and drainage diminishes or disappears. | soon after 1750 WNHI 21 |
c.1700 | Indus Valley Civilization damaged by floods. | 1700 WNHI 22 |
c.1700 | Λ MOHENJO DARO, in top layer from 2500, destroyed by some sudden disaster. Homes hastily abandoned, 30 skeletons found of people not buried, but trapped. | 1700 WNHI 22, vrb, wikMD, |
c.1700 | PUNJAB in northwest India is the first place the Aryan invaders settle. | 1700 vrb 1550 TAWH 16 |
c.1700 | LATE HARAPPAN period of Indus Valley, 1900-1300: Most cities are abandoned. | 1700 wikIVC |
c.1700 | CHANHU DARO, a group of 3 low mounds, center for manufacturing carnelian beads from 4000 abandoned. Had workshops or industrial quarters and possibly warehouses. Artifacts include shell ornaments, ladles, copper knives, spears, razors, tools, axes, vessels, dishes, terracotta models of carts and birds.  Cotton cloth traces are preserved on silver or bronze objects. | 1700 wikCnhd |
c.1700 | SURKOTADA in Gujarat: Occupation phase 1C from 1800 ends. Horse bones will be found at all levels. | 1700 wikSrk, |
c.1700 | BANAWALI on the left bank of dried up Sarasvati River, Period 2 (Mature Harappan) from 2300 ends. Period 3 () begins until 1450. Represented by Bara culture: post-Harappan or late contemporary Harappa. | 1700 wikBnw, |
c.1700 | SOUTH INDIA: LATE HARAPPAN period begins until 1300. | 1700 wikSI |
c.1650 | DHOLAVIRA site in Gujarat west India, occupied from 3500, ends. Stage 7 from 1750 ends. | 1800 wikDlv, 1650 wikDlv, |
c.1550 | INDUS VALLEY civilization destroyed by ARYANS from Bactria and north Persia, who settle in north India until 1020. | 1550 TAWH 16
16-1500 mxfld by 1500 WNHI 24 |
c.1500 | PUNJAB urban civilization from 2500 terminated or displaced by ARYANS (Indo Europeans) who enter from Asia and Persia bringing sheep & cattle. Religion - Vedism. Big dairy eaters. | 1550 TAWH 16 1500 B76 X-377, 8-908, 9-345, 15-287, HCIP 1-211, Sdl 1-103, WNHI 24, TTPC 6 |
Migration from Punjab to Ganges Valley. |
c.1500 | HARAPPAN civilization in Pakistan from 3000 ends. | 1500 wikPnj |
c.1500 | DRAVIDIANS, migrating from northwest to southeast from 2000, complete their migration. Language is split into 3 distinct dialects. They don't intermarry until 1200. | 1500 B76 5-990 |
c.1500 | Neolithic levels at BHIRRANA in Haryana from 7600, end. | 1500 wikAI |
c.1500 | Indigenous Λ IRON V technology in Dwarka and Kashmir. | 1500 ht |
c.1500 | Cinnamon is exported from Kerala to Middle East. | 1500 ht |
c.1500 | LEVER, originated in Egypt, used in Egypt & India for lifting water and soldiers over battlements. | 1500 B76 11-232 |
c.1500 | Λ COTTON V yarn and cloth manufacture mentioned in a Hindu hymn. | 1500 wikHC 1400 B76 7-273 |
c.1500 | VEDIC ERA begins until 500. RIG VEDA period begins in northwest India until 1000. Rig contains 1017 hymns written in the form of invocations in 10 mandalas. THEOLOGY V: It shows that the Aryans had the same 4 primary gods as the Hittites: Indra, Varuna, Mitra, Naksatras. (see Phrygians) |
1700 trpgr 1500 B76 VIII-874, 3-984, 8-923, Sdl 1-103, WNHI 27, wikHVR, wikI, wikSI, wikTI 1400 B76 17-133 1100 KIH 29 |
c.1500 | In the VEDIC period, the Aryans could eat goat, horse, sheep and buffalo. Cows could be eaten only if barren. V | no date: mxfld |
c.1500 | Vedic Hymns , (earliest Indian literature) begin until 1200. | 1500 B76 X-375, 377, MCAW 33, bk 1450 TAWH 16 |
c.1500 | VEDIC SANSKRIT language begins in India until 200. | 1500 B76 VIII-873 |
c.1472 | Reign of Dhritarashtra, father of the Kauravas. Reign of Yudhisthira, king of the Pandavas. Life of Sage Yajnavalkya. Date based on Mahabharata citation of winter solstice at Dhanishtha. | 1472 ht |
