WOODLAND PERIOD of eastern North America continues 1000BCE-1000CE. A developmental stage without significant changes, except that POTTERY begins. Continuous development in stone and bone tools, leather working, textile manufacture, tool production, cultivation, and shelter construction. Hunting and gathering remains primary. Some Woodland peoples use spears and atlatls until the end of the period when they are replaced by bows and arrows. EARLY WOODLAND period (Burial Mound-I) continues 1000-0. True agriculture is absent in much of the Southeast for a couple thousand years after the introduction of pottery. |
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map Yuchitown |
Early Basketmaker-II Era continues 1500BC-50CE. |
Early Basketmaker-II Era continues 1500BC-50CE. |
TCHEFUNCTE culture continues 1000BCE-200CE. Hunter-gatherers who lived in small hamlets in the Lower Mississippi Valley and Gulf Coast. They live in coastal areas and lowlands, usually near slow-moving streams. Food includes clams, alligators, fish but surprisingly not crabs or crawfish which were likely to have been abundant. They also hunt deer, raccoons, and some migratory birds. |
HOHOKAM culture continues in Arizona/Sonora 300-1400, mostly the Gila and lower Salt River drainages. Settlements are on trade routes as far east as the Great Plains and west to the Pacific coast. Known for large-scale irrigation networks, cultivating cotton, tobacco, maize, beans, and squash. |
MANASOTA culture continues 550BCE-800CE in Florida. Each settlement contains a few related families. Dead are buried near their home or in nearby cemeteries. No grave goods or indication of differential treatment in death. |
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at peak: 500BC-200CE (changed): Donald Albury |
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200 wikAdena |
c.200 | Woodland culture begins spreading from Ohio to eastern plains from Oklahoma to North Dakota until 200CE. | 200 B76 13-219 |
c.200 | HOPEWELL tradition begins along rivers in northeast and midwest US until 500CE. Not a single culture or society, but a widely dispersed set of related populations. Most items traded are exotic materials received by people in major trading and manufacturing areas, who convert the materials into products and export them thru exchange networks. Dead are cremated, unless rich enough for burial. Mounds are made for burial and other unknown purposes. | 200 B76 13-218, iu, wikAP, wikH |
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map: Heironymous Rowe 200 wikPPC |
c.200 | OHIO HOPEWELL tradition begins until 500CE along rivers in the northeast and midwest US. They are connected by a common network of trade routes, known as the Hopewell Exchange System, which at its greatest extent, runs from southeast US to the southeast Canadian shores of Lake Ontario. Most items traded are exotic materials received by people in major trading and manufacturing areas, converted into products and exported thru exchange networks. | 200 wikH 100 wikLH |
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map: Heironymous Rowe 200 wikGF, wikH |
c.200 | MOGOLLON culture begins in southeast Arizona mountains until 1200CE. | 200 B76 VI-966 200CE wikMg |
c.200 | San Dieguito-Pinto tradition ends. In southwest North America from 6500. | 200 wikAP |
c.200 | COCHISE tradition ends. (part of Picosa culture) of southwest US from 5000 ends. SAN PEDRO phase from 1500 ends. Has large projectile points with corner or side notches and straight or convex bases. Sites contain oval pithouses, requiring effort to build. Some communities cultivate maize and other crops. | 200 wikAP, wikCT |
c.200 | Havana Hopewell culture begins in Illinois River and Mississippi River valleys in Iowa, Illinois, and Missouri until 400CE. More a system of trading networks among societies than as a single society or culture. | 200 wikAP, wikHHC |
MESO-AMERICA: : PRE-CLASSIC Age continues 2000BCE-200CE. Manufacture of ceramics is widespread, cultivation of maize and other vegetables becomes well-established, society starts to become socially stratified. Capacha culture civilizes Mesoamerica, and its pottery spreads widely. Heavy concentration of pottery on Pacific Coast. Maise and pottery in Panama. Unknown culture in La Blanca and Ujuxte, Monte Alto culture, Mokaya culture |
Zapotec MONTE ALBAN culture continues 400BCE-1521. Phase 1 continues until 100. |
Mayan MIRAFLORES Culture of Guatemala continues 300BC-200CE. |
PARACAS culture continues 800-100 in the Paracas Peninsula of Peru. Known for shaft tombs containing elongated human skulls, knowledge of irrigation and water management. Ceramics include incised polychrome. Textiles include many complex weave structures and elaborate plaiting and knotting techniques. Necropolis of Wari Kayan contains 2 clusters of hundreds of burials set closely together inside and around abandoned buildings on the steep north slope of Cerro Colorado. Burials here continue until 250CE. |
c.200 | CHAVIN art phase called "New Temple" from 500 ends. Chavin art decorates the walls of the temple and includes carvings, sculptures and pottery. Art is intricately complex and deliberately cryptic, to be understood only by priests. Eagles are common. | 200 le, wikC, wikCdH |
c.200 | CASMA / SECHIN culture of Peru from 3600, ends. Early Horizon phase from 900 ends. It is in the valleys of the Casma River and its tributary the Sechin River. Archaeological sites include Sechin Bajo, Sechin Alto, Cerro Sechin, Mojeque (Pampa de las Llamas-Moxeke), Chankillo, and Taukachi-Konkan. The culture extends 40km inland from the sea. | 200 wikCSc |
c.200 | SALINAR culture begins on north coast of Peru until 200CE. Possibly a short transition period between the Cupisnique and Moche cultures. | 200 wikMcc |
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200 B76 VII-233, PW 17 100 wikNC, wikNzc |
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photo PruAdvntr 200 PW 17 |
c.150 | Point Peninsula Complex, 600BC-700CE: An indigenous Hopewell culture in Ontario and New York. Its ceramics, in New England from 200, first appear in Maine. Thinner and more decorated than existing ceramics, this new pottery has superior clay modeling, is better fired, and contains finer grit temper. Includes Serpent Mounds Park | 300-0 wikPPC |
c.150 | CUICUILCO becomes an urban regional center, population about 20,000, comparable with Teotihuacan until 100. | 150 wikCui |
Americas 100-0