c.1450 | First Veda written in Vedic, an early form of Old Indic language, the predecessor of Sanskrit. | 1450 vrb |
c.1450 | End of Rig Veda Samhita narration . | 1450 ht |
c.1450 | BANAWALI on the left bank of dried up Sarasvati River, from 2500 abandoned. Period 3 from 1700 ends. | 1500-1450 wikBnw, |
c.1450 | BRAMA worship begins. "All beings ... are created from his mouth." | 1450 TAWH 16 |
c.1400 | BHARATA battle is fought, as related in Mahabharata. | 1424 ht 1400 HCIP 1-201, 273 |
c.1400 | NEOLITHIC AGE in SOUTH India from 6500, ends. | 1400 wikSASA, |
c.1316 | Mahabharata epic poem is begun by sage Vyasa. Finished 200CE. | 1316 ht |
c.1300 | INDUS VALLEY CIVILIZATION ends. Began 3300. BRONZE AGE in India ends. Began 3300. |
1300 wikBA, wikI, wikIVC, wikSI 1200 wikIA, wikSASA, 1000 WNHI 30, 37 900 ht |
Λ IRON AGE begins to 272, except in south India, where the Neolithic Age prevails until 1000. (See Anatolia 1400, Crete 1200, Levant 1200, Europe 900, Africa 700) |
c.1300 | Cemetery H culture in PUNJAB from 1900, ends. | 1300 vrb, wikIVC, wikTI |
LATE HARAPPAN period in western PUNJAB ends. Began 1900. |
c.1300 | Changes to Mahabharata and Ramayana begin until 200. | 1300 ht |
c.1300 | Panini composes Ashtadhyayi , systematizing Sanskrit grammar in 4,000 terse rules. | 1300 ht |
c.1300 | SOUTH INDIA: LATE HARAPPAN period from 1700 ends. | 1300 wikSI |
c.1255 | King Shuchi of Magadha writes Jyotisha Vedanga , including astronomical observations. | 1255 ht |
c.1200 | GANGES VALLEY: Ochre colored pottery people and copper hoard people from 1800 ends. Black & Red Ware, culture begins until 900. PAINTED GRAY WARE culture begins until 600. Non-urban, has iron and horses. |
1200 B76 9-345, wikI 1100 wikI |
c.1200 | KURU KINGDOM in Ganges Valley begins until 900. | 1200 wikI, wikMb |
c.1200 | DRAVIDIANS, in southeast India from 1500, begin mixing with Negritos and proto-Australoids until 600. | 1200 B76 5-991 |
c.1200 | Yaruveda (2nd Veda) Veda of the Yajus contains sacred formulas recited by a group of priests at the Yajna (Vedic sacrifices). | 1200 B76 17-133 |
c.1200 | Vedic Hymns , (earliest Indian literature) from 1500, end. | 1200 B76 X-375 900 bk |
c.1200 | SANSKRIT Formative Period begins until 400. Writing is for religious/magical purposes, mostly hymns to various gods. Structure: Evoke a god, flatter him, ask for something. | 1200 B76 17-133 |
c.1200 | Atharva-Veda (4th Veda) contains hymns, incantations, and many charms, forbids eating even barren Λ cows. | 1200 B76 17-133 by 1000 mxfld |
c.1180 | ARISHTANEMI (Neminatha), son of king Samudravijaya and Queen Shivadevi at Souripur, refuses to sacrifice deer at his wedding, leaves and renounces the world. He becomes the 22nd Jain Tirthankara. | early 12th cen. wikNmn 900 bk |
c.1175 | Himalayan and Karakorum mountain ranges both begin melting. | 1200-1150 pczy |
c.1100 | Samaveda , Veda of the Chants is an anthology of the Rigveda . | 1100 B76 17-133 |
c.1100 | KOSALAS and VIDEHAS rule in north India until ?. | 1100 bk |
c.1050 | Purusha Sukta (the 10th mandala) composed: A hymn in Rigveda , describes creation of the world from the sacrifice of a cosmic man, from whose mouth, arms, thighs and feet emerge the 4 classes (varnas) of society. First textual representation of CASTE SYSTEM. Gayatri mantras are also included in it. | 1200 -900 tgam |
c.1020 | ARYANS, in India from 1550, expand eastward down Ganges valley. | by 1050 mxfld 1020 TAWH 16 |
India 1000-501